Nothing but repeats today, but let's run down the list anyway. WowCrendor talks about the "Scrub in!" bundle (66% off Theme Hospital, 75% off Surgeon Simulator 2013). The community choice poll is, again, "Turn-based 4X Classics" at 75% off. Tomorrow's community choice deals are between sci-fi combat sims (winning) and military combat sims (not so winning).
But, in what appears to be a carry over from yesterday, the giftboxes are available for you to see before you pick one. And if you don't like what you got, remember that the giftboxes are randomly generated for you at the start of a new web session every day. That means you can check on any different web browser and web enabled device you have, and you'll get another set of 3 games.
It's full of stars today, as Nilesy cover the "Full of Stars!" bundle (66% off Startopia, 70% off Space Colony HD). "Sci-Fi Combat Sims" won the poll, so take up to 75% off a bunch of space combat sims. Tomorrow's poll is between open world fantasy RPGs and historical fantasy RPGs.
Northern Lion rises a second time to give us our "Twice Risen, Twice Fallen" bundle (66% off both Rise of the Triad games). Then you can check out today's community bundle of "Fantasy Through History", up 80% off a bunch of DnD-styled RPGs. Poll choices are for pirate games or military games.
WowCrendor returns to inform us that "Santa got Scared" in today's bundle (80% off System Shock 2, and 50% off Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs). Take up to 75% off a bunch of pirate themed games in today's community deal, "Sail, Plunder and Steal". Tomorrow's community poll is between assorted space shooters and Wing Commander.
Wow, OK, better late than never, I guess. Lot of holiday running around and all that, you know. But hey, you've got 12 hours left on the current sale. Jesse Cox talks about the "Jump and Slash" bundle (66% off Realms of Chaos and 60% off Volgarr the Viking). The "Complete Wing Commander" is up to 75% off as part of the community choice deal. The poll is irrelevant, due to this going up late, but the choices were between exploration RPGs and magic-themed games.
Not tied up nearly as much today, so let's get this out of the way before that changes. Ace adventurer Dodger returns to inform us about "Adventures in Little Worlds" (75% off Gobliiins, 70% off Night of the Rabbit). The community choice deal is up to 75% off the "Rule by Magic" pack. Community choice polls are between cinematic adventures and globetrotting adventures. Strangely, both deals list the standard 24 hours until they change, but the site master clock says these deals run for two days. Given that last Wednesday, we had a repeat day, it stands to reason we'll have another repeat day tomorrow.
Yes, I know there was an update yesterday. No, I wasn't going to update with it, I was busy doing family stuff. I'm sure the promos will be back on the last day of the sale, which is the 29th. "Against All Odds", GOG's own TheEnigmaticT reminds us that Robinson's Requiem is a thing in today's recommended deal (75% off both Robinson's Requiem and Miasmata). Royalty is the name of the game in today's community choice deal, which is up to 75% off the "Chivalry Chest". Tomorrow's poll is between two batches of indie puzzle platformers (though, thankfully, the one that has Metroid-vanias in it is winning).
Almost done, we're almost done. Strippin from Yogscast (another Yogscast guy? Seriously? Yogscast has done like... half of these) talks about today's recommended deal, the "Bullet Heaven" deal (75% off both Raptor and Humans Must Answer). Today's indie puzzle platformer bundle is the "Run, Jump and Fight" bundle at up to 66% off, which at least has Metroid-vanias in it (but you still have to buy the indie puzzle platformers to get the sale price). The poll bundle is between Tex Murphy and Wadjet Eye.
Last call for GOG sales. They're all community choice bundles, so they all have the "must buy or own everything in the bundle to get the discount price" though.
For today, that is. Looks like some online mags like the German Gamestar have ignored's plea not to disclose information from their latest press release before December 31st. Beginning with that date, another wave of deals will hit the holiday customer crowd until January 2nd. And it looks like those deals won't be particularly creative, as they're giving discounts on exactly those bundles which were least voted for during their X-mas sale.
Buuuut news also speak of major site overhauls for 2014. And as their forums are almost as unmanageable as this one, I say that is a great signal.
Last call for GOG sales. They're all community choice bundles, so they all have the "must buy or own everything in the bundle to get the discount price" though.
They say major site overhaul, but they mean "hey guys, do you like Steam Early Access? We're doing it too! Now you don't have to wait for your indie puzzle platformer with physics to be done before we start selling it!"
