updates in 2011 (sonic 20th birthday version)

Never heard of it? click here
and i don't know how to read the info is made japan languange, BLAH BLAH BLAH

heres the poker night thingys updates from sonic the hedgehog in 2011:

1. iron curtain v2.0 (in shadow the hedgehog) 重い:私のクールな武器は....です...影({translate} the heavy: my cool weapon....is for...shadow)

2. max toys from sam and max season 3 (in sonic adventure 1, dx, 2, and 2 battle) マックスは:ボブスおもちゃチャオと尾です ({translate} Max: the bobs toys is for chao and tails)

3. videlectrix Sega tapes (on sonic classic collections) 悪い強い:私のセガテープはBEAT私のスコアをお持ちのDSいます ({translate} Strong Bad: my sega tapes is on your ds to BEAT MY SCORE!!!)

4. 9000 fruit
ker AKA: 9000 fruit bleeeper (on tails adventure {available at sonic mega collection oringinal and plus}) ティコ:彼の冒険に** Kは尾です9000果実Fは、その後、私の毛皮はラキスタノキワミ{ピロから叩か} ({translate} tycho: the 9000 fruit F**K is for tails in his adventure then my fur- {flamed from pyro} AHHHH)

thats all wait wait i know you gonna hated but that doesn't mean your head SPLODE, happy new year everyone.


  • edited January 2011
  • edited January 2011
    Yeah these suck.
  • edited January 2011
    Am I the only person that couldn't understand a word he said? I knew our education system was bad but seriously, this is ridiculous.
  • edited January 2011
    I don't really want to believe he's from Canada.
  • edited January 2011
    Hey, pepsiboy's back! For a while I thought these boards had become disappointingly troll-free again.
  • edited January 2011
    Am I the only person that couldn't understand a word he said? I knew our education was bad but seriously, this is ridiculous.

    You're not the only person, dude.

    I thought I got rid of that troll last month!

    So, did my little computer trick work?
  • edited January 2011
  • edited January 2011
    I think he reverse-translated. Converted whatever he wanted to say to hirigana. Even someone who could read and speak Japanese wouldn't understand this post.
  • edited January 2011
    Ahahahahaha. That "Japanese" is hilarious.
  • edited January 2011
    I just noticed through using 12 advanced translators that he said shadow would get the iron curtain.
    NO. Shadow has only used guns once and sega is hopefully never doing that again.
  • edited January 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    I just noticed through using 12 advanced translators that he said shadow would get the iron curtain.
    NO. Shadow has only used guns once and sega is hopefully never doing that again.

    Ah yes, the dreaded gun...

    But Shadow hasn't really been around for a while, come to think of it.
  • edited January 2011
    pepsiboy3 wrote: »
    1. iron curtain v2.0 (in shadow the hedgehog) 重い:私のクールな武器は....です...影({translate} the heavy: my cool weapon....is for...shadow)Actual translation=Heavy Weapon: This is cool .... my shadow ...

    2. max toys from sam and max season 3 (in sonic adventure 1, dx, 2, and 2 battle) マックスは:ボブスおもちゃチャオと尾です ({translate} Max: the bobs toys is for chao and tails)actual translation=Max: This is Bob's toys and tails chao

    3. videlectrix Sega tapes (on sonic classic collections) 悪い強い:私のセガテープはBEAT私のスコアをお持ちのDSいます ({translate} Strong Bad: my sega tapes is on your ds to BEAT MY SCORE!!!)Actual translation=You have a score on my DS

    4. 9000 fruit
    ker AKA: 9000 fruit bleeeper (on tails adventure {available at sonic mega collection oringinal and plus}) ティコ:彼の冒険に** Kは尾です9000果実Fは、その後、私の毛皮はラキスタノキワミ{ピロから叩か} ({translate} tycho: the 9000 fruit F**K is for tails in his adventure then my fur- {flamed from pyro} AHHHH)Actual translation=Tycho: The Adventure 9000 is the fruit of his tail F ** K is then tapped from the fur of my pillow} {Rakisutanokiwami

    I gave the actual translations for the japanese text.
    My favorite is how badly he translated tycho.
  • edited January 2011
    Your "actual translations" don't highlight how utterly ungrammatical the sentences are, though :)
  • edited January 2011
    "Sam, what language is he speaking?"

