Here I must say, it is not that I do not care for Tobor's journey. It is just that a major part of why I am so involved in all this is the personal connection. I have put a great deal of care into polishing Mina's character during her submission. Tobor being a badass and stuff like that, it is great, it is fun to read, he is a compelling character. But nothing beats the joy of having him interact with a character I contributed to the story. Nothing beats the concern over a character I poured heart's blood into, the feeling of triumph of having them succeed against all odds and hardships. I simply cannot have the same connection to Tobor, as much as I can enjoy him as a character. And I don't have hopes for Tobor's journey to end even remotely positive from my perspective, as much as it pains me to say that.
And well, I know it is unfair of me to blame Tobor. At the same time, I made it clear time and again, my priority is bringing Mina through this alive. It failed and she died because she got involved with Tobor. It doesn't matter if she chose to help him, she has only ever gotten into this mess because of him. I know it is entirely unreasonable, but after just losing my very own in such a crushingly depressing scene (and no, it is not only the fact that she died, but also the fact that it happened so soon, so brutal and so pointlessly), I just cannot ignore that it wouldn't have happened without Tobor's involvement. I just cannot go on and root for him. It simply isn't the same and it has changed for the worse, the far worse. Fact is, Tobor had a chance at saving her, he botched it even if he did not mean to. But the one actually affected by this is Mina. She is dead now and yes, with how much I adored her, I find myself regretting that she ever got involved with him. Worse than that, hearing how unlikely it has been that she died, how every single one of these three choices had to end in a particular way and how it is literally my fault for picking these options, it makes me feel personally guilty. And I see literally every single one of these alternative options as better, more intriguing and exciting, so the fact that we somehow ended up picking the only option that is causing this terrible heartbreak... well, it makes me feel only worse about the whole thing. Might have even been better if she would have died regardless, but now I am left with these thoughts of how easily this utter disaster could have been prevented. As you said, Mina was my character in the story. I know it is Tobor's story, not Mina's, not Tazhyn's, not that of this hooded piece of shit, but that does not change the fact that she was the one I was most involved in, the compass I directed my choices around. She is gone and I honestly cannot hide my utter disappointment after you have been hyping up potential stuff in her future so much. I feel like there is no point for me to make the choices as I want. There is no way the hooded man and each and every one of his men suffer the fate I want for them (which would make Theon's ordeal at the hands of Ramsay look trivial), so I just as well go and help Agent with not losing his excitement as well. Top of that, Agent has simply been right with every single one of these choices, as unlikely as it has been, so I figure if I would have started to just support his preferred action earlier, this entire disaster could have been avoided. It's too late for my own excitement now, but well, I actually just now came to a conclusion. I know this is Agent's approach as well in a lot of cases, trying to prevent characters from dying. I will try my best not only to support his choices, but to prevent this feeling of crushing dread from happening to any other reader. It doesn't matter to me, won't change how I feel, but while I presume my own feelings on the subject are quite a lot more extreme than some of the others might feel, I would hate if one of the other readers has to go through but a fragment of this. I really cannot see the point in rooting for the hooded man's death, or for the survival of Tobor, or Sibas, or Tazhyn, because at the end of the day, it all comes with the sour aftertaste of this scene for me, but the only other option would be to stop reading entirely and spare me the heartbreak that is undoubtedly to follow once Mina's fate is brought up. That is not an option for me, because I have followed this story for so long and I couldn't bring myself to never read it again even though every part from now on will leave me with the bad memory of this part. So, at least right now, without having slept over it, I don't have any intention of abandoning the story. At least I don't have to fear that any part will hit me on such a personal level anymore, albeit I'd take a thousand heartbreaks over Mina's death.
Right Liquid, I want to say that I fully understand where you're coming from. I've read everything you've said in response to it and definit… moreely taken it on board. Like with Agent, I really hope you carry on reading, but not just to support Agent's choices, to follow it for yourself. I'm slightly saddened by the lack of care you have for Tobor's story, I understand it but still saddened. Mina is your character, you submitted her and care a great deal for her so I get it.
But i'm still not understanding the anger at Tobor involving Mina. Mina was already involved, she was working with the hooded man. She didn't know he was trying to kill Tobor and when she found out, she wanted to help. Tobor asked her for help, and she said yes. She never had to. Tobor asked her to spy on him and try and look at his face, he didn't ask her to lie on his rooftop and peer down. All Mina had to do was see his face. But I suppose that's irrelevant now.
Tobor… [view original content]
To be fair, Liquid. I was the only one who voted to burn the note. Even if you voted for it, it would've lost. I believe the same can be said of throwing the stone. You can't really say it was your fault. I know you and I think pretty differently on matters like this, but I don't think it's fair to play the blame game. No one except for the Hooded man should be blamed for what happened. I think it's especially unfair to blame Tobor. Even though he does blame himself. Those are just my thoughts though. I don't expect to change your mind.
Here I must say, it is not that I do not care for Tobor's journey. It is just that a major part of why I am so involved in all this is the p… moreersonal connection. I have put a great deal of care into polishing Mina's character during her submission. Tobor being a badass and stuff like that, it is great, it is fun to read, he is a compelling character. But nothing beats the joy of having him interact with a character I contributed to the story. Nothing beats the concern over a character I poured heart's blood into, the feeling of triumph of having them succeed against all odds and hardships. I simply cannot have the same connection to Tobor, as much as I can enjoy him as a character. And I don't have hopes for Tobor's journey to end even remotely positive from my perspective, as much as it pains me to say that.
And well, I know it is unfair of me to blame Tobor. At the same time, I made it clear time and again, my priority is bringing Mina thr… [view original content]
Well, I am truly sorry for making it seem so futile. I do hope you can continue reading and that you do decide to vote as you would want to. But at the end of the day, it is your choice if you wish to support Agent.
I also hope that you can find yourself rooting for Tobor again, Yes he made mistakes but everyone does. He will atone for them, he will blame himself and he will come out stronger for it. You and I both see this story differently (you submitted Mina so you follow her), and so I can completely understand that it feels like the story is over. But what Mina has given up, can drive Tobor forward, think of it as a revenge story for Tobor. And like you said, ~10 chapters left, I'm confident in the future a character will show up that you can feel for, perhaps not as much as Mina, but still a lot.
I just want to say, give it a chance. Who knows what good is coming up in the future?
Here I must say, it is not that I do not care for Tobor's journey. It is just that a major part of why I am so involved in all this is the p… moreersonal connection. I have put a great deal of care into polishing Mina's character during her submission. Tobor being a badass and stuff like that, it is great, it is fun to read, he is a compelling character. But nothing beats the joy of having him interact with a character I contributed to the story. Nothing beats the concern over a character I poured heart's blood into, the feeling of triumph of having them succeed against all odds and hardships. I simply cannot have the same connection to Tobor, as much as I can enjoy him as a character. And I don't have hopes for Tobor's journey to end even remotely positive from my perspective, as much as it pains me to say that.
And well, I know it is unfair of me to blame Tobor. At the same time, I made it clear time and again, my priority is bringing Mina thr… [view original content]
You are right. Even now I know you are right. I can't help but feel that maybe me advocating so passionately for these options has influenced the ultimate outcome and if I would have supported your reasoning instead, maybe things would have ended up differently. In a way, I feel like I should blame myself more than I should blame Tobor. And here's the thing, I am fully aware on a neutral level that he is not to be blamed here, at least not in any major way that should ruin his character for me. A lack of care is the worst he can objectively be blamed for. But I just cannot stay objective here, because of how heavily I feel involved in this case. I know, the hooded man and his thugs are truly to blame here (and aye, I don't really differentiate between him and his men. They're dead to me all the same), but whenever I think of Tobor, it leaves a bad taste that he could have done something, he could have prevented this. It's not fair, I know, but I am not sure if my views on him will change significantly once the initial shock has died down.
To be fair, Liquid. I was the only one who voted to burn the note. Even if you voted for it, it would've lost. I believe the same can be sai… mored of throwing the stone. You can't really say it was your fault. I know you and I think pretty differently on matters like this, but I don't think it's fair to play the blame game. No one except for the Hooded man should be blamed for what happened. I think it's especially unfair to blame Tobor. Even though he does blame himself. Those are just my thoughts though. I don't expect to change your mind.
Yeah, as I said, I don't think I will stop reading. It'll just be different and I don't know if it's for the better. Don't think so at least. I mean, don't get me wrong, you won't lose me as a reader or anything, that'd be pretty extreme, but I cannot deny that this scene was a bit too much to take in for me while keeping that level of investment. The enthusiasm I had, especially for my choices, that kinda feels gone right now, though I suppose I wait until there actually is the next choice to decide on my future voting strategy. Right now, supporting Agent in his votes sounds like as good an approach as any other, probably even better given that I should have done so all along. My own goal failed miserably and I don't really feel the drive to pick up a new goal. Neither do I want to vote randomly. Don't think that'll change too much, but it would feel a bit too cheap.
And Tobor... eh, as I said, I'm not sure, I feel really conflicted about him. I mean, he is the hero, we have seen his development for several chapters now and I don't want to dislike him. At the same time, it feels like my opinion on him is tarnished now. Like, if it boils down to him or the hooded man, I would obviously always root for Tobor, but it's more of a situation which of these two I dislike less than the other. There is always going to be this afterthought of him having played a part in Mina's fate, no matter how unwilling, that things would have been different if they would have never crossed paths. I can't blend that out. It's not fully blown hatred towards him, but more this dark spot that makes me feel hollow whenever I imagine the stuff he could do. Taking revenge on the hooded man for example, surely something that'd make for a great and empowering moment for Tobor, but it won't be a revenge that matters to me. I keep thinking about how he kills the hooded man and I don't think it'll make me feel better, cause it won't change a thing. I'm all about the angry, burning kind of revenge, the one that is vicious and hard to swallow down but leaves me ultimately satisfied. In this case though, I feel like even if the hooded man gets exactly what he deserves (and as I said, that'd be so messy that I don't even know what it is), I wouldn't feel glad about it. It'd be more of a cold and somewhat futile type of revenge and that is something I have never really been a fan of. Don't get me wrong, that does sound like a strategy, picking vengeful choices in the hopes that I'll find something worthwile in Tobor massacring the hooded man's creatures left and right, but I am not sure it'll help. Well, I know it will help to have them gone, but I fear it will be many chapters until the hooded man will be gone and the thought of having him around so much longer, I don't know how to feel about it. Not good, that is for sure.
I also must admit, if there is one thing I am still somewhat looking forward for, it is new characters. Out of the ones currently introduced, many took quite a heavy hit and I feel like Tazhyn is the only one I can think of whom I'd say I like unconditionally. That ain't much and it has been kinda hinted that she won't get much focus, so I hope the new characters in Tobor's storyline can help with a fresh start. Not sure if there's one among them I'd truly grow to like, because I must be honest here, I find myself kinda reluctant to grow attached to one of them. I doubt it, alright. As I said, right now I am feeling mostly drained though, kinda hollow and I am really not certain how it will continue. I have this mad hope that there's some sort of a twist involved with Mina's fate, but it is too little to actually trust in. So, new characters. I suppose I'll give them a fair chance to win me over, but I don't think I can feel super passionate about them. That approach didn't work out, though perhaps seeing them with a bit more distance won't even be a bad thing in some cases.
Well, I am truly sorry for making it seem so futile. I do hope you can continue reading and that you do decide to vote as you would want to.… more But at the end of the day, it is your choice if you wish to support Agent.
I also hope that you can find yourself rooting for Tobor again, Yes he made mistakes but everyone does. He will atone for them, he will blame himself and he will come out stronger for it. You and I both see this story differently (you submitted Mina so you follow her), and so I can completely understand that it feels like the story is over. But what Mina has given up, can drive Tobor forward, think of it as a revenge story for Tobor. And like you said, ~10 chapters left, I'm confident in the future a character will show up that you can feel for, perhaps not as much as Mina, but still a lot.
I just want to say, give it a chance. Who knows what good is coming up in the future?
As flattered as I am I would prefer you make your own choices. What if voted for Tobor to become a raving lunatic? Jokes aside you should seriously choose what you personally think is the better choice.
Yeah, as I said, I don't think I will stop reading. It'll just be different and I don't know if it's for the better. Don't think so at least… more. I mean, don't get me wrong, you won't lose me as a reader or anything, that'd be pretty extreme, but I cannot deny that this scene was a bit too much to take in for me while keeping that level of investment. The enthusiasm I had, especially for my choices, that kinda feels gone right now, though I suppose I wait until there actually is the next choice to decide on my future voting strategy. Right now, supporting Agent in his votes sounds like as good an approach as any other, probably even better given that I should have done so all along. My own goal failed miserably and I don't really feel the drive to pick up a new goal. Neither do I want to vote randomly. Don't think that'll change too much, but it would feel a bit too cheap.
And Tobor... eh, as I said, I'm not sure, I feel really conflicted abou… [view original content]
Valar Morghulis. Choices led there and what happened, happened. Game of Thrones universe is not all fluffs and smiles - in conclusion, I liked the part, even if the ending was sad. Tobor won't be able to forgive himself when he will realize what happened. It was quite a intense 24h for him after all and now he may not realize everything his decisions caused.
Hey Liquid, I just want to say that I believe your anger at Tobor seems really misplaced. He had no way of knowing that leaving her at her house would lead to her being captured by the hooded man. He thought she was safe. He thought she was going to go with them after she talked to her brother. He tried going after the hooded man after the failed attack, but Sibas rightly stopped him. He would have been killed if he went alone. Plus the sells words weren't going to let him find Mina because they were all leaving anyways. Plus, his lack of sleep was draining him physically and mentally after his very rough day. Also, like bittersteel said, her fate wasn't sealed from the beginning. Unfortunately, it was our choices trying to save her that ended up getting her killed. We didn't know our choices were leading to this conclusion, but we can't blame Tobor or Bittersteel, for the end result.
