Part of it was the mass exodus of long time members to the Double Fine forums, but mostly it's because I don't think I can keep talking about the same three kinds of games now that GOG has gone indie. If something interesting happens, I'll talk about it. You know, stuff like new publishers, batches of mystery games, a conference and (for the next couple months) a reminder to buy the Fallout games before Bethesda has them removed from GOG.
Also, now that I think about it, it seems like bad form to just up and leave. I'll keep doing this until the end of the week.
Thanks for all the effort you've put into doing these over the last year or so. It's appreciated, or at least used to be while there were still people around to read your updates. You have to know what you're looking for to find this thread these days.
Hey, I got to read his latest posts on my feed. Didn't you?
Anyway. Thanks for doing this for as long as you have, Gibbey. Your efforts have always been appreciated, and this place will be a little less bright without you shining the light of knowledge our way.
Thanks for all the effort you've put into doing these over the last year or so. It's appreciated, or at least used to be while there were stil… morel people around to read your updates. You have to know what you're looking for to find this thread these days.
Hey, I got to read his latest posts on my feed. Didn't you?
Now that you mention it, I do. I usually don't see the feed though, as it's outside the main viewport on my phone.
By the way, I don't think anyone would mind if you were to cover the GOG deals on the DF forums, Gibbeynator. ;-) As you're determined to stop doing them here, it would be a shame if your awesome dry wit was to go to waste.
Maybe I'll migrate over to the DF forums if I ever get un-burned out doing this... or when I realize that doing this is the only thing that's really keeping me here. Whatever, we'll see. Until then, have a halloween sale! Up to 75% off some scary titles including the Gabriel Knight series, Alone in the Dark, Amnesia and I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Also on sale but not part of the sale are The Chaos Engine and Rise of the Triad 2013, both for half-off. And let's round this off with some releases. Indie-darling Outlast makes its GOG debut for the launch price of $13.39, and "Alan Wake Goes To Twin Peaks" simulator Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut finally jumps to PC at the launch price of $22.49.
Your indie gem promo of the week is Papers, Please for 40% off. Might be best to wait on this one, as we're getting closer to the winter sale, and the deal will surely be better then. Also, we have the release of Avadon 2: The Corruption for the launch price of $7.49.
Rise of the Triad just had a giant update, so that explains that. As for The Chaos Engine, it's on sale as part of Steam's Halloween sale, so I guess this is a cross-market Halloween sale.
First up on the release block, we have Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut for the launch price of $9.99. And that makes that two Director's Cut editions released on GOG in a single week. Pattern, or just one off coincidence? And the token classic release of the week is Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall for $5.99. Also, if you own the Blackwell Bundle (and if not, why haven't you bought this thing yet?), Dave Gilbert is pushing out a new version of Blackwell Deception as a free update. I've only spot-checked a little of it, but it appears to mostly be new art assets.
And GOG is apparently doing another download speed survey. Participate and receive a free copy of Realms of Arkania 1+2. Or you can just check the forums for spare RoA codes since it was already given away free before.
We started this week with me retiring from doing this, and we're going to end this week with me retiring from doing this. Likewise, we started this week with a cute game, so we're going to end this week with a cute game. Lilly Looking Through has officially been released with the launch price of $8.99. You can afford it if you don't blow your money on the weekend deal, though, which is 60% off pretty much the entire Ubisoft catalog.
And as always, This Week on GOG recaps the week and gives us a hint for a game next week. Judging by forum reaction, the token classic game next week will be Wing Commander Prophecy.
And with that, I'm done updating this thread regularly. I'll still chime in if anything cool happens, and maybe I'll post the TWoG video each week to keep you up on hints and releases.
I backed the Lilly Looking Through Kickstarter and I think it looks very promising. If you don't own them, I also recommend picking up Beyond Good and Evil, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and Rayman 2 and 3.
Again, thanks for keeping this thread going for so long. You've done a great job with it.
This qualifies enough as interesting, so here we go. GOG is running a charity drive. Donate a minimum of five dollars to Gaming For Good, the WWF or World Builders, and get three games from a list of ten. Games included are Darwinia, FTL, Pid, Botanicula, Creatures Village, Waking Mars, Incredipede, The Whispered World, Driftmoon and Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee. 100% of your donation will go to charity, too.
