The only thing im worried about is season 2 gonna do the same thing as season one by making people on ps3 in europe wait another month before it comes out
If they release it on Friday, I'm gonna have a fit! I fly home for Christmas on Friday and can't play then until January. I really hope it's out on the 18th for Xbox. I can't wait that long to play it!
That is correct, 1PM EST, 10AM PST, 6PM GMT, 7PM CET. It releases at them same time that Steams Daily Deal changes so if you want to see a countdown watch the Deal timer on the steam store page
At what time do the games usually release? Are they released at midnight of the game release date? If so, what time zone? I ask because on Ste… moream's website I see the release date as "1 day and 3 hours". I'm in EST zone, so that would put the release at tomorrow, Dec 17th around 1pm. Does that sound right to anyone? Can anyone shed some light on this for me?
Remember when they told us it would be out "before the end of Fall"? Technically speaking, if they get it out before Friday, they will have fulfilled that promise.
I don't get it 26 hours till the Steam release, but TT has yet to confirm or reject the date. The only thing we got from tweets is "coming this week."
Maybe @puzzlebox can shed some light on what's going on tomorrow.
To me, I think if its this week they should say something like "we can expect the game this week at latest_____," its all gonna be a very last minute thing as it appears to me. Whatever they will do
To me, I think if its this week they should say something like "we can expect the game this week at latest_____," its all gonna be a very last minute thing as it appears to me. Whatever they will do
I just hope all this hype for the 17th doesn't let alot of people down. I know the date isn't official from TT but if it's not the 17th TT should have given us the day it will come out by now. They have to know that steam, microsoft, and sony have all given release dates around the same day or two, and to not let us know by now if those dates are wrong would just be bad business IMO.
So i'm going to think that TT would have told us if it weren't going to be released tomorrow. Even though my gut is telling me not to get my hopes up for tomorrow, I can't help myself because we've heard nothing to the contrary.
well, its good to stay positive on the release and hope it is the dates given; however if TT comes out and says another day then posted by Steam, PSN and Microsoft you can bet that will really annoy a lot of people.
I just hope all this hype for the 17th doesn't let alot of people down. I know the date isn't official from TT but if it's not the 17th TT sh… moreould have given us the day it will come out by now. They have to know that steam, microsoft, and sony have all given release dates around the same day or two, and to not let us know by now if those dates are wrong would just be bad business IMO.
So i'm going to think that TT would have told us if it weren't going to be released tomorrow. Even though my gut is telling me not to get my hopes up for tomorrow, I can't help myself because we've heard nothing to the contrary.
Yeah tommorow one hour before the release = telltale twitter: Sry guys we cant tell you why, but The Walking Dead Season 2 cant release this week, have a nice day.
The Walking Dead Season 2 coming very very #.SOON
well, its good to stay positive on the release and hope it is the dates given; however if TT comes out and says another day then posted by Steam, PSN and Microsoft you can bet that will really annoy a lot of people.
Yeah tommorow one hour before the release = telltale twitter: Sry guys we cant tell you why, but The Walking Dead Season 2 cant release this week, have a nice day.
The Walking Dead Season 2 coming very very #.SOON
well, its good to stay positive on the release and hope it is the dates given; however if TT comes out and says another day then posted by Steam, PSN and Microsoft you can bet that will really annoy a lot of people.
TTJ's telling the truth, here's the tweet!
It's coming! I'd imagine that it's just going to confirm the 17th, but still. Yay!
well, its good to stay positive on the release and hope it is the dates given; however if TT comes out and says another day then posted by Steam, PSN and Microsoft you can bet that will really annoy a lot of people.
You say something they don't like they will never leave you alone, kind of sad that they have nothing better to with their time than to stalk some ones profile and down vote them.
As someone said earlier, provided the release date for Steam is the 17th as stated and I really hope it is, just look at the daily deal timer. When the daily ends, The Walking Dead: Season 2 should be released.
By the way, while it is indeed late no matter your definition, the reason they've probably not said anything today yet is that I think Laura doesn't tend to tweet until 7 - 9 pm UK time? It's 6:05pm right now.
Edit: In any case, I think I'll watch the TV show on Netflix tonight and tomorrow up until release to pass the time, maybe play season 1 a bit. I'm on episode 5 of season currently when it comes to the show, and haven't seen past season 1 ever. Stopped watching it with missing the beginning of season 2. Not really the type of show where I don't mind missing an episode.
As someone said earlier, provided the release date for Steam is the 17th as stated and I really hope it is, just look at the daily deal timer.… more When the daily ends, The Walking Dead: Season 2 should be released.
By the way, while it is indeed late no matter your definition, the reason they've probably not said anything today yet is that I think Laura doesn't tend to tweet until 7 - 9 pm UK time? It's 6:05pm right now.
Edit: In any case, I think I'll watch the TV show on Netflix tonight and tomorrow up until release to pass the time, maybe play season 1 a bit. I'm on episode 5 of season currently when it comes to the show, and haven't seen past season 1 ever. Stopped watching it with missing the beginning of season 2. Not really the type of show where I don't mind missing an episode.
