The first year of the January Animation Month, I created some animated logos for the January Animation Month as part of the monthly challenge. I decided to do it again this year, as I needed to catch up on my animations.
I always liked animations that looked like cursive writing being written, so I created an animated logo in that style.
Like my last animation, this animation takes inspiration from the first year of the January Animation Month. This time in the form of the animation series that started in "Snow", and always was good for a quick inspiration if I was running short of ideas.
With this I'm now at double the amount of animations I made for last year's JAM. I'm still a little short on ideas, so this animation is another one in the series that began in "Snow".
You didn't actually expect me to get through the month without creating a comic based on the series that started in "Running Out of Ideas", did you? This is one series that I did for every JAM, so it's only fitting that I continue it this year.
Remember in the comments of my first JAM animation of this year where I said I had weirder dreams than the one I animated? This is one of them. It's definitely weirder than playing frisbee with a dragon, but it's still not the weirdest.
Here's another in the series started with "Snow". I'm still one short of an animation a day (since I started on the second), so hopefully I can catch up today since I did this one early, in the wee hours of the morning, before bed.
So I didn't manage to catch up, but it's only one animation so I'm not worried. For my newest animation, here's a new animation based on another of my animation series from the first JAM.
Well, it's that time of year again. I now have enough bandwidth on my website to host a forum, so I was going to host JAM exclusively there this year. But I owe the success of the event to this forum, so it wouldn't feel right not to have it here too. So, if you want to join in this year, you can join in on the fun this year in this forum, at my website's forum, or at the Double Fine forums. Triple the choices, triple the fun!
So, since I decided to join in on the One Game a Month challenge this year, my animations this year will be related to the game(s) I'm making. Here's the first one, for the main character in the opening credits of my first game, an adventure game created for ScummGen based on an obscure meme from The International House of Mojo:
Well, it's that time of year again. I now have enough bandwidth on my website to host a forum, so I was going to host JAM exclusively there … morethis year. But I owe the success of the event to this forum, so it wouldn't feel right not to have it here too. So, if you want to join in this year, you can join in on the fun this year in this forum, at my website's forum, or at the Double Fine forums. Triple the choices, triple the fun!
So, since I decided to join in on the One Game a Month challenge this year, my animations this year will be related to the game(s) I'm making. Here's the first one, for the main character in the opening credits of my first game, an adventure game created for ScummGen based on an obscure meme from The International House of Mojo:
It turns out that if my site has less than 5 visitors in a month, they deactivate it. That seems like a pretty awful thing to do when your website is a paid account, rather than one of their free ones.
I just re-activated it, so hopefully it should show up fine again.
Can't get to to other forums.
Anyways I have a late start this Time cause i wasn't planning on doing it in Janurary but I said " Why the heck not. So i'm gonna start Sunday and start . Hope Fully i can catch up.
My Deviant and Tumblr
Thanks for pointing that out to me.
It turns out that if my site has less than 5 visitors in a month, they deactivate it. That seems like … morea pretty awful thing to do when your website is a paid account, rather than one of their free ones.
I just re-activated it, so hopefully it should show up fine again.
I also can access your site now but not the forum area. They must have suspended your database, too. That's a really obnoxious thing for them to do when you're paying for an account.
If you were trying to link an image in your earlier post in the forum, it didn't show up for the rest of us.
Thanks for pointing that out to me.
It turns out that if my site has less than 5 visitors in a month, they deactivate it. That seems like … morea pretty awful thing to do when your website is a paid account, rather than one of their free ones.
I just re-activated it, so hopefully it should show up fine again.
I always liked animations that looked like cursive writing being written, so I created an animated logo in that style.
Whenever I’m running low on ideas, I can always think of something with my series from the first JAM. So, here’s another one.
Here's my 19th animation for the 2013 January Animation Month. And, since it's the 19th, that means I'm caught up! Yay!
One more animation suggestion by my mom
Here's the latest animation in the "Snow" series.
One more "Snow" animation idea, and just three more animation ideas left! Almost there!
Hey, that's a great suggestion! Maybe I should... nah, I'll leave the horror to your imagination.
Here’s my latest animation idea. Only two left! Woo!
Thanks to thestalkinghead and MisterWoodles for participating with me this year, and I'll see y'all next year!
So, if you'd rather do it in a Summer Jam (Warpspeed's right AAM doesn't work as well ), then go for it.
Well, it's that time of year again. I now have enough bandwidth on my website to host a forum, so I was going to host JAM exclusively there this year. But I owe the success of the event to this forum, so it wouldn't feel right not to have it here too. So, if you want to join in this year, you can join in on the fun this year in this forum, at my website's forum, or at the Double Fine forums. Triple the choices, triple the fun!
So, since I decided to join in on the One Game a Month challenge this year, my animations this year will be related to the game(s) I'm making. Here's the first one, for the main character in the opening credits of my first game, an adventure game created for ScummGen based on an obscure meme from The International House of Mojo:
Your website isn't working for me. It has the appearance of one of those sites that has taken over a domain name and just has spam links on it.
Thanks for pointing that out to me.
It turns out that if my site has less than 5 visitors in a month, they deactivate it. That seems like a pretty awful thing to do when your website is a paid account, rather than one of their free ones.
I just re-activated it, so hopefully it should show up fine again.
Can't get to to other forums.
Anyways I have a late start this Time cause i wasn't planning on doing it in Janurary but I said " Why the heck not. So i'm gonna start Sunday and start . Hope Fully i can catch up.
My Deviant and Tumblr
I also can access your site now but not the forum area. They must have suspended your database, too. That's a really obnoxious thing for them to do when you're paying for an account.
If you were trying to link an image in your earlier post in the forum, it didn't show up for the rest of us.