More seasons of walking dead and 1-silent hill 2- tarzan 3-spider man 4- kung fu panda 2 5- how to train your dragon 6-tales from fallout 7- superman 8- attack on titan 9- star wars 10- transformers my opinion they have to make a game dinosaur in which we control dinosaur when he was small and then large...I WISH I AM IN TELLTALE COMPANY I MAKE THEIR GAMES VERY BEST
There's a thread. Here's the link.
And here's anoth… moreer link to the story on Fictionpress, the one place where I can post something where the computer DOESN'T fuck me over.
More seasons of walking dead and 1-silent hill 2- tarzan 3-spider man 4- kung fu panda 2 5- how to train your dragon 6-tales from fallout 7- s… moreuperman 8- attack on titan 9- star wars 10- transformers my opinion they have to make a game dinosaur in which we control dinosaur when he was small and then large...I WISH I AM IN TELLTALE COMPANY I MAKE THEIR GAMES VERY BEST
ah... and i would like to play a game like the new series The Following... it would be so cool to be an ex-fbi agent playing mind games with the enemie
For those , i prefer they make the Star Wars or James Bond games , cause its series they really love and Im sure they would make it great caus… moree they would put alot of effort in them. Personally i would love them to do that , but im the only one that likes Vampires / Werewolfs things ? There's not a good vampire game since Masquerade Bloodlines and Castlevania Lords of Shadows.. They could make one cool , and if based on Vampire Stories even better.
Then you probably know that Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe, the creative minds behind the original series, are currently making a new game in the same vein, sponsored through Kickstarter. Personally I'm more hyped for SpaceVenture than TTG's hypothetical take on the series, given their familiarity with the original series.
Then you probably know that Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe, the creative minds behind the original series, are currently making a new game in the… more same vein, sponsored through Kickstarter. Personally I'm more hyped for SpaceVenture than TTG's hypothetical take on the series, given their familiarity with the original series.
I'm sorry, but I gotta say this... why do you speak the way you do? I read your posts, and I picture someone who doesn't really know how to speak english. Not an insult, just a weird thought.
I'm sorry, but I gotta say this... why do you speak the way you do? I read your posts, and I picture someone who doesn't really know how to speak english. Not an insult, just a weird thought.
I'd love to see Straandlooper (the developers of Hector, Telltale published the game and ported it to the Telltale Tool) make more Hector games, but they're a small company with a lot of games on their plate.
I hope those games get completed, especially Schrödinger’s Cat. A character that is both alive and dead at the same time should make for some really interesting game mechanics.
I'd love to see Straandlooper (the developers of Hector, Telltale published the game and ported it to the Telltale Tool) make more Hector game… mores, but they're a small company with a lot of games on their plate.
I hope those games get completed, especially Schrödinger’s Cat. A character that is both alive and dead at the same time should make for some really interesting game mechanics.
I'm saying that I grew to love Roger as a charactrer over the years and I want to see more of him. I'm so amazed by TTG guys writing talent that I'm sure they can continue almost any legacy
I just played through Alice: Madness Returns and the first thing I thought after finishing it was, "Telltale should take a crack at this." An intimate, character driven story about a girl dealing with her personal trauma via a fantasy world has a lot of potential.
I bet if they can pick Borderlands world and turn it into a game .. they could do the same with others..
For me , Doctor Who ( David Tennant ) and Sherlock Holmes should be their next game.. but i would love a game based inThe Following, Vampire Diaries or XCOM.,
If it's from a show, maybe Trailer Park Boys? That'd be interesting. Aaand I don't know, maybe John Dies at the End or something new by David Wong. But hey, I'm totally happy with what's been coming out.
My ultimate game would come about if TTG and Irrational games teamed up for an episodic Bioshock series.
Bioshock Infinite was my favourite game of 2013 and, retrospectively, TWD was my favourite of 2012. Both studios are known for excellent storytelling in their games, and I think TTG could really do something with settings like Rapture and Columbia.
