Why is ANF Getting so much Hate?
I played Season 3 recently, and for me ANF is easily one of the best in the series so far. It has the best writing of all three of them, you could argue S1 has just as good if not better writing, but it lacks the cinematic quality ANF has.
I'm sorta convinced a majority of the hate is due to people being salty you don't play as Clementine (except for in flashbacks), and they're just projecting that into the whole game being shit which is far from the case.
Also, people are complaining a lot about Clementine being the way she is now, which shouldn't be a surprise at all. Do you really expect her to be the same sweet girl she was in S1 and S2? As early as S2 it's already implied Clem's character will become darker given your choices to threaten Rebecca into being nicer to you, or watching Kenny beat Carver to death. Carver even says he sees something in Clementine, something that makes her similar to him. It was heavily implied in S2 that Clementine's personality was going to go through some drastic changes. Also, given the fact she either ends up with a cynical loner like Jane, or a guy that's a hairpin away from snapping like Kenny--it should be no surprise Clementine becomes an Edge Lord in the future.
Third, Javi is a great character. He's a smart, capable, young guy with a sense of humor that can be played as someone who always thinks before he acts. I wouldn't want to play as him in the 4th season (and all signs point towards us playing as Clem again anyway), but Javier wasn't a bad character at all. I do kinda wish ANF would've been a presented as a side-story rather than a new chapter in Clementine's story, but overall the direction they went in wasn't that bad.
Glad you enjoyed it. I wouldn't say its my favorite season, but it had plenty of favorable moments with a fantastic main lead. Bit of a bummer we'll see less of him in the coming "final season" but Clem does have a story that needs to wrapped up.
I'm glad somebody else liked a New Frontier
here's hoping that if we do get another walking dead after the final season it will be about javier at the start of the apocalypse
I think that was in "clusters" of choice permutations resulting in different personalities for Clem, and not story-based starting points.
Our choices from season 2 didn't matter, the graphics suck and overall it's just very boring and forgettable.
I enjoyed the season personally, but I will admit it is the weakest out of the series. These are the most common complaints I've heard around the forums:
-The way the Season 2 endings were handled.
-Short episodes.
-Splitting Ties That Bind into two parts being absolutely unnecessary.
-Clementine being marketed as a playable character, but only getting to play as her in five minute intervals.
-Feeling less like a continuation of the previous two games and more like a spinoff that happens to feature Clementine.
-Too much action and not enough character development and world-building.
I don't outright hate it but the game feels pretty bland. They just threw away all the endings from S2 (along with Jane and Kenny) and threw in new characters, once again, who all get killed by the end of the season. I also couldn't care less about cliche Garcia or Gracia family, forgot their last name.
No matter how the timeline processed depending on your endings in season 2, you will still end up in the same point no matter what. You get 4 different locations in the end but still all of them are crossing in the same place. Kenny will be dead, Jane will be dead and Edith will be dead. Not bother to make at least one of them live to make story more interesting and make Kenny-Jane fans more happy and excited. But no. Miss the perfect chance to prove that "Story is tailored by how you play."
Re-writing the entire season for no good reason.
You choose dont stay in junkyard and get back on road, you will still get caught and ended up get marked as a thief even if you didnt take any supplies. They will blame you for taking gas just like a normal survivor in apocalypse did when they found an abandoned car.
You dont accept Clem's offer about your van, but you will still end up giving it to Clem.
You went with Eleanor or Tripp, you will still get ambushed by ANF in the same time no matter what.
Even you gave himself to ANF, you will still get blamed by Conrad and he will still treat you like shit.
Even you dont accept Ava's offer, game will still make you join to ANF no matter what and the way Clem describe them as persuasive is very lame because we are talking about a community that got feeding by raiding communities.
If you choose to kill Conrad and later on tell Tripp about how Conrad went crazy and they had to leave him behind(kind way of telling that you killed him), Tripp will still get frustrated with you and will act like you didnt tell this.
So many pointless flashbacks about Javier and game's purpose of making him love you by grow a sympathy to his backward story.
Conrad's pointless appearances in ep3-4-5 because he will not have any major role in story and game will make you a traitor to Clem for nothing.
Even you just hit Badger with baseball bat one time, Jesus will still think that you are a monster.
Clem's pointless split ups and she will always end up meeting with Javier no matter what.
Clem will not leave you even she had the chance multiple times. She always ended up losing all of her loved ones with groups but game forces her to give it a try again. Lame.
