Remember when the higher ups at Netflix went on a whole spiel about how important animation was and how they planned to have a bigger focus on the medium?
I KNEW IT WAS COMING (I know this show doesn't have the popularity to keep it going but) THIS MAKES ME SO MAD
So, I'm not looking to do so now, but at some point, I am looking to purchase either a gaming laptop, or go all out and get a whole PC/desktop. I've got $1.2k in a CD earning 4.5%, and a $750 I-Bond earning anywhere between 6-9% interest. By the time I choose to use it, I'll have well over $2k to use for it.
The thing is, I have absolutely no knowledge when it comes to this, and am looking for some good resources or anyone's personal experience. What is the typical lifespan of each? If I were to buy a prebuilt PC, am I able to upgrade or customize it by purchasing individual parts? What are the important specs to keep in mind or look for when it comes to making a purchase?
I KNEW IT WAS COMING (I know this show doesn't have the popularity to keep it going but) THIS MAKES ME SO MAD
I'm not super knowledgeable in terms of specifications and hardware, but unless you travel a lot it'd be better in the long run and cheaper to get just get a proper desktop PC. Honestly just googling or going on subreddits like r/buildapc (they have a beginner's guide here that I found) can give you a lot of the info you need. You might also want to check if there's a store in your area that specialises in building PC's, they can help you as well and answer any questions. If you buy a prebuilt PC you can upgrade and customise the hardware however you like.
So, I'm not looking to do so now, but at some point, I am looking to purchase either a gaming laptop, or go all out and get a whole PC/deskt… moreop. I've got $1.2k in a CD earning 4.5%, and a $750 I-Bond earning anywhere between 6-9% interest. By the time I choose to use it, I'll have well over $2k to use for it.
The thing is, I have absolutely no knowledge when it comes to this, and am looking for some good resources or anyone's personal experience. What is the typical lifespan of each? If I were to buy a prebuilt PC, am I able to upgrade or customize it by purchasing individual parts? What are the important specs to keep in mind or look for when it comes to making a purchase?
Appreciated. I have been trying to do some preliminary searching around, didn't really think of using reddit though, might give that a shot.
The more I think about it, the more likely it is that I do go with the desktop. It will probably be more expensive once everything is paid for, but like you said, better and cheaper in the long run.
I'm not super knowledgeable in terms of specifications and hardware, but unless you travel a lot it'd be better in the long run and cheaper … moreto get just get a proper desktop PC. Honestly just googling or going on subreddits like r/buildapc (they have a beginner's guide here that I found) can give you a lot of the info you need. You might also want to check if there's a store in your area that specialises in building PC's, they can help you as well and answer any questions. If you buy a prebuilt PC you can upgrade and customise the hardware however you like.
Plus if anything goes kaput you can easily just change out the faulty piece instead of having to send it back to a manufacturer like you would with a laptop.
Appreciated. I have been trying to do some preliminary searching around, didn't really think of using reddit though, might give that a shot.… more
The more I think about it, the more likely it is that I do go with the desktop. It will probably be more expensive once everything is paid for, but like you said, better and cheaper in the long run.
Remember when the higher ups at Netflix went on a whole spiel about how important animation was and how they planned to have a bigger focus on the medium?
I found the HBO channel using my magic powers, in anticipation of 9pm tonight for TLOU
Folks aren't here tonight and wanted to watch with them, but ehhh I want to watch the intro and I KNOW I'm gonna be hooked if I watch that so... I guess I'll have to watch it twice
Anyway they've had Black Adam on since about 7 and it was a pretty dumb, kinda fun superhero movie. (20 minutes until 9, and the credits start! What the hell thats long!?)
CGI is awful everywhere lol, Dwayne Johnson is at least brooding and stoic instead of charismatic and show-offish, and it's got loads of bloodless dismemberment which is kinda neat.
The kid who's his biggest fan is pretty annoying (the moment Adam wants to leave to be on his own the kid's like "please be a superhero! You could sell out and do lots of merchandising and sell out!")
Adam does have a funny running joke in the film where he just walks (or glides) through a wall, never uses doors to enter a room.
Anyway, almost 9! Time to get the tissue box and popcorn out!
Ooh also there's been no ads which is pretty cool!
In the last few days, two of my recent shorts, namely the "Did you know that in A Plague Tale: Requiem" ones, got flagged Limited, saying they aren't suitable for the advertisers. But Youtube did not tell me exactly why. I checked both shorts, both don't contain any sort of profanity, no violence, added my own commentary and the gameplay was done by me (Except for the one in which I borrowed footage from Anna Demetriou's livestream and gave her credit through the comments). Speaking of which, that short got flagged JUST when I was uploading the new one. It was fine before but while uploading the new short, all of the sudden, it wasn't.