I get that but my hopes personally are already up so if it doesn't come out tomorrow I will personal be like WTF WHY WHY WHY WTF LDKJFLDKSAJFLAJFSLJDSD BOOM!!!!*
I just hope all this hype for the 17th doesn't let alot of people down. I know the date isn't official from TT but if it's not the 17th TT sh… moreould have given us the day it will come out by now. They have to know that steam, microsoft, and sony have all given release dates around the same day or two, and to not let us know by now if those dates are wrong would just be bad business IMO.
So i'm going to think that TT would have told us if it weren't going to be released tomorrow. Even though my gut is telling me not to get my hopes up for tomorrow, I can't help myself because we've heard nothing to the contrary.
The only thing im worried about is season 2 gonna do the same thing as season one by making people on ps3 in europe wait another month before it comes out
If they release it on Friday, I'm gonna have a fit! I fly home for Christmas on Friday and can't play then until January. I really hope it's out on the 18th for Xbox. I can't wait that long to play it!
That is correct, 1PM EST, 10AM PST, 6PM GMT, 7PM CET. It releases at them same time that Steams Daily Deal changes so if you want to see a countdown watch the Deal timer on the steam store page
Oh how stressful to own an ipad.
Remember when they told us it would be out "before the end of Fall"? Technically speaking, if they get it out before Friday, they will have fulfilled that promise.
It's almost here!
Sign me up!
Still no Vita confirmation? I want the "Before Christmas" thing to not be a partial lie.
I don't get it 26 hours till the Steam release, but TT has yet to confirm or reject the date. The only thing we got from tweets is "coming this week."
Maybe @puzzlebox can shed some light on what's going on tomorrow.
WTF??? Its only 1 day till TWD2, but we dont have even oficial release date by TTG!!!
I find it incredibly awkward myself. How can they abstain on giving us a release date only a little over a day removed from the Steam release?
To me, I think if its this week they should say something like "we can expect the game this week at latest_____," its all gonna be a very last minute thing as it appears to me. Whatever they will do
Then we can only hope on 17th December for PC and 18th for Xbox and PSN!
I just hope all this hype for the 17th doesn't let alot of people down. I know the date isn't official from TT but if it's not the 17th TT should have given us the day it will come out by now. They have to know that steam, microsoft, and sony have all given release dates around the same day or two, and to not let us know by now if those dates are wrong would just be bad business IMO.
So i'm going to think that TT would have told us if it weren't going to be released tomorrow. Even though my gut is telling me not to get my hopes up for tomorrow, I can't help myself because we've heard nothing to the contrary.
it would be the 17th for PSN, because PSN updates every tuesday.
well, its good to stay positive on the release and hope it is the dates given; however if TT comes out and says another day then posted by Steam, PSN and Microsoft you can bet that will really annoy a lot of people.
Yeah tommorow one hour before the release = telltale twitter: Sry guys we cant tell you why, but The Walking Dead Season 2 cant release this week, have a nice day.
The Walking Dead Season 2 coming very very #.SOON
Or a "veryvery soon" instead would be nice
Thx I have edited it. ^^
Put the game out, no needs for words.
(?)TTJ appreciates your support
thats what i was saying.
lmao the downvoters are still following my posts from like a week ago.
May or may not have just spoiled 1st ep of #TheWalkingDead S2 for @JetBlue flight 915 to SFO. Testing iOS, sorry!
"even sooner"
Any info on when it will be out on EU PSN for PS3?
It is still set for 18th for PSN EU
PSN EU date
How "Soon" is now?
Edit: this was a reference to The Smiths song as well as Telltale's announcements, it appears to me people don't get it, though
what time will it unlock on steam? midnight?
24 hours and 13 minutes from now.
Mignight or day its depending on the time zone where you are!
You say something they don't like they will never leave you alone, kind of sad that they have nothing better to with their time than to stalk some ones profile and down vote them.
12.00 CST( -6 time zone) You can figure out all time zones simply...
Available: 17 December 2013
This game will unlock in approximately 1 day and 0 hours
As someone said earlier, provided the release date for Steam is the 17th as stated and I really hope it is, just look at the daily deal timer. When the daily ends, The Walking Dead: Season 2 should be released.
By the way, while it is indeed late no matter your definition, the reason they've probably not said anything today yet is that I think Laura doesn't tend to tweet until 7 - 9 pm UK time? It's 6:05pm right now.
Edit: In any case, I think I'll watch the TV show on Netflix tonight and tomorrow up until release to pass the time, maybe play season 1 a bit.
I'm on episode 5 of season currently when it comes to the show, and haven't seen past season 1 ever. Stopped watching it with missing the beginning of season 2. Not really the type of show where I don't mind missing an episode.
Lets start final coutdown timer??
Sure thing, starting now.
Telltale put the date out now, this is crazy everyone wants to play in the next to days
Steam will revise its timer soon enough.
I get that but my hopes personally are already up so if it doesn't come out tomorrow I will personal be like