so the reason why Kenny dint shoot Walker sarita was because i think he would have frozen up and not be able to kill her which is why someone else would need to help him.
Oh, okay.
Yeah i know extremely generic backstory for Sarita but its better than nothing lol.
I suppose. It's just that's a notoriously common backstory in this game series, even if Sarita's not really the type it's normally used for.
Also Pete gets separated during the Herd scene.
No, I meant why exactly is he still around at that point?
so the reason why Kenny dint shoot Walker sarita was because i think he would have frozen up and not be able to kill her which is why someon… moree else would need to help him.
Yeah i know extremely generic backstory for Sarita but its better than nothing lol.
Also Pete gets separated during the Herd scene.
I Dont actually know why i kept him around its the same reason why i kept Carley/Doug around .... I just felt like it at the time i first wrote the episode 1 and 2 rewrites but then when i actually got to writing the rest months later i just thought it was a dumb idea to keep Pete and Carley/Doug around. ((And Matthew is just because i thought him getting some sort of revenge arc against Carver would be better than both characters being killed in the same episode.))
so the reason why Kenny dint shoot Walker sarita was because i think he would have frozen up and not be able to kill her which is why someon… moree else would need to help him.
Oh, okay.
Yeah i know extremely generic backstory for Sarita but its better than nothing lol.
I suppose. It's just that's a notoriously common backstory in this game series, even if Sarita's not really the type it's normally used for.
Also Pete gets separated during the Herd scene.
No, I meant why exactly is he still around at that point?
I Dont actually know why i kept him around its the same reason why i kept Carley/Doug around .... I just felt like it at the time i first wrote the episode 1 and 2 rewrites but then when i actually got to writing the rest months later i just thought it was a dumb idea to keep Pete and Carley/Doug around.
Yeah, admittedly I've staved off doing stuff here for so long in part because of stuff like that.
And Matthew is just because i thought him getting some sort of revenge arc against Carver would be better than both characters being killed in the same episode.))
Agreed. Though it really does remove the dramatic tension with Walter.
I Dont actually know why i kept him around its the same reason why i kept Carley/Doug around .... I just felt like it at the time i first wr… moreote the episode 1 and 2 rewrites but then when i actually got to writing the rest months later i just thought it was a dumb idea to keep Pete and Carley/Doug around. ((And Matthew is just because i thought him getting some sort of revenge arc against Carver would be better than both characters being killed in the same episode.))
And finally, the finale--here's UrbanRodrik's No Going Back!
The episode starts with The shootout of course which can have different outcomes depending on your previous choices:
-Mike will Die if Nick is dead because he never makes it to the safe spot Bonnie calls him to While if Nick is alive he shoots down Buricko who was shooting at him ((Meaning Kenny doesnt get to kill him.))
Interesting use of Nick there.
There will be choice to whether you go to the Cover where Nick and Sarah are or The cover where Luke is.
Sarah will shoot Walker Natasha if she s alive and Was teached how to shoot if not The walker will attack clementine and she will have to fight it off like Kenny does if you dont shoot the walker that attacks him in the later part of the episode.
Cool. And it can lead to more gameplay, so bonus either way!
Nick will die if Pete is dead but if he s alive he will take the shot for him and you will have a brief scene after the shootout to say goodbye to either of them as they bleed to death much like Kenny s season 2 death scene.
-Jane still showns up.
During the moment where Jane stabs Vitalli he actually manages to fire a shot althought because of Jane stabbing him his aim is off and instead of hitting Kenny he hits Carley/Doug. ((Honestly i killed Carley and Doug off here because i really dint know what do with them anymore.))
After the shootout Lily will antagonize Kenny for mistreating Arvo with the others and he will tell them about the house .
Oh yeah, she's still there. Let's see what comes of this....
Nick: Nick will talk about how Carley/Doug s deaths were his Fault and he will apologize to you to which you can either reply Negatively or Tell him it wasnt his fault.
Oh yeah, Nick has a guilt complex. Unless I'm forgetting yet another thing from a previous entry.
