The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • aj tattoo meme right after my aj tattoo meme

  • Either way, that's kinda gross.

  • edited August 2017

    And afterwards while looking for where Sarah went Clementine trips and cuts her hand on the broken shards of Sarah's glasses, and then we cut back to the present as Clem gazes at a nasty scar on her palm, thus making our choices actually matter guys no really

    New Frontier Episode 1 - Flashback with Sarah and Clementine: "Clem, can you give me a hand? I dropped my glasses and I can't find them..

  • edited August 2017

    Numb-ARM! Nuh-ARM!! NARM! :lol:

    Look out, Jane! You gotz U sum cumpetission!

    New Frontier Episode 1 - Flashback with Sarah and Clementine: "Clem, can you give me a hand? I dropped my glasses and I can't find them..

  • Was there ever even any doubt?

    AronDracula posted: »

    Sarah >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gabe Yes, I said it.

  • I didn't hear a lot of people hating on Gabe.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Was there ever even any doubt?

  • Is it bad that I enjoy Duck, Ben, Russell, Gabe and Sarah's characters more than Clementine's?
    I mean, I like characters that have flaws and insecurities, that are not perfect.
    Sarah is the opposite of Clementine and this makes her unique in my eyes and also my favourite character from S2. She is realistic, believable and endearing. She shows that not everyone can be like Clementine and is a great addition to the game.

    enter image description here

  • It is.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Either way, that's kinda gross.

  • I know, hun, I know.

    DabigRG posted: »

    That No pic looks so wrong.

  • You really think you are in the minority?

    AronDracula posted: »

    I didn't hear a lot of people hating on Gabe.

  • Cabin Group Rangers

    enter image description here
    enter image description here

  • This is so stupid. I love it!

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Cabin Group Rangers

  • Okay, what--

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    I am done.
    enter image description here

  • :heart:

    bruzdaa posted: »

    This is so stupid. I love it!

  • After nearly a week of my digestive system trying to kill me, I'm back.

    enter image description here

    Shoutout to my boi Kenny for giving us a substitute for n word we can use in our ironic ghetto memes, since I'm the whitest person I know and wouldn't want it any other way.

  • Seems like this forum really likes her, or at least the ones who dont care for her never say it.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Am I the only one who could care less about her character? Do you really think you're in minority?

  • You really think you are in the minority?

    enter image description here

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    You really think you are in the minority?

  • Literally everyone above the age 14 hates on Gabe, everyone else is under 14 or a hormonal raging teenage girl.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I didn't hear a lot of people hating on Gabe.

  • I always find a lot of assholes in youtube comment sections.

    Seems like this forum really likes her, or at least the ones who dont care for her never say it.

  • Typical overgeneralizing hater talk, yo.

    Literally everyone above the age 14 hates on Gabe, everyone else is under 14 or a hormonal raging teenage girl.

  • Agree with most of this. :smile:

    Is it bad that I enjoy Duck, Ben, Russell, Gabe and Sarah's characters more than Clementine's?

    Not really. One minor issue with a series like this is that the more characters you see come and go, the less you start to care over consecutive periods of time. Thus,it's inevitable that some would lose interest in the seemingly perfect, near-universally loved, and endlessly lucky Clementine.

    Sarah is the opposite of Clementine

    I'd say she's more of an inversion, honestly: Clementine was a sweet little girl who's maturity for her age and luckiness to have people care enough to teach her how to survive is immediately recognized and appreciated by most; Sarah is a sweet teenager who's immaturity and usual condition for her age is not easily understood and thus feared by some.

    One of the many facets to why I love her is that she's a nice, complex character on her own, but also serves to encourage Clementine to occassionally indulge in her more positive qualities while moderating between being interdependent about survival. So I had no problem appreciating seeing them interact together since they could the best out of each other had they had more time together.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Is it bad that I enjoy Duck, Ben, Russell, Gabe and Sarah's characters more than Clementine's? I mean, I like characters that have flaws an

  • I know, right! :lol:

    bruzdaa posted: »

    This is so stupid. I love it!