Choose to escape with Kate ? Dont worry, you will still got caught and game will make you face David after you betrayed him. And the funniest part, he will surprised when Javi got caught even if you choose him to tell that you will leave him from the beginning.
Demand justice for Mariana ? Too bad, you will still be the bad guy and you will get kicked out and the crazy maniacs that raided these communities will stay and no one will give a shit. Because the game demands it !
Inject AJ? Dont worry, you will still be the asshole while Dr.Lingard uses the same drug for making himself high. And you know what ? He wont be the asshole at all !
If you choose to kill Conrad , that little shit Gabe will rat his own uncle out who take care of him for 4 years to just a prove the fucking point that he is a fucking "man".
Kate will survive from that car crash without opening a door or Javier saw her and with zero scars and with a perfect condition.
David will still treat you like shit in the beginning for losing Kate even you sided with him in the entire 3th and 4th episode.
David will still end up beating you even you were always loyal to him and refuse Kate all the time. You will still be the asshole. And you know what I am sick of ? He will still think that you dont know shit about family but you were the one that kept them alive for 4 years without losing any of them until his fucking maniacs ambushed them in a junkyard and kill his daughter. He will act like he is the protector that kept them alive for 4 years and he will give shitty lessons about family to you. David is an asshole.
You will always end up "putting yourself before the group" even only thing that you did was protecting your loved ones that only thing you got left. Even you didnt do that, you will still got blamed for that as both Clem and Javi but all of the assholes around that way much worse will get to stay and they will be appreciated around. Dude, this is a shitty writing right there even in an apocalyptic game.
Gabe- Clem shipment has not been got appreciated with majority. I am in that majority as well. Clem is a tough girl that had been going through some shit and becomes a successfull survivor that easily adapted to apocalypse and chaos. Gabe is opposite, way much opposite. I am sorry but she can do better than Gabe.
Stupid and pedophili Javi-Clem shipment
Personally I think most people were left with a bad first impression of the first two episodes. Being really short and the way determinant characters were killed off. People were so mad about the start that no matter how good the rest of the game was they'd still see it as trash. That's my idea anyway. I can't speak for others.
Personally I loved ANF.
How is this a question? Let me mention the obvious:
The reason why ANF is getting so much hate is because it's just plain bad.
I won't go in detail on why I think ANF was bad, but if you truly want to find out why, you should PM some of the most "esteemed" users here on these fine forums. They'll be happy to write a 100 000 word essay on how ANF is the worst game of all time and it should have never been released.
Put simply, I don't particularly care for ANF due to how shallow, uninspired, and absolutely passionless the game and story is.
Most importantly, ANF is a big example of just how tiring and predictable Telltale's story-telling formula is becoming, and how ANF doesn't deliver anything new to the table but highlights just how the game's engine has long past shown it's age.
I'm noticing that you're starting to get overly aggressive when it comes to Telltale as of late. I know ANF was a disappointment and you're welcome to express your opinion, but I don't think being rude is warranted here.
I just think this is one of the worst reasons they could come up with. How does a slaughterhouse, full of walkers caged up, not feel like an authentic Walking Dead story?
So since a lot people dislike a game you like your first instinct is to assume they're just bitching over petty shit? I respect your opinion, hell I'm glad you enjoy the game, but that statement is kinda disrespectful to those who have legitimate criticism.
I didn't like New Frontier, simply because it was a hot mess. The story was all over the place, there was no time for character development, and the characters themselves aren't even interesting and are easily forgettable.
I guess different people have different views on how a story should be told; which is why some people loved ANF. Some may like action every 5 minutes and characters who aren't really developed while others like slow moments with drama and lots of build up leading to said drama or action. I prefer the latter simply because it's the direction S1 took, and look at the praise it got.
Because it's the lastest [and quite possibly weakest] installment yet. Hell, there's still a chance that the next thing will be hated when it comes out--occasional allowances because it will supposedly star Clementine not withstanding.
I don't hate it, for the record, but it was predictable that it'd get that type of reception the day it went gold. Speaking somewhat indirectly here for a bit, I'd say some of the hate comes from some combination of it being something totally different on arrival, several "promised" aspects being downplayed if not outright removed, the minimalist cast somehow being less fleshed out than previous Seasons, the more streamlined plot not delivering on some of the buildup(again), the quarter-assed(if even that) romance aspects not doing much of anything, some main/major characters being underutilized, with a few flat out disappearing with no explanation, needlessly forced drama in certain scenes, and, perhaps most disappointing of all, indications that Telltale couldn't live up to the game's name due to their seeming inability to let go of certain habits.