Sarita: Sarita will voice her worries about How Kenny is acting if she survived instead of Nick in episode 4 .
Oh yeah,, that's...interesting. How exactly were the two related again?
Rebecca: Rebecca will be sad about the deaths that happened in the shootout and will feel guilty about Carley s death and Pete s death ((Also Rebecca would be holding AJ in this version and she would still be a bit weak.))
Goddamn, you really have a lot of characters. Which is good for the sake of variety and making choices matter, but it's still kinda weird to take so much content in..
With that said, where the hell did Sarah go?
During the walk to the Power station Lily begins to warm up to AJ .
At the Power station you still have to Get Jane to come to the camp but Sarita will convince Kenny to come back if she s still alive.
Nick will joke around with Mike about Luke and Jane.
During the scene with The ice Luke still dies ((Bonnie is no longer determinant because she will trust Clem about Luke being able to get out of the hole but he ends up cracking the rest of the ice and falling giving Bonnie a better reason to be angry at Clementine)) .
Good change. It is pretty redundant that they had Bonnie be determinant there when there was still the hole to swim out of.
Nick and Rebecca are with Jane about going back to Howe s while Lily also wants to go to wellington like Kenny because she thinks the strategic advantage of the walkers being slower is too good to pass up. ((If sarita is alive she will also want to go to Wellington.))
Makes sense.
During the scene where Bonnie , Mike and arvo steal the supplies Arvo can act differently depending on how you treated him.
If you were good to Arvo he will only Knock out Clementine and say he s sorry and he then runs away with Mike and Bonnie.
If you were Antagonistic to Arvo he will shoot you which will cause one of 2 scenes to happen:
1: If you tried to help Luke instead of shooting the walkers Bonnie will have her talk with Mike about not letting him touch her and unlike the original game she will stay there as Clem blacks out.
2: If you shot the walkers to help Luke Bonnie will cold heartedly tell Mike to leave her causing Mike to rethink what he s doing after Arvo just shot Clem and Bonnie showed a new side to her he decides to stay instead of run away.
This was a great example that probably should've been what happened.
When you wake up instead of being on the car you wake up inside Arvo s ´´Toothpick´´ house again as you see Kenny Yelling at Bonnie/Mike while Jane just stares at them.
They ll Notice that Clem s awake and talk to her asking if she s okay but when Mike/Bonnie talk to Clem Kenny tells them To ´´shut it the reason why she s Like this is all because of you´´ with Jane surprisingly agreeing with Kenny.
If Nick is alive he will also be angry at Bonnie/Mike while if Sarita is alive she will defend Mike/Bonnie that she stayed and that she/he obviously regret it so dont blame what happened on them Kenny is surprised at sarita s statement but either way Kenny plans to leave Bonnie/Mike in the house you then get a choice to Agree with the group or defend Bonnie/Mike if you defend them and sucessfuly convince the group Kenny will allow them to come with them on the car althought he still doesnt trust them.
After Kenny turns on the car the scene transitions to the regular car scene where Clem originally wakes up as Mike/Bonnie thank Clem for defending them if you did.
Some actual consequence to getting wrecked by Arvo--nice.
The car still Stops and several things happen at once.
Oh boy, let's do this...
Mike/Bonnie escape with Nick if they re alive ((If Nick s dead Bonnie goes off on her own.)) while Sarah is attacked by the walker that originally attacks clem in episode 5 and you have a QTE to shoot the walker and save her if you fail it Sarah gets bitten and is put down after the fight between Kenny and Jane.
Oh, okay, I was wondering where the fuck she was all this time. Does her being able to shoot have any effect here?
When The Kenny and Jane fight breaks out if Nick is alive ((and determinantly with Bonnie/Mike)) they ll arrive and stop the fight if not then the scene remains the same.
They go to Check on Rebecca if she lived thought episode 4 and they notice she s gotten even worse Rebecca then asks Clem to take care Of AJ saying she s a ´´Natural´´ as her eyes close and she dies because of the cold she s stopped from turning by either Nick , Kenny or Jane.
Yeah, she was indeed a loose end that kinda needed to be dealt with, unfortunately.