My god, Agent... you took the words right out of my mouth. No, you actually put it better, while I am reduced to a mumbling, horrified mess … more(to no small degree due to the fact that I am currently running on a single hour of sleep on account of this part being the last I read before going to bed last night. Spoiler alert, big mistake, have barely managed to close my eyes without thinking about this part), I feel like you really managed to put into words what I meant to say with all of my long and kinda unnecessary mumbling. As I said, I am sleep-deprived right now and legitimately crushed, so my apologies for the long comment, but maybe I'll feel at least less drained if I put my thoughts into words. And as much as I am crushed and hopeless and disappointed and drained over the events in this part, I am actually tearing up a bit at the realization that I am not the only one feeling that way, so gotta thank you for that. Might just be the criti… [view original content]
Hey Liquid, I just want to say that I believe your anger at Tobor seems really misplaced. He had no way of knowing that leaving her at her h… moreouse would lead to her being captured by the hooded man. He thought she was safe. He thought she was going to go with them after she talked to her brother. He tried going after the hooded man after the failed attack, but Sibas rightly stopped him. He would have been killed if he went alone. Plus the sells words weren't going to let him find Mina because they were all leaving anyways. Plus, his lack of sleep was draining him physically and mentally after his very rough day. Also, like bittersteel said, her fate wasn't sealed from the beginning. Unfortunately, it was our choices trying to save her that ended up getting her killed. We didn't know our choices were leading to this conclusion, but we can't blame Tobor or Bittersteel, for the end result.
Well, my grudge towards Tobor isn't something I actually expect anyone to share or even just agree with, nor is it, admittedly, something that is entirely rational, albeit I actually have a train of thoughts behind that, which I would like to explain now that I am able to. The thing is, I tried nothing harder than getting Mina through this alive, now she is very likely dead no matter how many crazy theories I bring up, Tobor could have prevented it and this is enough for me to have this grudge against him. If it would have been anyone else, I probably would have been more open to logical arguments, but the fact is that with Mina, it's personal. It isn't comparable to the violent hatred I have towards the hooded man and everyone even remotely affiliated with him, but it is something that really tarnishes my view on him and getting out of that, I don't know. What I do blame Tobor for is simple and might even make sense from a certain perspective. Mina did risk her life for him, time and again. While she ultimately decided to reveal his location, the alternative would have, at least in that moment been something nobody could have asked of her. Actually, nobody could have asked of her to risk her life for Tobor all the times she did it before. And that she did, for him, in a fight that should have never been hers to begin with, simply because she valued him and their friendship so much. The first and only time Tobor absolutely had to do the same for her, for his friend who took countless personal risks without ever asking for anything in return, he didn't and it highly appears that she died for it. For the record, I am convinced that he could have done something if he would have tried hard enough and been willing to take enough risks, just like how I am convinced that Mina would have done exactly that for him, had their roles been reversed. She wouldn't have backed down, she would have gone and at least tried to save him, because it appears she valued him higher than he valued her. Of course, the hooded man did the deed, but my anger is a vicious thing and the mere fact that Tobor chickened out and left Mina to pay his price is enough to, well, not make me hate him like I hate the hooded man and his band of monsters, but to make me utterly disappointed at him. And yeah, after sleeping over this, I do say it is more a crushing disappointment at Tobor than real anger. I simply expected better from him than that, I expected of him to help his friends as they helped him and I remain doubtful if my view on him can recover, considering the personal nature of my grudge and the apparently very final consequences of his actions. Between him and the hooded man, be assured that I will choose to support Tobor any time, if only because he is the only one who can potentially grant me a wicked revenge, but I am so deeply and properly disappointed in him that it makes truly rooting for him an effort I remain unwilling to undertake. We'll see. There might be some satisfaction to be gained from the things he is hopefully going to do to the hooded man and his followers, so I won't say there is no ground to give me more positive feelings when thinking about him in the future, but right now, I am honestly and utterly crushed, with all I have left to do at the moment being lashing out at any character involved in Mina's fate, be it Tobor or the sellswords who stopped him from leaving or (especially) the hooded man and any of his degenerates. Tobor isn't dead to me as I said in my initial shock, but with my explanation out of the way, you might be able to understand why he does leave a sour taste in my mouth and why I am simply unable to see him as positively as I used to.
Hey Liquid, I just want to say that I believe your anger at Tobor seems really misplaced. He had no way of knowing that leaving her at her h… moreouse would lead to her being captured by the hooded man. He thought she was safe. He thought she was going to go with them after she talked to her brother. He tried going after the hooded man after the failed attack, but Sibas rightly stopped him. He would have been killed if he went alone. Plus the sells words weren't going to let him find Mina because they were all leaving anyways. Plus, his lack of sleep was draining him physically and mentally after his very rough day. Also, like bittersteel said, her fate wasn't sealed from the beginning. Unfortunately, it was our choices trying to save her that ended up getting her killed. We didn't know our choices were leading to this conclusion, but we can't blame Tobor or Bittersteel, for the end result.
While I do understand this, there’s just one part I wanted to focus on and ask you about. You say “I am convinced that Mina would have done exactly that for him, had their roles been reversed. She wouldn’t have backed down, she would have gone and at least tried to save him, because it appears she valued him higher than he valued her.”
However, this just brought something up in my mind that I read in your Character submission for Mina. I hope you don’t mind me quoting it below
“She is quick to flee if a situation becomes dangerous, as she justifies this by maintaining her ability to always return later. This could go as far as her leaving someone behind, only to return later on to help them out when things have calmed down.”
Would you say that this would apply to the situation Tobor had, if the roles were reversed. Say Tobor was captured and Mina had just been attacked by the hooded man. Would Mina not flee the situation and tell herself she could return later?
Bear in mind I’m not saying this to ‘call you out’ or anything like that, I would understand if this situation doesn’t apply to Mina’s description in the Submission. I’m just curious. And if it does apply, would that aid in you sort of understanding Tobor’s motives?
After all, he didn’t exactly flee, he even tried to run after the hooded man. It was only after Sibas stopped him that Tobor figured it wasn’t worth running after him, with how tired he was and how drained he was. I’m confident in saying that Tobor would not have been able to persuade anyone to join him right there and then to help him follow the hooded man, and I’m confident in saying that Tobor would not have been able to fight the hooded man. Had he gone after the hooded man, Tobor would be dead.
Well, my grudge towards Tobor isn't something I actually expect anyone to share or even just agree with, nor is it, admittedly, something th… moreat is entirely rational, albeit I actually have a train of thoughts behind that, which I would like to explain now that I am able to. The thing is, I tried nothing harder than getting Mina through this alive, now she is very likely dead no matter how many crazy theories I bring up, Tobor could have prevented it and this is enough for me to have this grudge against him. If it would have been anyone else, I probably would have been more open to logical arguments, but the fact is that with Mina, it's personal. It isn't comparable to the violent hatred I have towards the hooded man and everyone even remotely affiliated with him, but it is something that really tarnishes my view on him and getting out of that, I don't know. What I do blame Tobor for is simple and might even make sense from a certain perspectiv… [view original content]
Well one thing you have to remember is that Tobor didn't even realize that Mina was captured by the Hooded man. It probably won't be until he rests and he can mentally recover from his rough day that he realizes that the only way the Hooded man could have found them is if she was forced to give up their location.
Well, my grudge towards Tobor isn't something I actually expect anyone to share or even just agree with, nor is it, admittedly, something th… moreat is entirely rational, albeit I actually have a train of thoughts behind that, which I would like to explain now that I am able to. The thing is, I tried nothing harder than getting Mina through this alive, now she is very likely dead no matter how many crazy theories I bring up, Tobor could have prevented it and this is enough for me to have this grudge against him. If it would have been anyone else, I probably would have been more open to logical arguments, but the fact is that with Mina, it's personal. It isn't comparable to the violent hatred I have towards the hooded man and everyone even remotely affiliated with him, but it is something that really tarnishes my view on him and getting out of that, I don't know. What I do blame Tobor for is simple and might even make sense from a certain perspectiv… [view original content]
Admittedly, that is an excellent question and one where I am not entirely certain how impartial my answer can be, because I am equal parts biased and bitter. Obviously, my anger at Tobor does run a bit deeper than that, might really be because it's Mina and she's dead and he could have done something. A slight bit on the petty side, but with that in mind, you can probably understand just why I am so angry at anyone involved, be they actively responsible like the hooded man and his disgusting posse, or could have done something, like Tobor. What might have helped in making me less disappointed in him is if he would have at least tried. I don't expect of him to willingly and knowingly sacrifice his life, but I expected of him to care enough to at least attempt something. And I believe that is what Mina would have done. Maybe she wouldn't have outright chased the hooded man with a raised weapon, but I think she would have done something. Sneaking after him for example, or at least trying to convince the sellswords to accompany her, to get revenge for their killed companions. Even if they ultimately would have declined to follow him, it would have been worth a try and where I think Mina would have tried something, Tobor just hasn't, besides a fleeting thought of slight worry right as Mina was literally led to her own execution. All it took was a few words from Sibas and he seems to have given up on doing anything. That is something I don't think Mina would have done. Of course, she and Tobor have a different set of abilities. Unlike her, he is a fighter, so a situation that would have been dangerous for her wouldn't have been for him, but I think she wouldn't have just sat down and done nothing. Now, you and Tales are right to say that he wasn't in a proper state of mind, that he was tired and exhausted and not thinking straight. This is true, I admit it, but on the other hand, this means that in that moment, he was unable to focus on anything but what was truly important to him and it wasn't Mina. Compare that to her even including him in her very final thoughts. While there are some points that can be brought up in Tobor's favour (and really, if not for them I'd legitimately hate him, because at least as things are now, he hasn't acted out of any malice), there was an undeniable one-sidedness to their friendship. I mean, even in the alternative route where Tobor would just flat out not go and visit her, therefore choosing Tazhyn instead, she would have tried to find him. While I won't go as far as to say that she meant nothing to him, I think this final part really made it clear that she has always been willing to put more effort, thought and risk into their friendship, just short of actual self-sacrificing choices such as burning the paper. Since I'm running out of straws to grasp for her survival, it is unlikely this one-sidedness can get any better. Best I can hope for is that he'll eventually come to the same conclusion, but him beating himself up over this won't make me feel much better (though it'd be an improvement over the way things were with him). As I said, it might be that I am irrational here and please don't expect me to make proper sense in anything related to Mina and her fate, but to me this sounds like a legitimate reason to be disappointed in Tobor.
While I do understand this, there’s just one part I wanted to focus on and ask you about. You say “I am convinced that Mina would have done … moreexactly that for him, had their roles been reversed. She wouldn’t have backed down, she would have gone and at least tried to save him, because it appears she valued him higher than he valued her.”
However, this just brought something up in my mind that I read in your Character submission for Mina. I hope you don’t mind me quoting it below
“She is quick to flee if a situation becomes dangerous, as she justifies this by maintaining her ability to always return later. This could go as far as her leaving someone behind, only to return later on to help them out when things have calmed down.”
Would you say that this would apply to the situation Tobor had, if the roles were reversed. Say Tobor was captured and Mina had just been attacked by the hooded man. Would Mina not flee the situation and tell her… [view original content]
Tobor Hightower looked at the city of Meereen in the distance. Less than a day after leaving the place that had caused him so much pain, he knew he had to return.
Tobor thought about the previous night. How they had been attacked, how they’d fought the attackers off and how they’d left. Tobor still remembered how the city looked as he walked through the gates.
After leaving, the sellsword troupe had made their way to the nearest village and picked up supplies, horses and water. The sun had risen and dawn was fully broken over the coast. Ben had handed a horse to Tobor and told him they couldn’t stay here, whoever attacked them could be following.
After making their way to the road to Yunkai, Ben had led them off the path towards a more mountainous area, he’d had them separate and meet up later on to make them harder to track.
Camp had been set up quickly with small tents erected, the mood was dulled on account of the deaths that had occurred the previous night. Hoarse toasts were said for the dead then Ben told everyone to get some rest. Tobor had settled down on the grassy floor and closed his eyes.
Tobor was woken later on by a sellsword who told him it was his watch. Tobor took his arakh and sat outside, the day had started becoming hot. But there was still the cool mountain breeze that rustled through Tobor’s long hair.
Tobor held a rag and drew it back and forth the length of his blade. The silver was still stained with blood, a dark red-brown colour splattered over the metal. Tobor spat on the rag and continued, never taking his eyes off Meereen.
Tobor could see the port, see ships sailing in with the produce and goods for the coming market. Tobor expected there to be many soon to be slaves arriving in Meereen. He thought back to when he arrived there. Tobor massaged his wrists, still feeling the ropes that had bound him. He remembered the guard that had been beating Bradon and what had happened after.
Tobor gripped the handle of his arakh harder as he thought about all that had happened, how he’d beaten the guard to save Bradon, how Bradon had betrayed him regardless, all the arena fights, all the death, all the mistrust, the hooded man and then Tobor thought of Mina.
Tobor hissed through his teeth and swore as he realised he’d grasped the blade of the sword with his other hand. Through the rag it wasn’t bad, but Tobor inspected the four separate cuts that ran horizontally across his fingers. Blood oozed through the slits on his hand.
Tobor shook his hand in the air as if swatting the pain away then sucked each one of the cuts. Tobor rested his forehead in his other hand and sighed, rubbing his brow. Could the hooded man have found them on his own?
That was the question that had plagued Tobor’s mind. That was the question that had kept him awake. Even after falling asleep, Tobor felt like he had dreamed the question and when he woke up, despite feeling well rested, Tobor felt like he hadn’t slept at all contradictory thought it was.
Tobor had told Mina where they were, Mina had it written on paper. But she’d never showed up. The hooded man had instead. Tobor wanted to believe that the hooded man hadn’t found her, but the alternative made more sense. Tobor gritted his teeth and felt hot as his face flushed with guilt. Mina hadn’t showed because the hooded man got to her, and Tobor told himself he could have prevented it.
