Just started the game. The controls are hard to get used to (dodge is circle instead of triangle from Arkham), and the combat camera is a bit wonky in that it doesn't lock on to your specific target/next enemy.
Looks phenomenal though! Even under-powered prologue Spidey here is very experienced. I seem to be unlocking all kinds of moves...
(And hey the epilogue of Hostile Takeover is exactly how the opening of the game plays out. Peter hears police chatter about Kingpin's arrest warrant, he gets chastised from his boss for not being at work, and a call from Yuri telling him that this is his big break before swinging into action.)
Can't wait to explore New York! Seems the swinging will be great but something I'll have to get used to (the last Spider-Man game I played was TASM in 2012)
Do any of you know of those new 'YouTube posts' that can appear on the front page of the mobile app?
(Kind of like announcements you can send out I guess)
I just got spoiled of a key scene of the game because some random youtuber decided to share that specific scene and the algorithm brought him to me.
It wasn't promotion of his walkthrough series, no. He specifically labeled the video 'SpoilerMcSpoilTown Spider-Man PS4 (Scene)' with a spoilery title and thumbnail. I don't believe it's the biggest of spoilers, but it for sure spoils a big moment later on...
Yeah this happened to me once with Dragon Age Inquisition a title revealing the big baddie plus a massive close up of said villains face in the thumbnail... the game hadn't even released in my region... After that I just decided to avoid YouTube when a new game is out.
Do any of you know of those new 'YouTube posts' that can appear on the front page of the mobile app?
(Kind of like announcements you can s… moreend out I guess)
I just got spoiled of a key scene of the game because some random youtuber decided to share that specific scene and the algorithm brought him to me.
It wasn't promotion of his walkthrough series, no. He specifically labeled the video 'SpoilerMcSpoilTown Spider-Man PS4 (Scene)' with a spoilery title and thumbnail. I don't believe it's the biggest of spoilers, but it for sure spoils a big moment later on...
I just finished playing the story and this is already one of my favorite games of 2018. The story was so unique and fresh to the Spider Man lore and the characters were spot on. The game is up there (for me at least) with Batman: Arkham Asylum as best superhero games of all time.
Finished it today and got the plat. This is now my favorite game ever made. Pure perfection. One of the best endings to any game ever. Can't wait for the dlc, I'll take anything I can get just so I could play more of this masterpiece.
Also Miles getting bit by the spider was so obvious I was actually expecting it not to happen, so it happening right at the end of the game surprised me. Gonna be real mad now if one of the 3 dlc doesn't include you playing Miles as spider-man. Maybe something along the lines of Harley Quinn's revenge?
Is anyone willing to gameshare me Spiderman out of the kindness of their heart. I can't afford it and unfortunately won't be able to for a while. I've been waiting a long time for this and I've been very stressed recently, I've thought about suicidal a lot recently but I try not to, playing video games help me by taking me out of the real word. I would appreciate it very much, if you want something in return, I can give you my PS so I can gameshare you the games I currently have.
It's been pretty good so far, I'm not sure how far through the story I am but it's definitely separated itself from the Arkham series, and literally the first fights and boss had me thinking about the Bane fight in Asylum. I'll see if it can keep this up, but it's definitely breaking my top 5 for comic games.
Just finished playing, the game is...spectacular? Amazing? Either one works. Definitely one of the best games of 2018 and I'm hoping there will be a sequel at some point in time.
Just finished playing, the game is...spectacular? Amazing? Either one works. Definitely one of the best games of 2018 and I'm hoping there will be a sequel at some point in time.
The new Spider-Man game is epic. Yet another game worth the wait.
The intro to taking down Fisk the Kingpin was cool, and I love how swinging through the city looks in the game. Afterwards, I've been doing a lot of the side quest/ collectible stuff before moving on with the main story. (Weirdest one, imo, chasing after a hard-drive snatchin' pigeon.) I could use all the XP to upgrade my Spider gear. I've also been taking advantage of the Photo Mode and taken some good shots.
One thing I didn't expect was that Dr. Octavius learned Peter's secret. Well, almost. He thought Peter was working for Spider-man. At least he was nice enough to not say a word and help develop gadgets for Peter's "other job". Aw, my heart was gonna bleed for him when he becomes Doc Ock. :-[
The bits of the game where you also play as Peter Parker, MJ and Miles is nice touch to the game. I also climbed the Avengers' Tower and found a backpack with Matthew Murdock's business card in it. I love all these Marvel easter eggs they included, and that Dave Fennoy was even in this as Howard.