If Nick stopped the fight:
the group tries to decide where to go next but they dont seem to agree with each other:
Jane , Sarah Nick and Mike/Bonnie want to go back to Howe s.
Kenny , Sarita and Lily want to go to wellington.
Okay, I kinda like where this is heading for one ending.
If you go to Howe s you still get the choice between Letting the family in or not.
After you let the family in or not Jane tells Clem they should Check the other rooms to see if There are still walkers in there.
Clem will then head to Carver s office if Alvin died in episode 3 to find him and put him out of his misery.
Poor Al. Though I would've thought someone would've dealt with him by that point considering everyone was up in arms.
Anyway, it's cool to actually have a thriving community of your own as a possibility.
If you go to wellington:
After the 9 day timeskip Kenny , Lily , Sarita , Clem and AJ arrive at Wellington they then Run into Edith and a Familiar Face: Brie.
Oh yeah, I just was wondering about her considering it's you.
Brie will tell Clem about how she found a Truck and made her way North using it and that she arrived a couple of days before Clementine.
Brie tries to plead with Wellington s leader Leo to let them in But he only allows 3 of them to enter.
If sarita is alive Kenny and Lily will tell her to go with Clem because they both trust her .
If Sarita s dead Kenny tells Lily that while they ve had their differences he s gonna let her enter Wellington instead of him because he wants to atleast make sure as many people from the group he s part of are safe he then tells them To give his Hat to AJ when he s older and leaves.
Okay then. A little on the messy side, admittedly, but whatever.
So here s the last Rewrite of season 2 For no Going back .
The episode starts with The shootout of course which can have different outcomes… more depending on your previous choices:
-Matthew is shot down by one of the Russian members if He is still alive.
-Mike will Die if Nick is dead because he never makes it to the safe spot Bonnie calls him to While if Nick is alive he shoots down Buricko who was shooting at him ((Meaning Kenny doesnt get to kill him.))
There will be choice to whether you go to the Cover where Nick and Sarah are or The cover where Luke is.
* Sarah will shoot Walker Natasha if she s alive and Was teached how to shoot if not The walker will attack clementine and she will have to fight it off like Kenny does if you dont shoot the walker that attacks him in the later part of the episode.
* Nick will die if Pete is dead but if he s alive he will take the shot for him and you will have a brief scene after the shootout to … [view original content]
So I've been thinking about what could have been done with Max and Lonnie, and I just wanted to put this rework out there:
Lonnie: After … moreMax exposes Joan, she has him thrown in a cell along with Javier and David (more on this in a bit). However, Lonnie manages to stay in Joan's favor. He'd reappear at the end of episode 4, replacing one of the random soldiers that Javier kills at the execution. Lonnie will ultimately end up dead no matter what. Sucks, but it's still better than him disappearing like he does now. And given how he turns on David in the ending where you kill Max, I just can't see a story where he would actually help out Javi and co. I can see it with Max, but not with Lonnie. Which is why Max gets the preferential treatment...
Max: After exposing Joan, Max would also be imprisoned along with Javier and David. Episode 4 would open the same way, with David and Javier being thrown in. After their talk/fight, Joan comes down,… [view original content]
So firstly Sarah... I actually had some stuff in mind for her and was gonna write it when i first started typing but for some reason i forgot midway and never edited it back in ((Might as well do it now while im at it lol.))
on the first Hub in the ice if you talked to Sarah she would either be sad after shooting Natasha ((First time she killed a walker.... would be weird to not have her react at all to it... which i did cause im an idiot and forgot to edit this in.)) or if you dint teach Sarah how to shoot she d be sad about the deaths of Pete and Carley/Doug.
later on while Kenny s trying to fix the truck when you enter Arvo s house Sarah s looking at the ground and just randomly talks about her dad coming to terms with the fact he died ((since she was in denial about it in Amid the Ruins.)) Clem then comforts her telling her that it wasnt her Fault and that Carlos would want her to keep going. Also i actually meant to put Pete being the one Nick s blaming himself about but i forgot to edit it out because originally i had Carley/Doug sacrifice themselves for Nick and Pete would have been the one to get Killed by Vitalli s gunshot ((But once again i forgot to edit it in.))