This was why Tobor knew he had to return to Meereen.
“You keeping many enemies at bay?” Came a voice behind Tobor, who whirled around at once and snatching up his arakh. Sibas chuckled, “Put that thing down.” He said lightly. Sibas walked over and sat down on the grass beside Tobor.
Tobor returned to wiping the arakh with the rag. “I heard you swear.” Sibas said. Tobor smiled briefly, it wasn’t a true smile, and nodded. “Cut myself.” He said shortly.
Sibas yawned, “Best be careful then, you could lose a finger.” He said jokingly. Sibas saw Tobor’s reaction, or lack thereof, and sighed. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be joking after last night. After what happened.”
Tobor shrugged, “You can’t change it.” He said simply. Sibas nodded. “I know, but still. After what you told me. This man in a hood, the girl Mina and this ‘trying to kill you’ business. I don’t know, maybe jokes are a bad idea.”
Tobor breathed heavily out his nose in a long sigh. He thought about telling Sibas about wanting to go back to Meereen. Tobor opened his mouth to speak.
“The thing is, I just don’t know what to do about Jyro.” Sibas said. Tobor closed his mouth and looked at him quizzically. “What about him?” Tobor asked.
Sibas bit the inside of his cheek. “He’s gotten no stronger.” He said. Tobor shrugged, “It has only been a day.” He reminded Sibas who nodded, “I know, but still, shouldn’t he have gotten a little better? His breathing is laboured and weak, his eyes bloodshot and his wounds angry. I don’t know if he’ll survive.”
Tobor wasn’t quite sure what to say, “I suppose, you could take him to the village and get him cared for there.” He suggested. Sibas mulled this over but shook his head. “There’s no way to guarantee he would be cared for. Once we left they could just leave him. And there’s not a chance that Ben would let us stay there while he recovers.”
Tobor nodded, “You’re right.” He admitted. “But what’s the alternative, except from taking him with us to the disputed lands?” He asked.
Sibas looked up, at Tobor. “Meereen.” He said simply. Tobor raised his eyebrows. Sibas held up his hands, “Look, I know what you’re going to say. We just escaped, why go back. But Ben mentioned the temple of the Graces right? He had contacts there, I go there and tell them I’m a friend of Ben’s and he gets treated and sent to a better master.”
Tobor nodded, “It’s possible, but are you sure slavery is the right choice?” He asked. Sibas shook his head, “No, not at all. I don’t know whether to risk killing him to take him to where we are going or give him back to the people who made our lives hell.”
Tobor shrugged, “He would be going to a different master, it’s not like Reznar will ever find out. The journey to Myr and Tyrosh is a long one. But he could survive it, don’t you think Jyro would want to stay with us?”
Sibas stood up, “Dammit Tobor, I wanted you to tell me my idea was the right one, not to put more doubt in my head.” He said sharply, but then calmed down. “Sorry, I’m not truly angry, not with you anyway. I just don’t know what to do.” He admitted.
Tobor took a breath, “Well if it helps make your choice clearer, I am going back to Meereen to.” He told Sibas. “What? Why?” Sibas said, taken aback.
“I told you about Mina. How she helped me when I was a slave, well she was the one I visited yesterday evening. I saw her and we talked, then I offered that she join us and she said yes. Mina wanted to stay and wait for her brother, so I left her directions to where we were staying. I know now I should have waited or brought her with us. Because she never came.” Tobor said.
Sibas’ eyes widened, “Those men did instead.” He finished. “You think they found her and then found us.” He said. Tobor nodded, “I know it.” He said grimly. “It’s my fault, the deaths of those two sellswords. That’s on me.” He said, feeling a hollow pit in his stomach. Tobor couldn’t quite bring himself to say “And whatever happened to Mina.”
Sibas shook his head, “How could you have known?” He asked. Tobor laughed bitterly, “I should have. But I can’t change the past. All I can do is try to make it right. I’m going to go back to Meereen, find Mina and kill the man with the hood. If you want, come with me and we can take Jyro while we’re there.”
“Take Jyro where?” Came another voice behind them. Tobor and Sibas both looked behind them to see Ben exit his tent, yawning and scratching his beard. Sibas scrambled to answer, “To get medical care. I’m considering taking him to the village we passed.” He lied quickly.
Ben nodded, “Tobor, we need to talk.” He said. “Sibas can you give us a moment.”
Once Sibas had left, Ben looked at Tobor. “You been in a fight like last night before?” He asked Tobor. “Yes.” Came the answer.
Ben nodded, “I could tell. You had all the signs of a boy who’s seen combat.” He said. Tobor nodded, “Thank you.” He said. Ben looked at him with an eyebrow raised. “It wasn’t a compliment lad. You were brash, you charged upstairs alone. Armond saved you if I’m not mistaken. You need to fight like a man, mature and with more care. Not a dog.” He said sternly.
Tobor wasn’t sure what to say. Ben sighed, “But I can’t deny you handled yourself well, for what it’s worth. You can fight, I’ll give you that.” He said. “That was a compliment, by the way.” Ben said, slightly friendlier.
Tobor smiled slightly, “Thank you.” He repeated. Ben offered him a skin, “Here, drink.” He commanded. Tobor took the skin and took a long draught. Immediately he coughed as the liquid burnt the back of his throat. “That’s not water.” He choked.
Ben chuckled, “And it isn’t a pussy’s wine drink either. That’ll put hairs on your chest.” Tobor coughed and shook his head. “I’ll try it again in a few months, let me recover first.” He said, half joking.
Ben laughed, “In any case, I did need to talk to you. I wanted to ask. You know who the men were who attacked us last night?” He asked. Tobor frowned slightly at the change of pace. Before he could answer, Ben continued speaking.
“It’s only, I saw you try to run after them once we’d fought them off. Only time I see that is when it’s personal, or you just like killing.” Ben said darkly. Tobor shrugged, “What if I didn’t want them attacking again?” He asked. Tobor didn’t know if he was quite ready to tell Ben everything yet. What if he was angry about Tobor possibly leading the men right to them? Ben may not be so understanding as Sibas.
Ben scratched his chin, “Perhaps. But I’d find that hard to believe as your reason.” He said. Tobor looked away, back at Meereen in the distance. Should he tell Ben about the hooded man? It could explain a lot to him, but Tobor still didn’t know whether he trusted the old sellsword.
Then there was the matter of going back to Meereen. Would Ben understand Tobor returning to Meereen or would he try to stop him? Tobor figured he may just be able to sneak away if he didn’t want to tell Ben. How much did Tobor trust the old bearded sellsword?
Choice 1 [Tell Ben about the Hooded Man][Don’t tell Ben about the Hooded man]
Choice 2 [Tell Ben about the plan to go to Meereen][Sneak off in Secret]
Hm, here we are again. I have to admit, I was a bit curious how Tobor would react in this part. I think I made my opinion about him very clear, but this part did somewhat develop my views. First of all, it is as I feared, there is this sour taste he leaves, as my opinion on him has certainly suffered a heavy blow. I mean, don't get me wrong, it is nice he at least finally thinks about Mina, but this isn't really making things better. He fucked up tremendously and I am really not sure what he can do for me to completely forgive him. Though, I am not certain if this is even necessary. It won't be as it used to be, but perhaps I don't need to wholeheartedly like and support him in order to enjoy the things to come. Preferably if they involve blood and various chopped off body parts belonging to the Hooded Man and his creatures. I don't have to like Tobor to understand that no matter what, he has a goal I can agree with. And well, while it is borderline painful that he thinks about her only now, it is admittedly a step into the right direction that he at least finally realizes what happened to Mina and his own role in these events. Maybe he's not a bad friend, just a terribly thoughtless one. Everything involving his feelings about Mina is a classic case of too little too late, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate it, in my own, bitter, petty and heavily biased way. At least the alternative would be worse, so this still is the best he can do after messing up so tremendously. I suppose time will tell how my opinion on him will further develop, but at least for now, I still find it hard to root for him as before, though I am finding alternative ways to support his journey. If not for his survival and victory, maybe I can root for vengeance and no matter what, once Tobor fully learns about what happened to Mina, I am willing to bet he shares this goal with me. We'll see how or if my bitterness about him will fade, but I at least think there's still some ground where he can relate to me. This is an improvement, I think, but it's far from the way I felt about him. Ah well, it matters not. Mina is dead, Tobor's own involvement in this is not something I can forget and I find forgiveness extremely hard to grant, but as long as there are others more responsible, I feel like I can easily focus my anger at them for the time being.
[Tell Ben about the Hooded Man]
Well... I do know that Ben is not someone to trust any more than necessary. However, in this case, I actually do trust him. His men have been killed, one of his men is the Hooded Man's target and the way I see it, he has no reason to turn against Tobor with this knowledge. They have a common enemy, in a way, and I think it is important that Ben at least knows about his existence.
[Sneak off in Secret]
This however, no. No way he'll let Tobor go back to Meereen. After all, there is the possibility that Tobor could use the chance to just leave and avoid his contract with the Second Sons. It won't make any difference to me if he returns to Meereen or not, but maybe if he returns, he gets a chance to kill some of these Hooded Man bastards and I would somewhat prefer that over doing nothing once again.
Making Deals and a Taste of Battle
Part I
Tobor Hightower looked at the city of Meereen in the distance. Less than a day after leaving t… morehe place that had caused him so much pain, he knew he had to return.
Tobor thought about the previous night. How they had been attacked, how they’d fought the attackers off and how they’d left. Tobor still remembered how the city looked as he walked through the gates.
After leaving, the sellsword troupe had made their way to the nearest village and picked up supplies, horses and water. The sun had risen and dawn was fully broken over the coast. Ben had handed a horse to Tobor and told him they couldn’t stay here, whoever attacked them could be following.
After making their way to the road to Yunkai, Ben had led them off the path towards a more mountainous area, he’d had them separate and meet up later on to make them harder to track.
Camp had been set up quickly with small tents erected, the m… [view original content]
Making Deals and a Taste of Battle
Part I
Tobor Hightower looked at the city of Meereen in the distance. Less than a day after leaving t… morehe place that had caused him so much pain, he knew he had to return.
Tobor thought about the previous night. How they had been attacked, how they’d fought the attackers off and how they’d left. Tobor still remembered how the city looked as he walked through the gates.
After leaving, the sellsword troupe had made their way to the nearest village and picked up supplies, horses and water. The sun had risen and dawn was fully broken over the coast. Ben had handed a horse to Tobor and told him they couldn’t stay here, whoever attacked them could be following.
After making their way to the road to Yunkai, Ben had led them off the path towards a more mountainous area, he’d had them separate and meet up later on to make them harder to track.
Camp had been set up quickly with small tents erected, the m… [view original content]
Making Deals and a Taste of Battle
Part I
Tobor Hightower looked at the city of Meereen in the distance. Less than a day after leaving t… morehe place that had caused him so much pain, he knew he had to return.
Tobor thought about the previous night. How they had been attacked, how they’d fought the attackers off and how they’d left. Tobor still remembered how the city looked as he walked through the gates.
After leaving, the sellsword troupe had made their way to the nearest village and picked up supplies, horses and water. The sun had risen and dawn was fully broken over the coast. Ben had handed a horse to Tobor and told him they couldn’t stay here, whoever attacked them could be following.
After making their way to the road to Yunkai, Ben had led them off the path towards a more mountainous area, he’d had them separate and meet up later on to make them harder to track.
Camp had been set up quickly with small tents erected, the m… [view original content]
Making Deals and a Taste of Battle
Part I
Tobor Hightower looked at the city of Meereen in the distance. Less than a day after leaving t… morehe place that had caused him so much pain, he knew he had to return.
Tobor thought about the previous night. How they had been attacked, how they’d fought the attackers off and how they’d left. Tobor still remembered how the city looked as he walked through the gates.
After leaving, the sellsword troupe had made their way to the nearest village and picked up supplies, horses and water. The sun had risen and dawn was fully broken over the coast. Ben had handed a horse to Tobor and told him they couldn’t stay here, whoever attacked them could be following.
After making their way to the road to Yunkai, Ben had led them off the path towards a more mountainous area, he’d had them separate and meet up later on to make them harder to track.
Camp had been set up quickly with small tents erected, the m… [view original content]
Making Deals and a Taste of Battle
Part I
Tobor Hightower looked at the city of Meereen in the distance. Less than a day after leaving t… morehe place that had caused him so much pain, he knew he had to return.
Tobor thought about the previous night. How they had been attacked, how they’d fought the attackers off and how they’d left. Tobor still remembered how the city looked as he walked through the gates.
After leaving, the sellsword troupe had made their way to the nearest village and picked up supplies, horses and water. The sun had risen and dawn was fully broken over the coast. Ben had handed a horse to Tobor and told him they couldn’t stay here, whoever attacked them could be following.
After making their way to the road to Yunkai, Ben had led them off the path towards a more mountainous area, he’d had them separate and meet up later on to make them harder to track.
Camp had been set up quickly with small tents erected, the m… [view original content]
Tobor will [Tell Ben about the Hooded Man] and [Sneak off in Secret]
Fairly unsurprising choices if I’m honest. I feel there’s not much use in keeping the hooded man from Ben, he deserves to know even if he may be annoyed Tobor kept it this long. Was minorly unsure about whether you guys would vote to tell Ben about the plan, but expected the sneak off option. I expect there’ll be consequences later when Ben finds out.
Next part will have Tobor go back to Meereen. I’ll begin writing it over the next few days. Looking forward to it!
I've had a little bit of a change of plan with these parts, I wrote all of Tobor going back to Meereen, but reading it back decided that it worked better with a couple of choices in the middle (well not in the very middle, but part way through). So the next part, which I will post in about 5 minutes, will be quite short and have a choice.
Essentially I'm splitting the part into several smaller ones, with more choices. I think you guys might prefer it that way. Good news is you'll get more choices and the coming parts will be quicker to post, since I've already written them, the bad news is, this next part is only 500 words long.
Without further timewasting, here is the next part.