And as soon as the Gibbeynator doesn't keep us up to speed, releases games like crazy. Well, at least I get to do some editorializing then.
Valdis Story: Abyssal City is a 2D platformer with RPG elements. Bit of a CastleofManaia. Actually exactly what I'd like to play it seems. Will get back to you with some impressions.
Dust: An Elysian Tail is... wait, another 2D platformer with RPG elements? Well, not many platforms in this. And the graphics aren't half as appealing. Skipping on that one.
Wing Commander 5: Prophecy is out on I played this about 10 years ago, but it really wasn't that great. The new characters refused to be memorable, and the old ones, including glorious Thomas F. Wilson and Luke whatshisname, didn't quite break through the writers' obvious block.
Fourth game Battle Worlds: Kronos concludes our long list of examples of excess colon use in game titles. For Battle Isle fans, and that's probably just a few among the 30+ gamer generation, this could be heaven. Backed with Kickstarter money, King Art (of Book of Unwritten Tales fame and unfortunately also The Raven shame) digs deep into the nostalgia buckets and has already been a breakthrough success on Steam.
Rogue Trooper looks like some 3rd person shooter to me, and the developers promise a host of applicable tactics for that one. Not sure what to make of it. Won't try it either.
And then there's Race to the Sun. A racer through psychedelic shapes and colors, "strangely relaxing". Maybe a game for my mother (no insult to anyone, I do mean that).
Just popping in to say that I think Dust is a great game. Hand-drawn and animated beautifully. The gameplay isn't especially deep but it's pretty satisfying. I'd call it more action-adventure than platformer or RPG. It's a "crowd control" sort of action game, where your attacks are strong enough to plow through most individual enemies, so the game throws a lot of enemies at you at once, which some people may not like but I think it's enjoyable.
And as soon as the Gibbeynator doesn't keep us up to speed, releases games like crazy. Well, at least I get to do some editorializing … morethen.
Valdis Story: Abyssal City is a 2D platformer with RPG elements. Bit of a CastleofManaia. Actually exactly what I'd like to play it seems. Will get back to you with some impressions.
Dust: An Elysian Tail is... wait, another 2D platformer with RPG elements? Well, not many platforms in this. And the graphics aren't half as appealing. Skipping on that one.
Wing Commander 5: Prophecy is out on I played this about 10 years ago, but it really wasn't that great. The new characters refused to be memorable, and the old ones, including glorious Thomas F. Wilson and Luke whatshisname, didn't quite break through the writers' obvious block.
Fourth game Battle Worlds: Kronos concludes our long list of examples of excess colon use in game titles. For Battle Isle fans, and that's probably just a… [view original content]
Your weekend deal of the week is another Activision promo, but this time for 60% off. We've also got a new DLC pack for Sword of the Stars: The Pit. This $2.99 Gold Edition DLC comes with a ton of new content, and comes part of the new Sword of the Stars: The Pit Gold Edition for the launch price of $9.74. Also, sort of silently slipped into the newsletter was Wasteland for $5.99, being released on November 12th. Enjoy the classic game with new voice acting, a remastered soundtrack and high resolution artwork! Or just play the classic version as it was released back in 1988. And here's a This Week on GOG for a recap and new game hint, which is cryptic as always. Anything else? Oh, right, a few new games have been added to the charity promo. Escape Goat, Gemini Rue and Anodyne have been added to the charity promo.
I grabbed all the games in the charity drive that I didn't own already (and put in some extra cash past the minimum amount). I've got way too many games in my backlog, but I couldn't pass this up, since 100% goes to charity including processing fees.
Your weekend deal of the week is another Activision promo, but this time for 60% off. We've also got a new DLC pack for Sword of the Stars: Th… moree Pit. This $2.99 Gold Edition DLC comes with a ton of new content, and comes part of the new Sword of the Stars: The Pit Gold Edition for the launch price of $9.74. Also, sort of silently slipped into the newsletter was Wasteland for $5.99, being released on November 12th. Enjoy the classic game with new voice acting, a remastered soundtrack and high resolution artwork! Or just play the classic version as it was released back in 1988. And here's a This Week on GOG for a recap and new game hint, which is cryptic as always. Anything else? Oh, right, a few new games have been added to the charity promo. Escape Goat, Gemini Rue and Anodyne have been added to the charity promo.
