Did you decide to cut Lee's arm off or not?



  • edited January 2013
    I still had hope...so yeah, I cut it off
  • edited January 2013
    I cut it off...

    We all got a little desperate and I knew he was dead but...

    At least my Zombie Lee is even less of a threat with only one arm which is tied to a radiator
  • edited January 2013
    That choice was to show how far you were willing to go to save some one you cared about i cut it off because it was all to save clem
  • edited January 2013
    That choice was to show how far you were willing to go to save some one you cared about i cut it off because it was all to save clem

    What?! That's Heavy Rain's thing!
  • edited January 2013
    anonymau5 wrote: »
    What?! That's Heavy Rain's thing!

    no. think about jason man did you really try your hardest to find him.
  • edited January 2013
    no. think about jason man did you really try your hardest to find him.

    I was joking, but Heavy Rain did the whole "How far are you willing to go" thing poorly. I mean, your character did, but you didn't much care. With the horrible voice acting for the kids, and barely getting to know them, most people I know just played through heavy rain for the tits. Also, when I was supposed to be finding Jason, I just mashed the "JASON!" button. without really walking anywhere. So... not very far.
  • edited January 2013
    anonymau5 wrote: »
    I was joking, but Heavy Rain did the whole "How far are you willing to go" thing poorly. I mean, your character did, but you didn't much care. With the horrible voice acting for the kids, and barely getting to know them, most people I know just played through heavy rain for the tits. Also, when I was supposed to be finding Jason, I just mashed the "JASON!" button. without really walking anywhere. So... not very far.

    "Jason...Jason....Jason..Where are you Jason" That scene annoyed me the most but it was a great game.
  • edited January 2013
    I didn't cut Lee's arm, because I thought he could die due to massive blood loss. I also thought that he would need two arms to save Clementine from the stranger.
  • edited January 2013
    Psyconix wrote: »
    I didn't cut Lee's arm, because I thought he could die due to massive blood loss. I also thought that he would need two arms to save Clementine from the stranger.

    you thought wrong you only needed one.
  • I want to cut my arm off

  • i completely side with "Psyconix". I knew i was screwed already, and i would rather die Saving clem with Both hands (giving it all i got) instead of trying to fight a Man with a gun with my One hand......

    Psyconix posted: »

    I didn't cut Lee's arm, because I thought he could die due to massive blood loss. I also thought that he would need two arms to save Clementine from the stranger.

  • I cut his arm off.

  • I did it in a heartbeat. (Cut off Lee's arm, I mean)

  • edited July 2014

    I didn't cut it off because whilst the logic is there, it is clearly too late. If you think about it the same way you would about a venomous snake bite in real life, its only within minutes that the venom would spread. Following that logic, by the time he had walked around for an hour or half an hour, he was already showing symptoms of it having spread (fainting, looking pale, weakness), so really, what would be the point of then disabling him by cutting his arm off? I know my opinion is not the popular one, but its just fact if you look at it, If the choice was available for straight away, then that would be different. I didn't think he would survive after letting it spread for so long. So might as well have both arms to effectively help Clementine.

  • Spoiler

    i think it was pete who got bitten, but they start talking about amputation and clementine says it didn't work for a friend of hers. i didn't really take the chance and decided to amputate it anyway, it just makes him seem more badass :)

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