I'm replaying TWAU for the first time in several years and the most significant thing I've realized is that nearly every dialogue option/action leads to a different conversational route. It's truly impressive that one dialogue option can lead to characters exchanging several sentences that are completely different than if you chose a different option. If s2 does what the current Telltale games are doing (each dialogue option gets maybe a one sentence response from a character and then the rest of the discussion is the same no matter what) then it would be a huge letdown not to mention a giant downgrade in terms of immersion and tailored gameplay.
That's so awesome! Its a wonderful PR move, and a perfect way to adjust the content to what the clients are looking for in their product. On the side note, I love to be able to help whenever possible and give my feedback, especially when its the game's creators asking. I'm glad they are taking the time to hear our proposals.
So @Blind Sniper out here redirecting people out here to comment on this thread, does he have insider knowledge Telltale is gonna peek this… more place out again soon
Sorry to burst your bubble, but not to my knowledge.
As I previously said at surface value, staff just said they would check back whenever they saw new posts. So, don't be discouraged from reviving threads like these even if the last post was a while ago.
...However - I think I can say that the forums might start to matter a bit more in general for stuff like AMAs, Feedback threads such as these, and other general fan/staff interactions going into the future. You probably noticed we've been adding tags for "Staff AMAs" and "Talk with Telltale." I think you might see Caroline (mostlypoptarts) try to organize more stuff like this, or see more staff trying to reach out for feedback/etc.
One more thing I would like to say for S1 to S2 is this:
We all know Wolf S2 is not going to pick up from where Wolf S1 ended, we already know its going to be a new mystery. However, I really hope you guys dont use that to have 0 connections to Season 1. We dont need massive plot points from S1 for S2 to work, but I want to know everyone still remembers Season 1's events (things like ripping off the Crooked Man's head.) Id also want to see characters who were involved with the Crooked Man to appear again, For example Jersey and Dee could still play some role in S2 by still being involved in crime.
Basically Im trying to say is, please let S1 still feel like it happened in this world, as well as still using characters like Jersey and Dee, and hopefully your other original characters (like Gren and Holly)
Hello and thanks for giving us a fantastic game my feedback is going to be short because there is only only a few negate things that I want to say about S1: I love it for the most part.
-Can I just point a small little thing can we make finding the evidence has more of an impact on the mystery solving element. After all in the batman series its done beautifully. Biyby has been doing this job for years (solving crimes and murders for years) so he uses the abilities he has to do his job, please show us that how he use his hearing, smell and senses to solve things.
- Please bring back a character could have died factor. S1 if you go to Toad and not Faiths husband then you missed some clues withch really puts the pressure on. I LOVE that please bring that element back. Also the time limit what areas you could go to. When you had to get the witch's details and you get to go to the Crain's office, the Tweedle's or Hollies bar and you miss out clues depending if you got there early or if late then the side characters destroys the evidence. Again love that, keep the price high.
- This my last bad comment about S1. Because Bigbys personality is set in the comics then you have record him the aggressive way yes he may have change over time in the comics but if it was early in his career then of course he is going to be aggressive but since in S1 you put in the option to have a Merciful Bigby. If you choice that road the everyone still hates you like Lily's furnal. Bigby goes there because of Snow and then gets yell at by Holly even if you said yes you can have your sister's body back because Crane throw's it down the well, and it gets get worse from there. by the end of episode 5 it almost feels like you didn't make a different. because up to ep4 and most of ep5 the choices don't feel like it matters until the hearing. With most of your games you can choices to be good or chose to be a jerk with WOLF S1 "mercy" dose not feel any different from choosing jerk dialog the end result is the same.
- Please put in more fables, we only so some of fables. Please put in some more support characters and please put in more locations if you can. Show us the horrible "farm" that Toad and pig (sorry don't remember his name) didn't want to go back to.
- One more thing the cliffhanger at end of episode 5 PLEASE GIVE US AN ANSWER - Is faith still alive???
That's all I want. I love the dark fairytales that you use in the lore and Nero graphics and ashmorpher in S1were amazing thank you pls bring back for S2. <3<3
Well the people of Fabletown still seeing Bigby as a jerk even if he does some nice things is because of his past. No one really trust Bigby because he used to kill and terrorize them. Just because Bigby does a few nice things is not enough to make the people of Fabletown fully trust him.
Hello and thanks for giving us a fantastic game my feedback is going to be short because there is only only a few negate things that I want… more to say about S1: I love it for the most part.