Yes, I'm still mad about Zombie Shooter, how could you tell?
Last call for GOG sales.
For today, that is. Looks like some online mags like the German Gamestar have ignored's plea not to d… moreisclose information from their latest press release before December 31st. Beginning with that date, another wave of deals will hit the holiday customer crowd until January 2nd. And it looks like those deals won't be particularly creative, as they're giving discounts on exactly those bundles which were least voted for during their X-mas sale.
Buuuut news also speak of major site overhauls for 2014. And as their forums are almost as unmanageable as this one, I say that is a great signal.
Gawd I hope that's not what they mean.
"Early Access" is such a cheap rip off. Pay to be a beta tester my butt. No definition of "customer friendly" covers this atrocity.
It's kind of unfortunate that the "Let's Party Promo" has leaked this way. By now only two sites have f'd up and reported the sale, but that's way enough it seems. But I guess we'll have professional online mags advertising it by Monday, so...
They say major site overhaul, but they mean "hey guys, do you like Steam Early Access? We're doing it too! Now you don't have to wait for your… more indie puzzle platformer with physics to be done before we start selling it!"
Yes, I'm still mad about Zombie Shooter, how could you tell?
Early Access has been all but confirmed over on GOG, I believe they sent out a shareholder memo saying that they would be implementing it in 2014. Plus, come on, is GOG really going to wait until Broken Age is completely finished to release it?
Early Access has been all but confirmed over on GOG, I believe they sent out a shareholder memo saying that they would be implementing it in 2014. Plus, come on, is GOG really going to wait until Broken Age is completely finished to release it?
Honestly, I don't want Early Access on GOG, not because I don't want them selling unfinished games, but I don't want them selling unfinished games instead of their already dwindling releases of classic games.
I'm ALL for newer releases on GOG can't survive as anything but a modern game hosting platform. If developers refrain from putting their newer games on gog (because of the lack of DRM or "difficult pricing policy" [quoting Daedalic PR, meaning no international pricing]), the platform is screwed.
Essentially, I'm still on the lookout for a lot of older games which I've already bought once years ago, but can't play any more because Windows 7 doesn't understand their copy protection. The original Trackmania is my absolute priority here. Not the gog community's, though: unless cooperation with Disney, SquareEnix and Lionhead is properly established, the higher ranking game wishes will not be fulfilled.
But of course a lot of modern, 2012 and 2013 games should be on as well! Especially 2K games could stop their atrocious Steam exclusivity. Been craving for no less than three of their game series, but they're all Steam Steam Steam Steam Steam, it's just not funny any more. At least developers should understand that 12 months or, what the heck, two years after their games release, a DRM free version can't possibly hurt their sales any more, quite the contrary. This is a good business decision. That includes biggies Electronic Arts and Ubisoft, of course. Boy, how gladly I would even buy Mass Effect 3 again just to get rid of that crappy Origin. And where the heck is The Walking Dead Season 1?
I believe CAN do both, old and new, and they really should. One direction doesn't have to be to the detriment of the other.
But of course, "Early Access" is an impertinence only Steam can pull off (introduce customer rating system after ten years --> cheers from the fans. WTF?). There are actual GAMERS are on gog, old school no less. They see through that crap.
(All this has nothing to do with Broken Age though. Broken Age is on Steam Early Access because Tim Schafer wants to misunderstand what Steam Early Access is. He's promising a finished and polished first half of the game to be on Steam, which by definition wouldn't qualify for "Early Access". "Broken Age" is an episodic and probably for more than six months Steam exclusive game release. Those are the plain facts, which you won't hear in any oh so honest backer "documentary" video. Major Kickstarter spirit screwup to say the least. )
All right, back to killing X-mas spambots. I'm at 23 bots in a row and no bot was banned since.
According to one of the GOG admins, he can't wait to see our reaction to their first release this year, and expects to hear cries of "my wallet!" when they unveil it.
I'm not falling for that one again, not after "Mindblowing May".
Would love to see some of the LucasArts titles Night Dive Studios were working on acquiring publishing rights for. I think that was before Disney bought LucasArts though, so it's probably very unlikely.
"Blowing"... yeah... I remember that one, but would have utilized another verb here.