    Seriously, just why?
  • edited January 2011
    furrykef wrote: »
    Your "actual translations" don't highlight how utterly ungrammatical the sentences are, though :)

    I just translated, any more and you gotta pay me.

    I also think the tycho translation speaks for itself.
  • edited January 2011
    Adventure 9000? Sign me up, Tycho.
  • edited January 2011
    1nky wrote: »
    Even someone who could read and speak Japanese wouldn't understand this post.

    In pepsiboy's defense, he's not a Japan, France, or Somthing.
  • edited January 2011
    I never gave you permission to use my Poker Night icon as an avatar.
  • edited January 2011
    pepsiboy3 wrote: »
    and i don't know how to read the info is made japan languange, BLAH BLAH BLAH


    4. 9000 fruit
    ker AKA: 9000 fruit bleeeper (on tails adventure {available at sonic mega collection oringinal and plus}) ティコ:彼の冒険に** Kは尾です9000果実Fは、その後、私の毛皮はラキスタノキワミ{ピロから叩か} ({translate} tycho: the 9000 fruit F**K is for tails in his adventure then my fur- {flamed from pyro} AHHHH)

    thats all wait wait i know you gonna hated but that doesn't mean your head SPLODE, happy new year everyone.

    Well, you're obviously very handy with a translator, so.....

    What on God's green earth is a Fruit F***er? An "oringinal" invention of yours?

    Well, if our heads didn't "SPLODE" from hating this, they certainly will from your awful grammar and shoddy attempts at getting around copyright. Happy New Year to you too, pepsiboy. Happy New Year indeed.
  • edited January 2011
    What on God's green earth is a Fruit F***er? An "oringinal" invention of yours?

    Actually, that's all Penny Arcade. Warning - NSFW and may offend
  • edited January 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Actual translation=Tycho: The Adventure 9000 is the fruit of his tail F ** K is then tapped from the fur of my pillow
    I gave the actual translations for the japanese text.
    My favorite is how badly he translated tycho.

    These bad translations could start whole new internet memes!

    The fruit of his tail f*%k is then tapped from the fur of my pillow.


    {type anything here really} is then tapped from the fur of my pillow


    Tap the fur of my pillow.

    ... umm... wait, don't actually tap the fur of my pillow, thanks. :D
  • edited January 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    I just translated, any more and you gotta pay me.
    *shrug* It's not me who needs the explanation. I speak Japanese too. (Not very well -- pretty badly, in fact -- but quite well enough to know that pepsiboy's spouting gibberish. I mean, even more so than usual.)

    And in fact your translations suggest to me that you only glanced at pepsiboy's Japanese or you don't speak it either, 'cause, for instance, his first sentence doesn't say "heavy weapon" or "my shadow". I think the following better captures the, erm, flavor of the "Japanese":

    What pepsiboy says it means: the heavy: my cool weapon....is for...shadow
    What it means: Heavy: As for my cool weapon. Is. A shadow. (I replaced the ellipses with periods to highlight the ungrammaticalness; the way it's written, it's more like three "sentences".)

    What pepsiboy says it means: Max: the bobs toys is for chao and tails
    What it means: As for Bad, Strong: It's Bobs toy chao and tail.

    What pepsiboy says it means: Strong Bad: my sega tapes is on your ds to BEAT MY SCORE!!!
    What it means: Bad, Strong: As for my Sega tapes, BEAT. The having of my score's DS, is.

    ティコ:彼の冒険に** Kは尾です9000果実Fは、その後、私の毛皮はラキスタノキワミ{ピロから叩か}
    What pepsiboy says it means: tycho: the 9000 fruit F**K is for tails in his adventure then my fur- {flamed from pyro} AHHHH
    What it means: Tycho: To his adventure, **K is tail. As for 9000 fruit F, afterwards, as for my fur, Lucky Star no Kiwami (hit from Pyro?)