-Can I just point a small little thing can we make finding the evidence has more of an impact on the mystery solving element. After all in the batman series its done beautifully. Biyby has been doing this job for years (solving crimes and murders for years) so he uses the abilities he has to do his job, please show us that how he use his hearing, smell and senses to solve things.
- Please bring back a character could have died factor. S1 if you go to Toad and not Faiths husband then you missed some clues withch really puts the pressure on. I LOVE that please bring that element back. Also the time limit what areas you could go to. When you had to get the witch's details and you get to go to the Crain's office, the Tweedle's or Hollies bar and you miss out… [view original content]
Yeah I understand that but unlike in their other games TT useally dose a MERCIFUL path. in S1 of TWD I felt like Lee's Mery path matters. same with Tales of the Boarderlands, and Game of Thrones. In this game it honestly feel like deadend the first time I played the game then I look a LP on YouTube and he agreed on the same flaw as me and explain It was in the comics. I had no I idea.
I get the reason behind it and in the comics Bigby was certain way early on but he soften when he was in love with Snow but still it was a shock to me when I first control him. I still have to come out and say that.
Well the people of Fabletown still seeing Bigby as a jerk even if he does some nice things is because of his past. No one really trust Bigby… more because he used to kill and terrorize them. Just because Bigby does a few nice things is not enough to make the people of Fabletown fully trust him.
Well Bigby Wolf is feared because he is an eight foot tall wolf and he used to eat humans back in the homelands which is why they will always fear Bigby a bit.
OK I felt like my older list was not as organized as I wanted it to be so here is what I want from the second season
Hubs the first one had some but I think having a little bit more might be better because we can learn more about the world the Fables inhabit and even care about the characters more by interacting with them. I really enjoyed walking around the hubs in first season because of those reasons.
I want fight scenes similar to Batman and The Wolf Among Us Season 1. I like how in Batman we can choose different moves with different button prompts like in episode 1 of The Enemy Within we are given choices while fighting like roundhouse kick or body slam. Also the first season of The Wolf Among Us the fight scenes were good especially the first fight with The Woodsman because Bigby does not know any martial arts he just uses the world around him and grapples and throws punches wildly.
I also liked the atmosphere it felt like a detective thriller there are moments where you think Bigby is going to be ambushed but nothing happens. Also the 80's neon feel was cool because not many games have that style and it works with the Fables comics because they also have bright and vibrant artwork.
I hope I did not break any of the rules because these are just the things I liked about the first season and want to return in the second season if it is possible.
I hope I did not break any of the rules because these are just the things I liked about the first season and want to return in the second season if it is possible.
How dare you?!? (Nah, your post is fine! )
Yeah, this thread is basically meant for people to voice general feedback about what they liked in Season 1 so that staff can try to recapture that for Season 2. Unlike most threads, it's also okay for people to bump staff/fan feedback threads even if the last post was a longer while back, so don't be a stranger if you want to post again should you have more feedback to give!
OK I felt like my older list was not as organized as I wanted it to be so here is what I want from the second season
* Hubs the first o… morene had some but I think having a little bit more might be better because we can learn more about the world the Fables inhabit and even care about the characters more by interacting with them. I really enjoyed walking around the hubs in first season because of those reasons.
* I want fight scenes similar to Batman and The Wolf Among Us Season 1. I like how in Batman we can choose different moves with different button prompts like in episode 1 of The Enemy Within we are given choices while fighting like roundhouse kick or body slam. Also the first season of The Wolf Among Us the fight scenes were good especially the first fight with The Woodsman because Bigby does not know any martial arts he just uses the world around him and grapples and throws punches wildly.
* I also liked the atmosphere it felt like … [view original content]
I hope I did not break any of the rules because these are just the things I liked about the first season and want to return in the second se… moreason if it is possible.
How dare you?!? (Nah, your post is fine! )
Yeah, this thread is basically meant for people to voice general feedback about what they liked in Season 1 so that staff can try to recapture that for Season 2. Unlike most threads, it's also okay for people to bump staff/fan feedback threads even if the last post was a longer while back, so don't be a stranger if you want to post again should you have more feedback to give!
I think that TellTale can make it that if Bigby chose to follow Nerissa then they can have a romantic relationship and if Bigby let her walk away then Bigby decided to just stay friends.