And as much as I'd still like some older releases on as well, they can't really justify prices that let peoply cry "my wallet" unless they're brand new and quadruple A titles. So, my dear gog admins... well, I wish you luck, I really really do.
Night Dive appear to be planning something, that's for sure. They recently sent me a steam code over Twitter after winning a contest, and in the message they also mentioned that they have some massive announcements to come. I also told them to never give up on Disney
Would love to see some of the LucasArts titles Night Dive Studios were working on acquiring publishing rights for. I think that was before Disney bought LucasArts though, so it's probably very unlikely.
Would love to see some of the LucasArts titles Night Dive Studios were working on acquiring publishing rights for. I think that was before Disney bought LucasArts though, so it's probably very unlikely.
It's a shame gog doesn't sell at least ALL of the LAEC adventure titles. I'm always in panic my 10 adventure CD pack would one day cease to work, and if I can't play an annual FOA, I am fricking dying.
There's certainly a lot of hype-building going on at the GOG forum under the topic "Where the hell is Tuesday's new game?" where the staff are telling us that they've got some major stuff coming this month. I really don't want to get my hope up though, as they've done this before and it's just turned out to be something I've never heard of that I don't care about.
Night Dive recently posted this: "There is a lot to look forward to next year, we hope to get some things taken care of to let you know what is going on in the tank here." Hopefully that refers to the LucasArts catalog.
Would love to see some of the LucasArts titles Night Dive Studios were working on acquiring publishing rights for. I think that was before Disney bought LucasArts though, so it's probably very unlikely.
GOG says we're getting a great adventure game tomorrow to kick off the new year of releases, and a new batch of classics to boot. In accordance with my "do not get hype" policy, I expect tomorrow's release to be "Hugo's House of Horrors". Or maybe even something by Wadjet Eye, since they never said the game itself would be a classic, only that it would kick off a new line of classic releases.
GOG says we're getting a great adventure game tomorrow to kick off the new year of releases, and a new batch of classics to boot. In accordanc… moree with my "do not get hype" policy, I expect tomorrow's release to be "Hugo's House of Horrors". Or maybe even something by Wadjet Eye, since they never said the game itself would be a classic, only that it would kick off a new line of classic releases.
Let's go over what we know. It's not LucasArts, we know that much. GOG and Night Dive have said they've had a tough time negotiating with Disney. We know they have an adventure game in QA (Pegasus Prime), but since we know about it already, why would they be interested in seeing our reactions to it? Plus, it's not scheduled for release until February. Maybe they snagged another batch of games from Activision, but I'm not holding my breath we'll ever see anything from them again.
Let's go over what we know. It's not LucasArts, we know that much. GOG and Night Dive have said they've had a tough time negotiating with Disn… moreey. We know they have an adventure game in QA (Pegasus Prime), but since we know about it already, why would they be interested in seeing our reactions to it? Plus, it's not scheduled for release until February. Maybe they snagged another batch of games from Activision, but I'm not holding my breath we'll ever see anything from them again.
I'd love for it to be a LucasArts game (or Broken Age Part I), but you're right that it probably won't be. I'd be equally happy for it to be one of the Sierra adventure titles that aren't up there yet.
EDIT: BloodNet, eh? Never heard of that one. I guess I'll give it a try once it's up on I was actually told by my doctor to play more video games with puzzles due to my problems with memory and concentration, so huzzah for more legitimate excuses to purchase and play adventure games!
There's spoilery reviews on the internet, like this one by PC Gamer. Apparently, it has a lot of good ideas, but it has clunky dialog and a clunky interface (kind of like The Feeble Files, which I did end up liking despite its flaws).
It uses 80's style computer RPG mechanics mixed in with traditional adventure game mechanics, so I'll likely wait until this one goes on sale (it looks like it might be similar to Waxworks, which is hard for me to get into, even though I find the story very interesting, because of the game mechanics).
BloodNet is out.
No one rated the game yet. There is, at the time, one (1) review total, by a guy who "played the demo more than a decade ago".
Good times.
Yet another "Darth approved game" shows up on GOG today with the release of SiN Gold for $9.99. Comes with the original SiN (which you can't get on Steam anymore) and the Wages of Sin expansion (which you could never get on Steam), but not SiN Episodes (because there was only the one).
Edit: Is anyone else having problems linking to stuff now? Every time I post a link, the post I make gets shortened and the link doesn't show up at all.
