About maggie in finale
i feel shes gonna fill sherrys role in the tv show by becoming a villain.
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i feel shes gonna fill sherrys role in the tv show by becoming a villain.
Might as well. The show is ruined now anyway
Jesus.... there's "No Going Back" for the show....
The show is A New Frontier 2.0.
No... it’s far worse.
She won't be a villain,she's just mad Rick let Negan live.
I'm glad he's alive now they can make him the "anti hero" character everyone love in the comics.
ANF 0.5 Then.
Maggie let Negan live in the comics as well. Wtf?
if you're talking about the comics,Maggie track down Negan and talk to him (this happen years after Glenn was killed so she had the time to grieve already),she let him live because he was..How could i say this..
Broken ? Anyway i'm not good at explaining this so you should read the comics to see it yourself.
The idea of there being a sort of "Civil War" amongst the communities, especially against Rick, is an interesting concept that has a lot of potential. This, however, makes no sense and is executed terribly. Rick made the same decision in the comics, and while Maggie was against it, she didn't rise up against Rick or do any of the stuff she said she would do in the show. The fact that, after all they've been through, and years of trust and camaraderie between the two, are now being thrown away because of this one decision with little to no build up whatsoever. Hell, Daryl siding with Maggie makes more sense, but still feels underdeveloped. But Jesus going along with it, that completely boggles my mind. Jesus, who 30 minutes ago, was telling Morgan not to kill people and advocated for keeping the Saviors alive and living in peace with one another, is now "Let's fight against Rick, I'm with you Maggie." No persuasion, no development, no anything. That whole scene was just so dumb.
No i dont think it will work on the tv show like with the comics. Id rather they started going away from the comics and coming up with more original stuff
On another note i was really hoping Morgan would have had a fond farewell instead of just leaving without a trace. I really wanted more Rick and Morgan scenes
To all the hate about the show, it’s pretty simple, if you no longer enjoy what you are seeing then no one is stopping you from changing the channel. Things will not change overnight, things may not change at all so there really is no point complaining. All it does is cause negativity and spreads more which causes arguments with those who are still loyal to the show. Hell, i myself don’t think it’s anywhere near as good as it used to be, i haven’t enjoyed it the same since the moment they left the prison but i don’t complain about it’s dip in quality. Also ageing shows like this always decline over time, there isn’t a single show i have watched that has constantly stayed good for it’s entire run (shows that have reached 8 or more seasons that is).
So guys it’s fine to dislike the show but just remember, moaning about it isn’t going to change anything immediately.
Morgan speak to Rick one last time in Fear The Walking Dead.
I think we'll see more of them together,Morgan will be back.
Are you being serious right now?
People, including you, do exactly this to the game.
Everyone can and should criticize the tv show as they can criticize ANF. They are in the same level tbh.
I disagree that the show is as bad as Season 3 but whatever
Well its true lol
Thought Negan was gone when Rick slit his throat and was wondering what Maggie was shrieking about. I had the idea of Maggie being a villain type character and betraying Rick back when her sister died. They could even have done it when Glenn died. A bit late to do it now in my opinion.
There's a reason why they let Negan alive,he's probably going to get a lot of character development,maybe even his own episode like the Governor,that's the best thing from the whisperers arc anyway.
But i agree with you i'd like them to do something more original like with that helicopter we've seen before.
In the comics, Rick kept Negan alive for Carl because he didn't want killing and death and war to be Carl's "normal." He wanted Carl to know that things could and would go back to normal. That lead to some nice development between Carl and Negan while Negan was in prison. With Carl dead on the show saving Negan doesn't make any sense. Ostensibly he left Negan alive because of Carl's letter, kinda' like a granting Carl's last request thing, but he could easily have made peace with everyone else and went ahead and killed Negan to give Maggie closure.
As for the helicopter, I'm 99% certain that that's a different one from the first one we saw (unless I'm forgetting one between then and now). The other one we saw was around Atlanta. This is hundreds of miles away. I think the first one was the same one that went down during season... 2? 3? The one that the army guys were in that went down and the Gov and his crew rolled in to kill survivors. This new one, I think, is from The Commonwealth, which is where the comics are now. idk if you read the comics so forgive me if you already know this, but after Negan there's a 2ish year time jump and then they move into the Whisperer war. The Whisperers are people who took the covering yourself in guts tactic to its extreme. They wear the skins of walkers so they can blend in with the herds and direct them. They talk to each other in low whispers so as not to draw attention to themselves, hence their name. I think that huge herd they saw in the finale is alluding to the Whisperers because in the comics the Whisperers brought the largest herd ever seen onto Alexandria. The Whisperer War arc is pretty short, especially compared to Negan and the Saviors, but then after the Whisperers it's right into the Commonwealth. I think the massive herd and the helicoptor are setting up for both the Whisperers and the Commonwealth.
I read the comics,and i know that a lot of people think Carl's dying in the show doesn't make sense and i agree but killing Negan would've been worse,now he's alive and at least they can do something good with him in season 9.
And i just think the show could do something original for once,but it looks like the whisperers are coming.