“I did know them.” Tobor said. “Well, I know who they work for.” Ben looked him in the eye. “Who were they?” He asked.
“Ever since I got to Meereen, someone has been trying to kill me. I don’t know who they are, but they’ve been hiding in lies and deceit, turning my own friends against me. This man has tried to kill me several times, obviously failing so far. Each attempt has been less and less covert. Last night was the most recent attack.” Tobor told Ben, the old man widening his eyes and his expression hardening.
Tobor continued and told Ben about the rest of what the hooded man had done. Working with Reznar, with Bradon and what had happened with Mina. Tobor even told Ben about the directions he'd given Mina. "I'm sorry Ben, I know it's likely my fault we were attacked." He finished, looking up at Ben.
“Do you not think this was important information?” Ben asked coldly. Tobor looked down, “I realise now, I should have told you before.”
Ben shook his head, “Seven hells, lad. I don’t know what to say. You put all our lives in danger.” He said disapprovingly. Tobor wrung his hands together, “I didn’t think they’d attack.” He said dumbly, well aware how that sounded.
“I’ll take this watch.” Ben said icily. “Go. Sleep. We have a few more hours before we’re leaving.”
Tobor knew better than to carry on arguing. He stood up and returned to the patch of grass he had slept on. Tobor rolled over and shut his eyes, but his mind was hard at work. He had no intention of falling asleep.
Tobor was planning his return to Meereen.
Thinking it through, Tobor knew he had a few hours to make it in and out of Meereen. He would need to leave soon, so as to make it back without anyone noticing. Tobor would go alone, he didn’t want to get anyone else hurt. Nobody would die because of me today, Tobor thought firmly.
Tobor felt a nudge at his back. Looking over his shoulder sharply, he saw Sibas poking him with a stick. ‘What?’ Tobor mouthed. Sibas glanced away, indicating that Tobor should follow his eyeline. Tobor looked where Sibas was motioning to and saw the cart where Jyro was.
Tobor looked back at Sibas and shrugged, as if to say “what about him?” Sibas rolled his eyes, he glanced back at Ben, who was only feet away and stood up slowly. He made his way over to Jyro and past the cart, down into the copse of trees below. Sibas beckoned Tobor over.
Tobor sighed quietly and followed, making sure Ben didn’t hear. “What do you want?” Tobor asked Sibas, not unkindly. Sibas kept his voice down, “What did Ben want?” He asked.
“Asked about the attack last night, so I told him about the man trying to kill me.” Tobor explained. Sibas bit his lip, “You sure that was a good idea?” He asked. Tobor shook his head, “No, but he was suspicious anyway. He would have known I was lying.”
Sibas nodded, “I understand. I’ve been thinking more about Jyro. I just don’t know what to do. Every time I think I’ve decided, I change my mind. We’re leaving soon and I think this is the last chance to take Jyro somewhere safe, or with us. I hate to admit it, but I need your help. What should I do?” He asked.
Tobor looked surprised, he hadn’t expected Sibas to need his advice. Jyro was his friend and Sibas had always seemed so headstrong and decisive. But Tobor thought it through, taking Jyro on a journey that would last weeks, or taking him back to Meereen to slavery. Was it worth the risk?
Tobor looked at Sibas.
["Bring him to Meereen"]["Bring him to the Disputed Lands"]
Hm, shorter but quicker parts are up on the table, aye? I approve, while I enjoy longer parts, I feel like having a more steady pace of parts to read can be nice as well. So, go ahead, I am fine with this!
And though short, I do like this part. Ben is currently one of my favourite characters, as I must admit, with my opinion on Tobor being so heavily affected, so him calling Tobor out was welcome. Had he told Ben about this, maybe it could have been prevented. Then again, Ben likely would have declined to take Mina along to begin with, so I don't know what it would have changed. Though I can see some future conflict coming up between him and Tobor, it seems he's really not on board with fighting against the hooded man and now I kinda think we might have made a mistake with telling him.
Nobody would die because of me today, Tobor thought firmly.
Well, good luck with that! Has it even been a whole day since he got one of his friends killed? Admittedly, as heartbroken as I am over the whole situation, it's good Tobor finally wakes up and realizes that yes, people have died for him and he can do something against this by acting more carefully. It's a bit too late, but better than never.
["Bring him to Meereen"]
The problem is, I don't think Jyro has much of a chance to survive the journey, after thinking things through. He is badly wounded and he'd need constant medical care. Ben is pragmatic and not without charm, but he is also an ice-cold bastard, let's be honest here. Why should he care what happens to Jyro? I doubt he's just going to slow down so that he can recover, or that he'll spend valuable medical supplies on him. Meereen won't be a good life for him, but at least it will be a life and given that I very much believe that Tobor will return one day to settle his score with Reznar and then he can hopefully help a recovered Jyro to escape slavery for good, but as things are right now, he is not fit to travel, not as harshly as a sellsword group is likely to do.
Making Deals and a Taste of Battle
Part II
“I did know them.” Tobor said. “Well, I know who they work for.” Ben looked him in the eye. … more“Who were they?” He asked.
“Ever since I got to Meereen, someone has been trying to kill me. I don’t know who they are, but they’ve been hiding in lies and deceit, turning my own friends against me. This man has tried to kill me several times, obviously failing so far. Each attempt has been less and less covert. Last night was the most recent attack.” Tobor told Ben, the old man widening his eyes and his expression hardening.
Tobor continued and told Ben about the rest of what the hooded man had done. Working with Reznar, with Bradon and what had happened with Mina. Tobor even told Ben about the directions he'd given Mina. "I'm sorry Ben, I know it's likely my fault we were attacked." He finished, looking up at Ben.
“Do you not think this was important information?” Ben asked coldly. Tobor looked… [view original content]
[Bring him to the Disputed Lands"] It'd be nice if we could ask him what he wants! I'm going to assume that Jyro would'nt approve of his friend sending him off to slavery, even with good intentions.
Making Deals and a Taste of Battle
Part II
“I did know them.” Tobor said. “Well, I know who they work for.” Ben looked him in the eye. … more“Who were they?” He asked.
“Ever since I got to Meereen, someone has been trying to kill me. I don’t know who they are, but they’ve been hiding in lies and deceit, turning my own friends against me. This man has tried to kill me several times, obviously failing so far. Each attempt has been less and less covert. Last night was the most recent attack.” Tobor told Ben, the old man widening his eyes and his expression hardening.
Tobor continued and told Ben about the rest of what the hooded man had done. Working with Reznar, with Bradon and what had happened with Mina. Tobor even told Ben about the directions he'd given Mina. "I'm sorry Ben, I know it's likely my fault we were attacked." He finished, looking up at Ben.
“Do you not think this was important information?” Ben asked coldly. Tobor looked… [view original content]
["Bring him to the Disputed Lands"]
I'm very conflicted with this choice, but like Liquid said, if he recovers there, they could eventually rescue him later. Hmm... I'm not certain though, and I might change my vote later.
Edit: I have changed my vote. I believe it would be highly uncharacteristic of Sibas to send him into slavery. Even if it is to recover. Especially, since it took everything out of him and Jyro to escape it, in the first place. Perhaps, the sell swords will be able to find a way to save him. Like you said, Ben doesn't want to have a dead kid, on his hands.
Making Deals and a Taste of Battle
Part II
“I did know them.” Tobor said. “Well, I know who they work for.” Ben looked him in the eye. … more“Who were they?” He asked.
“Ever since I got to Meereen, someone has been trying to kill me. I don’t know who they are, but they’ve been hiding in lies and deceit, turning my own friends against me. This man has tried to kill me several times, obviously failing so far. Each attempt has been less and less covert. Last night was the most recent attack.” Tobor told Ben, the old man widening his eyes and his expression hardening.
Tobor continued and told Ben about the rest of what the hooded man had done. Working with Reznar, with Bradon and what had happened with Mina. Tobor even told Ben about the directions he'd given Mina. "I'm sorry Ben, I know it's likely my fault we were attacked." He finished, looking up at Ben.
“Do you not think this was important information?” Ben asked coldly. Tobor looked… [view original content]
Yeah, I think Ben telling him he’s been a bit of an idiot is good for Tobor. While we do see him (or have seen him, in your case Liquid) as the hero of the story, we have to remember he is just a kid. So he definitely needs a kick up the arse.
Hmm, so you think telling him may be a mistake? With situations like this one, you see it a lot in Movies and Tv, where the protagonist has a choice to tell someone something important, but doesn’t in case they get in trouble, or the other person gets angry with them. Every time that happens, pretty much, the protagonist is silent and keeping the secret leads to so many more problems later on. So personally, I would have chosen to be upfront about it, even if Ben would have been angry with me.
While I mostly agree about Ben, I don’t think he’d push them as hard while travelling as he would without Jyro being injured. He doesn’t want to kill a kid. But he’s a sellsword at the end of the day, not known for their general niceness...
I think this ones actually a really difficult choice, if I may say so on one hand you have risk of death by travelling, on the other you have guaranteed slavery and pain. I’ll wait until the voting closes to say what I’d choose, just in case that might sway some unsure voters
Hm, shorter but quicker parts are up on the table, aye? I approve, while I enjoy longer parts, I feel like having a more steady pace of part… mores to read can be nice as well. So, go ahead, I am fine with this!
And though short, I do like this part. Ben is currently one of my favourite characters, as I must admit, with my opinion on Tobor being so heavily affected, so him calling Tobor out was welcome. Had he told Ben about this, maybe it could have been prevented. Then again, Ben likely would have declined to take Mina along to begin with, so I don't know what it would have changed. Though I can see some future conflict coming up between him and Tobor, it seems he's really not on board with fighting against the hooded man and now I kinda think we might have made a mistake with telling him.
Nobody would die because of me today, Tobor thought firmly.
Well, good luck with that! Has it even been a whole day since he got one of his fr… [view original content]
Aside from poking him to wake him up from his feverish unconsciousness I’m not sure how else we could try to as him what he wants
I suppose I probably should have had this information before the choice, but when I wrote it, this was all just one part. I promise it’ll make more sense next part
I think you’re underestimating just how much Jyro looks up to Sibas. Sibas is his best friend, almost brother, and he admires and trusts Sibas with all his heart. I think Jyro would be devastated to find out he was back in slavery, feel even worse when he found out Sibas put him there, but if it were explained that it was for the best, he would ultimately trust Sibas.
[Bring him to the Disputed Lands"] It'd be nice if we could ask him what he wants! I'm going to assume that Jyro would'nt approve of his friend sending him off to slavery, even with good intentions.
It is definitely a tough one! They may be able to rescue him again, but that’s if they return, and if Jyro is still there, he hadn’t been sold etc. Lots of things could happen between then..
["Bring him to the Disputed Lands"]
I'm very conflicted with this choice, but like Liquid said, if he recovers there, they could eventually… more rescue him later. Hmm... I'm not certain though, and I might change my vote later.
Edit: I have changed my vote. I believe it would be highly uncharacteristic of Sibas to send him into slavery. Even if it is to recover. Especially, since it took everything out of him and Jyro to escape it, in the first place. Perhaps, the sell swords will be able to find a way to save him. Like you said, Ben doesn't want to have a dead kid, on his hands.
["Bring him to Meereen"]
I think Sibas deep down knows this is the better option and is looking to Tobor to give him a way out so to speak to make the choice without it hurting to badly. In this leaving the sickly Jyro in Meereen just makes the most logical sense.
Making Deals and a Taste of Battle
Part II
“I did know them.” Tobor said. “Well, I know who they work for.” Ben looked him in the eye. … more“Who were they?” He asked.
“Ever since I got to Meereen, someone has been trying to kill me. I don’t know who they are, but they’ve been hiding in lies and deceit, turning my own friends against me. This man has tried to kill me several times, obviously failing so far. Each attempt has been less and less covert. Last night was the most recent attack.” Tobor told Ben, the old man widening his eyes and his expression hardening.
Tobor continued and told Ben about the rest of what the hooded man had done. Working with Reznar, with Bradon and what had happened with Mina. Tobor even told Ben about the directions he'd given Mina. "I'm sorry Ben, I know it's likely my fault we were attacked." He finished, looking up at Ben.
“Do you not think this was important information?” Ben asked coldly. Tobor looked… [view original content]
Tobor will advise Sibas to [Bring him to the Disputed Lands]
Jyro’s life hangs in the balance of this choice, my own decision would have likely been to bring him to the disputed lands, I believe it’s worth the risk when the alternative is slavery.
“We take him with us.” Tobor said firmly. “Jyro doesn’t deserve slavery and though the journey will be hard, and he may not survive, it is better than the alternative.”
Sibas looked worried, “I suppose you’re right. I just wish he’d wake up. Will you still go back to Meereen?” He asked. Tobor nodded confidently, “I must.” He responded. Tobor knew he had to, whatever wrath he must face from Ben when he returned couldn’t be avoided. Tobor needed to go.
“You have been a good friend, Arghurys. I will go with you if you wish for my help.” Sibas offered. Tobor thanked him but made no promises. He had been thinking heavily on the topic of who to bring with him, or whether to bring anyone at all.
Tobor knew Sibas would go if asked, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to risk his friend’s life. Miro, again was trustworthy but would he be able to help at all? It could be dangerous there, Miro couldn’t handle himself, Tobor thought.
There were also the other sellswords as options. Tobor had spoken to several, Armond who had escorted him through Meereen, Tygren and Tobor had exchanged words at the house and fought together when the hooded man attacked. There was Faahiro, who Tobor had learned was Armond’s companion. Caoki the Dothraki was another option. The slave who was with Sibas when they escaped the Pyramid. Tobor didn’t know how much he trusted Caoki, but he was loyal to Sibas and a formidable fighter.
Tobor ran through each one of the people he could bring with him, thinking through their strengths and weaknesses, deliberating on who would help the most and who he could trust to not tell Ben. The party shouldn’t exceed four, Tobor thought to himself.
But who to bring?
