Achievements ?
Why there are not achievements ? example: When you beat the Heavy you get Iron Curtain achievement (only just example name of achievement).There are not any special challenges or something ?
It would be nice.
It would be nice.

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Whether there'll be more than four achievements is yet to be seen.
I think he meant in-game achievements. Kind of like the trophies you could win in SBCG4AP: Episode 1. Only they weren't actual achievements, and they were in the actual game, if that makes any sort of sense...
This would be awesome too.
There's general achievements as well.
Defeat Tycho in a hand of poker and unlock his Timepiece.
Justice Just Got Served:
Defeat Max in a hand of poker and unlock his Lugermorph and License to Maim.
Not Much of a Loss, is it?:
Defeat Heavy Weapons Guy in a hand of poker and unlock his Iron Curtain.
Strong Bad At Playing Poker:
Defeat Strong Bad in a hand of poker and unlock his (well, really Homestar's) Dangeresque Shades.
Nice ones :cool:
Yeah, according to his bio on the Poker Night page, he makes pretty big bets.
Yet at the same time, max finds nothing wrong if his head explodes. Max doesnt have commen sense.
The Game uses Steamworks, both versions. If you have Steam running, Steam will detect the Achievements unlocks thanks to that.
I am really interested in how this will work. I think this is the first game that will have that feature for the non-steam-version.
Actually I'm pretty sure any game available on Steam but bought elsewhere is compatible with Steam achievements so long as you've added said game to your steam library. (Not positive)
Though this might be the first game to have rewards in ANOTHER game via achievements.
Nope, Alien Swarm gave you a TF2 hat through a achievement.
I meant a non-Steam game. Nevermind I understand myself.
Has this been confirmed anywhere? I'm still not sure where to buy ;-) . Generally I would buy every TTG-game here, but in this case I'm not so sure, because I have never before heard of a game using steamworks features that supported those features without being bound to a steam account.
If you buy it from Telltale, you can link it to Steam via, the "Add Game" feature. As to whether there will be achievements inside the game itself, I don't know.
Ah ok, thanks.
I also finally had some time to search and found this:
And so, i will buy it here.