Canonically Bigby is unable to have true romantic feelings for anyone else but Snow, so there wont be an optional romance. Telltale also confirmed S2 wont answer the question of S1's ending, so Faith/Nerrissa appearing again is very unlikely.
I think that TellTale can make it that if Bigby chose to follow Nerissa then they can have a romantic relationship and if Bigby let her walk away then Bigby decided to just stay friends.
Just gonna bump the reminder from your friendly neighborhood Community Manager:
Please do not post unsolicited ideas for the upcoming season.
It gets into really wonky legal territory since this thread is specifically made from our staff, and I may have to edit it out of your comments.
Talking about what worked/didn’t work in Season 1 is fine, but any sort of “you could do this plotline” or story pitch for Season 2 is gonna give our legal team a heart attack... and I like them, so please don't do that.
Canonically Bigby is unable to have true romantic feelings for anyone else but Snow, so there wont be an optional romance. Telltale also confirmed S2 wont answer the question of S1's ending, so Faith/Nerrissa appearing again is very unlikely.
Doesnt matter, I doubt Telltale would if they could. Bill Willingham (creator of Fables) is very strict when it comes to his Fable series, he doesnt want Telltale bending the cannon, which was one of the reason why Ep 2 of Wolf S1 took so long, the original plot was too similar to one he did in the comics and would have broken the cannon.
It's awesome that you guys are putting fan feedback into consideration. Thanks Telltale!
Try to maintain the same overall feel and detective atmosphere the first season had. Remember to include hubs (or "Free walks" as you guys call it) with detailed environments for players to explore which can lead to numerous fan theories similar to how it was handled in season 1.
Leave the Faith/Nerissa dilemma open. I'm normally not a fan of loose ends but this loose end was perfect and has led to so much interesting discussions and debates it doesn't deserve to be ruined with a simple explanation. LEAVE THIS LOOSE END OPEN!
If season 2 is a prequel to season 1 make sure that all of the alternate routes are able to perfectly sync with the story of season 1. I'm going to share an example of how another company failed to do this. Life is Strange Before the Storm had so many details and choices that didn't make any sense when putting the original game into consideration. I trust that you guys won't make this same mistake should you decide to make season 2 a prequel.
Season 2 doesn't necessarily have to be a bigger and more dramatic story in order to be good. All too often in sequels developers try too hard to make the story more dramatic and explosive than the first installment. Often this makes the sequel a rip off of the first game lacking the emotional impact and surprises the first game had.
Maintain a balance between character development and action. Season 1 had the perfect balance between character development, action sequences, and slow moments. It takes balance to make these games good. Action sequences are worthless if you haven't had much time to grow attached to the characters whose lives are at stake.
Make choices matter. Telltale has inherited the stereotype that your games aren't really tailored by how the player plays. It would be great if you guys can prove this sterotype wrong with this game.
Writers who are new to the project should get advice from the season 1 writers. They obviously did a good job and know how to make a powerful and memorable story. They have words of wisdom worth considering.
Just gonna bump the reminder from your friendly neighborhood Community Manager:
Please do not post unsolicited ideas for the upcoming sea… moreson.
It gets into really wonky legal territory since this thread is specifically made from our staff, and I may have to edit it out of your comments.
Talking about what worked/didn’t work in Season 1 is fine, but any sort of “you could do this plotline” or story pitch for Season 2 is gonna give our legal team a heart attack... and I like them, so please don't do that.
I hope Season 2 keeps the noir feel and amplifies it as much as possible, as well as the feeling that we're doing real detective work. After all, the dark, gritty, cynical and very HUMAN stories mixed with these fairytale creatures and impossible magic is the whole point and what makes the world unique and compelling. Also, I really loved playing "good guy" Bigby in Season 1 and still seeing the ripple effects of Bigby's past color how the characters around him saw and interacted with him, and to what level they trusted him no matter how much good he did for them. I also really liked the balance of Bigby truly having a heart and caring for others yet still having that wild violence inside of him that he can't help but manifest and everybody reacting to that with understandable caution.
I also really liked how your different relationships with every character came into play in the final decision and how everybody viewed Bigby in the aftermath. It was great dipping fingers into all of these different pools with vastly different characters that still ended up all coming together in the end to either help you or bite you in the ass.
One thing I loved about S1 is that it involved a fairy tale that we haven't seen explored much outside of the game, whether it be in Fables or in general. If y'all already have that going for S2, I'd be pleasantly surprised, but I'm just hoping it'll be about as good as, if not better than, S1.