Yet another "Darth approved game" shows up on GOG today with the release of SiN Gold for $9.99. Comes with the original SiN (which you can't g… moreet on Steam anymore) and the Wages of Sin expansion (which you could never get on Steam), but not SiN Episodes (because there was only the one).
Edit: Is anyone else having problems linking to stuff now? Every time I post a link, the post I make gets shortened and the link doesn't show up at all.
For a kickstarter game that promised DRM free to its backers, this version is woefully and inacceptably late. Then again, the developer has other problems, as free to play games company, out of pure ridiculousness and US trademark law abuse, attempts to get a trademark on "Saga" for its own games.
I wonder what SquareEnix has to say to that. After all, the actual Saga games on GameBoy are very much part of my wonderful childhood memories.
So now GOG is opening all our presents for us? I'm glad I didn't invite them over for Christmas.
Nothing but repeats today, but let's run down the list anyway. WowCrendor talks about the "Scrub in!" bundle (66% off Theme Hospital, 75% off Surgeon Simulator 2013). The community choice poll is, again, "Turn-based 4X Classics" at 75% off. Tomorrow's community choice deals are between sci-fi combat sims (winning) and military combat sims (not so winning).
But, in what appears to be a carry over from yesterday, the giftboxes are available for you to see before you pick one. And if you don't like what you got, remember that the giftboxes are randomly generated for you at the start of a new web session every day. That means you can check on any different web browser and web enabled device you have, and you'll get another set of 3 games.
It's full of stars today, as Nilesy cover the "Full of Stars!" bundle (66% off Startopia, 70% off Space Colony HD). "Sci-Fi Combat Sims" won the poll, so take up to 75% off a bunch of space combat sims. Tomorrow's poll is between open world fantasy RPGs and historical fantasy RPGs.
Northern Lion rises a second time to give us our "Twice Risen, Twice Fallen" bundle (66% off both Rise of the Triad games). Then you can check out today's community bundle of "Fantasy Through History", up 80% off a bunch of DnD-styled RPGs. Poll choices are for pirate games or military games.
WowCrendor returns to inform us that "Santa got Scared" in today's bundle (80% off System Shock 2, and 50% off Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs). Take up to 75% off a bunch of pirate themed games in today's community deal, "Sail, Plunder and Steal". Tomorrow's community poll is between assorted space shooters and Wing Commander.
Wow, OK, better late than never, I guess. Lot of holiday running around and all that, you know. But hey, you've got 12 hours left on the current sale. Jesse Cox talks about the "Jump and Slash" bundle (66% off Realms of Chaos and 60% off Volgarr the Viking). The "Complete Wing Commander" is up to 75% off as part of the community choice deal. The poll is irrelevant, due to this going up late, but the choices were between exploration RPGs and magic-themed games.
Not tied up nearly as much today, so let's get this out of the way before that changes. Ace adventurer Dodger returns to inform us about "Adventures in Little Worlds" (75% off Gobliiins, 70% off Night of the Rabbit). The community choice deal is up to 75% off the "Rule by Magic" pack. Community choice polls are between cinematic adventures and globetrotting adventures. Strangely, both deals list the standard 24 hours until they change, but the site master clock says these deals run for two days. Given that last Wednesday, we had a repeat day, it stands to reason we'll have another repeat day tomorrow.
Yes, I know there was an update yesterday. No, I wasn't going to update with it, I was busy doing family stuff. I'm sure the promos will be back on the last day of the sale, which is the 29th. "Against All Odds", GOG's own TheEnigmaticT reminds us that Robinson's Requiem is a thing in today's recommended deal (75% off both Robinson's Requiem and Miasmata). Royalty is the name of the game in today's community choice deal, which is up to 75% off the "Chivalry Chest". Tomorrow's poll is between two batches of indie puzzle platformers (though, thankfully, the one that has Metroid-vanias in it is winning).
Almost done, we're almost done. Strippin from Yogscast (another Yogscast guy? Seriously? Yogscast has done like... half of these) talks about today's recommended deal, the "Bullet Heaven" deal (75% off both Raptor and Humans Must Answer). Today's indie puzzle platformer bundle is the "Run, Jump and Fight" bundle at up to 66% off, which at least has Metroid-vanias in it (but you still have to buy the indie puzzle platformers to get the sale price). The poll bundle is between Tex Murphy and Wadjet Eye.