    (Additionally, it should be noted that "Taiko" would be a better rendering of the pronunciation of Tycho's name, whereas pepsiboy has "Tiko". However, the name of the original Tycho Brahe, after which PA's is named, is indeed "Tiko" in Japanese, so eh. Lucky Star no Kiwami is the name of an album of remixes of Lucky Star remixes. I'm not sure what "kiwami" means, so I've left the title untranslated.)
  • edited January 2011
    The having of my score's DS, is... then tapped from the fur of my pillow :D
  • edited January 2011
    furrykef wrote: »
    *shrug* It's not me who needs the explanation. I speak Japanese too. (Not very well -- pretty badly, in fact -- but quite well enough to know that pepsiboy's spouting gibberish. I mean, even more so than usual.)

    And in fact your translations suggest to me that you only glanced at pepsiboy's Japanese or you don't speak it either, 'cause, for instance, his first sentence doesn't say "heavy weapon" or "my shadow". I think the following better captures the, erm, flavor of the "Japanese":

    What pepsiboy says it means: the heavy: my cool weapon....is for...shadow
    What it means: Heavy: As for my cool weapon. Is. A shadow. (I replaced the ellipses with periods to highlight the ungrammaticalness; the way it's written, it's more like three "sentences".)

    What pepsiboy says it means: Max: the bobs toys is for chao and tails
    What it means: As for Bad, Strong: It's Bobs toy chao and tail.

    What pepsiboy says it means: Strong Bad: my sega tapes is on your ds to BEAT MY SCORE!!!
    What it means: Bad, Strong: As for my Sega tapes, BEAT. The having of my score's DS, is.

    ティコ:彼の冒険に** Kは尾です9000果実Fは、その後、私の毛皮はラキスタノキワミ{ピロから叩か}
    What pepsiboy says it means: tycho: the 9000 fruit F**K is for tails in his adventure then my fur- {flamed from pyro} AHHHH
    What it means: Tycho: To his adventure, **K is tail. As for 9000 fruit F, afterwards, as for my fur, Lucky Star no Kiwami (hit from Pyro?)

    (Additionally, it should be noted that "Taiko" would be a better rendering of the pronunciation of Tycho's name, whereas pepsiboy has "Tiko". However, the name of the original Tycho Brahe, after which PA's is named, is indeed "Tiko" in Japanese, so eh. Lucky Star no Kiwami is the name of an album of remixes of Lucky Star remixes. I'm not sure what "kiwami" means, so I've left the title untranslated.)

    I dont speak japanese at all, I just used google translate.
  • edited January 2011
    Poker Night at the Sega Inventory

    (all with the same voices and dialogue from Poker Night except Fang)

    I had this idea in the very beginning since the game was announced. *raises flame shield*
  • edited January 2011
    ...well at least he spelled Poker right this time.
  • edited January 2011
    ...well at least he spelled Poker right this time.

    huh didn't notice that, well bravo pepsi.
  • edited January 2011
    ...well at least he spelled poker right this time.

    d: Onoes guiz!!!1!!!111!3 hes lossin hz trollin-nesssss1!!!1!!!(!11
  • edited January 2011
    Well, you're obviously very handy with a translator, so.....

    What on God's green earth is a Fruit F***er? An "oringinal" invention of yours?

    Well, if our heads didn't "SPLODE" from hating this, they certainly will from your awful grammar and shoddy attempts at getting around copyright. Happy New Year to you too, pepsiboy. Happy New Year indeed.

    The fruit f**ker is an apromorphic juicer from penny arcade the extracts juice form fruit by f**king it (hence the name)
  • edited January 2011
    Question is there a point to this new thread, because either it can closed and or moved?
  • edited January 2011
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Question is there a point to this new thread, because either it can closed and or moved?

    no, there is no point, this is just a delusional dream of a poker night/sonic collision.
  • edited January 2011
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Question is there a point to this new thread, because either it can closed and or moved?

    I assume the point's amusement.
  • edited January 2011
    Just close it already and move it to parts of the forum where no one will ever see it again.
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