I'm not sure if anyone has said this but I hope how we dealt with things in season 1 has some kind of consequence in season 2. For example, some players played as the mean cop, using violence whenever possible, while others played as the nice cop, picking all the peaceful options and playing by the rules.
If you could find some way to integrate that into season two, that would be awesome. I also made a post here where a bunch of users shared their ideas for season 2, if you'd like to check that out. Peace!
I also really hope Season 1 isn't forgotten, I want this to be a sequel not a "eh well it has a 2 at the end but its stand alone."
I mean episode 5 can end with "(?) Fabletown is afraid of the Big Bad Wolf" so I would really like it if that isn't just "HAHA JUST KIDDIN DOOD EVERYONES COOL WITH YOU AGAIN LMAO"
I'm not sure if anyone has said this but I hope how we dealt with things in season 1 has some kind of consequence in season 2. For example, … moresome players played as the mean cop, using violence whenever possible, while others played as the nice cop, picking all the peaceful options and playing by the rules.
If you could find some way to integrate that into season two, that would be awesome. I also made a post here where a bunch of users shared their ideas for season 2, if you'd like to check that out. Peace!
I also really hope Season 1 isn't forgotten, I want this to be a sequel not a "eh well it has a 2 at the end but its stand alone."
I mean… more episode 5 can end with "(?) Fabletown is afraid of the Big Bad Wolf" so I would really like it if that isn't just "HAHA JUST KIDDIN DOOD EVERYONES COOL WITH YOU AGAIN LMAO"
A wry sense of humor never hurts. Some of Bigby's conversations with other characters were SCREAMINGLY funny, Colin in particular.
"Maybe… more if my throat wasn't so parched, I wouldn't have to keep talking."
"Wait, that doesn't make any - "
"Just give me a drink, please?!"
Just finished the game, my favorite part was the "Book of Fables." It gave a strong sense of replayability I never got out of the other games by telltale, so it really made wolf special.
Just finished the game, my favorite part was the "Book of Fables." It gave a strong sense of replayability I never got out of the other games by telltale, so it really made wolf special.
I was reading somewhere that the team has decided to lock out @Poogers555 from being able to play the new season...I feel that this is probably for the best. I on the other hand cannot wait to see what you guys come up with.
I know supposedly they will give him access to The Wolf Among Us Season 2 the same time they give him his Rhys socks lol I'm just joking with you Poogers!
I was reading somewhere that the team has decided to lock out @Poogers555 from being able to play the new season...I feel that this is probably for the best. I on the other hand cannot wait to see what you guys come up with.
I know supposedly they will give him access to The Wolf Among Us Season 2 the same time they give him his Rhys socks lol I'm just joking with you Poogers!
I would love to see a lot more romance in TWAU 2, a lot of romance in telltale games is awesome, it allows you to get more emotionally involved in the game.. not like it's hard to do that... (rip lee) but I would love to see Bigby have a companion that he would take a silver bullet for.
Bigby isnt going to be given a romance for canonical reasons, except for Snow, but due to the comics nothing truly "romantic" can happen between them yet. However, I think that kinda helps the theme of the game, kinda like a "hopeless love" between Bigby and Snow in the games, other Telltale games always seem to have a "happy" ending for the romance where it all works, but Wolf Among Us the romance doesnt just "work out" so easy.
I would love to see a lot more romance in TWAU 2, a lot of romance in telltale games is awesome, it allows you to get more emotionally invol… moreved in the game.. not like it's hard to do that... (rip lee) but I would love to see Bigby have a companion that he would take a silver bullet for.
Bigby isnt going to be given a romance for canonical reasons, except for Snow, but due to the comics nothing truly "romantic" can happen bet… moreween them yet. However, I think that kinda helps the theme of the game, kinda like a "hopeless love" between Bigby and Snow in the games, other Telltale games always seem to have a "happy" ending for the romance where it all works, but Wolf Among Us the romance doesnt just "work out" so easy.
Every other Telltale romance has always ended with "oh yeah that romance is leaning way more on the "happening" side than the not happening side." (If the player chooses to go after the romance)
Catwoman, Sasha/Fiona, Gamora, Eleanor from GOT and even Gwen, and Kate romances can all end positively in terms of relationship status. The only one not on it is Carly from Walking Dead because she is killed the same episode the romance starts (but even then the romance that was starting was positive and only ends because she died, not because the actual relationship between the characters)
Wolf Among Us is the only game where even if you try to be in a romance with Snow, you cant do it in anyway possible.
