The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • six people liked my comment i won wowwowowowowow

    DabigRG posted: »

    Everybody makes mistakes, shug tights. I haven't experienced it yet despite being curious in Walmart and forgot that someone mentioned it was getting a Season Two.


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  • you're just making me miss the old art style :(

    Plan_R posted: »

    More like this

  • btw, I'm not mocking the comic. I actually like the thought of her making herself look more like her sister as a weird form of memorializing her

    In the first issues while Amy was around Andrea was still wearing makeup to cover her freckles. As time went by she wasnt wearing makeup an

  • Okay, sorry, but I got confused: were you referencing David or Gabe before that?

    That I thought she was 15 or 16 until they mentioned she was in the military, and that would make her being older and macking it on Gabe a bit creepy... though this is the zombie apocalypse.

    I know, but honestly, I'm happy with how they actually set the real deal up considering Ava's actual characterization and role.


    Oh yeah, I meant more back when we thought she was gonna be an unorthodox villain, making her his personal enemy as well. Though I did kinda rationalize the idea of those two hitting it off due to they're admiration for David and everything that comes with their commonalities. Well that and to fuck with Clementine, but that's probably a different matter entirely.

    You thought she'd be a villain, too? I forgot that. There's so much shit on here and it gets lost in all the pages.

    ...Eh. As much I really like her, I don't think it'd make much sense for Javier himself to wanna get with her. But alas, the necessary weasel with RPG's with set protagonists.

    From what little we know of Javier, it seems like he's a player. No pun intended. I wouldn't be surprised if he macks on new faces, I mean he's been stuck in that van with his niece and his brother's wife, must be pretty awkward. Ava would be a breath of fresh air, even if she's rough around the edges.

    Yeah, I know. Though it's possible that she wasn't actually in the army but rather a very young cadet/intern at a nearby bootcamp that had a lot of potential. Come to think of it, where exactly was it stated that she was to begin with?.

    Still confused on that part, haha. I could have sworn they said it in the game.
    But the wiki mentions it, creators said so somewhere.

    Yeah, I didn't buy that either, at least for Shel and Becca. They do look more vaguely Eastern than anything else to me.

    Maybe? I'm not very good at identifying that sort of thing, but I once knew a native american boy who was around 13 or 14, and he looked a lot like a male version of Becca, right down the to medium length dark hair. So that's what I was basing that on.
    I have no idea what Carley is, lol.

    Earlier on in Part 2, talking to Conrad after checking in on Kate has him tell Javier that Gabe came through and encourage Javier to be there for him to get through their tough time, citing his words of wisdom as being "one parent to another."

    Well, that's the usual "we've all lost people" implication, but yeah it makes a good argument for this theory.

    showing a darker side of such a feeling early on.

    What feeling? You've lost me.

    Whether exactly 19 or in her 20s, Ava was about the right age to potentially be the 43 year old Conrad's missing daughter. The fact that she had a vaguely color scheme to Francine(even though I don't think she could possibly be her mom given that I don't think she and Conrad were married) also helped.

    I don't really see why them not being married would affect that.

    The common thought about speculation of Ava as a villain was that she wanted to have AJ for herself, which would make her an Evil Counterpart to Clementine as well as Gabe, given their anger issues and issues chip regarding David's influence. This would make the theory relevant by suggesting that she and Conrad separated on bad terms and her dual greatness with kids and obsession with having a baby could be born out of a Freudian desire to be a better/cooler parent than Conrad was.

    This is so bizarre, yet if done right could make for a pretty compelling female villain. I think most people might just assume she wanted to eat AJ. Fanfic, ahoy! (you ever thought about commissioning someone to write a story?)

    Not really related, but a point I brought up a little while back was this: Why wasn't it Conrad who got knocked out by Ava if he's alive? After all, he hates the New Frontier and was established as being aggressive, jumpy, and willing to sink to low depths such as using one kid/teen as a hostage to convince his uncle to use another kid/teen as a bargaining chip as a result of fighting against them. And he stated early on in the episode that he's still gonna do whatever it takes to find the man who killed Francine. So it'd make sense for him to roll up on her and get knocked out as a result.

    Yeah, I remember that. So you're saying he knows the new frontier girl is his daughter. How long were they estranged?

    To tie it up with Thicker than Water, as if there wasn't enough evidence already, Ava is revealed to have directed Clementine to Prescott, citing the fact that there are good people there. While her vague backstory also somewhat jossing this theory, it's still contributes to the theory by alluding to the idea that Conrad and Ava's fallout wasn't too long ago and a part of her still thinks he is good person.

    What part of the backstory josses it?

    Fanficy shit, I know

    That's not so bad, fanfiction can get really self-indulgent and far-reaching, but it can also help you see flaws and solutions you would never have though of for the story.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Until, duh. Okay, sorry, but I got confused: were you referencing David or Gabe before that? Well, it was either her or David,

  • HAHAHA (it wasn't sarcastic) i really liked this meme ''You're a real charmer ;D

  • if it was Lee.......:(


  • edited August 2017

    god damn it when i see lee i feel sad about him :( damn it telltale the saddest maker company ever

  • Sarah was coward as fuck and pussy

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Everyone loves Nick.

  • enter image description here

    NightmareBG posted: »

    Sarah was coward as fuck and pussy



  • Dear, I am the Big Bad Sarah !

  • :joy:

    MrJava posted: »

    Dear, I am the Big Bad Sarah !

  • This is what happened!

  • Yeah, approximately. Actually, exactly.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    This is what happened!

  • I would soooo play this game!

    Just imagine! A 15 years old sweet cinnamon roll solving misteries and kicking ass and going all murder mode while still being a cinnamon roll.

  • edited August 2017

    I love this's so bad. :grin:
    "Carver...I'm gonna break your fucking face."

  • nevermind

    i don't get it.

  • enter image description here

    NightmareBG posted: »

    Sarah was coward as fuck and pussy

  • Thanks. Your acknowledgement of the situation helped me get it. :joy:


  • These selfish fucks... Poor Rick cut his hand and they don't even care!

  • edited August 2017

    It's always the stupid stuff that gets me! :D

    Thanks, love!

    DabigRG posted: »

    I love this's so bad. "Carver...I'm gonna break your fucking face."

  • Same! I am buying it, too! We need to know the release date for Episode 1!

    I would soooo play this game! Just imagine! A 15 years old sweet cinnamon roll solving misteries and kicking ass and going all murder mode while still being a cinnamon roll.

  • edited August 2017

    enter image description here
    enter image description here

    Juice: Female Vehicular Edition :joy:

  • [removed]

  • enter image description hereenter image description here
    enter image description hereenter image description here
    "That'll teach you to lift the football on me!"

    Credit to @derpy_herp

  • edited August 2017

    enter image description here

    "I'm going to rape her and behead her, possibly not even in that order."
    Credit to @Poogers555

  • Yay, my two favourite characters together!

    DabigRG posted: »

    Juice: Female Vehicular Edition


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