Tales from TWD (Interactive Fanfic)
After reading the 'Continuing from S1' fanfic, I was inspired to make a fanfic of my own.
Basically, the fanfic would read like an episode of the game (i.e. dialogue choices and plot-branching choices and game-over screens and stuff), but would be almost entirely open-ended.
The 'almost' in the previous sentence is there because we'll also have to go along with a bare-bones
'plot skeleton', which will be voted on by a 2/3ds majority.
Here are some plot skeletons:
A. A new, completely original group visits the Travelier Motel a month after Lee's group abandons it.
B. A mother and teenage son travel to Rome, GA, chasing after a rumor of safety.
C. A bandit group plots to overthrow their charismatic, sociopathic leader.
Edit #1: GUYS the vote is over. B has been chosen. A and C are included in the story. (The motel is the Travelier Motel)
Edit #2: Apparently there's some confusion as to how this works. It'll work just like the 'Continuing from S1" fanfic. Basically, one user writes a piece, then another user continues where he left off. However, I'll be lenient on the 1-paragraph rule. Also, every 5 choices, the community gets to vote for a major choice. Also, no Rule 34. This is a serious MATURE story, no sex unless it fits with the story. That's basically it!
Edit #3: At the behest of AWESOME0, I'd like everyone who's new in this thread that a summary can be found on page 12.
Whoa, watch the fuckin' racism!
No, no, it ain't racist. See, it didn't end with 'er', therefore it's alright. The Boondocks creator (who is black) said so.
Well, I was quoting Nate there. Nothin' personal.
YEA ! We inspired someone !
We sure did! ; )
The B option actually reminds me of the fact that we never really hear from what is happening outside of America. (I realize Rome, GA is in America, but I am talking about the other Rome in Europe.)
Trust me,North Italy,in a ZA,would become a wasteland in about 7 months. However,South Italy can be a good place to hide in. No racism here,I'm Italian.
I would choose option C
B please, seems like the most emotional story possible, and that's what the walking dead (game) is all about, right?
Didn't play enough times to remember that line, sorry.
You're Italian? Well, on behalf of the Emerald Isle, I thank you for inventing spaghetti.
And I think "C" might be the best option, as long as the bandits are morally grey. "We're evil bandits, grrr" has been done before, and having bandits with some real humanity to them would be compelling, and would offer a totally different view of the ZA than the one we have witnessed so far.
I think spaghetti, or rather pasta was invented by the Chinese, I could be wrong though.
Hey, thanks for inspiring me, bro!
If C is chosen, I promise to make them morally grey. Maybe I'll make a few bandits who could be described as morally good,
Definitely B.
You could get a lot of story from people who are still family. They could share past experiences, before the ZA. And, it couldn't get more emotional, with a second choice being A.
Awesome that you got inspiration from our thread, real glad .
Bravo it is for me.
Yeah option B sounds interesting at the moment
Lol Menendez is Black Ops 2 antagonist. TWD guys name was Martinez
Feels great you got inspiration from the fan fic. Hope this one is just as successful.
And by the way... when is the second choice going to be made?
Created by the asian peoples, perfected by the Italian peoples.
I'd have to say A, it would be interesting to see some old sights again. Nostalgic but original.
Well, you know, he's...urban?
Since B is the majority choice, I'll start writing B ASAP. I might be able to post it by tbis afternoon.
OK guys, I'm ready! I've got the first bit ready for y'all! Everything will go like in the Continuing from S1 thread, INCLUDING RULES. Considering that people requested A, B and C, I'll do a mix of all three, but I will focus on B.
The Road to Rome
TWD Fanfic
By ClementineCultist
with contributions from the Telltale forums!
4 months after the Fall of Atlanta.
Wait, i'm confused. Do we take a vote for the dialogue choices, or does it work like the other fan fic, where you continue from the last posters, post?
Ah, I should've though about that . You continue from the last post.
A should be the one it reminds me of Mark and Lee hunting when it came to that bird...i miss Lee
"Hell yeah!" Alexander replies. BAM! Alexander hits the Zombie in the neck. "You gotta hit in the head remember?" Danny sighs and continues, "Toss me the gun, we can't waste any more ammo." Alexander now sighs, "I'm sorry, i'll get it next time." He then proceeds to toss the gun down. It takes Danny less then a second to get his sights on the zombie and nail it in the head. "That's how you do it, ain't hard."Danny then tosses the gun back up to Alexander. Then Gloria comes out of her room, "Nice shot." She then proceeds to walk out of the walls that surrounds the motel. "What the hell are you doing?" Asks Danny."He's got winter clothes on him, we could use those for when it gets cold around here." Danny now looks disgusted, "Speaking for myself, i am not wearing clothes of off them walking corpses." Gloria continues, "Tell me that when your freezing your butt off in a couple of months." While Gloria is shedding the zombie of his clothes, another zombie sneaks up from behind her.
(CHOICE #2) (A. attempt to shoot zombie) (B. toss Gun to Danny) (X. Yell Gloria's name) (Y. Do nothing)
"Gloria! Watch out!" Alexander shouted. Just in time, too. Gloria looked up at the other zombie, one with half its digestive system hanging out, and slid away from it. "Oh God!" She screamed. Gloria crawled away from the thing as it tripped over the zombie that was shot. Gloria ripped a 2x4 plank off the wall and smacked the zombie right in the head. It stopped moving, but she didn't take any chances. She smacked it repeatedly until finally the wood broke. "Shit." Alexander muttered in amazement. His mother was that close from dying.
"Oh god! Mom, are you all right?! I'm so sorry!" Gloria, who is still catching her breath, says "It's fine, i think you've got a winter outfit now to. I think this zombie, might be the same age as you are before it turned, 16 years old." Now an Asian looking woman steps out of her room on the top floor of the inn. "Good morning Melody." says Alexander. Melody yawns, and says, "Last night, when we got here i searched the remaining rooms, and I found some meds in a dresser drawer. Makes you wonder what happened to the people who were here before us." Gloria makes her way back into the inn and says, "Well whatever happened to them, i'm glad they left these walls here. But boy, i'm hungry! Anyone want to go on a supply run with me?
(CHOICE #3) (A. Pick Alexander) (B. Pick Danny) (C. Pick Melody) (D. Decide to go alone)
A please
"Hey, Danny, you know the area, right?" Gloria asked. Danny nodded, saying, "Yeah, born an' raised, ma'am." Gloria cringed for a second. The way Danny said "ma'am" frightened her. It was probably nothing, she reminded herself. He was kind of weird like that. "Well," she said, "do you know where we could get some food? I'll need some help getting there."
Danny stroked his beard for a second before saying, "I knew a family, the St. Johns, they had a dairy farm over yonder. Assumin' they're still around, we could do a trade or summin'." "Any alternatives?" Gloria asked. Danny replied, "Well, there's the grocery store by Everett's Pharmacy. Might get a few cans there, assumin' there is any left."
[Choice #4]
[A. Go to St. Johns Dairy?] [B. Go to the grocery store?]
Note: don't kill Melody, she is a crossover character.
Alright, I won't.