Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Clementine gets the scar if you were with Kenny. She hits her head during car crash.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, that's definitely one of the biggest offenders. What's up with that random scar, by the way?

  • Missing finger.

    What's up with that random scar, by the way? Does your Clem have a tattoo or missing finger in ANF?

  • Oh, okay. So she did it to herself, I guess.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Clementine gets the scar if you were with Kenny. She hits her head during car crash.

  • edited September 2017

    "I think I left the oven on."

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    No. Blind Sniper meant Nick.

  • I honestly don't know how you'd mistaken that for Kenny. Must've be the obnoxious meme at the time.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    No, it was from a split second clip in the season 2 episode 1 trailer showing the back of Nick's head. I will see if i can find the o

  • The hat, man. And iirc there was another more ambiguous screenshot of the back of Nick's head.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I honestly don't know how you'd mistaken that for Kenny. Must've be the obnoxious meme at the time.

  • Me too.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Gabe and Clementine love interest was something planned from the beginning of the game's development I seriously doubt that.

  • You mean the one at the table?
    enter image description here
    I'm glad they made Luke look less like Beaver's 10 year old neighbor.

    The hat, man. And iirc there was another more ambiguous screenshot of the back of Nick's head.

  • Yup, that is exactly the one!

    DabigRG posted: »

    You mean the one at the table? I'm glad they made Luke look less like Beaver's 10 year old neighbor.

  • "Lone Wolf" RG lol, I got the scar, die hard S1 ;_;

    DabigRG posted: »

    Missing finger.

  • I personally didn't find it that obnoxious, it more a bit of fun speculation while we waited.

    What was obnoxious was when this gif got spammed after someone saw his name in the game files.

    enter image description here

    DabigRG posted: »

    I honestly don't know how you'd mistaken that for Kenny. Must've be the obnoxious meme at the time.

  • What did you do in the end? Did you kill them both or left Kenny behind after he killed Jane?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Missing finger.

  • Technically, I just picked going alone from the story generator.

    But yes, I initially stood up to Jane and left her to her element, then rewinded to finish both once I looked up the possible ending.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    What did you do in the end? Did you kill them both or left Kenny behind after he killed Jane?

  • Yes. :cry:

    prink34320 posted: »

    Two of the Season Two characters with an actual subplot and developing characters that were both treated like crap in the end by the writers.

  • That fuckin shaking, man.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I personally didn't find it that obnoxious, it more a bit of fun speculation while we waited. What was obnoxious was when this gif got spammed after someone saw his name in the game files.

  • But this here is Luke, not Nick. :D

    Yup, that is exactly the one!

  • It doesn't help that sometimes the texture names don't match the model names either.

    And if anyone's curious, the random blue tiles are objects I haven't textured yet. This is the map, straight from the game files, compiled i

  • I'm finally getting around to posting this. I should have posted it earlier but better late than never.

  • edited September 2017

    This still kind of confuses me. If they planned in Season 1 Diana not being Clem's biological mom, or her dad not being biological with ANF, why did she call them her mom and dad in Season 1? Never once did they allude her to be anything but Clem's biological mom, so why did they feel the need to make her be a step-mom when the game hints at this not being the case? And I'm not saying this pertains to all cases, but usually, kids call their step parents by their first name out of respect to their actual parent and almost always refer to them as their step mother/father. Now it could be that maybe they just didn't tell Clem this to save her from knowing whatever the hell ended up happening to her actual mother, but if that's the case, then why is Telltale staff making a big deal about this? If this is still true, then Clem will just go the rest of her life thinking Diana is her actual mom (and it's not like they'll be able to do a DNA test to learn who her real mother is) and it will play absolutely no role in any character or story development for the foreseeable future. Which, again, begs the question, why did they do this? Instead of causing all this confusion and debate among fans, why don't they just make it easier for everyone and just have Ed and Diana be Clem's biological parents and move on. At this point, it really just doesn't matter who her parents are.

    I'm finally getting around to posting this. I should have posted it earlier but better late than never.

  • why did she call them her mom and dad in Season 1? And I'm not saying this pertains to all cases, but usually, kids call their step parents by their first name out of respect to their actual parent and almost always refer to them as their step mother/father.

    I've never heard anyone with step parents refer to them as their first name. I could maybe see that if they aren't close or if they came later into their life but we have no idea when Diana was involved with Ed. They could have been together since Clementine was a baby. 'Actual parent' is pretty disrespectful, birth parent is more appropriate, but even so who's to say that her birth mother was someone respectful in the first place? You're making a ton of assumptions. Diana was her mom regardless of biological status.

    This still kind of confuses me. If they planned in Season 1 Diana not being Clem's biological mom, or her dad not being biological with ANF,

  • I've never heard anyone with step parents refer to them as their first name.

    Weird, because every person I’ve known with step parents have called them by their first names. Even in most forms of media that depict a family with step parents, a child generally refers to them by their first name. So how would you address your step parent if you had one?

    we have no idea when Diana was involved with Ed. They could have been together since Clementine was a baby.

    Which I addressed in my original comment. If Diana came in when Clem was still young and Clem grew up thinking that Diana was her biological mother, and the game made no indications that she was anything but that, why NOW are Telltale and even Sean saying this? Again, there’s no real point in doing this, just make Diana her biological mom and absolutely nothing will change, doing all this adds unnecessary confusion and will go nowhere in terms of story and character.

    You're making a ton of assumptions

    I made one, and it’s the same exact one you made.