And finally, the finale--here's UrbanRodrik's No Going Back!
The episode starts with The shootout of course which can have different o… moreutcomes depending on your previous choices:
-Mike will Die if Nick is dead because he never makes it to the safe spot Bonnie calls him to While if Nick is alive he shoots down Buricko who was shooting at him ((Meaning Kenny doesnt get to kill him.))
Interesting use of Nick there.
There will be choice to whether you go to the Cover where Nick and Sarah are or The cover where Luke is.
* Sarah will shoot Walker Natasha if she s alive and Was teached how to shoot if not The walker will attack clementine and she will have to fight it off like Kenny does if you dont shoot the walker that attacks him in the later part of the episode.
Cool. And it can lead to more gameplay, so bonus either way!
* Nick will die if Pete is dead but if he s alive he will take the shot… [view original content]
So since I really want to finally get into my rewrites, I have some concerns that would be nice to share.
For starters, should I even bother doing anything with Gaybentime?
So since I really want to finally get into my rewrites, I have some concerns that would be nice to share.
For starters, should I even bother doing anything with Gaybentime?
Even though this could have been avoided, but I would've scrapped Gabe bringing up Conrad's death to Tripp & Eleanor. Basically to have everyone on the same page. Cause think about it, if Gabe didn't bring up the Conrad situation, we'd still have Tripp & Eleanor on our side, (not selling us out to RG) and probably wouldn't even have to chose between Tripp and Ava's life. I know in TWD's world happy endings aren't realistic, but I believe if Gabe didn't mouth off we would've gotten something close.
Episode 4 Thicker Than Water
Even though this could have been avoided, but I would've scrapped Gabe bringing up Conrad's death to Tripp &… moreamp; Eleanor. Basically to have everyone on the same page. Cause think about it, if Gabe didn't bring up the Conrad situation, we'd still have Tripp & Eleanor on our side, (not selling us out to RG) and probably wouldn't even have to chose between Tripp and Ava's life. I know in TWD's world happy endings aren't realistic, but I believe if Gabe didn't mouth off we would've gotten something close.
Yeah, while it definitely would've worked i they actually implemented it properly with the gameplay and made it feel like a genuine part of the story for those who got it, it occurs to me that he didn't even need to be the one to bring it up anyway.
if Gabe didn't bring up the Conrad situation, we'd still have Tripp & Eleanor on our side, (not selling us out to RG)
What the fuck?!
EDIT: For context thread scanners, I had the Joan avatar as my profile pic for a while.
Episode 4 Thicker Than Water
Even though this could have been avoided, but I would've scrapped Gabe bringing up Conrad's death to Tripp &… moreamp; Eleanor. Basically to have everyone on the same page. Cause think about it, if Gabe didn't bring up the Conrad situation, we'd still have Tripp & Eleanor on our side, (not selling us out to RG) and probably wouldn't even have to chose between Tripp and Ava's life. I know in TWD's world happy endings aren't realistic, but I believe if Gabe didn't mouth off we would've gotten something close.
Yeah, that had more to do with Tripp/Javier refusing to listen to her point about not committing a public assassination to save David due the chaos and bloodshed it would inevitably cause. Unfortunately, it's really easy to miss that due to Tripp and determinately Gabe just naturally speaking louder.
Yeah, while it definitely would've worked i they actually implemented it properly with the gameplay and made it feel like a genuine part of … morethe story for those who got it, it occurs to me that he didn't even need to be the one to bring it up anyway.
if Gabe didn't bring up the Conrad situation, we'd still have Tripp & Eleanor on our side, (not selling us out to RG)
What the fuck?!
EDIT: For context thread scanners, I had the Joan avatar as my profile pic for a while.
Yeah, that had more to do with Tripp/Javier refusing to listen to her point about not committing a public assassination to save David due th… moree chaos and bloodshed it would inevitably cause. Unfortunately, it's really easy to miss that due to Tripp and determinately Gabe just naturally speaking louder.