First Choice Pick up to three others to join Tobor [Caoki][Sibas][Armond][Faahrio][Tygren][Miro][Go alone]
“Arghurys, what will you tell Ben?” Sibas asked, pulling Tobor from his mind. “Nothing.” Came the response. “I cannot tell him anything, as he would stop me from going.” Tobor said. Sibas shook his head, “I meant after you get back.”
“I hope to get back before Ben notices I’m gone.” Tobor explained. Sibas didn’t find this comforting, “And if you don’t?” He asked. Tobor looked grim, “I suppose I have to accept the consequences.” He said shortly.
Sibas shrugged, “You don’t have to tell the truth you know.” He said, almost churlishly. Tobor frowned, “What do you mean?” He asked. Sibas grasped Tobor’s shoulder, “You Westerosi are always the same, with your honour and that sort of pig shit.”
Tobor went to respond to the insult but Sibas continued, “No, let me finish. It’s fine in Westeros, but out here, it’ll get you killed one day. When you get back, and Ben asks you what you were doing. Lie. Just don’t tell the truth. And I don’t mean withhold the truth, like you’re doing in the first place about leaving.”
Tobor shook his head, “It’s dishonourable to lie. Especially to someone who is helping us. Ben has saved our lives.” He said. Sibas sighed exasperatedly, “This is exactly what I mean, Ben isn’t helping us. He’s trapped us for his own gain as a sellsword. He’s not evil, sure. But he isn’t helping us. If it didn’t benefit him then he wouldn’t do it. Are you too naïve or stubborn to see that?”
Tobor opened his mouth and shut it again, unsure what to say. He threw up his arms in annoyance, “Why do you even care if I lie?” He asked, slightly irritated. Sibas bit the inside of his cheek, “What you do can affect me. I’m not being a cock by saying this, it’s just true. I like you, but I like myself more.”
“What would I even say?” Tobor asked, it was a weak point in the argument, but Tobor wasn’t sure what else to say, deep down he knew Sibas was likely right about lying being the correct choice.
Sibas shrugged, “I don’t know. You went for a piss, you went for something to eat, a ride. I’ll think of something while you’re gone, if I’m not with you of course, then when you get back, I’ll tell you if Ben knows you’re gone and how long he’s known. Just tell me, will you lie to Ben, if not for yourself, but for me?”
Making Deals and a Taste of Battle
Part III
“We take him with us.” Tobor said firmly. “Jyro doesn’t deserve slavery and though the jour… moreney will be hard, and he may not survive, it is better than the alternative.”
Sibas looked worried, “I suppose you’re right. I just wish he’d wake up. Will you still go back to Meereen?” He asked. Tobor nodded confidently, “I must.” He responded. Tobor knew he had to, whatever wrath he must face from Ben when he returned couldn’t be avoided. Tobor needed to go.
“You have been a good friend, Arghurys. I will go with you if you wish for my help.” Sibas offered. Tobor thanked him but made no promises. He had been thinking heavily on the topic of who to bring with him, or whether to bring anyone at all.
Tobor knew Sibas would go if asked, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to risk his friend’s life. Miro, again was trustworthy but would he be able to help at all? It could be dangerous there, Miro couldn… [view original content]
Making Deals and a Taste of Battle
Part III
“We take him with us.” Tobor said firmly. “Jyro doesn’t deserve slavery and though the jour… moreney will be hard, and he may not survive, it is better than the alternative.”
Sibas looked worried, “I suppose you’re right. I just wish he’d wake up. Will you still go back to Meereen?” He asked. Tobor nodded confidently, “I must.” He responded. Tobor knew he had to, whatever wrath he must face from Ben when he returned couldn’t be avoided. Tobor needed to go.
“You have been a good friend, Arghurys. I will go with you if you wish for my help.” Sibas offered. Tobor thanked him but made no promises. He had been thinking heavily on the topic of who to bring with him, or whether to bring anyone at all.
Tobor knew Sibas would go if asked, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to risk his friend’s life. Miro, again was trustworthy but would he be able to help at all? It could be dangerous there, Miro couldn… [view original content]
I would not be opposed to Armond all that much, but I think during the trip to Meereen, Tobor should take only those whose loyalty he can absolutely count on, no gambles. Sibas is one of them and while I don't know too much about Caoki, his loyalty to Sibas and their history together convinces me that he can be trusted. And then there is Miro, probably the one that can be trusted the most. He might not be much of a fighter, but if Tobor gets into a fight in Meereen, chances are one more fighter won't make much of a difference either way, his focus should be on being swift and stealthy and to avoid conflict as much as possible. And that is something I think Miro could actually add to the task, he's not much of a fighter, but he is unassuming and unlikely to draw any extra attention towards them. If they get into a fight, an opponent would be suicidal to ignore the three fighters already present and focus on the one guy who is not a threat, so I think he'll be fine.
["Yes, I will"]
I think this is an important choice for Tobor. We know how heavily I criticize him for the whole Mina debacle and this right here, while unlikely to have the same effect, is at least somewhat comparable. Back with Mina, he was too focussed on himself to even fully comprehend how his actions could affect her. I think this is what I'm really blaming him for. I would like for him to consider his friends' well-being more often and, if necessary, to place it as high as possible. We can't undo what happened, but we can at least prevent this from happening ever again. By lying to Ben, Tobor can make sure that Sibas won't get into trouble for helping him out in something that doesn't personally concern him. Sibas is taking a risk for Tobor, the least he can do in return is to stop and think how this may affect him and, as a consequence, make a compromise for his friend.
Making Deals and a Taste of Battle
Part III
“We take him with us.” Tobor said firmly. “Jyro doesn’t deserve slavery and though the jour… moreney will be hard, and he may not survive, it is better than the alternative.”
Sibas looked worried, “I suppose you’re right. I just wish he’d wake up. Will you still go back to Meereen?” He asked. Tobor nodded confidently, “I must.” He responded. Tobor knew he had to, whatever wrath he must face from Ben when he returned couldn’t be avoided. Tobor needed to go.
“You have been a good friend, Arghurys. I will go with you if you wish for my help.” Sibas offered. Tobor thanked him but made no promises. He had been thinking heavily on the topic of who to bring with him, or whether to bring anyone at all.
Tobor knew Sibas would go if asked, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to risk his friend’s life. Miro, again was trustworthy but would he be able to help at all? It could be dangerous there, Miro couldn… [view original content]
Making Deals and a Taste of Battle
Part III
“We take him with us.” Tobor said firmly. “Jyro doesn’t deserve slavery and though the jour… moreney will be hard, and he may not survive, it is better than the alternative.”
Sibas looked worried, “I suppose you’re right. I just wish he’d wake up. Will you still go back to Meereen?” He asked. Tobor nodded confidently, “I must.” He responded. Tobor knew he had to, whatever wrath he must face from Ben when he returned couldn’t be avoided. Tobor needed to go.
“You have been a good friend, Arghurys. I will go with you if you wish for my help.” Sibas offered. Tobor thanked him but made no promises. He had been thinking heavily on the topic of who to bring with him, or whether to bring anyone at all.
Tobor knew Sibas would go if asked, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to risk his friend’s life. Miro, again was trustworthy but would he be able to help at all? It could be dangerous there, Miro couldn… [view original content]
[Caoki] [Sibas] [Miro] While Miro might not be very useful in a fight, anyone else has ties to Ben and may not keep this a secret. I really like this choice btw! Super interesting. Part of me is actually imagining the party selection screen from Dragon Age.
[No, I can't] I think this could be an important character decision for Tobor. We can see he's already changing a great deal, in some ways for the worst. I think it's important that he doesn't cast aside his values.
Making Deals and a Taste of Battle
Part III
“We take him with us.” Tobor said firmly. “Jyro doesn’t deserve slavery and though the jour… moreney will be hard, and he may not survive, it is better than the alternative.”
Sibas looked worried, “I suppose you’re right. I just wish he’d wake up. Will you still go back to Meereen?” He asked. Tobor nodded confidently, “I must.” He responded. Tobor knew he had to, whatever wrath he must face from Ben when he returned couldn’t be avoided. Tobor needed to go.
“You have been a good friend, Arghurys. I will go with you if you wish for my help.” Sibas offered. Tobor thanked him but made no promises. He had been thinking heavily on the topic of who to bring with him, or whether to bring anyone at all.
Tobor knew Sibas would go if asked, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to risk his friend’s life. Miro, again was trustworthy but would he be able to help at all? It could be dangerous there, Miro couldn… [view original content]
Yeah this was one of the choices that I went back and added, I had originally written it with Tobor, Miro and Sibas going, but I wanted to see who you guys would pick and I thought it was an interesting new type of choice I hadn’t done yet.
I actually drew inspiration from the walking dead season 1 where Lee (depending on his previous choices) will be accompanied by different people and also Tales from the Borderlands where Rhys and Fiona can choose different members for their team to find the vault.
If you, or anyone else for that matter, have ideas for new types of choices (Like what to say, what to do, where to go or whatever) then let me know! I’m always open to do new choices
[Caoki] [Sibas] [Miro] While Miro might not be very useful in a fight, anyone else has ties to Ben and may not keep this a secret. I really … morelike this choice btw! Super interesting. Part of me is actually imagining the party selection screen from Dragon Age.
[No, I can't] I think this could be an important character decision for Tobor. We can see he's already changing a great deal, in some ways for the worst. I think it's important that he doesn't cast aside his values.
Just in regards to taking only those who he trusts, I guess if you really wanted to ensure that it would have been possible to exclude Caoki and bring just 2 with him. I’m curious about your thought process with him, is it just about Sibas trusts him so Tobor can, or is there more to it?
I think another benefit to Miro is that he knows Meereen a bit more than any of the others, or at least more than Tobor!
I understand what you mean with the lying choice, I think it’s a bit more complex than a simple do you want to lie or not. Protect your friends or your honour kinda thing. I think it comes down to whether Sibas saying honour doesn’t work out is true or not. I’m not totally sure about it, so it’ll be interesting to see how it works out if Tobor stays honourable over the entire story
[Caoki] [Sibas] [Miro]
I would not be opposed to Armond all that much, but I think during the trip to Meereen, Tobor should take only tho… morese whose loyalty he can absolutely count on, no gambles. Sibas is one of them and while I don't know too much about Caoki, his loyalty to Sibas and their history together convinces me that he can be trusted. And then there is Miro, probably the one that can be trusted the most. He might not be much of a fighter, but if Tobor gets into a fight in Meereen, chances are one more fighter won't make much of a difference either way, his focus should be on being swift and stealthy and to avoid conflict as much as possible. And that is something I think Miro could actually add to the task, he's not much of a fighter, but he is unassuming and unlikely to draw any extra attention towards them. If they get into a fight, an opponent would be suicidal to ignore the three fighters already present and focus on the one gu… [view original content]
Here I must say, it is not that I do not care for Tobor's journey. It is just that a major part of why I am so involved in all this is the personal connection. I have put a great deal of care into polishing Mina's character during her submission. Tobor being a badass and stuff like that, it is great, it is fun to read, he is a compelling character. But nothing beats the joy of having him interact with a character I contributed to the story. Nothing beats the concern over a character I poured heart's blood into, the feeling of triumph of having them succeed against all odds and hardships. I simply cannot have the same connection to Tobor, as much as I can enjoy him as a character. And I don't have hopes for Tobor's journey to end even remotely positive from my perspective, as much as it pains me to say that.
And well, I know it is unfair of me to blame Tobor. At the same time, I made it clear time and again, my priority is bringing Mina through this alive. It failed and she died because she got involved with Tobor. It doesn't matter if she chose to help him, she has only ever gotten into this mess because of him. I know it is entirely unreasonable, but after just losing my very own in such a crushingly depressing scene (and no, it is not only the fact that she died, but also the fact that it happened so soon, so brutal and so pointlessly), I just cannot ignore that it wouldn't have happened without Tobor's involvement. I just cannot go on and root for him. It simply isn't the same and it has changed for the worse, the far worse. Fact is, Tobor had a chance at saving her, he botched it even if he did not mean to. But the one actually affected by this is Mina. She is dead now and yes, with how much I adored her, I find myself regretting that she ever got involved with him. Worse than that, hearing how unlikely it has been that she died, how every single one of these three choices had to end in a particular way and how it is literally my fault for picking these options, it makes me feel personally guilty. And I see literally every single one of these alternative options as better, more intriguing and exciting, so the fact that we somehow ended up picking the only option that is causing this terrible heartbreak... well, it makes me feel only worse about the whole thing. Might have even been better if she would have died regardless, but now I am left with these thoughts of how easily this utter disaster could have been prevented. As you said, Mina was my character in the story. I know it is Tobor's story, not Mina's, not Tazhyn's, not that of this hooded piece of shit, but that does not change the fact that she was the one I was most involved in, the compass I directed my choices around. She is gone and I honestly cannot hide my utter disappointment after you have been hyping up potential stuff in her future so much. I feel like there is no point for me to make the choices as I want. There is no way the hooded man and each and every one of his men suffer the fate I want for them (which would make Theon's ordeal at the hands of Ramsay look trivial), so I just as well go and help Agent with not losing his excitement as well. Top of that, Agent has simply been right with every single one of these choices, as unlikely as it has been, so I figure if I would have started to just support his preferred action earlier, this entire disaster could have been avoided. It's too late for my own excitement now, but well, I actually just now came to a conclusion. I know this is Agent's approach as well in a lot of cases, trying to prevent characters from dying. I will try my best not only to support his choices, but to prevent this feeling of crushing dread from happening to any other reader. It doesn't matter to me, won't change how I feel, but while I presume my own feelings on the subject are quite a lot more extreme than some of the others might feel, I would hate if one of the other readers has to go through but a fragment of this. I really cannot see the point in rooting for the hooded man's death, or for the survival of Tobor, or Sibas, or Tazhyn, because at the end of the day, it all comes with the sour aftertaste of this scene for me, but the only other option would be to stop reading entirely and spare me the heartbreak that is undoubtedly to follow once Mina's fate is brought up. That is not an option for me, because I have followed this story for so long and I couldn't bring myself to never read it again even though every part from now on will leave me with the bad memory of this part. So, at least right now, without having slept over it, I don't have any intention of abandoning the story. At least I don't have to fear that any part will hit me on such a personal level anymore, albeit I'd take a thousand heartbreaks over Mina's death.