Having a weird problem with Valdis' Story after quite some time spent in the game. At some parts in the game, you get a counter to show you the time a door stays open. Mostly these are easy feats, the harder ones are optional, and I mostly thought that my inability to do some of these are connected to using a keyboard or lack of reflexes as an 'aging gamer'.
But I am now (or was) at a part of the game where escaping a dungeon before the next save point requires you to do such a 'time trial'. It doesn't work. However perfect I do this five-second thing, the door slams in my face, and that's just the first hurdle of several in that room. I went online to watch a walkthrough, and somehow that guy's counter seems to be slowed down considerably. The man even has excess time to spare! This is so weird.
The newest release is Pixeljunk Shooter, a cave shooter from the makers of Pixeljunk Monsters HD. It's launch price is $6.74, which is 25% off, until November 18th at 10:59AM GMT.
And the Classic Gem Promo is Shadow Man, an action adventure horror game based on the Shadowman comic. It's on sale for 60% off, for only $2.39 for a few more hours.
So, here's an odd sale. GOG is running extremely limited promos on 101 of their titles. How limited? System Shock 2, the first one up, is available for 80% off, but only the first 500 people who buy it get the promo price. The sale ends when they run out of titles so... get on that.
Yeah, this wasn't a well thought out deal, what with everyone trying to click the button to get those free games at the exact same time... or it's bots. Yeah, we're going with bots.
I own Psychonauts several times over as well, but I think the GOG version is definitely worth getting because of the original Meat Circus and the included artwork.
Hey look, Goodbye Deponia is finally on GOG. And, in what I hope is a desperate attempt for Daedalic to say "sorry we're giving you the game a month late and without the German version... again", your 20 dollar purchase will get you all three Deponia games.
That is a bit of a disgrace. The month long delay explicitly IS so that German retail sales are not undercut by a cheaper version with all languages. German language was part of the first as well as the second part of Deponia on, and now they're just going "sorry guys, not for part 3"?
Totally the wrong direction. This is the attempt to make the game worthless to German speaking customers on gog because the platform doesn't have international pricing and they can't pull off their "46$ for German customers, 17.99$ for everyone else" bullshit. This won't stand. They HAVE to rethink that. If they'd like to keep the domestic market, that is.
Hey look, Goodbye Deponia is finally on GOG. And, in what I hope is a desperate attempt for Daedalic to say "sorry we're giving you the game a… more month late and without the German version... again", your 20 dollar purchase will get you all three Deponia games.
Apparently that's changed from "we're contractually forbidden from releasing the German-language version on GOG" to "Germans will pay whatever we want them to pay for a game in their language" so... boo, Daedalic?
That is a bit of a disgrace. The month long delay explicitly IS so that German retail sales are not undercut by a cheaper version with all lan… moreguages. German language was part of the first as well as the second part of Deponia on, and now they're just going "sorry guys, not for part 3"?
Totally the wrong direction. This is the attempt to make the game worthless to German speaking customers on gog because the platform doesn't have international pricing and they can't pull off their "46$ for German customers, 17.99$ for everyone else" bullshit. This won't stand. They HAVE to rethink that. If they'd like to keep the domestic market, that is.
In this very special and unacceptable case: Yes, boo, Daedalic.
You hit the nail on the head here. They can't just go ahead and justify the lack of German voices for Night of the Rabbit on with their publisher and then, when they self-publish, do the same shit for financial reasons. That's morally questionable. Questions I intend to raise.
Apparently that's changed from "we're contractually forbidden from releasing the German-language version on GOG" to "Germans will pay whatever we want them to pay for a game in their language" so... boo, Daedalic?
Could one of you American-based forumites do me a favor? I'd like to know how much Goodbye Deponia presently costs in the Steam Store in the USA, because it's quite possible that it's even less than the version...