Yeah, while it definitely would've worked i they actually implemented it properly with the gameplay and made it feel like a genuine part of … morethe story for those who got it, it occurs to me that he didn't even need to be the one to bring it up anyway.
if Gabe didn't bring up the Conrad situation, we'd still have Tripp & Eleanor on our side, (not selling us out to RG)
What the fuck?!
EDIT: For context thread scanners, I had the Joan avatar as my profile pic for a while.
Here's another concern I've had for a while: I'm planning on reintroducing several unused elements into the story, including a few locations. However, the most infamous one has been trumping me for a while: how the heck does one implement something like the Slaughterhouse into the story we got?
Glad you bought this up RG, I always thought of the Slaughterhouse as TNF's "holding cell" for some sort of punishment or generally anyone who doesn't agree with their methods. However, I don't think TNF had any other use for it really, like we seen in beta screenshots walkers confined, so it wouldn't be a place to ditch people and have them marked for death without their shitting pants on. Or even break them in and make them numb.
Here's another concern I've had for a while: I'm planning on reintroducing several unused elements into the story, including a few locations… more. However, the most infamous one has been trumping me for a while: how the heck does one implement something like the Slaughterhouse into the story we got?
My take on it was always that it was where the walker soldiers used by Badger in Prescott raid come from, representing the New Frontier's mantra about establishing law&order to a post apocalyptic world. Graysonn also found that there were supposed to be "Villagers" being held there as well, implying the New Frontier were indeed supposed to be capturing people.
Glad you bought this up RG, I always thought of the Slaughterhouse as TNF's "holding cell" for some sort of punishment or generally anyone w… moreho doesn't agree with their methods. However, I don't think TNF had any other use for it really, like we seen in beta screenshots walkers confined, so it wouldn't be a place to ditch people and have them marked for death without their shitting pants on. Or even break them in and make them numb.
Oh that would definitely be Badger's department lol. Like an oversized walker interrogation unit.
implying the New Frontier were indeed supposed to be capturing people.
Yup, basically anyone who wasn't with the program. When you think about it, that's actually a pretty unique strategy. To me TNF had some plausible skills and survival tactics for an overpowered group, they just weren't level headed (how could you be in that world?) and had irrational ways of dealing with superiority.
But I would've enjoyed to have some gameplay in the slaughterhouse, but it mostly likely would be repetitive being TT kept Joan's secret warehouse in the final cut.
My take on it was always that it was where the walker soldiers used by Badger in Prescott raid come from, representing the New Frontier's ma… morentra about establishing law&order to a post apocalyptic world. Graysonn also found that there were supposed to be "Villagers" being held there as well, implying the New Frontier were indeed supposed to be capturing people.
Yup, basically anyone who wasn't with the program. When you think about it, that's actually a pretty unique strategy. To me TNF had some plausible skills and survival tactics for an overpowered group, they just weren't level headed (how could you be in that world?) and had irrational ways of dealing with superiority.
Part of the reason I'm iffy about bringing it back is because I don't really think that fits anymore.
Oh that would definitely be Badger's department lol. Like an oversized walker interrogation unit.
implying the New Frontier were indee… mored supposed to be capturing people.
Yup, basically anyone who wasn't with the program. When you think about it, that's actually a pretty unique strategy. To me TNF had some plausible skills and survival tactics for an overpowered group, they just weren't level headed (how could you be in that world?) and had irrational ways of dealing with superiority.
But I would've enjoyed to have some gameplay in the slaughterhouse, but it mostly likely would be repetitive being TT kept Joan's secret warehouse in the final cut.
Okay, so fun little activity here: I have some of bigger concerns for my ANF rewrites in mind and in place and just need to carefully sew it together with finer details and miscellaneous concerns in mind.
That's where ya'll come in--Feel free to ask me questions or make suggestions about certain things and I will hopefully not only give a thoughtful answer, but I will also take your concerns into account when this ideally gets typed up in concentration.
I liked every episode of S2, but i did feel like the Carver storyline was rushed. With the DLC characters ending up at Howes, they should've incorporated that more.