But then again, some of that might just be me.
Telltale lied. The writing was bad. The character models weren't good. The shipping. Killing off Kenny and Jane. Gabe. Killing off Mariana. Clem not being the mc.
Y ar ziis threds ztill existing ¿
That was the first writing and it was actually good. Its a huge shame that it got cancelled
I don't even know why they started rewriting right before the launch.
Makes both of us, man
They removed it cause they didn't have the budget, the "it didn't feel like twd" was just a bad excuse.
Gee I have no idea OP.
That answer surely wasn't posted here over and over again.
Either OP was paid to type this, cause shit here, or hasn't read books in it's life.
It is really close minded ,ignorant and dismissive to be (((convinced))) we hate the game cause of "Muh ruined Clementine".
Maybe to save money. The original better sounding story could of maybe been more extravagant in cost and had substance close to the first two games. Bad, weak story might be cheaper so you know how most companies always cut unnecessary corners for their own pocket books.
Honestly I hate how Telltale did this whole "for new players" bullshit. LIKE WTF!!! If ur new to TWDG then u fucking start with the first season!! Like r u retarded?
Take Clem out completely and it still wouldn't rescue that game from it's numerous issues that have actually been amplified from not learning from season 2's nonsense mistakes. And folks here kinda had the desire to kick Telltale's Walking ass back then for some of season 2's issues that sprouted up.
I love Clem a bunch as a character but she's really just only the stale Cherry on the cow pie for this game. Look at it as insult to injury situation.
I'd certainly accept New Frontier if it was a great story without Clementine.. which is very possible for someone to do I believe, They just put Clem in the game to bait people for fear of the game selling worse than it already had. But this is a problem they need to fix in advertising and charactor development. They shouldn't have to depend on Clem to draw people into checking out a still good story if people want a good story over just seeing and playing as Clem with bad story. Because we played as Clementine for an entire season but yet it didn't make the story as strong as it should have and could have been.
This is the only part I agree with mostly. But I think it doesn't mean they had to make her cringey edgy.
"The best writing of all three"
I don't know what to say...I mean you can have an opinion but Jesus Christ...where is there writing that's better than Season 1 and Season 2?
Who even gives a shit that a new player starts with the latest installment? It's nobody's fault someone gets confused by the plot.
I've took what you've said into consideration and given it some serious thought. And you're right: ANF IS a massive improvement over Season 2.
We've graduated from racism and ableism to just sexism--10 out of 10, Would Bang Again.
The only real problem I had with ANF is technical glitches (Javiers back stretching through buildings, Javi expanding so much that he takes up the whole screen so I can't see anything that is going on, Opening the Xbox Menu in the middle of the game without pausing it and streaks of yellow and red cover the screen) and how Telltale handled Kennys death. I am a big fan of Kenny and I do feel that he could have played a crucial role in New Frontier. However (as stupid as this sounds) I am happy that he isn't suffering anymore and I enjoyed the time I spent with him in the Flashbacks even though they were short. I love all of The Walking Dead games from Telltale and I do think that each Season is amazing. I am confident that The Final Season will be one to remember
But Clementine doesn't have different personalities, even if she spent her days with holy saints or killing everyone she could in sight - this is what pissed me off the most.
But The Walking Dead Series is Telltale's most beloved and popular one, so many people were hyping up the next season! Even Season Two seemed to have sold well and had very good reception, if they made A New Frontier their biggest game yet, it could've made them allot of money just because of all the good feedback and reception it could've gotten, especially if they made choices matter, and that would've incentivised newcomers and past players to give their newer games a try to.
Batman: The Enemy Within is how you should approach a second season, heck, even Minecraft: Story Mode Season 2 did it far better!
Honestly, I think what did it for me was Clementine being shoved into the plot with no real place in it, choices from prior seasons having no logical effects or nice mentions (it was like the first two seasons never happened, at least Season 2 referenced allot about Season 1) and I think the biggest reason I hated ANF with passion when it first released was because Telltale hyped me up for it so much, I got convinced that they were making this a huge season, that 42 starting points for Clementine could've been a real thing, that they read all the constant threads since S2E5 released about Season 3 not killing off Jane and Kenny and they would finally show the gaming industry that 'the story is tailored by how you play' isn't just fluff.
At least Batman, Minecraft and even Guardians of the Galaxy are inputting fan feedback.
could you perhaps elaborate? i don't understand your point but it seems interesting and would love to hear what you mean (but, i'm guessing your claim of ableism is referring to sarah? please correct me if i'm wrong though.)