TTG could do something with nearly ANY setting, their tallent is immerse. But, resources are limited and copyright issues are abound, so many greate ideas woul go down the drain, unfortunately
My ultimate game would come about if TTG and Irrational games teamed up for an episodic Bioshock series.
Bioshock Infinite was my favourite… more game of 2013 and, retrospectively, TWD was my favourite of 2012. Both studios are known for excellent storytelling in their games, and I think TTG could really do something with settings like Rapture and Columbia.
Just trying to make the best case I can. And who knows? TTG had a few cocktails with Gearbox and came up with Tales from the Borderlands... Maybe next it's shots with Ken Levine followed by "Stories from Rapture"?
And to the rest I'd say, okay source material + good writers handling it is good. Good source material + good writers handling it is even better... And I think there are few who've played Bioshock and BSI who could deny that their gameworlds make for some high-quality source material.
TTG could do something with nearly ANY setting, their tallent is immerse. But, resources are limited and copyright issues are abound, so many greate ideas woul go down the drain, unfortunately
Just trying to make the best case I can. And who knows? TTG had a few cocktails with Gearbox and came up with Tales from the Borderlands... Ma… moreybe next it's shots with Ken Levine followed by "Stories from Rapture"?
And to the rest I'd say, okay source material + good writers handling it is good. Good source material + good writers handling it is even better... And I think there are few who've played Bioshock and BSI who could deny that their gameworlds make for some high-quality source material.
Telltale made a name for themselves for doing what so many old school fans wanted, but LucasArts refused to give. Humorous, well made, slightly goofy, point & click adventure games. Like Sam & Max and Monkey Island series.
A lot of Telltale employees are former LucasArts employees and now that LucasArts is all gone due to the Disney purchase and EA not being interested in much other than the Star Wars license to make games, those old adventure games that LucasArts held the rights to, should be easy for Telltale to pick up.
I absolutely adore what Telltale has done with Sam & Max and give the series new life. What about resurrecting some other classic franchises that fans have been clamoring for years? So what about something like Maniac Mansion 3: Day Of The Tentacle: Part 2 (or whatever), Full Throttle 2, perhaps even a new Grim Fandango? Or a completely new franchise, but in that classic style of adventure games.
And a game set in The Terminator universe. It could jump back and forth in time and what not.
More seasons of walking dead and 1-silent hill 2- tarzan 3-spider man 4- kung fu panda 2 5- how to train your dragon 6-tales from fallout 7- superman 8- attack on titan 9- star wars 10- transformers my opinion they have to make a game dinosaur in which we control dinosaur when he was small and then large...I WISH I AM IN TELLTALE COMPANY I MAKE THEIR GAMES VERY BEST
Murder mystery ??!!
There's a thread. Here's the link.
And here's another link to the story on Fictionpress, the one place where I can post something where the computer DOESN'T fuck me over.
How many part will come
Seven or Eight. Hopefully ten.
Breaking Bad
House of Cards
Supernatural or something else related to ghosts/vampires/werewolves/supernatural bumps in the dark
Assassin's Creed, either during a time period that isn't very well suited for the free-running city exploration style or a modern day story.
You would ruin the company...
Really ?? Its my opinion if you have problem go fk your self
ah... and i would like to play a game like the new series The Following... it would be so cool to be an ex-fbi agent playing mind games with the enemie
And that's why everyone hate kids on the internet...
I'd also love to see a new "Space Quest" game from TTG. It was a great series from Sierra, included 6 games... was hell of a ride back in the day.

Someone remember Doctor Brain ?
Then you probably know that Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe, the creative minds behind the original series, are currently making a new game in the same vein, sponsored through Kickstarter. Personally I'm more hyped for SpaceVenture than TTG's hypothetical take on the series, given their familiarity with the original series.
Of course I'm aware of SpaceVenture and I will play it, but not very excited, mainly because Ace looks kinda silly. I want more Roger....