I liked every episode of S2, but i did feel like the Carver storyline was rushed. With the DLC characters ending up at Howes, they should've incorporated that more.
With the DLC characters ending up at Howes, they should've incorporated that more.
They were planning to do more originally, but resources got the better of them.
Eh, not really. With the exception of the non-determinate Bonnie and to an extent Tavia and Becca, they really didn't add much anyway and probably wouldn't have without feeling too forced.
The real reason the episode suffered is because the focus was partly on things that had little to do with what had been set up and promised for the Season.
I dunno, I felt like using the DOC characters in the story would've added to it. Maybe making them the ambush group instead of the Russians. lack of the use of the DOC characters wasn't the only reason S3 suffered, but it was a contributing factor.
Eh, not really. With the exception of the non-determinate Bonnie and to an extent Tavia and Becca, they really didn't add much anyway and pr… moreobably wouldn't have without feeling too forced.
The real reason the episode suffered is because the focus was partly on things that had little to do with what had been set up and promised for the Season.
i just realized i havent actually done anything on Walking dead Michonne so i might as well do something for it lol so here we have episode 1 in too deep:
The episode starts just like normal with the fight scene with the walkers the suicide attempt and everything else.
After the hub instead of only Pete going with Michonne to the Mobjack Pete suggests that someone else goes with them You can either Pick Oak or Berto to go on another boat .
After Pete and Michonne are attacked by walkers Berto/Oak manage to get to the spot where Michonne and pete are .
You then get the usual hub except you can talk to Berto/Oak about the situation ((With berto being positive about it While Oak is pessimistic.))
Berto will be surprised about the slaughter on the mobjack while Oak will just talk about how the world just keeps getting more fucked up each day.
After you meet Sam you get Captured by Randall like Usual.
Berto/Oak Go with Pete and Sam s brother ((Forgot his name.))
The interrogation is different: If you pick that you known Sam and her brother Norma brings out Sam s brother while if you say you dont known them Norma brings out Berto/Oak .
at the end of the episode You can either end it with Sam s brother dead with Sam right beside you or With Berto/Oak dead with Pete right beside you. ((Sorry if this was too short .))
Holy shit, as if I needed another reason to put of reviewing everyone's posts and do my own posts.
Like, I appreciate the recent update to make it clear who you're responding to with this new format, but still!
EDIT: Okay, so apparently I'm actually caught up on @UrbanRodrik's Season 2 material and the next review is most likely Bossman's post about Max and Lonnie on page 11. There may be some posts that I simply never got to before that however, but aside from that, I'm not as screwed as I thought.
In Harms Way, the Carver arc should have at least lasted through episode 4. So much build up and then it ended so quicky and they just killed off the rest of the cabin group in dumb ways.
Oh, okay.
No, I meant why exactly is he still around at that point?
I Dont actually know why i kept him around its the same reason why i kept Carley/Doug around .... I just felt like it at the time i first wrote the episode 1 and 2 rewrites but then when i actually got to writing the rest months later i just thought it was a dumb idea to keep Pete and Carley/Doug around. ((And Matthew is just because i thought him getting some sort of revenge arc against Carver would be better than both characters being killed in the same episode.))
Yeah, admittedly I've staved off doing stuff here for so long in part because of stuff like that.
Agreed. Though it really does remove the dramatic tension with Walter.
And finally, the finale--here's UrbanRodrik's No Going Back!
Interesting use of Nick there.
Cool. And it can lead to more gameplay, so bonus either way!
Oh yeah, she's still there. Let's see what comes of this....
Oh yeah, Nick has a guilt complex. Unless I'm forgetting yet another thing from a previous entry.
Oh yeah,, that's...interesting. How exactly were the two related again?
Goddamn, you really have a lot of characters. Which is good for the sake of variety and making choices matter, but it's still kinda weird to take so much content in..
With that said, where the hell did Sarah go?
Good change. It is pretty redundant that they had Bonnie be determinant there when there was still the hole to swim out of.
Makes sense.
This was a great example that probably should've been what happened.