Officer Davis got me paranoid that he was in Fisk's pocket. But he really was a good cop, just like Yuri said. The way he assisted me against the Demons was badass, especially the way he saved me from getting ran over while being occupied pulling up an 18-wheeler. I had a hunch that he was Miles' dad and I could've sworn I saw him after Peter puts on the new suit. And then, shit hits the fan at the award ceremony. The Demons blew themselves up, killing a lot of people. With Peter down for the count, it was time for Miles to step up as the hero. Managed to save his Mom, but couldn't save his Dad. The funeral scene was real sad. And it turns out that was all only just ACT 1.
As interesting as the missions as MJ and Miles are, the stealth seem to get a bit more complex as the game progresses. But man, doing the tag-team action as Spidey and MJ was awesome and very satisfying to kick Mister Negative's ass. But it was short lived when all hell broke loose in the prisons. And 5 of Spider-Man's nemeses broke out and ganged up on him. The shocking part? Doc Ock was the one pulling the strings all along. I knew he was going to become the villain we knew him as eventually, but I never thought that he was the one calling the shots this whole time. I thought that Li was the ringleader of this insanity. Instead, all this time, while I thought he was merely doing a lot of tinkering in his lab, Otto had planning the prison break. I should've noticed this based on his hatred against Osborn. And then he goes and infects New York with that Devil's Breath bio-weapon. You maniac! You infected them all! Damn you! Damn you all to Hell!
My first order of business was to clear out each district of prison camps and Sable Bases. Then I took on each super baddy two-by-two. I must say, each pair-up was interesting given their personalities and dynamics. Miles playing hide-and-seek with Rhino was pretty tense. MJ was badass with that tazer gun. When I saw she had a experimental spider on her, I thought it was gonna bite her. But it bit Miles instead. Now he's gonna be stepping into Spider-Man's shoes. Oh, and that acid trip Scorpion did to me was weird. I mean, giant scorpion tails popping out in the middle of the acid cloud? No thank you.
That fight with Li and his demon in all its glory was creepy and scary. Such an intense battle. But not as intense against Doc Ock. Peter buffing up a new suit and fighting on top of the Oscorp building and then just punching away while standing on the side of the building was epic. Like I said before, my heart bled for this moment. Otto was someone Peter admired, yet he threw all away to spite Osborn for revenge. It's like Aunt May said in Spider-Man 3 movie,
Revenge is like a poison. It can take you over, and before you know it, it can turn you into something ugly.
Oh, Aunt May. That was so sad that she died in the end. She even knew that her nephew was Spider-Man for some time. (Wonder what gave it away.) First Uncle Ben, and now... Aw, poor Peter. At least the city has been cured. And Peter and MJ finally kissed.
There were some moments where I thought I was going to have to decide what to do. Like help Otto or don't, and give Aunt May the cure or not. But it didn't. I more than Likely would've done the same things as the game had Peter do. Leave Otto, because I figured he was bluffing and probably would've pulled one last cheap shot on me. And as for the cure... yeah, I've never been good with the whole "sacrifice one to save the many or sacrifice the many to save the one" kind of situations.
The way Peter tried to do the puberty talk with Miles was funny. And it was cool how it cuts with them both hanging from the ceiling of Peter's new room.
One detail I forgot: Harry. Turns out the whole "trip to Europe" was really a cover up of him being terribly ill. All this time, Mayor Osborn was trying to use the Devil's Breath to cure his son. The way he looked inside that container, I bet he is going to become the Green Goblin. And here I was hoping to see him after doing all that work for his (and his mom's) research. Though, I was suspicious on the fact that he wasn't answering any calls.
This game has been Amazing from beginning to end. The action, the music, the webbing, the swinging. I'm really glad I got to play it. Definitely the best Spider-Man game to date and one of the best 2018 games I played.
This is one of the best superhero games I've played in a long time. It's right up there with the Arkham series if not better. I was pleasantly surprised and glad that it lived up to the hype.
Can someone explain to me how Insomniac’s Spider-Man can maintain hours of web swinging from his seemingly small web-shooters, which somehow maintain enough of a cartridge to do his thing while also being able to click onto his wrists so easy? I’m just so used to finding all the web cartridges in the OG games, and I know the web shooters have been around since his creation but it’s always been something that has made me curious.
EDIT: I also haven’t been able to complete the main story and collected all of the backpacks yet.