I asked Youtube to put both shorts on a manual review process and both were confirmed to be suitable just today. Glad that they did it but I still don't get why they were flagged to begin with. Those shorts are very easy to review and I cannot think of a single reason why this happened. I don't even know what I should do to prevent that from happening again.
I am scared to upload anything right now because I don't feel safe creating content anymore, no thanks to Youtube's new policy which is completely vague and inconsistent.
In the last few days, two of my recent shorts, namely the "Did you know that in A Plague Tale: Requiem" ones, got flagged Limited, saying th… moreey aren't suitable for the advertisers. But Youtube did not tell me exactly why. I checked both shorts, both don't contain any sort of profanity, no violence, added my own commentary and the gameplay was done by me (Except for the one in which I borrowed footage from Anna Demetriou's livestream and gave her credit through the comments). Speaking of which, that short got flagged JUST when I was uploading the new one. It was fine before but while uploading the new short, all of the sudden, it wasn't.
I asked Youtube to put both shorts on a manual review process and both were confirmed to be suitable just today. Glad that they did it but I still don't get why they were flagged to begin with. Those shorts are very easy to review and I cannot think of a single reason why this happened. I don't even know wha… [view original content]
I am aware and I feel like I should just quit unless Youtube gets their fucking shit together and stop relying on their broken system. Even family friendly channels aren't safe to their new idiotic policy.
EDIT: it would be better for me to stop uploading anything for now and focus on my college. I already feel like a mess this year.
YouTube has some dumb auto-demonetization logic that just uses keywords. I wouldn't be surprised if it thought the word "plague" meant the video was some Covid rant. Definitely challenge whenever it does that.
In the last few days, two of my recent shorts, namely the "Did you know that in A Plague Tale: Requiem" ones, got flagged Limited, saying th… moreey aren't suitable for the advertisers. But Youtube did not tell me exactly why. I checked both shorts, both don't contain any sort of profanity, no violence, added my own commentary and the gameplay was done by me (Except for the one in which I borrowed footage from Anna Demetriou's livestream and gave her credit through the comments). Speaking of which, that short got flagged JUST when I was uploading the new one. It was fine before but while uploading the new short, all of the sudden, it wasn't.
I asked Youtube to put both shorts on a manual review process and both were confirmed to be suitable just today. Glad that they did it but I still don't get why they were flagged to begin with. Those shorts are very easy to review and I cannot think of a single reason why this happened. I don't even know wha… [view original content]
Might as well censor the word "stupid" because it's an insult word. Youtube cares more about being a parent rather than listening to the real feedback.
YouTube has some dumb auto-demonetization logic that just uses keywords. I wouldn't be surprised if it thought the word "plague" meant the video was some Covid rant. Definitely challenge whenever it does that.
In random news, I've gotten this (hilarious) Simpsons clip stuck in my head today. I don't think I could recite it from pure memory, but I'm getting close...
Good job, WB. What a way to ruin the legacy of Kevin Conroy by locking his very last Batman role in this live-service bullshit and ruining the marketing by striking channels that were justified for being concerned. As Joker would say: "Well, that's what I get for betting it all on black."
Well shit, now Mark Hamill considered to finally retire as the Clown Prince. Can't blame him. Kevin was like a brother to him and doing a Joker with someone else as the cape crusader just won't be the same. Unless I am mistaken, his very last Joker role was in The Killing Joke film, which from what I have heard is completely mediocre.
Thanks a fucking lot, WB. You ruined the send-off for the best portrayals of Batman and Joker.
Unless I am mistaken, his very last Joker role was in The Killing Joke film, which from what I have heard is completely mediocre.
He's voiced the Joker in a couple video games since then, as recent as 2022. Also Killing Joke isn't mediocre, it's straight up terrible. It's pretty much just an hour and a half of Bruce Timm's barely disguised fetish.
Well shit, now Mark Hamill considered to finally retire as the Clown Prince. Can't blame him. Kevin was like a brother to him and doing a Jo… moreker with someone else as the cape crusader just won't be the same. Unless I am mistaken, his very last Joker role was in The Killing Joke film, which from what I have heard is completely mediocre.
Thanks a fucking lot, WB. You ruined the send-off for the best portrayals of Batman and Joker.