    Graysonn posted: »

    why did she call them her mom and dad in Season 1? And I'm not saying this pertains to all cases, but usually, kids call their step parents

  • The darkest ending in my opinion is letting Kenny kill Jane, then just killing Kenny.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Technically, I just picked going alone from the story generator. But yes, I initially stood up to Jane and left her to her element, then rewinded to finish both once I looked up the possible ending.

  • When did this supposed conversation take place?

    The profile pic of Sean is wrong and part of the word "now" on the right has part of the letter n missing so that looks pretty fake. I also doubt Sean would talk about that to a random person on twitter about that stuff.

    I'm finally getting around to posting this. I should have posted it earlier but better late than never.

  • The whole S1 team is gone

    I KNEW IT!!! I shouldn't have any good expectations for the final season.

    I'm finally getting around to posting this. I should have posted it earlier but better late than never.

  • I've never heard anyone with step parents refer to them as their first name.

    I do.

    Graysonn posted: »

    why did she call them her mom and dad in Season 1? And I'm not saying this pertains to all cases, but usually, kids call their step parents

  • edited October 2017

    Weird, because every person I’ve known with step parents have called them by their first names. Even in most forms of media that depict a family with step parents, a child generally refers to them by their first name. So how would you address your step parent if you had one?

    By their title? If they're your mom or dad, you call them by that. My point is your language in the previous post implies the idea that step family can't be considered 'real' family.

    their actual parent
    if this is still true, then Clem will just go the rest of her life thinking Diana is her actual mom
    it's not like they'll be able to do a DNA test to learn who her real mother is

    That's what I took issue with.

    I made one, and it’s the same exact one you made.

    I was showing you how pointless it is to make claims without evidence.

    I've never heard anyone with step parents refer to them as their first name. Weird, because every person I’ve known with step parent

  • The profile pic of Sean is wrong

    This was months ago, back in March. I just checked IA and if you look here
    You'll see it's the same profile picture.

    I also doubt Sean would talk about that to a random person on twitter about that stuff.

    You could try dming him right now and ask him about it. He generally answers his PM's, 100% the time if it's about Firewatch.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    When did this supposed conversation take place? The profile pic of Sean is wrong and part of the word "now" on the right has part of the

  • I love how he just goes "fuck it idk, ask those new people that are making this new game with their new ideas and shit. haha"

    I'm finally getting around to posting this. I should have posted it earlier but better late than never.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    This was months ago, back in March

    It couldn't have been back in March, Twitter only started using the round profile pics in June so i suspect it was some time after that.

    You could try dming him right now and ask him about it.

    I might try later,i am just skeptical when it comes to screenshots like that as they are so easy to fake by editing html code or by other ways.

    Graysonn posted: »

    The profile pic of Sean is wrong This was months ago, back in March. I just checked IA and if you look here You'll see it's the sam

  • I also doubt Sean would talk about that to a random person on twitter about that stuff.

    I also doubt he'd jeopardize his entire name and company by attacking one of the most famous youtubers on the planet. Wait he did do that...

    Also the conversation happened on April 1's of this year.

    part of the word "now" on the right has part of the letter n missing so that looks pretty fake

    Shrunk the picture

    OzzyUK posted: »

    When did this supposed conversation take place? The profile pic of Sean is wrong and part of the word "now" on the right has part of the

  • edited October 2017

    Go ahead and DM him. The conversation did happen 6 months ago and he gets dm's all the time so he might need help remembering, but go ahead and ask him. Though due to recent events he's probably bombarded with Dm's so good luck getting a reply.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    This was months ago, back in March It couldn't have been back in March, Twitter only started using the round profile pics in June so

  • But why does clem look exactly like her? Clem’s parents are her real parents confirmed

    I'm finally getting around to posting this. I should have posted it earlier but better late than never.

  • Which is the ending I settled for, if it wasn't clear.

  • That's the realistic and honest thing to do, really.

    fallandir posted: »

    I love how he just goes "fuck it idk, ask those new people that are making this new game with their new ideas and shit. haha"

  • Interesting. I was in Wellington. :D
    Guess you wanted both Kenny and Jane dead.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Technically, I just picked going alone from the story generator. But yes, I initially stood up to Jane and left her to her element, then rewinded to finish both once I looked up the possible ending.

  • edited October 2017

    Well, Jane anyway. Kenny was just a necessary loose end to cut at that point.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Interesting. I was in Wellington. Guess you wanted both Kenny and Jane dead.

  • My point is your language in the previous post implies the idea that step family can't be considered 'real' family.

    I'm sorry if that's how you interpreted it, that's not how I intended for that to come across.

    Graysonn posted: »

    Weird, because every person I’ve known with step parents have called them by their first names. Even in most forms of media that depict a fa

  • That strikes me as odd because Clem looked just like Diana...

    I'm finally getting around to posting this. I should have posted it earlier but better late than never.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Well technically, there are some people that worked on S1 still working at Telltale... but it's mostly the lesser known people (programmers, cinematic artists, character artists, etc) with the exception of a select few like Sean Ainsworth (designer throughout S1 IIRC) and Mark Darin (writer of ep 2). Most of the bigger, more recognizable names have moved on, though.

    AronDracula posted: »

    The whole S1 team is gone I KNEW IT!!! I shouldn't have any good expectations for the final season.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    tfw the creator moves on before the fanbase does

    fallandir posted: »

    I love how he just goes "fuck it idk, ask those new people that are making this new game with their new ideas and shit. haha"

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