Last call for GOG sales. They're all community choice bundles, so they all have the "must buy or own everything in the bundle to get the discount price" though.
For today, that is. Looks like some online mags like the German Gamestar have ignored's plea not to disclose information from their latest press release before December 31st. Beginning with that date, another wave of deals will hit the holiday customer crowd until January 2nd. And it looks like those deals won't be particularly creative, as they're giving discounts on exactly those bundles which were least voted for during their X-mas sale.
Buuuut news also speak of major site overhauls for 2014. And as their forums are almost as unmanageable as this one, I say that is a great signal.
They say major site overhaul, but they mean "hey guys, do you like Steam Early Access? We're doing it too! Now you don't have to wait for your indie puzzle platformer with physics to be done before we start selling it!"
Yes, I'm still mad about Zombie Shooter, how could you tell?
Gawd I hope that's not what they mean.
"Early Access" is such a cheap rip off. Pay to be a beta tester my butt. No definition of "customer friendly" covers this atrocity.
It's kind of unfortunate that the "Let's Party Promo" has leaked this way. By now only two sites have f'd up and reported the sale, but that's way enough it seems. But I guess we'll have professional online mags advertising it by Monday, so...
Early Access has been all but confirmed over on GOG, I believe they sent out a shareholder memo saying that they would be implementing it in 2014. Plus, come on, is GOG really going to wait until Broken Age is completely finished to release it?
As Double Fine reportedly said the reason for Steam exclusivity of part one was copy protection, gog has no other choice.
And of course, DF would be asked by their backers for a key, which they would have to pour more money in to provide.
I don't think it's going to happen. The Broken Age release is fucked up any way.
Honestly, I don't want Early Access on GOG, not because I don't want them selling unfinished games, but I don't want them selling unfinished games instead of their already dwindling releases of classic games.
I'm ALL for newer releases on GOG can't survive as anything but a modern game hosting platform. If developers refrain from putting their newer games on gog (because of the lack of DRM or "difficult pricing policy" [quoting Daedalic PR, meaning no international pricing]), the platform is screwed.
Essentially, I'm still on the lookout for a lot of older games which I've already bought once years ago, but can't play any more because Windows 7 doesn't understand their copy protection. The original Trackmania is my absolute priority here. Not the gog community's, though: unless cooperation with Disney, SquareEnix and Lionhead is properly established, the higher ranking game wishes will not be fulfilled.
But of course a lot of modern, 2012 and 2013 games should be on as well! Especially 2K games could stop their atrocious Steam exclusivity. Been craving for no less than three of their game series, but they're all Steam Steam Steam Steam Steam, it's just not funny any more. At least developers should understand that 12 months or, what the heck, two years after their games release, a DRM free version can't possibly hurt their sales any more, quite the contrary. This is a good business decision. That includes biggies Electronic Arts and Ubisoft, of course. Boy, how gladly I would even buy Mass Effect 3 again just to get rid of that crappy Origin. And where the heck is The Walking Dead Season 1?
I believe CAN do both, old and new, and they really should. One direction doesn't have to be to the detriment of the other.
But of course, "Early Access" is an impertinence only Steam can pull off (introduce customer rating system after ten years --> cheers from the fans. WTF?). There are actual GAMERS are on gog, old school no less. They see through that crap.
(All this has nothing to do with Broken Age though. Broken Age is on Steam Early Access because Tim Schafer wants to misunderstand what Steam Early Access is. He's promising a finished and polished first half of the game to be on Steam, which by definition wouldn't qualify for "Early Access". "Broken Age" is an episodic and probably for more than six months Steam exclusive game release. Those are the plain facts, which you won't hear in any oh so honest backer "documentary" video. Major Kickstarter spirit screwup to say the least.
All right, back to killing X-mas spambots. I'm at 23 bots in a row and no bot was banned since.
GOG... anyone remember GOG?
Last release December 13th, 2013 ... these guys have GOT to start the new year, like, immediately.
According to one of the GOG admins, he can't wait to see our reaction to their first release this year, and expects to hear cries of "my wallet!" when they unveil it.
I'm not falling for that one again, not after "Mindblowing May".
Would love to see some of the LucasArts titles Night Dive Studios were working on acquiring publishing rights for. I think that was before Disney bought LucasArts though, so it's probably very unlikely.