In this very special and unacceptable case: Yes, boo, Daedalic.
You hit the nail on the head here. They can't just go ahead and justify the… more lack of German voices for Night of the Rabbit on with their publisher and then, when they self-publish, do the same shit for financial reasons. That's morally questionable. Questions I intend to raise. now has Dave Gilbert's adventure game The Shivah (in both classic and an enhanced "Kosher Edition") for $5. Pick that one up if you haven't already. It's excellent.
@Vainamoinen wrote:
Could one of you American-based forumites do me a favor? I'd like to know how much Goodbye Deponia presently costs in the Steam Store in the USA, because it's quite possible that it's even less than the version...
Goodbye Deponia is currently $19.99 on the Steam store in the United States, so it's the same as the version (at least it is now that the 3 game deal ended).
Could one of you American-based forumites do me a favor? I'd like to know how much Goodbye Deponia presently costs in the Steam Store in the USA, because it's quite possible that it's even less than the version...
For future reference, you can add the query parameters "cc" with a country code as value to the Steam URL to list prices in other countries. Like "? cc=us" for the US. Or alternatively just use an online US proxy.
The Winter Sale is officially on, and it works a little differently this year. First off is the standard daily deals, which obviously change daily. Apparently you can find out what they are in advance by watching popular Youtubers play them. Next up, we have community choice deals. Much like how they work on Steam, vote for the deal you want. Unlike Steam, you can actually see the number of votes per bundle, so the winner is fairly obvious right off the bat. Lastly, we have special gift sales. Pick one sale from a list of three, and you'll get a random game from, presumably, a predetermined list. All three sales change daily at 9am eastern.
So, let's start on deals. The daily deal is dungeon crawlers. Ultima Underworld is 66% off, and Legend of Grimrock is 70% off. The current community choice is, appropriately, The Big Ones. Up to 80% off some big games from 2013, including Dragon Commander, the new Shadow Warrior and the Magrunner. Your choices for tomorrow are either 75% off all the Bullfrog games (except Theme Park) and 75% off the Heroes of Might and Magic collection. Lastly, your three gift sales are Timeless Classics (old games), Brave New Worlds (new games), and Random Magic (anyone's guess).
And lastly, it wouldn't be the holidays without a free game offer, and this year, GOG is saying "screw you, Bethesda" by giving away ALL the Fallout games they have absolutely free. Since they're being removed from the service at the end of the year, it's now or never to buy them up.
Day 2 of the Winter Sale brings us the Mystique and Mysterious daily deal. Save 75% on Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers and 60% on Cognition. The community choice winner was 75 % off Bullfrog classics, so go pick those up, and don't forget to vote in today's community poll. Your choices for tomorrow's sale are either 75% off Violent Games or 70% off Horror Games. Also, this is your "24 hours remaining" warning to grab the Fallout games while they're still free.
And now let's send you on your merry shopping way with Dodger giving you the rundown on the daily deal of adventuretude.
And here it is, the final ever episode of This Week on GOG. Not that they don't like doing it, but Youtube is so screwed up at this point that it's just not feasible to keep putting these videos out.
On day 3, Jesse Cox gives his thoughts on today's daily deal, which is 66% off "The Joy of Platforming" (Pandemonium and Giana Sisters). Don't forget to check out today's community deal, which is the "Ultraviolence Uberpack" for up to 75% off. And if you're voting in today's community poll for tomorrow's deal, your choices are between dungeon crawlers and Dungeons and Dragons. Also, don't forget to check your giftbox deals, as literally anything on GOG could show up in them.
Lastly, Fallout is no longer free, but will remain on sale until the fateful removal day at 60% off.
Northern Lion races to give us his take on today's "Charge-Up and Go!" deal (66% off Re-Volt and 75% off Race the Sun). Today's community deal is "Dungeons and Dragons Desire", because of course it is. Take a flat 80% off ALL the Dungeons and Dragons games on GOG, none of this "buy them all for 80% off or just a couple for 50% off" nonsense the other sales have. Go vote in the community poll (or not, because the winner is usually decided in the first minutes anyway) between vaguely defined RPGs and vaguely defined Roguelikes.