Some actual consequence to getting wrecked by Arvo--nice.
Oh boy, let's do this...
Oh, okay, I was wondering where the fuck she was all this time. Does her being able to shoot have any effect here?
Yeah, she was indeed a loose end that kinda needed to be dealt with, unfortunately.
Okay, I kinda like where this is heading for one ending.
Poor Al. Though I would've thought someone would've dealt with him by that point considering everyone was up in arms.
Anyway, it's cool to actually have a thriving community of your own as a possibility.
Oh yeah, I just was wondering about her considering it's you.
Okay then. A little on the messy side, admittedly, but whatever.
For better or worse.
Good job, dude! Season 2 is comprete! ;p
Ai GasMask CowBoy!!!!
This is now Arkward....;-;
So firstly Sarah... I actually had some stuff in mind for her and was gonna write it when i first started typing but for some reason i forgot midway and never edited it back in ((Might as well do it now while im at it lol.))
on the first Hub in the ice if you talked to Sarah she would either be sad after shooting Natasha ((First time she killed a walker.... would be weird to not have her react at all to it... which i did cause im an idiot and forgot to edit this in.)) or if you dint teach Sarah how to shoot she d be sad about the deaths of Pete and Carley/Doug.
later on while Kenny s trying to fix the truck when you enter Arvo s house Sarah s looking at the ground and just randomly talks about her dad coming to terms with the fact he died ((since she was in denial about it in Amid the Ruins.)) Clem then comforts her telling her that it wasnt her Fault and that Carlos would want her to keep going. Also i actually meant to put Pete being the one Nick s blaming himself about but i forgot to edit it out because originally i had Carley/Doug sacrifice themselves for Nick and Pete would have been the one to get Killed by Vitalli s gunshot ((But once again i forgot to edit it in.))
So since I really want to finally get into my rewrites, I have some concerns that would be nice to share.
For starters, should I even bother doing anything with Gaybentime?
Gabe and Clem can work if it's done right and not forced.
I dont mind it but i wont say i like the ship either.
Episode 4 Thicker Than Water
Even though this could have been avoided, but I would've scrapped Gabe bringing up Conrad's death to Tripp & Eleanor. Basically to have everyone on the same page. Cause think about it, if Gabe didn't bring up the Conrad situation, we'd still have Tripp & Eleanor on our side, (not selling us out to RG) and probably wouldn't even have to chose between Tripp and Ava's life. I know in TWD's world happy endings aren't realistic, but I believe if Gabe didn't mouth off we would've gotten something close.
Not really since Eleanor betrays you even if Conrad s alive.
Yeah, while it definitely would've worked i they actually implemented it properly with the gameplay and made it feel like a genuine part of the story for those who got it, it occurs to me that he didn't even need to be the one to bring it up anyway.
What the fuck?!
EDIT: For context thread scanners, I had the Joan avatar as my profile pic for a while.
Yeah, that had more to do with Tripp/Javier refusing to listen to her point about not committing a public assassination to save David due the chaos and bloodshed it would inevitably cause. Unfortunately, it's really easy to miss that due to Tripp and determinately Gabe just naturally speaking louder.
Really? Wow, the more you know.
Yeah, even I completely missed that. Didn't help that this episode cemented my damn near close hate for Tripp.
You're apparently in the game now.
So it seems.
“What would I rewrite?” Just gonna get it out there, every New Frontier episodes.
Here's another concern I've had for a while: I'm planning on reintroducing several unused elements into the story, including a few locations. However, the most infamous one has been trumping me for a while: how the heck does one implement something like the Slaughterhouse into the story we got?
Glad you bought this up RG, I always thought of the Slaughterhouse as TNF's "holding cell" for some sort of punishment or generally anyone who doesn't agree with their methods. However, I don't think TNF had any other use for it really, like we seen in beta screenshots walkers confined, so it wouldn't be a place to ditch people and have them marked for death without their shitting pants on. Or even break them in and make them numb.