Every other Telltale romance has always ended with "oh yeah that romance is leaning way more on the "happening" side than the not happening … moreside." (If the player chooses to go after the romance)
Catwoman, Sasha/Fiona, Gamora, Eleanor from GOT and even Gwen, and Kate romances can all end positively in terms of relationship status. The only one not on it is Carly from Walking Dead because she is killed the same episode the romance starts (but even then the romance that was starting was positive and only ends because she died, not because the actual relationship between the characters)
Wolf Among Us is the only game where even if you try to be in a romance with Snow, you cant do it in anyway possible.
I'm replaying TWAU for the first time in several years and the most significant thing I've realized is that nearly every dialogue option/action leads to a different conversational route. It's truly impressive that one dialogue option can lead to characters exchanging several sentences that are completely different than if you chose a different option. If s2 does what the current Telltale games are doing (each dialogue option gets maybe a one sentence response from a character and then the rest of the discussion is the same no matter what) then it would be a huge letdown not to mention a giant downgrade in terms of immersion and tailored gameplay.
That's so awesome! Its a wonderful PR move, and a perfect way to adjust the content to what the clients are looking for in their product. On the side note, I love to be able to help whenever possible and give my feedback, especially when its the game's creators asking. I'm glad they are taking the time to hear our proposals.
One more thing I would like to say for S1 to S2 is this:
We all know Wolf S2 is not going to pick up from where Wolf S1 ended, we already know its going to be a new mystery. However, I really hope you guys dont use that to have 0 connections to Season 1. We dont need massive plot points from S1 for S2 to work, but I want to know everyone still remembers Season 1's events (things like ripping off the Crooked Man's head.) Id also want to see characters who were involved with the Crooked Man to appear again, For example Jersey and Dee could still play some role in S2 by still being involved in crime.
Basically Im trying to say is, please let S1 still feel like it happened in this world, as well as still using characters like Jersey and Dee, and hopefully your other original characters (like Gren and Holly)
Hello and thanks for giving us a fantastic game
my feedback is going to be short because there is only only a few negate things that I want to say about S1: I love it for the most part.
-Can I just point a small little thing can we make finding the evidence has more of an impact on the mystery solving element. After all in the batman series its done beautifully. Biyby has been doing this job for years (solving crimes and murders for years) so he uses the abilities he has to do his job, please show us that how he use his hearing, smell and senses to solve things.
- Please bring back a character could have died factor. S1 if you go to Toad and not Faiths husband then you missed some clues withch really puts the pressure on. I LOVE that please bring that element back. Also the time limit what areas you could go to. When you had to get the witch's details and you get to go to the Crain's office, the Tweedle's or Hollies bar and you miss out clues depending if you got there early or if late then the side characters destroys the evidence. Again love that, keep the price high.
- This my last bad comment about S1. Because Bigbys personality is set in the comics then you have record him the aggressive way yes he may have change over time in the comics but if it was early in his career then of course he is going to be aggressive but since in S1 you put in the option to have a Merciful Bigby. If you choice that road the everyone still hates you like Lily's furnal. Bigby goes there because of Snow and then gets yell at by Holly even if you said yes you can have your sister's body back because Crane throw's it down the well, and it gets get worse from there. by the end of episode 5 it almost feels like you didn't make a different. because up to ep4 and most of ep5 the choices don't feel like it matters until the hearing. With most of your games you can choices to be good or chose to be a jerk with WOLF S1 "mercy" dose not feel any different from choosing jerk dialog the end result is the same.
- Please put in more fables, we only so some of fables. Please put in some more support characters and please put in more locations if you can. Show us the horrible "farm" that Toad and pig (sorry don't remember his name) didn't want to go back to.
- One more thing the cliffhanger at end of episode 5 PLEASE GIVE US AN ANSWER - Is faith still alive???
That's all I want. I love the dark fairytales that you use in the lore and Nero graphics and ashmorpher in S1were amazing thank you pls bring back for S2.
Well the people of Fabletown still seeing Bigby as a jerk even if he does some nice things is because of his past. No one really trust Bigby because he used to kill and terrorize them. Just because Bigby does a few nice things is not enough to make the people of Fabletown fully trust him.