As always, keep checking your giftbox, and remember that you CAN gift those games.
Sjin takes a look at today's recommended deal, which is "Space Sim Succession" at 66% off (Wing Commander: Prophecy and Strike Suit Zero). Surprising no one, the "Roguelikelike Bundlelike", a bundle of up to 70% off vaguely defined roguelikes is the community deal of the day. Cast your vote for tomorrow's sale, which is between Might and Magic and Ultima. Spoiler alert: Might and Magic is winning and it hasn't even been half-an-hour yet.
May the Force... give us his thoughts on the "To Infinity and Beyond" deal (70% off Icewind Dale 1-2, 50% off Aarklash Legacy). As determined within the first 3 minutes of voting, today's community choice is "Tales of Might & Magic", which is Might & Magic 1-9 for up to 75% off. I'm wondering if I should even bother mentioning the community poll, since the winner is decided pretty much immediately. It's probably going to be 4X stuff, but there's also Settlers.
There's almost too many deals to mention today, so let's just say that all the major bundles are active again, including the stuff that will be recommended during the rest of the sale. Also, you get 9 giftboxes today. 3 of them you still have to select between, but the other six are yours for the taking. Point yourself in the direction of the GOG site and get to shopping.
Part of it was the mass exodus of long time members to the Double Fine forums, but mostly it's because I don't think I can keep talking about the same three kinds of games now that GOG has gone indie. If something interesting happens, I'll talk about it. You know, stuff like new publishers, batches of mystery games, a conference and (for the next couple months) a reminder to buy the Fallout games before Bethesda has them removed from GOG.
Also, now that I think about it, it seems like bad form to just up and leave. I'll keep doing this until the end of the week.
Hey, I got to read his latest posts on my feed. Didn't you?
Anyway. Thanks for doing this for as long as you have, Gibbey. Your efforts have always been appreciated, and this place will be a little less bright without you shining the light of knowledge our way.
Now that you mention it, I do. I usually don't see the feed though, as it's outside the main viewport on my phone.
By the way, I don't think anyone would mind if you were to cover the GOG deals on the DF forums, Gibbeynator. ;-) As you're determined to stop doing them here, it would be a shame if your awesome dry wit was to go to waste.
Yeah! If you don't do 'em, that means I'd have to do 'em, and man, don't I already do enough?
Pft! I'm currently doing the GOG deals, and you know it. My GOG announcements are pretty bare bones though.
But you do enough; there's no questioning that.
Maybe I'll migrate over to the DF forums if I ever get un-burned out doing this... or when I realize that doing this is the only thing that's really keeping me here. Whatever, we'll see. Until then, have a halloween sale! Up to 75% off some scary titles including the Gabriel Knight series, Alone in the Dark, Amnesia and I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Also on sale but not part of the sale are The Chaos Engine and Rise of the Triad 2013, both for half-off. And let's round this off with some releases. Indie-darling Outlast makes its GOG debut for the launch price of $13.39, and "Alan Wake Goes To Twin Peaks" simulator Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut finally jumps to PC at the launch price of $22.49.
Your indie gem promo of the week is Papers, Please for 40% off. Might be best to wait on this one, as we're getting closer to the winter sale, and the deal will surely be better then. Also, we have the release of Avadon 2: The Corruption for the launch price of $7.49.
Any idea why The Chaos Engine and Rise of the Triad are on sale? They don't seem to be part of the Halloween promos.
Rise of the Triad just had a giant update, so that explains that. As for The Chaos Engine, it's on sale as part of Steam's Halloween sale, so I guess this is a cross-market Halloween sale.
First up on the release block, we have Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut for the launch price of $9.99. And that makes that two Director's Cut editions released on GOG in a single week. Pattern, or just one off coincidence? And the token classic release of the week is Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall for $5.99. Also, if you own the Blackwell Bundle (and if not, why haven't you bought this thing yet?), Dave Gilbert is pushing out a new version of Blackwell Deception as a free update. I've only spot-checked a little of it, but it appears to mostly be new art assets.