To be fair, Liquid. I was the only one who voted to burn the note. Even if you voted for it, it would've lost. I believe the same can be said of throwing the stone. You can't really say it was your fault. I know you and I think pretty differently on matters like this, but I don't think it's fair to play the blame game. No one except for the Hooded man should be blamed for what happened. I think it's especially unfair to blame Tobor. Even though he does blame himself. Those are just my thoughts though. I don't expect to change your mind.
Well, I am truly sorry for making it seem so futile. I do hope you can continue reading and that you do decide to vote as you would want to. But at the end of the day, it is your choice if you wish to support Agent.
I also hope that you can find yourself rooting for Tobor again, Yes he made mistakes but everyone does. He will atone for them, he will blame himself and he will come out stronger for it. You and I both see this story differently (you submitted Mina so you follow her), and so I can completely understand that it feels like the story is over. But what Mina has given up, can drive Tobor forward, think of it as a revenge story for Tobor. And like you said, ~10 chapters left, I'm confident in the future a character will show up that you can feel for, perhaps not as much as Mina, but still a lot.
I just want to say, give it a chance. Who knows what good is coming up in the future?
You are right. Even now I know you are right. I can't help but feel that maybe me advocating so passionately for these options has influenced the ultimate outcome and if I would have supported your reasoning instead, maybe things would have ended up differently. In a way, I feel like I should blame myself more than I should blame Tobor. And here's the thing, I am fully aware on a neutral level that he is not to be blamed here, at least not in any major way that should ruin his character for me. A lack of care is the worst he can objectively be blamed for. But I just cannot stay objective here, because of how heavily I feel involved in this case. I know, the hooded man and his thugs are truly to blame here (and aye, I don't really differentiate between him and his men. They're dead to me all the same), but whenever I think of Tobor, it leaves a bad taste that he could have done something, he could have prevented this. It's not fair, I know, but I am not sure if my views on him will change significantly once the initial shock has died down.
Yeah, as I said, I don't think I will stop reading. It'll just be different and I don't know if it's for the better. Don't think so at least. I mean, don't get me wrong, you won't lose me as a reader or anything, that'd be pretty extreme, but I cannot deny that this scene was a bit too much to take in for me while keeping that level of investment. The enthusiasm I had, especially for my choices, that kinda feels gone right now, though I suppose I wait until there actually is the next choice to decide on my future voting strategy. Right now, supporting Agent in his votes sounds like as good an approach as any other, probably even better given that I should have done so all along. My own goal failed miserably and I don't really feel the drive to pick up a new goal. Neither do I want to vote randomly. Don't think that'll change too much, but it would feel a bit too cheap.
And Tobor... eh, as I said, I'm not sure, I feel really conflicted about him. I mean, he is the hero, we have seen his development for several chapters now and I don't want to dislike him. At the same time, it feels like my opinion on him is tarnished now. Like, if it boils down to him or the hooded man, I would obviously always root for Tobor, but it's more of a situation which of these two I dislike less than the other. There is always going to be this afterthought of him having played a part in Mina's fate, no matter how unwilling, that things would have been different if they would have never crossed paths. I can't blend that out. It's not fully blown hatred towards him, but more this dark spot that makes me feel hollow whenever I imagine the stuff he could do. Taking revenge on the hooded man for example, surely something that'd make for a great and empowering moment for Tobor, but it won't be a revenge that matters to me. I keep thinking about how he kills the hooded man and I don't think it'll make me feel better, cause it won't change a thing. I'm all about the angry, burning kind of revenge, the one that is vicious and hard to swallow down but leaves me ultimately satisfied. In this case though, I feel like even if the hooded man gets exactly what he deserves (and as I said, that'd be so messy that I don't even know what it is), I wouldn't feel glad about it. It'd be more of a cold and somewhat futile type of revenge and that is something I have never really been a fan of. Don't get me wrong, that does sound like a strategy, picking vengeful choices in the hopes that I'll find something worthwile in Tobor massacring the hooded man's creatures left and right, but I am not sure it'll help. Well, I know it will help to have them gone, but I fear it will be many chapters until the hooded man will be gone and the thought of having him around so much longer, I don't know how to feel about it. Not good, that is for sure.
I also must admit, if there is one thing I am still somewhat looking forward for, it is new characters. Out of the ones currently introduced, many took quite a heavy hit and I feel like Tazhyn is the only one I can think of whom I'd say I like unconditionally. That ain't much and it has been kinda hinted that she won't get much focus, so I hope the new characters in Tobor's storyline can help with a fresh start. Not sure if there's one among them I'd truly grow to like, because I must be honest here, I find myself kinda reluctant to grow attached to one of them. I doubt it, alright. As I said, right now I am feeling mostly drained though, kinda hollow and I am really not certain how it will continue. I have this mad hope that there's some sort of a twist involved with Mina's fate, but it is too little to actually trust in. So, new characters. I suppose I'll give them a fair chance to win me over, but I don't think I can feel super passionate about them. That approach didn't work out, though perhaps seeing them with a bit more distance won't even be a bad thing in some cases.
As flattered as I am I would prefer you make your own choices. What if voted for Tobor to become a raving lunatic?
Jokes aside you should seriously choose what you personally think is the better choice.
Valar Morghulis. Choices led there and what happened, happened. Game of Thrones universe is not all fluffs and smiles - in conclusion, I liked the part, even if the ending was sad. Tobor won't be able to forgive himself when he will realize what happened. It was quite a intense 24h for him after all and now he may not realize everything his decisions caused.
Hey Liquid, I just want to say that I believe your anger at Tobor seems really misplaced. He had no way of knowing that leaving her at her house would lead to her being captured by the hooded man. He thought she was safe. He thought she was going to go with them after she talked to her brother. He tried going after the hooded man after the failed attack, but Sibas rightly stopped him. He would have been killed if he went alone. Plus the sells words weren't going to let him find Mina because they were all leaving anyways. Plus, his lack of sleep was draining him physically and mentally after his very rough day. Also, like bittersteel said, her fate wasn't sealed from the beginning. Unfortunately, it was our choices trying to save her that ended up getting her killed. We didn't know our choices were leading to this conclusion, but we can't blame Tobor or Bittersteel, for the end result.
I agree
Well, my grudge towards Tobor isn't something I actually expect anyone to share or even just agree with, nor is it, admittedly, something that is entirely rational, albeit I actually have a train of thoughts behind that, which I would like to explain now that I am able to. The thing is, I tried nothing harder than getting Mina through this alive, now she is very likely dead no matter how many crazy theories I bring up, Tobor could have prevented it and this is enough for me to have this grudge against him. If it would have been anyone else, I probably would have been more open to logical arguments, but the fact is that with Mina, it's personal. It isn't comparable to the violent hatred I have towards the hooded man and everyone even remotely affiliated with him, but it is something that really tarnishes my view on him and getting out of that, I don't know. What I do blame Tobor for is simple and might even make sense from a certain perspective. Mina did risk her life for him, time and again. While she ultimately decided to reveal his location, the alternative would have, at least in that moment been something nobody could have asked of her. Actually, nobody could have asked of her to risk her life for Tobor all the times she did it before. And that she did, for him, in a fight that should have never been hers to begin with, simply because she valued him and their friendship so much. The first and only time Tobor absolutely had to do the same for her, for his friend who took countless personal risks without ever asking for anything in return, he didn't and it highly appears that she died for it. For the record, I am convinced that he could have done something if he would have tried hard enough and been willing to take enough risks, just like how I am convinced that Mina would have done exactly that for him, had their roles been reversed. She wouldn't have backed down, she would have gone and at least tried to save him, because it appears she valued him higher than he valued her. Of course, the hooded man did the deed, but my anger is a vicious thing and the mere fact that Tobor chickened out and left Mina to pay his price is enough to, well, not make me hate him like I hate the hooded man and his band of monsters, but to make me utterly disappointed at him. And yeah, after sleeping over this, I do say it is more a crushing disappointment at Tobor than real anger. I simply expected better from him than that, I expected of him to help his friends as they helped him and I remain doubtful if my view on him can recover, considering the personal nature of my grudge and the apparently very final consequences of his actions. Between him and the hooded man, be assured that I will choose to support Tobor any time, if only because he is the only one who can potentially grant me a wicked revenge, but I am so deeply and properly disappointed in him that it makes truly rooting for him an effort I remain unwilling to undertake. We'll see. There might be some satisfaction to be gained from the things he is hopefully going to do to the hooded man and his followers, so I won't say there is no ground to give me more positive feelings when thinking about him in the future, but right now, I am honestly and utterly crushed, with all I have left to do at the moment being lashing out at any character involved in Mina's fate, be it Tobor or the sellswords who stopped him from leaving or (especially) the hooded man and any of his degenerates. Tobor isn't dead to me as I said in my initial shock, but with my explanation out of the way, you might be able to understand why he does leave a sour taste in my mouth and why I am simply unable to see him as positively as I used to.
While I do understand this, there’s just one part I wanted to focus on and ask you about. You say “I am convinced that Mina would have done exactly that for him, had their roles been reversed. She wouldn’t have backed down, she would have gone and at least tried to save him, because it appears she valued him higher than he valued her.”
However, this just brought something up in my mind that I read in your Character submission for Mina. I hope you don’t mind me quoting it below
“She is quick to flee if a situation becomes dangerous, as she justifies this by maintaining her ability to always return later. This could go as far as her leaving someone behind, only to return later on to help them out when things have calmed down.”
Would you say that this would apply to the situation Tobor had, if the roles were reversed. Say Tobor was captured and Mina had just been attacked by the hooded man. Would Mina not flee the situation and tell herself she could return later?
Bear in mind I’m not saying this to ‘call you out’ or anything like that, I would understand if this situation doesn’t apply to Mina’s description in the Submission. I’m just curious. And if it does apply, would that aid in you sort of understanding Tobor’s motives?
After all, he didn’t exactly flee, he even tried to run after the hooded man. It was only after Sibas stopped him that Tobor figured it wasn’t worth running after him, with how tired he was and how drained he was. I’m confident in saying that Tobor would not have been able to persuade anyone to join him right there and then to help him follow the hooded man, and I’m confident in saying that Tobor would not have been able to fight the hooded man. Had he gone after the hooded man, Tobor would be dead.
Well one thing you have to remember is that Tobor didn't even realize that Mina was captured by the Hooded man. It probably won't be until he rests and he can mentally recover from his rough day that he realizes that the only way the Hooded man could have found them is if she was forced to give up their location.
Admittedly, that is an excellent question and one where I am not entirely certain how impartial my answer can be, because I am equal parts biased and bitter. Obviously, my anger at Tobor does run a bit deeper than that, might really be because it's Mina and she's dead and he could have done something. A slight bit on the petty side, but with that in mind, you can probably understand just why I am so angry at anyone involved, be they actively responsible like the hooded man and his disgusting posse, or could have done something, like Tobor. What might have helped in making me less disappointed in him is if he would have at least tried. I don't expect of him to willingly and knowingly sacrifice his life, but I expected of him to care enough to at least attempt something. And I believe that is what Mina would have done. Maybe she wouldn't have outright chased the hooded man with a raised weapon, but I think she would have done something. Sneaking after him for example, or at least trying to convince the sellswords to accompany her, to get revenge for their killed companions. Even if they ultimately would have declined to follow him, it would have been worth a try and where I think Mina would have tried something, Tobor just hasn't, besides a fleeting thought of slight worry right as Mina was literally led to her own execution. All it took was a few words from Sibas and he seems to have given up on doing anything. That is something I don't think Mina would have done. Of course, she and Tobor have a different set of abilities. Unlike her, he is a fighter, so a situation that would have been dangerous for her wouldn't have been for him, but I think she wouldn't have just sat down and done nothing. Now, you and Tales are right to say that he wasn't in a proper state of mind, that he was tired and exhausted and not thinking straight. This is true, I admit it, but on the other hand, this means that in that moment, he was unable to focus on anything but what was truly important to him and it wasn't Mina. Compare that to her even including him in her very final thoughts. While there are some points that can be brought up in Tobor's favour (and really, if not for them I'd legitimately hate him, because at least as things are now, he hasn't acted out of any malice), there was an undeniable one-sidedness to their friendship. I mean, even in the alternative route where Tobor would just flat out not go and visit her, therefore choosing Tazhyn instead, she would have tried to find him. While I won't go as far as to say that she meant nothing to him, I think this final part really made it clear that she has always been willing to put more effort, thought and risk into their friendship, just short of actual self-sacrificing choices such as burning the paper. Since I'm running out of straws to grasp for her survival, it is unlikely this one-sidedness can get any better. Best I can hope for is that he'll eventually come to the same conclusion, but him beating himself up over this won't make me feel much better (though it'd be an improvement over the way things were with him). As I said, it might be that I am irrational here and please don't expect me to make proper sense in anything related to Mina and her fate, but to me this sounds like a legitimate reason to be disappointed in Tobor.
Making Deals and a Taste of Battle
Part I
Tobor Hightower looked at the city of Meereen in the distance. Less than a day after leaving the place that had caused him so much pain, he knew he had to return.
Tobor thought about the previous night. How they had been attacked, how they’d fought the attackers off and how they’d left. Tobor still remembered how the city looked as he walked through the gates.
After leaving, the sellsword troupe had made their way to the nearest village and picked up supplies, horses and water. The sun had risen and dawn was fully broken over the coast. Ben had handed a horse to Tobor and told him they couldn’t stay here, whoever attacked them could be following.
After making their way to the road to Yunkai, Ben had led them off the path towards a more mountainous area, he’d had them separate and meet up later on to make them harder to track.