It could be assumed that they recharge on their own.
While it is weird how you have a limited amount of web shots in a fight, those do recharge over a short period of time. They probably do the same for swinging.
Can someone explain to me how Insomniac’s Spider-Man can maintain hours of web swinging from his seemingly small web-shooters, which somehow… more maintain enough of a cartridge to do his thing while also being able to click onto his wrists so easy? I’m just so used to finding all the web cartridges in the OG games, and I know the web shooters have been around since his creation but it’s always been something that has made me curious.
EDIT: I also haven’t been able to complete the main story and collected all of the backpacks yet.
I just finished Spider-Man PS4.
Hoo boy, this is probably the best Spider-Man game.
Final Battle, Ending Spoilers.
That last scene with Octavius left broken at Oscorp, Peter trying to help him, but Otto being too far gone (sort of)... Wow that was incredible. Basically the whole sequence of the battle along with the ending was just masterful acting by Yuri Lowenthal (Peter Parker) and William Sayers (Otto Octavius).
Oh yeah, and May Parker succumbing to the virus and dying, while also learning that she's known of Peter's heroic antics was such a gut-punch. Ouch. I'm hurting for this. That was also a great performance by Lowenthal. He looked and sounded so broken.
End credits scenes:
So Miles getting Spider powers (even though it was obvious with his spider bite earlier) is pretty cool. Hoping we see Peter becoming a kind of superhero mentor in the sequel, and there should hopefully be some cool team ups at that.
...and Harry actually trying to get 'cured' by Norman this whole time?! Whoa that was a curveball! When the revealed he was sick earlier, I assumed that it probably related to him eventually becoming the Green Goblin, but he left for Europe to get the special treatment to do so there... But no. He was in New York this whole time! *And what was that with the Symbiote-looking thing in the tank with him?! What the hell?? Is he gonna be some Goblin-Venom thing? Does this confirm both Super Villains will appear in the sequel... In some fashion?!?!
OOOOOHH I can't wait!! Sounds like a great recipe to top this one!
Well, guess it's time to finish all those side activities and get all the secret suits to get ready for the DLC (and probably new game+). I want more of this!!

Just started the game. The controls are hard to get used to (dodge is circle instead of triangle from Arkham), and the combat camera is a bit wonky in that it doesn't lock on to your specific target/next enemy.
Looks phenomenal though! Even under-powered prologue Spidey here is very experienced. I seem to be unlocking all kinds of moves...
(And hey the epilogue of Hostile Takeover is exactly how the opening of the game plays out. Peter hears police chatter about Kingpin's arrest warrant, he gets chastised from his boss for not being at work, and a call from Yuri telling him that this is his big break before swinging into action.)
Can't wait to explore New York! Seems the swinging will be great but something I'll have to get used to (the last Spider-Man game I played was TASM in 2012)
You can finger gun people in the streets like in Spider-Man 3.
Didn't notice this the other day.
I'm trying to download the game but I didn't realize it was a 50GB game. Oh well, I'll just forgo sleep and play it after work.
Do any of you know of those new 'YouTube posts' that can appear on the front page of the mobile app?
(Kind of like announcements you can send out I guess)
I just got spoiled of a key scene of the game because some random youtuber decided to share that specific scene and the algorithm brought him to me.
It wasn't promotion of his walkthrough series, no. He specifically labeled the video 'SpoilerMcSpoilTown Spider-Man PS4 (Scene)' with a spoilery title and thumbnail. I don't believe it's the biggest of spoilers, but it for sure spoils a big moment later on...
Yeah this happened to me once with Dragon Age Inquisition a title revealing the big baddie plus a massive close up of said villains face in the thumbnail... the game hadn't even released in my region... After that I just decided to avoid YouTube when a new game is out.
Oh boy yeah.
I just finished playing the story and this is already one of my favorite games of 2018. The story was so unique and fresh to the Spider Man lore and the characters were spot on. The game is up there (for me at least) with Batman: Arkham Asylum as best superhero games of all time.
And the ending...Jesus, what an ending.
Finished it today and got the plat. This is now my favorite game ever made. Pure perfection. One of the best endings to any game ever. Can't wait for the dlc, I'll take anything I can get just so I could play more of this masterpiece.
Is anyone willing to gameshare me Spiderman out of the kindness of their heart. I can't afford it and unfortunately won't be able to for a while. I've been waiting a long time for this and I've been very stressed recently, I've thought about suicidal a lot recently but I try not to, playing video games help me by taking me out of the real word. I would appreciate it very much, if you want something in return, I can give you my PS so I can gameshare you the games I currently have.