And GOG is apparently doing another download speed survey. Participate and receive a free copy of Realms of Arkania 1+2. Or you can just check the forums for spare RoA codes since it was already given away free before.
We started this week with me retiring from doing this, and we're going to end this week with me retiring from doing this. Likewise, we started this week with a cute game, so we're going to end this week with a cute game. Lilly Looking Through has officially been released with the launch price of $8.99. You can afford it if you don't blow your money on the weekend deal, though, which is 60% off pretty much the entire Ubisoft catalog.
And as always, This Week on GOG recaps the week and gives us a hint for a game next week. Judging by forum reaction, the token classic game next week will be Wing Commander Prophecy.
And with that, I'm done updating this thread regularly. I'll still chime in if anything cool happens, and maybe I'll post the TWoG video each week to keep you up on hints and releases.
I backed the Lilly Looking Through Kickstarter and I think it looks very promising. If you don't own them, I also recommend picking up Beyond Good and Evil, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and Rayman 2 and 3.
Again, thanks for keeping this thread going for so long. You've done a great job with it.
This qualifies enough as interesting, so here we go. GOG is running a charity drive. Donate a minimum of five dollars to Gaming For Good, the WWF or World Builders, and get three games from a list of ten. Games included are Darwinia, FTL, Pid, Botanicula, Creatures Village, Waking Mars, Incredipede, The Whispered World, Driftmoon and Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee. 100% of your donation will go to charity, too.
And as soon as the Gibbeynator doesn't keep us up to speed, releases games like crazy. Well, at least I get to do some editorializing then.
Valdis Story: Abyssal City is a 2D platformer with RPG elements. Bit of a CastleofManaia. Actually exactly what I'd like to play it seems. Will get back to you with some impressions.
Dust: An Elysian Tail is... wait, another 2D platformer with RPG elements? Well, not many platforms in this. And the graphics aren't half as appealing. Skipping on that one.
Wing Commander 5: Prophecy is out on I played this about 10 years ago, but it really wasn't that great. The new characters refused to be memorable, and the old ones, including glorious Thomas F. Wilson and Luke whatshisname, didn't quite break through the writers' obvious block.
Fourth game Battle Worlds: Kronos concludes our long list of examples of excess colon use in game titles. For Battle Isle fans, and that's probably just a few among the 30+ gamer generation, this could be heaven. Backed with Kickstarter money, King Art (of Book of Unwritten Tales fame and unfortunately also The Raven shame) digs deep into the nostalgia buckets and has already been a breakthrough success on Steam.
Rogue Trooper looks like some 3rd person shooter to me, and the developers promise a host of applicable tactics for that one. Not sure what to make of it. Won't try it either.
And then there's Race to the Sun. A racer through psychedelic shapes and colors, "strangely relaxing". Maybe a game for my mother (no insult to anyone, I do mean that).
Just popping in to say that I think Dust is a great game. Hand-drawn and animated beautifully. The gameplay isn't especially deep but it's pretty satisfying. I'd call it more action-adventure than platformer or RPG. It's a "crowd control" sort of action game, where your attacks are strong enough to plow through most individual enemies, so the game throws a lot of enemies at you at once, which some people may not like but I think it's enjoyable.
I played the Wii port of Rogue Trooper. Distinctly average in almost every single respect. Don't bother.
Your weekend deal of the week is another Activision promo, but this time for 60% off. We've also got a new DLC pack for Sword of the Stars: The Pit. This $2.99 Gold Edition DLC comes with a ton of new content, and comes part of the new Sword of the Stars: The Pit Gold Edition for the launch price of $9.74. Also, sort of silently slipped into the newsletter was Wasteland for $5.99, being released on November 12th. Enjoy the classic game with new voice acting, a remastered soundtrack and high resolution artwork! Or just play the classic version as it was released back in 1988. And here's a This Week on GOG for a recap and new game hint, which is cryptic as always. Anything else? Oh, right, a few new games have been added to the charity promo. Escape Goat, Gemini Rue and Anodyne have been added to the charity promo.
I grabbed all the games in the charity drive that I didn't own already (and put in some extra cash past the minimum amount). I've got way too many games in my backlog, but I couldn't pass this up, since 100% goes to charity including processing fees.