Man, to think I thought this was going to be some single-player title much like Eidos Montreal's Guardians of the Galaxy...
But now it's terrifying how little they've shown about this title.
A FOMO-inducing battle pass? Multiple premium-looking currencies? A store? Co-op focused?
Looking a lot like SqEnix's Avengers now -- a title that had potential for a great single-player experience ruined by a grindy progression and awful monetization.
Even taking out the online elements could turn it into Gotham Knights -- which people have said was pretty average for a single-player/co-op affair, and had a very suspicious Live-service-looking progression and grind system, thankfully available offline...
Good job, WB. What a way to ruin the legacy of Kevin Conroy by locking his very last Batman role in this live-service bullshit and ruining t… morehe marketing by striking channels that were justified for being concerned. As Joker would say: "Well, that's what I get for betting it all on black."
Eh, I disagree to an extent. The first half was absolutely bad, no question on that. But when it came to the actual comic adaptation, I thought it was pretty good. Not great, but good.
Unless I am mistaken, his very last Joker role was in The Killing Joke film, which from what I have heard is completely mediocre.
He… more's voiced the Joker in a couple video games since then, as recent as 2022. Also Killing Joke isn't mediocre, it's straight up terrible. It's pretty much just an hour and a half of Bruce Timm's barely disguised fetish.
I do think it had a couple good moments, but ultimately I personally couldn't get into it. Even without the first half, I found the visuals to be painfully flat, the animation often stilted and cheap, and Mark Hamill (bless him) lacked a lot of intensity when it came to the final confrontation near the end of the movie, with his voice sounding overly hoarse.
It certainly doesn't help that it had a limited theatrical release (which I went to) and a lot of people left my theatre just going
Eh, I disagree to an extent. The first half was absolutely bad, no question on that. But when it came to the actual comic adaptation, I thought it was pretty good. Not great, but good.
Oh my gosh finally! Feels like it’s been so long since the first season, cannot wait for more Invincible.
You would have thought waiting 3 years for The Dragon Prince would have helped improve my patience. But then I remember how absolutely awful Season 4 was, and that just makes me more impatient for this.
Man, to think I thought this was going to be some single-player title much like Eidos Montreal's Guardians of the Galaxy...
But now it's … moreterrifying how little they've shown about this title.
A FOMO-inducing battle pass? Multiple premium-looking currencies? A store? Co-op focused?
Looking a lot like SqEnix's Avengers now -- a title that had potential for a great single-player experience ruined by a grindy progression and awful monetization.
Even taking out the online elements could turn it into Gotham Knights -- which people have said was pretty average for a single-player/co-op affair, and had a very suspicious Live-service-looking progression and grind system, thankfully available offline...
I've heard they've supported it for a while with new characters (a lot are echo fighters though) but yeah that news sucks for people who somehow still find enjoyment in it, I guess.
At least "end of support" in September just means no more chances for patches or updates -- all single-player and multiplayer content should still work.
And they've said that they'll grant all players EVERYTHING (emotes, outfits, profile customization) for free after their March update.
My peoples... Forspoken is nearly upon us...
She says the line. She says the entire freaking line as we'd all feared she does, in one go... lmaoh my god...
My peoples... Forspoken is nearly upon us...
She says the line. She says the entire freaking line as we'd all feared she does, in one go... lmaoh my god...
I swear Dragon Age 4 is cursed as it loses another key director. Mac Walters (who was a writer on Jade Empire, senior writer on Mass Effect 1, lead writer of ME2 and ME3, creative director of Mass Effect Andromeda and Mass Effect Legendary Edition, and Product Manager for Dragon Age 4) has announced he is leaving the BioWare after 20 years. This is a game that was started, cancelled, brought back, and has lost its designer, creator, original director, and lead writer already.
I've never played Dragon Age, but BioWare can't take another flop. If it does, ME5 will have no chance. Now granted he has no creative involvement in DA4, but it's still a major player in the game's development cycle.
I just want to take this moment to let you know that in New Tales when Octavio is held at gun point, you have the choice to take out finger guns, in which the camera will dramatically shift, Octavio pulls out his hands and makes "chi-chi" sound and is then abruptly and immediately shot in the face for a comedic game over. Of course, I left out the part where they explain why taking out finger guns wouldn't work for 20 seconds because even when they had a chance to do something kind of funny, they never fail to ruin it by instead explaining what the joke is.
My peoples... Forspoken is nearly upon us...
She says the line. She says the entire freaking line as we'd all feared she does, in one go... lmaoh my god...