Camp had been set up quickly with small tents erected, the mood was dulled on account of the deaths that had occurred the previous night. Hoarse toasts were said for the dead then Ben told everyone to get some rest. Tobor had settled down on the grassy floor and closed his eyes.
Tobor was woken later on by a sellsword who told him it was his watch. Tobor took his arakh and sat outside, the day had started becoming hot. But there was still the cool mountain breeze that rustled through Tobor’s long hair.
Tobor held a rag and drew it back and forth the length of his blade. The silver was still stained with blood, a dark red-brown colour splattered over the metal. Tobor spat on the rag and continued, never taking his eyes off Meereen.
Tobor could see the port, see ships sailing in with the produce and goods for the coming market. Tobor expected there to be many soon to be slaves arriving in Meereen. He thought back to when he arrived there. Tobor massaged his wrists, still feeling the ropes that had bound him. He remembered the guard that had been beating Bradon and what had happened after.
Tobor gripped the handle of his arakh harder as he thought about all that had happened, how he’d beaten the guard to save Bradon, how Bradon had betrayed him regardless, all the arena fights, all the death, all the mistrust, the hooded man and then Tobor thought of Mina.
Tobor hissed through his teeth and swore as he realised he’d grasped the blade of the sword with his other hand. Through the rag it wasn’t bad, but Tobor inspected the four separate cuts that ran horizontally across his fingers. Blood oozed through the slits on his hand.
Tobor shook his hand in the air as if swatting the pain away then sucked each one of the cuts. Tobor rested his forehead in his other hand and sighed, rubbing his brow. Could the hooded man have found them on his own?
That was the question that had plagued Tobor’s mind. That was the question that had kept him awake. Even after falling asleep, Tobor felt like he had dreamed the question and when he woke up, despite feeling well rested, Tobor felt like he hadn’t slept at all contradictory thought it was.
Tobor had told Mina where they were, Mina had it written on paper. But she’d never showed up. The hooded man had instead. Tobor wanted to believe that the hooded man hadn’t found her, but the alternative made more sense. Tobor gritted his teeth and felt hot as his face flushed with guilt. Mina hadn’t showed because the hooded man got to her, and Tobor told himself he could have prevented it.
This was why Tobor knew he had to return to Meereen.
“You keeping many enemies at bay?” Came a voice behind Tobor, who whirled around at once and snatching up his arakh. Sibas chuckled, “Put that thing down.” He said lightly. Sibas walked over and sat down on the grass beside Tobor.
Tobor returned to wiping the arakh with the rag. “I heard you swear.” Sibas said. Tobor smiled briefly, it wasn’t a true smile, and nodded. “Cut myself.” He said shortly.
Sibas yawned, “Best be careful then, you could lose a finger.” He said jokingly. Sibas saw Tobor’s reaction, or lack thereof, and sighed. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be joking after last night. After what happened.”
Tobor shrugged, “You can’t change it.” He said simply. Sibas nodded. “I know, but still. After what you told me. This man in a hood, the girl Mina and this ‘trying to kill you’ business. I don’t know, maybe jokes are a bad idea.”
Tobor breathed heavily out his nose in a long sigh. He thought about telling Sibas about wanting to go back to Meereen. Tobor opened his mouth to speak.
“The thing is, I just don’t know what to do about Jyro.” Sibas said. Tobor closed his mouth and looked at him quizzically. “What about him?” Tobor asked.
Sibas bit the inside of his cheek. “He’s gotten no stronger.” He said. Tobor shrugged, “It has only been a day.” He reminded Sibas who nodded, “I know, but still, shouldn’t he have gotten a little better? His breathing is laboured and weak, his eyes bloodshot and his wounds angry. I don’t know if he’ll survive.”
Tobor wasn’t quite sure what to say, “I suppose, you could take him to the village and get him cared for there.” He suggested. Sibas mulled this over but shook his head. “There’s no way to guarantee he would be cared for. Once we left they could just leave him. And there’s not a chance that Ben would let us stay there while he recovers.”
Tobor nodded, “You’re right.” He admitted. “But what’s the alternative, except from taking him with us to the disputed lands?” He asked.
Sibas looked up, at Tobor. “Meereen.” He said simply. Tobor raised his eyebrows. Sibas held up his hands, “Look, I know what you’re going to say. We just escaped, why go back. But Ben mentioned the temple of the Graces right? He had contacts there, I go there and tell them I’m a friend of Ben’s and he gets treated and sent to a better master.”
Tobor nodded, “It’s possible, but are you sure slavery is the right choice?” He asked. Sibas shook his head, “No, not at all. I don’t know whether to risk killing him to take him to where we are going or give him back to the people who made our lives hell.”
Tobor shrugged, “He would be going to a different master, it’s not like Reznar will ever find out. The journey to Myr and Tyrosh is a long one. But he could survive it, don’t you think Jyro would want to stay with us?”
Sibas stood up, “Dammit Tobor, I wanted you to tell me my idea was the right one, not to put more doubt in my head.” He said sharply, but then calmed down. “Sorry, I’m not truly angry, not with you anyway. I just don’t know what to do.” He admitted.
Tobor took a breath, “Well if it helps make your choice clearer, I am going back to Meereen to.” He told Sibas. “What? Why?” Sibas said, taken aback.
“I told you about Mina. How she helped me when I was a slave, well she was the one I visited yesterday evening. I saw her and we talked, then I offered that she join us and she said yes. Mina wanted to stay and wait for her brother, so I left her directions to where we were staying. I know now I should have waited or brought her with us. Because she never came.” Tobor said.
Sibas’ eyes widened, “Those men did instead.” He finished. “You think they found her and then found us.” He said. Tobor nodded, “I know it.” He said grimly. “It’s my fault, the deaths of those two sellswords. That’s on me.” He said, feeling a hollow pit in his stomach. Tobor couldn’t quite bring himself to say “And whatever happened to Mina.”
Sibas shook his head, “How could you have known?” He asked. Tobor laughed bitterly, “I should have. But I can’t change the past. All I can do is try to make it right. I’m going to go back to Meereen, find Mina and kill the man with the hood. If you want, come with me and we can take Jyro while we’re there.”
“Take Jyro where?” Came another voice behind them. Tobor and Sibas both looked behind them to see Ben exit his tent, yawning and scratching his beard. Sibas scrambled to answer, “To get medical care. I’m considering taking him to the village we passed.” He lied quickly.
Ben nodded, “Tobor, we need to talk.” He said. “Sibas can you give us a moment.”
Once Sibas had left, Ben looked at Tobor. “You been in a fight like last night before?” He asked Tobor. “Yes.” Came the answer.
Ben nodded, “I could tell. You had all the signs of a boy who’s seen combat.” He said. Tobor nodded, “Thank you.” He said. Ben looked at him with an eyebrow raised. “It wasn’t a compliment lad. You were brash, you charged upstairs alone. Armond saved you if I’m not mistaken. You need to fight like a man, mature and with more care. Not a dog.” He said sternly.
Tobor wasn’t sure what to say. Ben sighed, “But I can’t deny you handled yourself well, for what it’s worth. You can fight, I’ll give you that.” He said. “That was a compliment, by the way.” Ben said, slightly friendlier.
Tobor smiled slightly, “Thank you.” He repeated. Ben offered him a skin, “Here, drink.” He commanded. Tobor took the skin and took a long draught. Immediately he coughed as the liquid burnt the back of his throat. “That’s not water.” He choked.
Ben chuckled, “And it isn’t a pussy’s wine drink either. That’ll put hairs on your chest.” Tobor coughed and shook his head. “I’ll try it again in a few months, let me recover first.” He said, half joking.
Ben laughed, “In any case, I did need to talk to you. I wanted to ask. You know who the men were who attacked us last night?” He asked. Tobor frowned slightly at the change of pace. Before he could answer, Ben continued speaking.
“It’s only, I saw you try to run after them once we’d fought them off. Only time I see that is when it’s personal, or you just like killing.” Ben said darkly. Tobor shrugged, “What if I didn’t want them attacking again?” He asked. Tobor didn’t know if he was quite ready to tell Ben everything yet. What if he was angry about Tobor possibly leading the men right to them? Ben may not be so understanding as Sibas.
Ben scratched his chin, “Perhaps. But I’d find that hard to believe as your reason.” He said. Tobor looked away, back at Meereen in the distance. Should he tell Ben about the hooded man? It could explain a lot to him, but Tobor still didn’t know whether he trusted the old sellsword.
Then there was the matter of going back to Meereen. Would Ben understand Tobor returning to Meereen or would he try to stop him? Tobor figured he may just be able to sneak away if he didn’t want to tell Ben. How much did Tobor trust the old bearded sellsword?
Choice 1
[Tell Ben about the Hooded Man] [Don’t tell Ben about the Hooded man]
Choice 2
[Tell Ben about the plan to go to Meereen] [Sneak off in Secret]
Hm, here we are again. I have to admit, I was a bit curious how Tobor would react in this part. I think I made my opinion about him very clear, but this part did somewhat develop my views. First of all, it is as I feared, there is this sour taste he leaves, as my opinion on him has certainly suffered a heavy blow. I mean, don't get me wrong, it is nice he at least finally thinks about Mina, but this isn't really making things better. He fucked up tremendously and I am really not sure what he can do for me to completely forgive him. Though, I am not certain if this is even necessary. It won't be as it used to be, but perhaps I don't need to wholeheartedly like and support him in order to enjoy the things to come. Preferably if they involve blood and various chopped off body parts belonging to the Hooded Man and his creatures. I don't have to like Tobor to understand that no matter what, he has a goal I can agree with. And well, while it is borderline painful that he thinks about her only now, it is admittedly a step into the right direction that he at least finally realizes what happened to Mina and his own role in these events. Maybe he's not a bad friend, just a terribly thoughtless one. Everything involving his feelings about Mina is a classic case of too little too late, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate it, in my own, bitter, petty and heavily biased way. At least the alternative would be worse, so this still is the best he can do after messing up so tremendously. I suppose time will tell how my opinion on him will further develop, but at least for now, I still find it hard to root for him as before, though I am finding alternative ways to support his journey. If not for his survival and victory, maybe I can root for vengeance and no matter what, once Tobor fully learns about what happened to Mina, I am willing to bet he shares this goal with me. We'll see how or if my bitterness about him will fade, but I at least think there's still some ground where he can relate to me. This is an improvement, I think, but it's far from the way I felt about him. Ah well, it matters not. Mina is dead, Tobor's own involvement in this is not something I can forget and I find forgiveness extremely hard to grant, but as long as there are others more responsible, I feel like I can easily focus my anger at them for the time being.
[Tell Ben about the Hooded Man]
Well... I do know that Ben is not someone to trust any more than necessary. However, in this case, I actually do trust him. His men have been killed, one of his men is the Hooded Man's target and the way I see it, he has no reason to turn against Tobor with this knowledge. They have a common enemy, in a way, and I think it is important that Ben at least knows about his existence.
[Sneak off in Secret]
This however, no. No way he'll let Tobor go back to Meereen. After all, there is the possibility that Tobor could use the chance to just leave and avoid his contract with the Second Sons. It won't make any difference to me if he returns to Meereen or not, but maybe if he returns, he gets a chance to kill some of these Hooded Man bastards and I would somewhat prefer that over doing nothing once again.
[Tell Ben about the Hooded Man] Best to be honest. Can't do anything with the info anyway.
[Sneak off in Secret] However... Tobor should sneak away. I don't think Ben will help him.
[Tell Ben about the Hooded Man]
[Sneak off in Secret]
[Tell Ben about the Hoded men]
[Sneak it off in secret]
[Tell Ben about the Hoded men]
[Sneak it off in secret]
Voting is closed!
Tobor will [Tell Ben about the Hooded Man] and [Sneak off in Secret]
Fairly unsurprising choices if I’m honest. I feel there’s not much use in keeping the hooded man from Ben, he deserves to know even if he may be annoyed Tobor kept it this long. Was minorly unsure about whether you guys would vote to tell Ben about the plan, but expected the sneak off option. I expect there’ll be consequences later when Ben finds out.
Next part will have Tobor go back to Meereen. I’ll begin writing it over the next few days. Looking forward to it!
I've had a little bit of a change of plan with these parts, I wrote all of Tobor going back to Meereen, but reading it back decided that it worked better with a couple of choices in the middle (well not in the very middle, but part way through). So the next part, which I will post in about 5 minutes, will be quite short and have a choice.
Essentially I'm splitting the part into several smaller ones, with more choices. I think you guys might prefer it that way. Good news is you'll get more choices and the coming parts will be quicker to post, since I've already written them, the bad news is, this next part is only 500 words long.
Without further timewasting, here is the next part.
Making Deals and a Taste of Battle
Part II
“I did know them.” Tobor said. “Well, I know who they work for.” Ben looked him in the eye. “Who were they?” He asked.
“Ever since I got to Meereen, someone has been trying to kill me. I don’t know who they are, but they’ve been hiding in lies and deceit, turning my own friends against me. This man has tried to kill me several times, obviously failing so far. Each attempt has been less and less covert. Last night was the most recent attack.” Tobor told Ben, the old man widening his eyes and his expression hardening.
Tobor continued and told Ben about the rest of what the hooded man had done. Working with Reznar, with Bradon and what had happened with Mina. Tobor even told Ben about the directions he'd given Mina. "I'm sorry Ben, I know it's likely my fault we were attacked." He finished, looking up at Ben.
“Do you not think this was important information?” Ben asked coldly. Tobor looked down, “I realise now, I should have told you before.”
Ben shook his head, “Seven hells, lad. I don’t know what to say. You put all our lives in danger.” He said disapprovingly. Tobor wrung his hands together, “I didn’t think they’d attack.” He said dumbly, well aware how that sounded.
“I’ll take this watch.” Ben said icily. “Go. Sleep. We have a few more hours before we’re leaving.”