Having a weird problem with Valdis' Story after quite some time spent in the game. At some parts in the game, you get a counter to show you the time a door stays open. Mostly these are easy feats, the harder ones are optional, and I mostly thought that my inability to do some of these are connected to using a keyboard or lack of reflexes as an 'aging gamer'.
But I am now (or was) at a part of the game where escaping a dungeon before the next save point requires you to do such a 'time trial'. It doesn't work. However perfect I do this five-second thing, the door slams in my face, and that's just the first hurdle of several in that room. I went online to watch a walkthrough, and somehow that guy's counter seems to be slowed down considerably. The man even has excess time to spare! This is so weird.

The newest release is Pixeljunk Shooter, a cave shooter from the makers of Pixeljunk Monsters HD. It's launch price is $6.74, which is 25% off, until November 18th at 10:59AM GMT.
And the Classic Gem Promo is Shadow Man, an action adventure horror game based on the Shadowman comic. It's on sale for 60% off, for only $2.39 for a few more hours.
So, here's an odd sale. GOG is running extremely limited promos on 101 of their titles. How limited? System Shock 2, the first one up, is available for 80% off, but only the first 500 people who buy it get the promo price. The sale ends when they run out of titles so... get on that.
"Don't Starve" 66% off. That'll take a while longer than System Shock.
/edit: Hey, I think they're cheating!!
/edit2: They just gave away Wing Commander IV for free. I clicked immediately. And missed it. This all feels like an ebay kind of thing...
... I hate ebay.
The Psychonauts free offer went by just as fast. And ended with a "we're overwhelmed by the popularity of our service" error message.
Although, I already own Psychonauts so many times on many other services, I guess it's better it went to someone else anyway.
Yeah, this wasn't a well thought out deal, what with everyone trying to click the button to get those free games at the exact same time... or it's bots. Yeah, we're going with bots.
I own Psychonauts several times over as well, but I think the GOG version is definitely worth getting because of the original Meat Circus and the included artwork.
Hey look, Goodbye Deponia is finally on GOG. And, in what I hope is a desperate attempt for Daedalic to say "sorry we're giving you the game a month late and without the German version... again", your 20 dollar purchase will get you all three Deponia games.
That is a bit of a disgrace. The month long delay explicitly IS so that German retail sales are not undercut by a cheaper version with all languages. German language was part of the first as well as the second part of Deponia on, and now they're just going "sorry guys, not for part 3"?
Totally the wrong direction. This is the attempt to make the game worthless to German speaking customers on gog because the platform doesn't have international pricing and they can't pull off their "46$ for German customers, 17.99$ for everyone else" bullshit. This won't stand. They HAVE to rethink that. If they'd like to keep the domestic market, that is.
Apparently that's changed from "we're contractually forbidden from releasing the German-language version on GOG" to "Germans will pay whatever we want them to pay for a game in their language" so... boo, Daedalic?
In this very special and unacceptable case: Yes, boo, Daedalic.
You hit the nail on the head here. They can't just go ahead and justify the lack of German voices for Night of the Rabbit on with their publisher and then, when they self-publish, do the same shit for financial reasons. That's morally questionable. Questions I intend to raise.
Could one of you American-based forumites do me a favor? I'd like to know how much Goodbye Deponia presently costs in the Steam Store in the USA, because it's quite possible that it's even less than the version... now has Dave Gilbert's adventure game The Shivah (in both classic and an enhanced "Kosher Edition") for $5. Pick that one up if you haven't already. It's excellent.
Goodbye Deponia is currently $19.99 on the Steam store in the United States, so it's the same as the version (at least it is now that the 3 game deal ended).
For future reference, you can add the query parameters "cc" with a country code as value to the Steam URL to list prices in other countries. Like "? cc=us" for the US. Or alternatively just use an online US proxy.
Now that all of the Wing Commander games are out on GOG, you can get the whole series for 50% off for the next 44 hours.