In all fairness, Walters was also responsible for the ending of Mass Effect 3, and the other ME games he was working with the master Drew Karpyshyn. Might be good to have new blood in it ME4; in any case, I don't think it will be the end of the world...for Mass Effect.
I swear Dragon Age 4 is cursed as it loses another key director. Mac Walters (who was a writer on Jade Empire, senior writer on Mass Effect … more1, lead writer of ME2 and ME3, creative director of Mass Effect Andromeda and Mass Effect Legendary Edition, and Product Manager for Dragon Age 4) has announced he is leaving the BioWare after 20 years. This is a game that was started, cancelled, brought back, and has lost its designer, creator, original director, and lead writer already.
I've never played Dragon Age, but BioWare can't take another flop. If it does, ME5 will have no chance. Now granted he has no creative involvement in DA4, but it's still a major player in the game's development cycle.
I don’t think Mac was going to ever have any involvement in the next ME due to working on DA.
And in all fairness, he wrote the two best characters in ME1, what some consider ME’s best romance, and was co-lead with Drew on ME2, what many consider the best in the series. I’m tired of people throwing shit and calling him a hack because of one thing that doesn’t even invalidate the immense good he did before, nor do I agree with putting Drew (an incredible writer no doubt) on some infallible pedestal.
I think the worst you can say is that he is a fantastic character writer, but maybe not the best lead writer or creative head. Because I think what he really had a great strength in was giving personalities and arcs to the characters, and giving them moments where you really could just bond with them. ME3 is probably the best in the series in this regard with its banter on and off the Normandy and some of its cinematic scenes. As contrary as this might sound considering most are aliens, his writing fleshed out the characters and made them feel more human. Drew, on the contrary, was a better story/lore writer (ME1 is the best story of the trilogy), but just a decent character writer. Those two working together for ME2 created a perfect blend. Mac I believe wanted the characters to drive the story and player experience, Drew was more create a world and story worth being invested in and the characters are just a part of the journey. Both are good approaches that can be done poorly or well, and I think the series did well with both.
In all fairness, Walters was also responsible for the ending of Mass Effect 3, and the other ME games he was working with the master Drew Ka… morerpyshyn. Might be good to have new blood in it ME4; in any case, I don't think it will be the end of the world...for Mass Effect.
Dragon Age 4 though, sheesh, maybe it is cursed.
I just want to take this moment to let you know that in New Tales when Octavio is held at gun point, you have the choice to take out finger … moreguns, in which the camera will dramatically shift, Octavio pulls out his hands and makes "chi-chi" sound and is then abruptly and immediately shot in the face for a comedic game over. Of course, I left out the part where they explain why taking out finger guns wouldn't work for 20 seconds because even when they had a chance to do something kind of funny, they never fail to ruin it by instead explaining what the joke is.
"Wow they made a funny joke!"
"Oh wait, you left out the part where they ruined it"
Looks like a fun game. I don't care about the story.
At least someone's happy :thumbs_up:
I just realized that today is friday the 13th.
Remember when the higher ups at Netflix went on a whole spiel about how important animation was and how they planned to have a bigger focus on the medium?
So, I'm not looking to do so now, but at some point, I am looking to purchase either a gaming laptop, or go all out and get a whole PC/desktop. I've got $1.2k in a CD earning 4.5%, and a $750 I-Bond earning anywhere between 6-9% interest. By the time I choose to use it, I'll have well over $2k to use for it.
The thing is, I have absolutely no knowledge when it comes to this, and am looking for some good resources or anyone's personal experience. What is the typical lifespan of each? If I were to buy a prebuilt PC, am I able to upgrade or customize it by purchasing individual parts? What are the important specs to keep in mind or look for when it comes to making a purchase?
As long as they don't cancel Hilda, then I'm fine.
I'm not super knowledgeable in terms of specifications and hardware, but unless you travel a lot it'd be better in the long run and cheaper to get just get a proper desktop PC. Honestly just googling or going on subreddits like r/buildapc (they have a beginner's guide here that I found) can give you a lot of the info you need. You might also want to check if there's a store in your area that specialises in building PC's, they can help you as well and answer any questions. If you buy a prebuilt PC you can upgrade and customise the hardware however you like.
Appreciated. I have been trying to do some preliminary searching around, didn't really think of using reddit though, might give that a shot.
The more I think about it, the more likely it is that I do go with the desktop. It will probably be more expensive once everything is paid for, but like you said, better and cheaper in the long run.