Yeah I understand that but unlike in their other games TT useally dose a MERCIFUL path. in S1 of TWD I felt like Lee's Mery path matters. same with Tales of the Boarderlands, and Game of Thrones. In this game it honestly feel like deadend the first time I played the game then I look a LP on YouTube and he agreed on the same flaw as me and explain It was in the comics. I had no I idea.
I get the reason behind it and in the comics Bigby was certain way early on but he soften when he was in love with Snow but still it was a shock to me when I first control him. I still have to come out and say that.
Well Bigby Wolf is feared because he is an eight foot tall wolf and he used to eat humans back in the homelands which is why they will always fear Bigby a bit.
OK I felt like my older list was not as organized as I wanted it to be so here is what I want from the second season
I hope I did not break any of the rules because these are just the things I liked about the first season and want to return in the second season if it is possible.
How dare you?!? (Nah, your post is fine!
Yeah, this thread is basically meant for people to voice general feedback about what they liked in Season 1 so that staff can try to recapture that for Season 2. Unlike most threads, it's also okay for people to bump staff/fan feedback threads even if the last post was a longer while back, so don't be a stranger if you want to post again should you have more feedback to give!
Alright cool! Thanks man appreciate you checking my post for any problems with it!
Literally All I want is for the game to be functional at release. No audio or texture glitches, and no frame rate drops. Thats all I ask for.
I think that TellTale can make it that if Bigby chose to follow Nerissa then they can have a romantic relationship and if Bigby let her walk away then Bigby decided to just stay friends.
Canonically Bigby is unable to have true romantic feelings for anyone else but Snow, so there wont be an optional romance. Telltale also confirmed S2 wont answer the question of S1's ending, so Faith/Nerrissa appearing again is very unlikely.
Just gonna bump the reminder from your friendly neighborhood Community Manager:
Please do not post unsolicited ideas for the upcoming season.
It gets into really wonky legal territory since this thread is specifically made from our staff, and I may have to edit it out of your comments.
Talking about what worked/didn’t work in Season 1 is fine, but any sort of “you could do this plotline” or story pitch for Season 2 is gonna give our legal team a heart attack... and I like them, so please don't do that.
I don't see why Telltale, couldn't switch up the lore a bit in season 2 to appease people who want to have a romance with Faith/Nerissa.
Doesnt matter, I doubt Telltale would if they could. Bill Willingham (creator of Fables) is very strict when it comes to his Fable series, he doesnt want Telltale bending the cannon, which was one of the reason why Ep 2 of Wolf S1 took so long, the original plot was too similar to one he did in the comics and would have broken the cannon.
It's awesome that you guys are putting fan feedback into consideration. Thanks Telltale!
Try to maintain the same overall feel and detective atmosphere the first season had. Remember to include hubs (or "Free walks" as you guys call it) with detailed environments for players to explore which can lead to numerous fan theories similar to how it was handled in season 1.
Leave the Faith/Nerissa dilemma open. I'm normally not a fan of loose ends but this loose end was perfect and has led to so much interesting discussions and debates it doesn't deserve to be ruined with a simple explanation. LEAVE THIS LOOSE END OPEN!
If season 2 is a prequel to season 1 make sure that all of the alternate routes are able to perfectly sync with the story of season 1. I'm going to share an example of how another company failed to do this. Life is Strange Before the Storm had so many details and choices that didn't make any sense when putting the original game into consideration. I trust that you guys won't make this same mistake should you decide to make season 2 a prequel.
Season 2 doesn't necessarily have to be a bigger and more dramatic story in order to be good. All too often in sequels developers try too hard to make the story more dramatic and explosive than the first installment. Often this makes the sequel a rip off of the first game lacking the emotional impact and surprises the first game had.
Maintain a balance between character development and action. Season 1 had the perfect balance between character development, action sequences, and slow moments. It takes balance to make these games good. Action sequences are worthless if you haven't had much time to grow attached to the characters whose lives are at stake.
Make choices matter. Telltale has inherited the stereotype that your games aren't really tailored by how the player plays. It would be great if you guys can prove this sterotype wrong with this game.
Writers who are new to the project should get advice from the season 1 writers. They obviously did a good job and know how to make a powerful and memorable story. They have words of wisdom worth considering.
Sorry I didn't mean to cause any trouble for you or your team. I was just responding to a post that someone made.
No trouble yet!! Just wanted to gently remind people before we got too off topic.