The Winter Sale is officially on, and it works a little differently this year. First off is the standard daily deals, which obviously change daily. Apparently you can find out what they are in advance by watching popular Youtubers play them. Next up, we have community choice deals. Much like how they work on Steam, vote for the deal you want. Unlike Steam, you can actually see the number of votes per bundle, so the winner is fairly obvious right off the bat. Lastly, we have special gift sales. Pick one sale from a list of three, and you'll get a random game from, presumably, a predetermined list. All three sales change daily at 9am eastern.
So, let's start on deals. The daily deal is dungeon crawlers. Ultima Underworld is 66% off, and Legend of Grimrock is 70% off. The current community choice is, appropriately, The Big Ones. Up to 80% off some big games from 2013, including Dragon Commander, the new Shadow Warrior and the Magrunner. Your choices for tomorrow are either 75% off all the Bullfrog games (except Theme Park) and 75% off the Heroes of Might and Magic collection. Lastly, your three gift sales are Timeless Classics (old games), Brave New Worlds (new games), and Random Magic (anyone's guess).
And lastly, it wouldn't be the holidays without a free game offer, and this year, GOG is saying "screw you, Bethesda" by giving away ALL the Fallout games they have absolutely free. Since they're being removed from the service at the end of the year, it's now or never to buy them up.
Day 2 of the Winter Sale brings us the Mystique and Mysterious daily deal. Save 75% on Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers and 60% on Cognition. The community choice winner was 75 % off Bullfrog classics, so go pick those up, and don't forget to vote in today's community poll. Your choices for tomorrow's sale are either 75% off Violent Games or 70% off Horror Games. Also, this is your "24 hours remaining" warning to grab the Fallout games while they're still free.
And now let's send you on your merry shopping way with Dodger giving you the rundown on the daily deal of adventuretude.
And here it is, the final ever episode of This Week on GOG. Not that they don't like doing it, but Youtube is so screwed up at this point that it's just not feasible to keep putting these videos out.
On day 3, Jesse Cox gives his thoughts on today's daily deal, which is 66% off "The Joy of Platforming" (Pandemonium and Giana Sisters). Don't forget to check out today's community deal, which is the "Ultraviolence Uberpack" for up to 75% off. And if you're voting in today's community poll for tomorrow's deal, your choices are between dungeon crawlers and Dungeons and Dragons. Also, don't forget to check your giftbox deals, as literally anything on GOG could show up in them.
Lastly, Fallout is no longer free, but will remain on sale until the fateful removal day at 60% off.
Northern Lion races to give us his take on today's "Charge-Up and Go!" deal (66% off Re-Volt and 75% off Race the Sun). Today's community deal is "Dungeons and Dragons Desire", because of course it is. Take a flat 80% off ALL the Dungeons and Dragons games on GOG, none of this "buy them all for 80% off or just a couple for 50% off" nonsense the other sales have. Go vote in the community poll (or not, because the winner is usually decided in the first minutes anyway) between vaguely defined RPGs and vaguely defined Roguelikes.
As always, keep checking your giftbox, and remember that you CAN gift those games.
Sjin takes a look at today's recommended deal, which is "Space Sim Succession" at 66% off (Wing Commander: Prophecy and Strike Suit Zero). Surprising no one, the "Roguelikelike Bundlelike", a bundle of up to 70% off vaguely defined roguelikes is the community deal of the day. Cast your vote for tomorrow's sale, which is between Might and Magic and Ultima. Spoiler alert: Might and Magic is winning and it hasn't even been half-an-hour yet.
May the Force... give us his thoughts on the "To Infinity and Beyond" deal (70% off Icewind Dale 1-2, 50% off Aarklash Legacy). As determined within the first 3 minutes of voting, today's community choice is "Tales of Might & Magic", which is Might & Magic 1-9 for up to 75% off. I'm wondering if I should even bother mentioning the community poll, since the winner is decided pretty much immediately. It's probably going to be 4X stuff, but there's also Settlers.
There's almost too many deals to mention today, so let's just say that all the major bundles are active again, including the stuff that will be recommended during the rest of the sale. Also, you get 9 giftboxes today. 3 of them you still have to select between, but the other six are yours for the taking. Point yourself in the direction of the GOG site and get to shopping.