Plus if anything goes kaput you can easily just change out the faulty piece instead of having to send it back to a manufacturer like you would with a laptop.
They tweeted this. A mere day after axing some more animation. They. Tweeted. This.
I’m not laughing at you, but the irony
Hey just want to say I hope all my friends here have a great day
(And people I don’t know too but you know)
I found the HBO channel using my magic powers, in anticipation of 9pm tonight for TLOU
Folks aren't here tonight and wanted to watch with them, but ehhh I want to watch the intro and I KNOW I'm gonna be hooked if I watch that so... I guess I'll have to watch it twice
Anyway they've had Black Adam on since about 7 and it was a pretty dumb, kinda fun superhero movie. (20 minutes until 9, and the credits start! What the hell thats long!?)
CGI is awful everywhere lol, Dwayne Johnson is at least brooding and stoic instead of charismatic and show-offish, and it's got loads of bloodless dismemberment which is kinda neat.
The kid who's his biggest fan is pretty annoying (the moment Adam wants to leave to be on his own the kid's like "please be a superhero! You could sell out and do lots of merchandising and sell out!")
Adam does have a funny running joke in the film where he just walks (or glides) through a wall, never uses doors to enter a room.
Anyway, almost 9! Time to get the tissue box and popcorn out!
Ooh also there's been no ads which is pretty cool!
In the last few days, two of my recent shorts, namely the "Did you know that in A Plague Tale: Requiem" ones, got flagged Limited, saying they aren't suitable for the advertisers. But Youtube did not tell me exactly why. I checked both shorts, both don't contain any sort of profanity, no violence, added my own commentary and the gameplay was done by me (Except for the one in which I borrowed footage from Anna Demetriou's livestream and gave her credit through the comments). Speaking of which, that short got flagged JUST when I was uploading the new one. It was fine before but while uploading the new short, all of the sudden, it wasn't.
I asked Youtube to put both shorts on a manual review process and both were confirmed to be suitable just today. Glad that they did it but I still don't get why they were flagged to begin with. Those shorts are very easy to review and I cannot think of a single reason why this happened. I don't even know what I should do to prevent that from happening again.
I am scared to upload anything right now because I don't feel safe creating content anymore, no thanks to Youtube's new policy which is completely vague and inconsistent.
YouTube updated their monetization policy. It’s very strange and faulty. Cr1tikal made a video on it a few days ago
I am aware and I feel like I should just quit unless Youtube gets their fucking shit together and stop relying on their broken system. Even family friendly channels aren't safe to their new idiotic policy.
EDIT: it would be better for me to stop uploading anything for now and focus on my college. I already feel like a mess this year.
YouTube has some dumb auto-demonetization logic that just uses keywords. I wouldn't be surprised if it thought the word "plague" meant the video was some Covid rant. Definitely challenge whenever it does that.
Might as well censor the word "stupid" because it's an insult word. Youtube cares more about being a parent rather than listening to the real feedback.
In random news, I've gotten this (hilarious) Simpsons clip stuck in my head today. I don't think I could recite it from pure memory, but I'm getting close...
Good job, WB. What a way to ruin the legacy of Kevin Conroy by locking his very last Batman role in this live-service bullshit and ruining the marketing by striking channels that were justified for being concerned. As Joker would say: "Well, that's what I get for betting it all on black."

Well shit, now Mark Hamill considered to finally retire as the Clown Prince. Can't blame him. Kevin was like a brother to him and doing a Joker with someone else as the cape crusader just won't be the same. Unless I am mistaken, his very last Joker role was in The Killing Joke film, which from what I have heard is completely mediocre.
Thanks a fucking lot, WB. You ruined the send-off for the best portrayals of Batman and Joker.
He's voiced the Joker in a couple video games since then, as recent as 2022. Also Killing Joke isn't mediocre, it's straight up terrible. It's pretty much just an hour and a half of Bruce Timm's barely disguised fetish.
Man, to think I thought this was going to be some single-player title much like Eidos Montreal's Guardians of the Galaxy...
But now it's terrifying how little they've shown about this title.
A FOMO-inducing battle pass? Multiple premium-looking currencies? A store? Co-op focused?
Looking a lot like SqEnix's Avengers now -- a title that had potential for a great single-player experience ruined by a grindy progression and awful monetization.
Even taking out the online elements could turn it into Gotham Knights -- which people have said was pretty average for a single-player/co-op affair, and had a very suspicious Live-service-looking progression and grind system, thankfully available offline...
