Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Still haven't answered I see.

    sigh How have you folks not caught on that most of the shit I say about past content is a spoiler/leak, not me making a guess out of it.

  • Flashback Clem is shorter than present day ANF Clem. Credit goes to @FetchWalker for the pic.

    enter image description here

  • Gabe and Clementine love interest was something planned from the beginning of the game's development

    Prove it.

    Gabe and Clementine love interest was something planned from the beginning of the game's development before you knew Gabe existed. You had no influence on Gabentine. It's not canon.

  • It's obviously not true. Since she doesn't back it up. :smirk:

    DabigRG posted: »

    Still haven't answered I see.

  • edited October 2017

    I barely check my feed due to the website being broken. Also if you wanna know either check my twitter where everything is or check the damn game files yourself if you wanna know. I'm not going to do everything for you.
    Before you go saying my shit aint true please do fact checks first on my past and see how the shit I say is not and has not been made up. Thanks. :*

    As I know some of the things that were scrapped (because they were in the ORIGINAL story), I know things that were in the ORIGINAL story, like Clem x Gabe, except that didn't get scrapped, sadly. It was there since the beginning. It's not that hard to understand.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    It's obviously not true. Since she doesn't back it up.

  • edited October 2017

    I would gladly check the damn game files. My laptop needs to stop being a little shit and open them.
    I'll check out your Twitter later today. :kissing_heart:

    I barely check my feed due to the website being broken. Also if you wanna know either check my twitter where everything is or check the dam

  • edited October 2017

    ima just fix one thing, dont mind me


    there much better

    eRock92 posted: »

    Flashback Clem is shorter than present day ANF Clem. Credit goes to @FetchWalker for the pic.

  • edited October 2017

    This is false. All her ANF models are in equal height.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Flashback Clem is shorter than present day ANF Clem. Credit goes to @FetchWalker for the pic.

  • And instead, we got the worst developed characters from ANF who want us to forget about those two characters who had a lot of potential.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Two of the Season Two characters with an actual subplot and developing characters that were both treated like crap in the end by the writers.

  • lol @ them making her grow an inch in one day

    This is false. All her ANF models are in equal height.

  • edited October 2017

    Forgot to say good job finding all of this dude. Got some plans in mind thanks to them....

    Glad they changed the Max thing at least. If I was still gonna utilize the Slaughterhouse, that's the one thing that I'd definitely change/swap.

    It's so weird hearing Clint laugh. Or be upbeat in general.

    And as I'm sure you know by now, Gabe's apology and Kenny's comments on Jane are indeed in the game.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Gonna reproduce these here for easy access sake. Credit to @InColdBlood

  • Probably the best reaction/opinion to have. :lol:

    Gabe and Clementine love interest was something planned from the beginning of the game's development meh

  • Yoyoyo, @InColdBlood (aka @Graysonn) has done it again!

  • I've said it since Season 2 ended and I'll say it again: Season 2 had more story than it had episodes to tell. Season 2 could have benefitted from the Game of Thrones treatment of 6 episodes. Every time I see or read about behind-the-scenes content, it just confirms it more and more inside me. Season 2 literally had the potential to blow Season 1 out the water. Hopefully TTG has learned over the past couple seasons and will let the story and game drive the season and not let budget or time damped what should be a shining gem (this assuming the development team is using resources efficiently, of course).

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yoyoyo, @InColdBlood (aka @Graysonn) has done it again!

  • I need more from graysonn from deleted/cut things from the game but he sure must make hard as the video comes out so slow while i have finished my PSLE an important exam in zsingapore I am waiting my death god bless myself anyway Thanks Graysonn

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yoyoyo, @InColdBlood (aka @Graysonn) has done it again!

  • edited October 2017

    Pretty cool scraped scene from S1, dives deeper in Lee's guilt about his murder

  • How is this happening? How are you guys putting those scenes together? Cause it's not bad.

    "Dead Girl Walking", lol.

    Pretty cool scraped scene from S1, dives deeper in Lee's guilt about his murder

  • Modding.

    DabigRG posted: »

    How is this happening? How are you guys putting those scenes together? Cause it's not bad. "Dead Girl Walking", lol.

  • Wow, awesome! (and creepy at the same time)

    Pretty cool scraped scene from S1, dives deeper in Lee's guilt about his murder

  • I gotta ask... Who's Sam?

    Pretty cool scraped scene from S1, dives deeper in Lee's guilt about his murder

  • The senator that Lee killed. I think this is the only time his name is ever mentioned.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    I gotta ask... Who's Sam?

  • You're right, his name was never mentioned. Thank you for the answer.

    Graysonn posted: »

    The senator that Lee killed. I think this is the only time his name is ever mentioned.

  • Sam was the wife's name, Hans is the senator.

    Graysonn posted: »

    The senator that Lee killed. I think this is the only time his name is ever mentioned.

  • Lee's wife.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    I gotta ask... Who's Sam?

  • edited October 2017

    Where is that stated? I wasn't under the impression Lee killed his wife, thought it was just the senator.

    EDIT: Never mind, you're right. That's pretty weird. Good thing it was cut then, makes Lee's backstory seem really stupid otherwise.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Sam was the wife's name, Hans is the senator.

  • edited October 2017


    Graysonn posted: »

    Where is that stated? I wasn't under the impression Lee killed his wife, thought it was just the senator. EDIT: Never mind, you're right. That's pretty weird. Good thing it was cut then, makes Lee's backstory seem really stupid otherwise.

  • Oh... So it's Lee's wife then. Well, thanks for clearing that up.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Lee's wife.

  • You're welcome! :)

    bruzdaa posted: »

    Oh... So it's Lee's wife then. Well, thanks for clearing that up.

  • edited October 2017

    Originally, Katjaa was the one curious about the backroom of the dairy, not Kenny.

  • Oh yeah, I remember that. That's honestly one of the few instances where I'm tied on whether it shouldn't have been changed or not.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Originally, Katjaa was the one curious about the backroom of the dairy, not Kenny.

  • I really wish they kept it. Katjaa deserved more screentime.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh yeah, I remember that. That's honestly one of the few instances where I'm tied on whether it shouldn't have been changed or not.

  • S3 Clem doesn't look like Clem anymore, lemme fix

    enter image description here

    fallandir posted: »

    ima just fix one thing, dont mind me there much better

  • Apparently, the conversations in the Ski Lodge were a little more hub-ish during the initial playtests.

  • That's... rather disturbing.

    S3 Clem doesn't look like Clem anymore, lemme fix

  • I miss the old, less hostile forum when TTG staff visited more often.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Apparently, the conversations in the Ski Lodge were a little more hub-ish during the initial playtests.

  • b

    I just noticed this stupid scarf of hers, wtf Telltale, you're not supposed to wear your scarf below ur neck, it's meant to cover it not just fancy wiggle around, of course AJ got sick with that kind of mother figure

    S3 Clem doesn't look like Clem anymore, lemme fix

  • Well, this makes Clem have... uh

    counts with fingers


    That sounds so weird.

    I'm finally getting around to posting this. I should have posted it earlier but better late than never.

  • I thought Sam was his wife?

    Graysonn posted: »

    The senator that Lee killed. I think this is the only time his name is ever mentioned.

  • It should have been her, for the sake of character development.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh yeah, I remember that. That's honestly one of the few instances where I'm tied on whether it shouldn't have been changed or not.

  • Where the heck did you get that math?

    Well, this makes Clem have... uh counts with fingers EIGHT PARENTS That sounds so weird.

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