My take on it was always that it was where the walker soldiers used by Badger in Prescott raid come from, representing the New Frontier's mantra about establishing law&order to a post apocalyptic world. Graysonn also found that there were supposed to be "Villagers" being held there as well, implying the New Frontier were indeed supposed to be capturing people.
Oh that would definitely be Badger's department lol. Like an oversized walker interrogation unit.
Yup, basically anyone who wasn't with the program. When you think about it, that's actually a pretty unique strategy. To me TNF had some plausible skills and survival tactics for an overpowered group, they just weren't level headed (how could you be in that world?) and had irrational ways of dealing with superiority.
But I would've enjoyed to have some gameplay in the slaughterhouse, but it mostly likely would be repetitive being TT kept Joan's secret warehouse in the final cut.
Part of the reason I'm iffy about bringing it back is because I don't really think that fits anymore.
Okay, so fun little activity here: I have some of bigger concerns for my ANF rewrites in mind and in place and just need to carefully sew it together with finer details and miscellaneous concerns in mind.
That's where ya'll come in--Feel free to ask me questions or make suggestions about certain things and I will hopefully not only give a thoughtful answer, but I will also take your concerns into account when this ideally gets typed up in concentration.
I would've rewrote S2 ep3 to have it extended into ep4. I felt like the climax of the Carver situation was rushed.
True. That is my least favorite episode.
Also, welcome back!
thank you!! I did take a lot of time off between S2 and S3. I'm trying to get back into the forum.
I liked every episode of S2, but i did feel like the Carver storyline was rushed. With the DLC characters ending up at Howes, they should've incorporated that more.
They were planning to do more originally, but resources got the better of them.
Yeah shoulda, coulda, woulda. The final product still suffered b/c of that. Maybe they shoulda waited longer instead of rushing the release of S2.
Eh, not really. With the exception of the non-determinate Bonnie and to an extent Tavia and Becca, they really didn't add much anyway and probably wouldn't have without feeling too forced.
The real reason the episode suffered is because the focus was partly on things that had little to do with what had been set up and promised for the Season.
I dunno, I felt like using the DOC characters in the story would've added to it. Maybe making them the ambush group instead of the Russians. lack of the use of the DOC characters wasn't the only reason S3 suffered, but it was a contributing factor.
i just realized i havent actually done anything on Walking dead Michonne so i might as well do something for it lol so here we have episode 1 in too deep:
The episode starts just like normal with the fight scene with the walkers the suicide attempt and everything else.
After the hub instead of only Pete going with Michonne to the Mobjack Pete suggests that someone else goes with them You can either Pick Oak or Berto to go on another boat .
After Pete and Michonne are attacked by walkers Berto/Oak manage to get to the spot where Michonne and pete are .
You then get the usual hub except you can talk to Berto/Oak about the situation ((With berto being positive about it While Oak is pessimistic.))
Berto will be surprised about the slaughter on the mobjack while Oak will just talk about how the world just keeps getting more fucked up each day.
After you meet Sam you get Captured by Randall like Usual.
Berto/Oak Go with Pete and Sam s brother ((Forgot his name.))
The interrogation is different: If you pick that you known Sam and her brother Norma brings out Sam s brother while if you say you dont known them Norma brings out Berto/Oak .
at the end of the episode You can either end it with Sam s brother dead with Sam right beside you or With Berto/Oak dead with Pete right beside you. ((Sorry if this was too short .))
Holy shit, as if I needed another reason to put of reviewing everyone's posts and do my own posts.
Like, I appreciate the recent update to make it clear who you're responding to with this new format, but still!
EDIT: Okay, so apparently I'm actually caught up on @UrbanRodrik's Season 2 material and the next review is most likely Bossman's post about Max and Lonnie on page 11. There may be some posts that I simply never got to before that however, but aside from that, I'm not as screwed as I thought.
Hakuna Matata.
In Harms Way, the Carver arc should have at least lasted through episode 4. So much build up and then it ended so quicky and they just killed off the rest of the cabin group in dumb ways.
I would re write s3
that would have been an insane choice
It was the one they had been building up and, after having reanalyzed the way the story as a whole plays out, it really was gonna happen originally.