  • I love stuff like this! :XD:

    Nick:Fist Rocket 3, Go!
    Rebecca:Fist Rocket 4, Go.
    Pete:Foot Crusher Cruiser 5, Go!
    Alvin:Foot Crusher Cruiser 6, GO!
    Sarah:Brain Scrambler Pilot 2, Go!
    Luke/Carlos:Torso Tank Driver 1, GO!!

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Cabin Group Rangers

  • edited August 2017

    enter image description here

    After nearly a week of my digestive system trying to kill me, I'm back. Shoutout to my boi Kenny for giving us a substitute for n wor

  • This is how I reacted to him saying that he doesn't see people hating on Gabe.

    You really think you are in the minority?

  • Duck >>>>>>>>>> Gabe

    At least he was a Dick Grayson :/

    AronDracula posted: »

    Sarah >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gabe Yes, I said it.

  • You cant be serious, right ?

    AronDracula posted: »

    I didn't hear a lot of people hating on Gabe.

  • I missed it :(

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Cabin Group Rangers

  • Duck is best Robin!

    I miss him. :cry:
    MrJava posted: »

    Duck >>>>>>>>>> Gabe At least he was a Dick Grayson

  • It's okay!

    enter image description here

    MrJava posted: »

    I missed it

  • I'm over 14, I'm not a girl and I liked Gabe

    Literally everyone above the age 14 hates on Gabe, everyone else is under 14 or a hormonal raging teenage girl.

  • I remembered the times that I watched this show with my cousin. The times that all I care about is catching a cartoon or a great movie after scholl and dont give a crap about anything else :D

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    It's okay!

  • I'd rather have him around at least he made something that saving the group from getting looted constantly.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Duck is best Robin! I miss him.

  • Same here! I used to watch it all the time with my brother. I miss the carefree days. :blush:

    MrJava posted: »

    I remembered the times that I watched this show with my cousin. The times that all I care about is catching a cartoon or a great movie after scholl and dont give a crap about anything else

  • It's Carlos fault. Keeping a kid away from the facts of apocalypse is the first thing that killing him/her immediately in the first place. Clem got studied by Lee, Christa and Omid but still she was barely survived on her own(alone ending and Jane endings). Sarah had zero chance to survive in the circumstances. She would be interesting if she at least knew a two or thing about surviving.

    Plus she had anxiety and she is so bad in crisis. Crisis is all left in the apocalyptic world so consider it as a death sentence.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Which is why the circumstances behind her canon death have nothing to do with her and is pretty solidly on Jane one way or another.--Oops!

  • What about Duck ?

    AronDracula posted: »

    I cried when Sarah died but laughed when Gabe died.

  • edited August 2017

    Duck is fine. I didn't actually hate him.

    I'd take Ben, Duck and Sarah over Gabe any time.

    MrJava posted: »

    What about Duck ?

  • I'm not always right,

    MrJava posted: »

    You cant be serious, right ?

  • Same for me. They are better anyway.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Duck is fine. I didn't actually hate him. I'd take Ben, Duck and Sarah over Gabe any time.

  • edited August 2017

    It's Carlos fault. Keeping a kid away from the facts of apocalypse is the first thing that killing him/her immediately in the first place.
    Sarah had zero chance to survive in the circumstances.

    Again, any point to her canon death absolutely flopped considering it was a freak accident that even Jane had way more to do with than Sarah herself. And considering Jane also required outside help from Luke to avoid falling too, the argument is even more lost.

    Basically, that could've been anyone in that situation. The fact that it was Sarah was just the product of contrivance born of in-house laziness, bias, and spite.

    Clem got studied by Lee, Christa and Omid but still she was barely survived on her own(alone ending and Jane endings).

    Clementine also had people who actively looked after, protected, and encouraged her over the course of several months. Sarah occasionally had those before Carlos was killed and had even less afterward, all of which was over the course of under three weeks.

    MrJava posted: »

    It's Carlos fault. Keeping a kid away from the facts of apocalypse is the first thing that killing him/her immediately in the first place. C

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