So I just got spoiled of another big moment (and this one's pretty huge) in what was supposed to be a spoiler-free Spidey chatroom.
Seriously. What. The. Fuck.
How did I avoid spoilers before the game was out, but now all of a sudden they're flocking to me?
It's been pretty good so far, I'm not sure how far through the story I am but it's definitely separated itself from the Arkham series, and literally the first fights and boss had me thinking about the Bane fight in Asylum. I'll see if it can keep this up, but it's definitely breaking my top 5 for comic games.
Some Spidey pics I made in the game.

Just finished playing, the game is...spectacular? Amazing? Either one works. Definitely one of the best games of 2018 and I'm hoping there will be a sequel at some point in time.
Aahhgghhh, I'm glad to hear you loved it but I'm still suffering trying to avoid as many spoilers as possible until I get to play it myself.
Ugh, must resist urge to buy, must save enough money for Assassins Creed Odyssey.
Just give me another chance!
yes i have no life

You deffo do since I got it on the same weekend it released.
So I just finished Act II, and basically you can describe my reaction as:
Yah.. And you know those scary cop dudes that helped you take out your first warehouse?
They come out to play...
Have fun.

I honestly find those scarier than the villains.
The new Spider-Man game is epic. Yet another game worth the wait.
The intro to taking down Fisk the Kingpin was cool, and I love how swinging through the city looks in the game. Afterwards, I've been doing a lot of the side quest/ collectible stuff before moving on with the main story. (Weirdest one, imo, chasing after a hard-drive snatchin' pigeon.) I could use all the XP to upgrade my Spider gear. I've also been taking advantage of the Photo Mode and taken some good shots.
One thing I didn't expect was that Dr. Octavius learned Peter's secret. Well, almost. He thought Peter was working for Spider-man. At least he was nice enough to not say a word and help develop gadgets for Peter's "other job". Aw, my heart was gonna bleed for him when he becomes Doc Ock. :-[
The bits of the game where you also play as Peter Parker, MJ and Miles is nice touch to the game. I also climbed the Avengers' Tower and found a backpack with Matthew Murdock's business card in it. I love all these Marvel easter eggs they included, and that Dave Fennoy was even in this as Howard.
Officer Davis got me paranoid that he was in Fisk's pocket. But he really was a good cop, just like Yuri said. The way he assisted me against the Demons was badass, especially the way he saved me from getting ran over while being occupied pulling up an 18-wheeler. I had a hunch that he was Miles' dad and I could've sworn I saw him after Peter puts on the new suit. And then, shit hits the fan at the award ceremony. The Demons blew themselves up, killing a lot of people. With Peter down for the count, it was time for Miles to step up as the hero. Managed to save his Mom, but couldn't save his Dad. The funeral scene was real sad. And it turns out that was all only just ACT 1.
As interesting as the missions as MJ and Miles are, the stealth seem to get a bit more complex as the game progresses. But man, doing the tag-team action as Spidey and MJ was awesome and very satisfying to kick Mister Negative's ass. But it was short lived when all hell broke loose in the prisons. And 5 of Spider-Man's nemeses broke out and ganged up on him. The shocking part? Doc Ock was the one pulling the strings all along. I knew he was going to become the villain we knew him as eventually, but I never thought that he was the one calling the shots this whole time. I thought that Li was the ringleader of this insanity. Instead, all this time, while I thought he was merely doing a lot of tinkering in his lab, Otto had planning the prison break. I should've noticed this based on his hatred against Osborn. And then he goes and infects New York with that Devil's Breath bio-weapon.
You maniac! You infected them all! Damn you! Damn you all to Hell!
My first order of business was to clear out each district of prison camps and Sable Bases. Then I took on each super baddy two-by-two. I must say, each pair-up was interesting given their personalities and dynamics. Miles playing hide-and-seek with Rhino was pretty tense. MJ was badass with that tazer gun. When I saw she had a experimental spider on her, I thought it was gonna bite her. But it bit Miles instead. Now he's gonna be stepping into Spider-Man's shoes. Oh, and that acid trip Scorpion did to me was weird. I mean, giant scorpion tails popping out in the middle of the acid cloud? No thank you.