Tobor knew better than to carry on arguing. He stood up and returned to the patch of grass he had slept on. Tobor rolled over and shut his eyes, but his mind was hard at work. He had no intention of falling asleep.
Tobor was planning his return to Meereen.
Thinking it through, Tobor knew he had a few hours to make it in and out of Meereen. He would need to leave soon, so as to make it back without anyone noticing. Tobor would go alone, he didn’t want to get anyone else hurt. Nobody would die because of me today, Tobor thought firmly.
Tobor felt a nudge at his back. Looking over his shoulder sharply, he saw Sibas poking him with a stick. ‘What?’ Tobor mouthed. Sibas glanced away, indicating that Tobor should follow his eyeline. Tobor looked where Sibas was motioning to and saw the cart where Jyro was.
Tobor looked back at Sibas and shrugged, as if to say “what about him?” Sibas rolled his eyes, he glanced back at Ben, who was only feet away and stood up slowly. He made his way over to Jyro and past the cart, down into the copse of trees below. Sibas beckoned Tobor over.
Tobor sighed quietly and followed, making sure Ben didn’t hear. “What do you want?” Tobor asked Sibas, not unkindly. Sibas kept his voice down, “What did Ben want?” He asked.
“Asked about the attack last night, so I told him about the man trying to kill me.” Tobor explained. Sibas bit his lip, “You sure that was a good idea?” He asked. Tobor shook his head, “No, but he was suspicious anyway. He would have known I was lying.”
Sibas nodded, “I understand. I’ve been thinking more about Jyro. I just don’t know what to do. Every time I think I’ve decided, I change my mind. We’re leaving soon and I think this is the last chance to take Jyro somewhere safe, or with us. I hate to admit it, but I need your help. What should I do?” He asked.
Tobor looked surprised, he hadn’t expected Sibas to need his advice. Jyro was his friend and Sibas had always seemed so headstrong and decisive. But Tobor thought it through, taking Jyro on a journey that would last weeks, or taking him back to Meereen to slavery. Was it worth the risk?
Tobor looked at Sibas.
["Bring him to Meereen"] ["Bring him to the Disputed Lands"]
Hm, shorter but quicker parts are up on the table, aye? I approve, while I enjoy longer parts, I feel like having a more steady pace of parts to read can be nice as well. So, go ahead, I am fine with this!
And though short, I do like this part. Ben is currently one of my favourite characters, as I must admit, with my opinion on Tobor being so heavily affected, so him calling Tobor out was welcome. Had he told Ben about this, maybe it could have been prevented. Then again, Ben likely would have declined to take Mina along to begin with, so I don't know what it would have changed. Though I can see some future conflict coming up between him and Tobor, it seems he's really not on board with fighting against the hooded man and now I kinda think we might have made a mistake with telling him.
Well, good luck with that! Has it even been a whole day since he got one of his friends killed? Admittedly, as heartbroken as I am over the whole situation, it's good Tobor finally wakes up and realizes that yes, people have died for him and he can do something against this by acting more carefully. It's a bit too late, but better than never.
["Bring him to Meereen"]
The problem is, I don't think Jyro has much of a chance to survive the journey, after thinking things through. He is badly wounded and he'd need constant medical care. Ben is pragmatic and not without charm, but he is also an ice-cold bastard, let's be honest here. Why should he care what happens to Jyro? I doubt he's just going to slow down so that he can recover, or that he'll spend valuable medical supplies on him. Meereen won't be a good life for him, but at least it will be a life and given that I very much believe that Tobor will return one day to settle his score with Reznar and then he can hopefully help a recovered Jyro to escape slavery for good, but as things are right now, he is not fit to travel, not as harshly as a sellsword group is likely to do.
[Bring him to the Disputed Lands"] It'd be nice if we could ask him what he wants!
I'm going to assume that Jyro would'nt approve of his friend sending him off to slavery, even with good intentions.
["Bring him to the Disputed Lands"]
I'm very conflicted with this choice, but like Liquid said, if he recovers there, they could eventually rescue him later. Hmm... I'm not certain though, and I might change my vote later.
Edit: I have changed my vote. I believe it would be highly uncharacteristic of Sibas to send him into slavery. Even if it is to recover. Especially, since it took everything out of him and Jyro to escape it, in the first place. Perhaps, the sell swords will be able to find a way to save him. Like you said, Ben doesn't want to have a dead kid, on his hands.
Yeah, I think Ben telling him he’s been a bit of an idiot is good for Tobor. While we do see him (or have seen him, in your case Liquid) as the hero of the story, we have to remember he is just a kid. So he definitely needs a kick up the arse.
Hmm, so you think telling him may be a mistake? With situations like this one, you see it a lot in Movies and Tv, where the protagonist has a choice to tell someone something important, but doesn’t in case they get in trouble, or the other person gets angry with them. Every time that happens, pretty much, the protagonist is silent and keeping the secret leads to so many more problems later on. So personally, I would have chosen to be upfront about it, even if Ben would have been angry with me.
While I mostly agree about Ben, I don’t think he’d push them as hard while travelling as he would without Jyro being injured. He doesn’t want to kill a kid. But he’s a sellsword at the end of the day, not known for their general niceness...
I think this ones actually a really difficult choice, if I may say so
on one hand you have risk of death by travelling, on the other you have guaranteed slavery and pain. I’ll wait until the voting closes to say what I’d choose, just in case that might sway some unsure voters 
Aside from poking him to wake him up from his feverish unconsciousness I’m not sure how else we could try to as him what he wants
I suppose I probably should have had this information before the choice, but when I wrote it, this was all just one part. I promise it’ll make more sense next part
I think you’re underestimating just how much Jyro looks up to Sibas. Sibas is his best friend, almost brother, and he admires and trusts Sibas with all his heart. I think Jyro would be devastated to find out he was back in slavery, feel even worse when he found out Sibas put him there, but if it were explained that it was for the best, he would ultimately trust Sibas.
It is definitely a tough one! They may be able to rescue him again, but that’s if they return, and if Jyro is still there, he hadn’t been sold etc. Lots of things could happen between then..
Not that I’m trying to conflict you more!
["Bring him to the disputed lands"]
["Bring him to Meereen"]
I think Sibas deep down knows this is the better option and is looking to Tobor to give him a way out so to speak to make the choice without it hurting to badly. In this leaving the sickly Jyro in Meereen just makes the most logical sense.
["Bring him to the disputed lands"]
Voting is Closed!
Tobor will advise Sibas to [Bring him to the Disputed Lands]
Jyro’s life hangs in the balance of this choice, my own decision would have likely been to bring him to the disputed lands, I believe it’s worth the risk when the alternative is slavery.
Next part will be posted in the next few hours!
Making Deals and a Taste of Battle
Part III
“We take him with us.” Tobor said firmly. “Jyro doesn’t deserve slavery and though the journey will be hard, and he may not survive, it is better than the alternative.”
Sibas looked worried, “I suppose you’re right. I just wish he’d wake up. Will you still go back to Meereen?” He asked. Tobor nodded confidently, “I must.” He responded. Tobor knew he had to, whatever wrath he must face from Ben when he returned couldn’t be avoided. Tobor needed to go.
“You have been a good friend, Arghurys. I will go with you if you wish for my help.” Sibas offered. Tobor thanked him but made no promises. He had been thinking heavily on the topic of who to bring with him, or whether to bring anyone at all.
Tobor knew Sibas would go if asked, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to risk his friend’s life. Miro, again was trustworthy but would he be able to help at all? It could be dangerous there, Miro couldn’t handle himself, Tobor thought.
There were also the other sellswords as options. Tobor had spoken to several, Armond who had escorted him through Meereen, Tygren and Tobor had exchanged words at the house and fought together when the hooded man attacked. There was Faahiro, who Tobor had learned was Armond’s companion. Caoki the Dothraki was another option. The slave who was with Sibas when they escaped the Pyramid. Tobor didn’t know how much he trusted Caoki, but he was loyal to Sibas and a formidable fighter.
Tobor ran through each one of the people he could bring with him, thinking through their strengths and weaknesses, deliberating on who would help the most and who he could trust to not tell Ben. The party shouldn’t exceed four, Tobor thought to himself.
But who to bring?
First Choice
Pick up to three others to join Tobor
[Caoki] [Sibas] [Armond] [Faahrio] [Tygren] [Miro] [Go alone]
“Arghurys, what will you tell Ben?” Sibas asked, pulling Tobor from his mind. “Nothing.” Came the response. “I cannot tell him anything, as he would stop me from going.” Tobor said. Sibas shook his head, “I meant after you get back.”
“I hope to get back before Ben notices I’m gone.” Tobor explained. Sibas didn’t find this comforting, “And if you don’t?” He asked. Tobor looked grim, “I suppose I have to accept the consequences.” He said shortly.
Sibas shrugged, “You don’t have to tell the truth you know.” He said, almost churlishly. Tobor frowned, “What do you mean?” He asked. Sibas grasped Tobor’s shoulder, “You Westerosi are always the same, with your honour and that sort of pig shit.”
Tobor went to respond to the insult but Sibas continued, “No, let me finish. It’s fine in Westeros, but out here, it’ll get you killed one day. When you get back, and Ben asks you what you were doing. Lie. Just don’t tell the truth. And I don’t mean withhold the truth, like you’re doing in the first place about leaving.”
Tobor shook his head, “It’s dishonourable to lie. Especially to someone who is helping us. Ben has saved our lives.” He said. Sibas sighed exasperatedly, “This is exactly what I mean, Ben isn’t helping us. He’s trapped us for his own gain as a sellsword. He’s not evil, sure. But he isn’t helping us. If it didn’t benefit him then he wouldn’t do it. Are you too naïve or stubborn to see that?”
Tobor opened his mouth and shut it again, unsure what to say. He threw up his arms in annoyance, “Why do you even care if I lie?” He asked, slightly irritated. Sibas bit the inside of his cheek, “What you do can affect me. I’m not being a cock by saying this, it’s just true. I like you, but I like myself more.”
“What would I even say?” Tobor asked, it was a weak point in the argument, but Tobor wasn’t sure what else to say, deep down he knew Sibas was likely right about lying being the correct choice.
Sibas shrugged, “I don’t know. You went for a piss, you went for something to eat, a ride. I’ll think of something while you’re gone, if I’m not with you of course, then when you get back, I’ll tell you if Ben knows you’re gone and how long he’s known. Just tell me, will you lie to Ben, if not for yourself, but for me?”
Second Choice
["Yes, I will"] ["No, I can't"]
[Caoki] [Sibas] [Miro]
I think that these three are the best. We just need to make sure we can trust Armond to not tell Ben.
Edit: I've changed my Armond choice to Miro.
["Yes, I will"]
What Sibas says makes sense. Depending on what happens later, we might have too lie.
[Sibas] [Armond] [Faahiro]
IF We can trust Armond then we can surely trust Faahiro as well,
[Yes,I will]
[Caoki] [Sibas] [Miro]
I would not be opposed to Armond all that much, but I think during the trip to Meereen, Tobor should take only those whose loyalty he can absolutely count on, no gambles. Sibas is one of them and while I don't know too much about Caoki, his loyalty to Sibas and their history together convinces me that he can be trusted. And then there is Miro, probably the one that can be trusted the most. He might not be much of a fighter, but if Tobor gets into a fight in Meereen, chances are one more fighter won't make much of a difference either way, his focus should be on being swift and stealthy and to avoid conflict as much as possible. And that is something I think Miro could actually add to the task, he's not much of a fighter, but he is unassuming and unlikely to draw any extra attention towards them. If they get into a fight, an opponent would be suicidal to ignore the three fighters already present and focus on the one guy who is not a threat, so I think he'll be fine.
["Yes, I will"]
I think this is an important choice for Tobor. We know how heavily I criticize him for the whole Mina debacle and this right here, while unlikely to have the same effect, is at least somewhat comparable. Back with Mina, he was too focussed on himself to even fully comprehend how his actions could affect her. I think this is what I'm really blaming him for. I would like for him to consider his friends' well-being more often and, if necessary, to place it as high as possible. We can't undo what happened, but we can at least prevent this from happening ever again. By lying to Ben, Tobor can make sure that Sibas won't get into trouble for helping him out in something that doesn't personally concern him. Sibas is taking a risk for Tobor, the least he can do in return is to stop and think how this may affect him and, as a consequence, make a compromise for his friend.
[Tygren] [Armond] [Faahiro]
["Yes, I will"]
[Caoki] [Sibas] [Miro] While Miro might not be very useful in a fight, anyone else has ties to Ben and may not keep this a secret. I really like this choice btw! Super interesting. Part of me is actually imagining the party selection screen from Dragon Age.
[No, I can't] I think this could be an important character decision for Tobor. We can see he's already changing a great deal, in some ways for the worst. I think it's important that he doesn't cast aside his values.
Yeah this was one of the choices that I went back and added, I had originally written it with Tobor, Miro and Sibas going, but I wanted to see who you guys would pick and I thought it was an interesting new type of choice I hadn’t done yet.
I actually drew inspiration from the walking dead season 1 where Lee (depending on his previous choices) will be accompanied by different people and also Tales from the Borderlands where Rhys and Fiona can choose different members for their team to find the vault.
If you, or anyone else for that matter, have ideas for new types of choices (Like what to say, what to do, where to go or whatever) then let me know! I’m always open to do new choices
Just in regards to taking only those who he trusts, I guess if you really wanted to ensure that it would have been possible to exclude Caoki and bring just 2 with him. I’m curious about your thought process with him, is it just about Sibas trusts him so Tobor can, or is there more to it?
I think another benefit to Miro is that he knows Meereen a bit more than any of the others, or at least more than Tobor!
I understand what you mean with the lying choice, I think it’s a bit more complex than a simple do you want to lie or not. Protect your friends or your honour kinda thing. I think it comes down to whether Sibas saying honour doesn’t work out is true or not. I’m not totally sure about it, so it’ll be interesting to see how it works out if Tobor stays honourable over the entire story