"Blowing"... yeah... I remember that one, but would have utilized another verb here.
And as much as I'd still like some older releases on as well, they can't really justify prices that let peoply cry "my wallet" unless they're brand new and quadruple A titles. So, my dear gog admins... well, I wish you luck, I really really do.
Night Dive appear to be planning something, that's for sure. They recently sent me a steam code over Twitter after winning a contest, and in the message they also mentioned that they have some massive announcements to come. I also told them to never give up on Disney
It's a shame gog doesn't sell at least ALL of the LAEC adventure titles. I'm always in panic my 10 adventure CD pack would one day cease to work, and if I can't play an annual FOA, I am fricking dying.
There's certainly a lot of hype-building going on at the GOG forum under the topic "Where the hell is Tuesday's new game?" where the staff are telling us that they've got some major stuff coming this month. I really don't want to get my hope up though, as they've done this before and it's just turned out to be something I've never heard of that I don't care about.
GOG was talking about early access and online connected games since at least the Omerta DLC debacle.
The hints started up last summer, which was after the Disney purchase of LucasArts.
Night Dive recently posted this: "There is a lot to look forward to next year, we hope to get some things taken care of to let you know what is going on in the tank here." Hopefully that refers to the LucasArts catalog.
GOG says we're getting a great adventure game tomorrow to kick off the new year of releases, and a new batch of classics to boot. In accordance with my "do not get hype" policy, I expect tomorrow's release to be "Hugo's House of Horrors". Or maybe even something by Wadjet Eye, since they never said the game itself would be a classic, only that it would kick off a new line of classic releases.
It's a classic release, and it's not LucasArts - that much is certain.
Let's go over what we know. It's not LucasArts, we know that much. GOG and Night Dive have said they've had a tough time negotiating with Disney. We know they have an adventure game in QA (Pegasus Prime), but since we know about it already, why would they be interested in seeing our reactions to it? Plus, it's not scheduled for release until February. Maybe they snagged another batch of games from Activision, but I'm not holding my breath we'll ever see anything from them again.
It's also not Double Fine... although of course, it should be.
It's BloodNet. They tweeted a picture that looks like the box art for BloodNet.
I'd love for it to be a LucasArts game (or Broken Age Part I), but you're right that it probably won't be. I'd be equally happy for it to be one of the Sierra adventure titles that aren't up there yet.
EDIT: BloodNet, eh? Never heard of that one. I guess I'll give it a try once it's up on I was actually told by my doctor to play more video games with puzzles due to my problems with memory and concentration, so huzzah for more legitimate excuses to purchase and play adventure games!
BloodNet is out.
No one rated the game yet. There is, at the time, one (1) review total, by a guy who "played the demo more than a decade ago".
Good times.
There's spoilery reviews on the internet, like this one by PC Gamer. Apparently, it has a lot of good ideas, but it has clunky dialog and a clunky interface (kind of like The Feeble Files, which I did end up liking despite its flaws).
It uses 80's style computer RPG mechanics mixed in with traditional adventure game mechanics, so I'll likely wait until this one goes on sale (it looks like it might be similar to Waxworks, which is hard for me to get into, even though I find the story very interesting, because of the game mechanics).
Here's a new one. Blackguards, the Dark Eye RPG from Daedalic launched on GOG with full German audio.
Which is an interesting development! Unfortunately, I have hardly an interest in that game.
Yet another "Darth approved game" shows up on GOG today with the release of SiN Gold for $9.99. Comes with the original SiN (which you can't get on Steam anymore) and the Wages of Sin expansion (which you could never get on Steam), but not SiN Episodes (because there was only the one).
Edit: Is anyone else having problems linking to stuff now? Every time I post a link, the post I make gets shortened and the link doesn't show up at all.
Yay SiN! Woo!
As for the posting thing, it works fine - you just need to refresh the page to show the full post.
That sounds needlessly complex and stupid. But at least we can zip right to the last page now.
The Banner Saga has FINALLY arrived on
For a kickstarter game that promised DRM free to its backers, this version is woefully and inacceptably late. Then again, the developer has other problems, as free to play games company, out of pure ridiculousness and US trademark law abuse, attempts to get a trademark on "Saga" for its own games.
I wonder what SquareEnix has to say to that. After all, the actual Saga games on GameBoy are very much part of my wonderful childhood memories.