That fight with Li and his demon in all its glory was creepy and scary. Such an intense battle. But not as intense against Doc Ock. Peter buffing up a new suit and fighting on top of the Oscorp building and then just punching away while standing on the side of the building was epic. Like I said before, my heart bled for this moment. Otto was someone Peter admired, yet he threw all away to spite Osborn for revenge. It's like Aunt May said in Spider-Man 3 movie,
There were some moments where I thought I was going to have to decide what to do. Like help Otto or don't, and give Aunt May the cure or not. But it didn't. I more than Likely would've done the same things as the game had Peter do. Leave Otto, because I figured he was bluffing and probably would've pulled one last cheap shot on me. And as for the cure... yeah, I've never been good with the whole "sacrifice one to save the many or sacrifice the many to save the one" kind of situations.
The way Peter tried to do the puberty talk with Miles was funny. And it was cool how it cuts with them both hanging from the ceiling of Peter's new room.
One detail I forgot: Harry. Turns out the whole "trip to Europe" was really a cover up of him being terribly ill. All this time, Mayor Osborn was trying to use the Devil's Breath to cure his son. The way he looked inside that container, I bet he is going to become the Green Goblin. And here I was hoping to see him after doing all that work for his (and his mom's) research. Though, I was suspicious on the fact that he wasn't answering any calls.
This game has been Amazing from beginning to end. The action, the music, the webbing, the swinging. I'm really glad I got to play it. Definitely the best Spider-Man game to date and one of the best 2018 games I played.

This is one of the best superhero games I've played in a long time. It's right up there with the Arkham series if not better. I was pleasantly surprised and glad that it lived up to the hype.
The music is one of the best parts of Spider-Man PS4. This one in particular is my favorite.
Here is review from Chris Stuckmann

oh man chasing shocker was my fav part of the game tbh
Spoiler warning for this video with the director of Spider-man.
And by the way, a New Game + is currently in the works.
Please, let there be NG+. I'm dying to play though the first part of the game with the advanced suits. ??
Chasing Scarecrow in Arkham Knight was better...
You know, there's one little detail that I find interesting.
When having phone conversations, Spider-man's voice adapts to whether he's remaining stationary or swinging around.
We wait for October 23rd...

I've honestly never 100% completed a game before (that wasn't Telltale), so I'm quite proud of this achievement.
Just thought I'd try to inject some humor and try to get some people's minds off of the current situation.
Can someone explain to me how Insomniac’s Spider-Man can maintain hours of web swinging from his seemingly small web-shooters, which somehow maintain enough of a cartridge to do his thing while also being able to click onto his wrists so easy? I’m just so used to finding all the web cartridges in the OG games, and I know the web shooters have been around since his creation but it’s always been something that has made me curious.
EDIT: I also haven’t been able to complete the main story and collected all of the backpacks yet.
It could be assumed that they recharge on their own.
While it is weird how you have a limited amount of web shots in a fight, those do recharge over a short period of time. They probably do the same for swinging.
I'm pleased Sony took notice.
I just finished Spider-Man PS4.
Hoo boy, this is probably the best Spider-Man game.
Final Battle, Ending Spoilers.
That last scene with Octavius left broken at Oscorp, Peter trying to help him, but Otto being too far gone (sort of)... Wow that was incredible. Basically the whole sequence of the battle along with the ending was just masterful acting by Yuri Lowenthal (Peter Parker) and William Sayers (Otto Octavius).
Oh yeah, and May Parker succumbing to the virus and dying, while also learning that she's known of Peter's heroic antics was such a gut-punch. Ouch. I'm hurting for this. That was also a great performance by Lowenthal. He looked and sounded so broken.
End credits scenes:
So Miles getting Spider powers (even though it was obvious with his spider bite earlier) is pretty cool. Hoping we see Peter becoming a kind of superhero mentor in the sequel, and there should hopefully be some cool team ups at that.
...and Harry actually trying to get 'cured' by Norman this whole time?! Whoa that was a curveball! When the revealed he was sick earlier, I assumed that it probably related to him eventually becoming the Green Goblin, but he left for Europe to get the special treatment to do so there... But no. He was in New York this whole time! *And what was that with the Symbiote-looking thing in the tank with him?! What the hell?? Is he gonna be some Goblin-Venom thing? Does this confirm both Super Villains will appear in the sequel... In some fashion?!?!
OOOOOHH I can't wait!! Sounds like a great recipe to top this one!
Well, guess it's time to finish all those side activities and get all the secret suits to get ready for the DLC (and probably new game+). I want more of this!!
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