Why was Jesus there at the end? He is always about forgiving and getting the best out of people and stuff, but why is he there then?
Well I must say that I wouldn't go that far but the show and it's spin-off has gotten more cringeworthy lately, but still much more logical to follow than A New Frontier was I believe.
Jesus probably is about forgiving and getting the best out of people...just not Negan lol
The show lost its essence when the show runners decided to get too far away from the essence of comics, missing out on what makes TWD what it is.
I hope Season 9 corrects this, as it will have a new show runner.
She wants to kill Negan and Jesus agrees yet he’s the one begging for the saviors to live makes sense.
Jesus never said he was on board, he just so happened to be there when Maggie told him
Did you not complain about a new frontier causing negativity for those who did like it? ?
He didn't do anything to stop her, he was nodding along and non-vocally supporting what she was saying.
Jesus seemingly being onboard makes no sense compared to his character history.
Then again, he did help massacre all the people at the satellite outpost the first time around, when they thought that was all of the saviors. Seems the writers can't be consistent with his character.
It’ll be easier to stop her if she thought he was on board
The thing is, i have shut out ANF completely and vow to never lay eyes on it again unlike those who moan about the show who continue to watch it just so they can find something to critiscise. I am not saying people cannot complain, i am saying it’s pointless to do so because things won’t change straight away and the negativity does cause more negativity. The hate for ANF is probably more than the show anyway
But the thing is you stopped complaining AFTER a new frontier finished, by then it left people who actually liked it annoyed that they had to sit through the whole experience with constant pointless moaning. You don’t like it when people complained about the show, and people who liked ANF felt the same when people complained about that.
I don’t actually care that people complain about the show, you’re wrongly assuming again though i see why you think i am due to how I probably worded my post. I didn’t ever say “so and so shouldn’t be saying this or that” or “you’re an idiot for liking ANF or hating the tv show”. Have i ever said “Melton you’re stupid for liking ANF?” No, exactly.
Literally i said that complaining is pointless because things won’t be changing overnight and that anyone who doesnt like the show are welcome to stop if they hate it. Me saying that wasn’t implying I don’t like what they said. Did my original post sound aggressive? Not at all.
By the way, i actually complained about ANF whilst they were still making the episodes, not just after. I complained about ANF yes and you could say that was pointless but you know why it wasn’t? Because Telltale make one episode, see the feedback and have a month or so to correct their shitty mistakes before bringing out another episode where as the tv show don’t get that feedback until the show is broadcast on air and have to wait until the following year to correct their mistakes. It’s very different comparing a show to a few gaming episodes. I think my complaining about ANF was justified when a gaming company has the ability to fix their mistakes in an almost immediate fashion where as the show can’t immediately as i explained above. There is also the fact we paid money for an awful game where as with the tv show i am not paying to watch (i download it) but also those that do pay can change the channel whenever they want anyway. So the situation is very different for me.
Anyway you have attacked me because you didn’t like what i said so you’ve basically mimicked me. I am not surprised it came from you lol. Good day Melton
(waits for another predictable reply)
I hadn’t watched the new FTWD episode when i posted my reply. I didn’t expect Rick to make a cameo. That was nice. I really hope Morgan will be back on the main show someday
But i disagree. I think following the comics closely is what is making the show suffer. Some things don’t work on the tv show like it did in the comics. For instance, there are far too many characters on the show to focus on these days. How are we supposed to grow attached to anyone anymore? Its impossible especially as they only dedicate small amounts of screen time for each character. Some characters have been around 3 or 4 seasons and still only had a couple of lines of dialogue and screen time.
you’re not the first person to talk to me like trash in a huge ass paragraph so I won’t even bother attacking back, I’m just too used to it. I tried to be civil in my comment and you had to personally attack me. It doesn’t make you look like the better person. I merely challenge your logic, not your self esteem or personality like you have done to me. Good day.
I do agree that ANF was terrible and complaints and criticisms during production was needed so Telltale would correct the game, however saying we shouldn't criticize the show because it wont be fixed as soon is kinda silly. So does that mean just because it wont be as fast for the show runners to fix the show, fans shouldn't criticize the show at all? Having that mentality of "I shouldnt bother criticizing because it wont be fixed" is just dumb. Shows take a long time to make obviously and obviously criticisms from lets say S4 most likely wont have any effect until S6, but if there was no criticism at all then there would be no changes at all, making the show keep going lower and lower in quality. Pretty sure everyone who is criticizing the show is fully aware that what they are saying wont be changed over night, the point is if nothing is said, the show is just going to continue with what it was doing, even it is bad, because as far as they know, everyone still is into it.
Also for why people who criticize the show but keep watching, I'd say its because its just the investment they had before. Its hard to just stop watching a show you liked for 5 years and then have a season go by that was bad, and then the next and the next. Its why people complain about the show dipping in quality, they spent so much time loving the show for it to now turn bad, obviously most people are going to want to complain and criticize to try and get their favorite show back on track, instead of just going "fuck it im done watching."
But if Telltale would "fix" the problems in a month before the episode releases, that would lead to rewrites and we all know that is a thing that Telltale 100% should avoid.