I hope Season 2 keeps the noir feel and amplifies it as much as possible, as well as the feeling that we're doing real detective work. After all, the dark, gritty, cynical and very HUMAN stories mixed with these fairytale creatures and impossible magic is the whole point and what makes the world unique and compelling. Also, I really loved playing "good guy" Bigby in Season 1 and still seeing the ripple effects of Bigby's past color how the characters around him saw and interacted with him, and to what level they trusted him no matter how much good he did for them. I also really liked the balance of Bigby truly having a heart and caring for others yet still having that wild violence inside of him that he can't help but manifest and everybody reacting to that with understandable caution.
I also really liked how your different relationships with every character came into play in the final decision and how everybody viewed Bigby in the aftermath. It was great dipping fingers into all of these different pools with vastly different characters that still ended up all coming together in the end to either help you or bite you in the ass.
One thing I loved about S1 is that it involved a fairy tale that we haven't seen explored much outside of the game, whether it be in Fables or in general. If y'all already have that going for S2, I'd be pleasantly surprised, but I'm just hoping it'll be about as good as, if not better than, S1.
I'm not sure if anyone has said this but I hope how we dealt with things in season 1 has some kind of consequence in season 2. For example, some players played as the mean cop, using violence whenever possible, while others played as the nice cop, picking all the peaceful options and playing by the rules.
If you could find some way to integrate that into season two, that would be awesome. I also made a post here where a bunch of users shared their ideas for season 2, if you'd like to check that out. Peace!
I also really hope Season 1 isn't forgotten, I want this to be a sequel not a "eh well it has a 2 at the end but its stand alone."
I mean episode 5 can end with "(?) Fabletown is afraid of the Big Bad Wolf" so I would really like it if that isn't just "HAHA JUST KIDDIN DOOD EVERYONES COOL WITH YOU AGAIN LMAO"
Yes I agree with what you said!
I don't have much to add other than I'd be interested in seeing Goldilocks in season 2. She's my favorite character in Fables.
A wry sense of humor never hurts. Some of Bigby's conversations with other characters were SCREAMINGLY funny, Colin in particular.
"Maybe if my throat wasn't so parched, I wouldn't have to keep talking."
"Wait, that doesn't make any - "
"Just give me a drink, please?!"
The whole exchange at the Trip Trap in Episode 101 was also great, with the back and forth between Bigby, Holly, and Grendel.
Just finished the game, my favorite part was the "Book of Fables." It gave a strong sense of replayability I never got out of the other games by telltale, so it really made wolf special.
Really hope they reappear in Wolf. Its a fun thing to go back and find them all.
Yes I agree it was fun discovering all the Book of Fables and learning more about the world and their characters.
I was reading somewhere that the team has decided to lock out @Poogers555 from being able to play the new season...I feel that this is probably for the best. I on the other hand cannot wait to see what you guys come up with.
Poor Poogers555
I know supposedly they will give him access to The Wolf Among Us Season 2 the same time they give him his Rhys socks lol
I'm just joking with you Poogers! 
Telltale should hit me up with that early copy fam, I need to make memes ahead of time.
I would actually support that.
I would love to see a lot more romance in TWAU 2, a lot of romance in telltale games is awesome, it allows you to get more emotionally involved in the game.. not like it's hard to do that... (rip lee) but I would love to see Bigby have a companion that he would take a silver bullet for.
Bigby isnt going to be given a romance for canonical reasons, except for Snow, but due to the comics nothing truly "romantic" can happen between them yet. However, I think that kinda helps the theme of the game, kinda like a "hopeless love" between Bigby and Snow in the games, other Telltale games always seem to have a "happy" ending for the romance where it all works, but Wolf Among Us the romance doesnt just "work out" so easy.
Actually TellTale doesn't always have happy endings where romance works out for our protagonist.
Every other Telltale romance has always ended with "oh yeah that romance is leaning way more on the "happening" side than the not happening side." (If the player chooses to go after the romance)
Catwoman, Sasha/Fiona, Gamora, Eleanor from GOT and even Gwen, and Kate romances can all end positively in terms of relationship status. The only one not on it is Carly from Walking Dead because she is killed the same episode the romance starts (but even then the romance that was starting was positive and only ends because she died, not because the actual relationship between the characters)
Wolf Among Us is the only game where even if you try to be in a romance with Snow, you cant do it in anyway possible.
I mean I wasn't referring to Snow and Bigby hooking up but rather Bigby hooking up with other characters.