I'm sorry, but I gotta say this... why do you speak the way you do? I read your posts, and I picture someone who doesn't really know how to speak english. Not an insult, just a weird thought.
Right now i am going to university to learn english after three or four months my course will finish
So you're saying the brand name and art direction is more important to you?
The new chapter of Telltale Murder Mystery has been submitted to Fictionpress. The chapter should pop up in thirty minutes. Enjoy.
I'd love to see Straandlooper (the developers of Hector, Telltale published the game and ported it to the Telltale Tool) make more Hector games, but they're a small company with a lot of games on their plate.
I hope those games get completed, especially Schrödinger’s Cat. A character that is both alive and dead at the same time should make for some really interesting game mechanics.
Wow. Didn't even know about those. They sound awesome. Shame they won't get done for a while though
I'm saying that I grew to love Roger as a charactrer over the years and I want to see more of him. I'm so amazed by TTG guys writing talent that I'm sure they can continue almost any legacy
I wonder how a TTG game based on XCOM would be like..
How about a crossover of two games that telltale has already made?
That's the Poker Night games.
Telltale should make a Hellblazer game.
I just played through Alice: Madness Returns and the first thing I thought after finishing it was, "Telltale should take a crack at this." An intimate, character driven story about a girl dealing with her personal trauma via a fantasy world has a lot of potential.
This is a bit out there but....The Godfather? It could work, maybe...
NCIS game would be great too.
Or a Star Trek one where you could be a new Starfleet guy.
And as I said before Doctor who.
I bet if they can pick Borderlands world and turn it into a game .. they could do the same with others..
For me , Doctor Who ( David Tennant ) and Sherlock Holmes should be their next game.. but i would love a game based inThe Following, Vampire Diaries or XCOM.,
If it's from a show, maybe Trailer Park Boys? That'd be interesting. Aaand I don't know, maybe John Dies at the End or something new by David Wong. But hey, I'm totally happy with what's been coming out.
My ultimate game would come about if TTG and Irrational games teamed up for an episodic Bioshock series.
Bioshock Infinite was my favourite game of 2013 and, retrospectively, TWD was my favourite of 2012. Both studios are known for excellent storytelling in their games, and I think TTG could really do something with settings like Rapture and Columbia.
TTG could do something with nearly ANY setting, their tallent is immerse. But, resources are limited and copyright issues are abound, so many greate ideas woul go down the drain, unfortunately
Imagine how they would use the whole tailored storyline concept if they did a game based on The Thing.
Just trying to make the best case I can. And who knows? TTG had a few cocktails with Gearbox and came up with Tales from the Borderlands... Maybe next it's shots with Ken Levine followed by "Stories from Rapture"?
And to the rest I'd say, okay source material + good writers handling it is good. Good source material + good writers handling it is even better... And I think there are few who've played Bioshock and BSI who could deny that their gameworlds make for some high-quality source material.
The we need to kidnap a head honcho from TTG and Ken Levine, tie them up, lock them both in a cargo hold and ask to come up with joint game or else...
Telltale made a name for themselves for doing what so many old school fans wanted, but LucasArts refused to give. Humorous, well made, slightly goofy, point & click adventure games. Like Sam & Max and Monkey Island series.
A lot of Telltale employees are former LucasArts employees and now that LucasArts is all gone due to the Disney purchase and EA not being interested in much other than the Star Wars license to make games, those old adventure games that LucasArts held the rights to, should be easy for Telltale to pick up.
I absolutely adore what Telltale has done with Sam & Max and give the series new life. What about resurrecting some other classic franchises that fans have been clamoring for years? So what about something like Maniac Mansion 3: Day Of The Tentacle: Part 2 (or whatever), Full Throttle 2, perhaps even a new Grim Fandango? Or a completely new franchise, but in that classic style of adventure games.
A Safecracker type game. Opening safes by solving puzzles?