Eh, I disagree to an extent. The first half was absolutely bad, no question on that. But when it came to the actual comic adaptation, I thought it was pretty good. Not great, but good.
I do think it had a couple good moments, but ultimately I personally couldn't get into it. Even without the first half, I found the visuals to be painfully flat, the animation often stilted and cheap, and Mark Hamill (bless him) lacked a lot of intensity when it came to the final confrontation near the end of the movie, with his voice sounding overly hoarse.
It certainly doesn't help that it had a limited theatrical release (which I went to) and a lot of people left my theatre just going
Invincible Season 2 is coming to us in Late 2023!!
Here's a really nice short that reveals it

Oh my gosh finally! Feels like it’s been so long since the first season, cannot wait for more Invincible.
You would have thought waiting 3 years for The Dragon Prince would have helped improve my patience. But then I remember how absolutely awful Season 4 was, and that just makes me more impatient for this.
Just joined these forums. Very cool so far! (and a lot of old games are still here !!!)
Speaking of the Avengers, looks like the game is fucking dead
I've heard they've supported it for a while with new characters (a lot are echo fighters though) but yeah that news sucks for people who somehow still find enjoyment in it, I guess.
At least "end of support" in September just means no more chances for patches or updates -- all single-player and multiplayer content should still work.
And they've said that they'll grant all players EVERYTHING (emotes, outfits, profile customization) for free after their March update.
My peoples... Forspoken is nearly upon us...
She says the line. She says the entire freaking line as we'd all feared she does, in one go... lmaoh my god...
If only this came out in 2022. We coulda had the unholy trilogy of games with obnoxious dialogue.
A square Enix published game that has annoying and obnoxious dialogue by its main character?
No, say it ain’t so.
I swear Dragon Age 4 is cursed as it loses another key director. Mac Walters (who was a writer on Jade Empire, senior writer on Mass Effect 1, lead writer of ME2 and ME3, creative director of Mass Effect Andromeda and Mass Effect Legendary Edition, and Product Manager for Dragon Age 4) has announced he is leaving the BioWare after 20 years. This is a game that was started, cancelled, brought back, and has lost its designer, creator, original director, and lead writer already.
I've never played Dragon Age, but BioWare can't take another flop. If it does, ME5 will have no chance. Now granted he has no creative involvement in DA4, but it's still a major player in the game's development cycle.
I just want to take this moment to let you know that in New Tales when Octavio is held at gun point, you have the choice to take out finger guns, in which the camera will dramatically shift, Octavio pulls out his hands and makes "chi-chi" sound and is then abruptly and immediately shot in the face for a comedic game over. Of course, I left out the part where they explain why taking out finger guns wouldn't work for 20 seconds because even when they had a chance to do something kind of funny, they never fail to ruin it by instead explaining what the joke is.
Looks like a fun game. I don't care about the story.
In all fairness, Walters was also responsible for the ending of Mass Effect 3, and the other ME games he was working with the master Drew Karpyshyn. Might be good to have new blood in it ME4; in any case, I don't think it will be the end of the world...for Mass Effect.
Dragon Age 4 though, sheesh, maybe it is cursed.
I don’t think Mac was going to ever have any involvement in the next ME due to working on DA.
And in all fairness, he wrote the two best characters in ME1, what some consider ME’s best romance, and was co-lead with Drew on ME2, what many consider the best in the series. I’m tired of people throwing shit and calling him a hack because of one thing that doesn’t even invalidate the immense good he did before, nor do I agree with putting Drew (an incredible writer no doubt) on some infallible pedestal.
I think the worst you can say is that he is a fantastic character writer, but maybe not the best lead writer or creative head. Because I think what he really had a great strength in was giving personalities and arcs to the characters, and giving them moments where you really could just bond with them. ME3 is probably the best in the series in this regard with its banter on and off the Normandy and some of its cinematic scenes. As contrary as this might sound considering most are aliens, his writing fleshed out the characters and made them feel more human. Drew, on the contrary, was a better story/lore writer (ME1 is the best story of the trilogy), but just a decent character writer. Those two working together for ME2 created a perfect blend. Mac I believe wanted the characters to drive the story and player experience, Drew was more create a world and story worth being invested in and the characters are just a part of the journey. Both are good approaches that can be done poorly or well, and I think the series did well with both.
"Wow they made a funny joke!"
"Oh wait, you left out the part where they ruined it"
At least someone's happy :thumbs_up:
I feel like the game itself is aware it's not meant to be completely serious. So why bother calling it out?
whats up
The sky