It's bittersweet. The way they forced us to use their product (A product I have no interest in) was unprofessional; having users not be able … moreto comment on anything until they switch is a stupid way to get people to use your product, much less gain loyal customers (nobody is going to be loyal to a company that takes advantage of you and manipulates you).
Infinite letters is good, I agree, but that just gives spammers a new opportunity... I mean, when people can post an entire movie script in one comment, there's a problem.
The link system is horrid. People can somehow edit the link to make them look legit now. I've gotten 2 jump scares from links that looked legit and a virus.
Don't even get me started on the copyright system...
when people can post an entire movie script in one comment, there's a problem.
So? I can't see why we can't just reload the damn page if we want to see the other comments.
I've gotten 2 jump scares from links that looked legit and a virus.
Well, then don't click on them. You'd be long familiar with that rule if you're not a newfag. (No offense, though. It's just the netizen dialect.)
Really? That's ancient.. youtube had that, like since 2010 or something.
(nobody is going to be loyal to a company that takes advantage of you and manipulates you).
Then don't be manipulated, we're sapient beings.. we're not hive-minded thought-slaves. Hell, don't be loyal to Google, I only go to youtube for information and entertainment. Fuck wall street.
It's bittersweet. The way they forced us to use their product (A product I have no interest in) was unprofessional; having users not be able … moreto comment on anything until they switch is a stupid way to get people to use your product, much less gain loyal customers (nobody is going to be loyal to a company that takes advantage of you and manipulates you).
Infinite letters is good, I agree, but that just gives spammers a new opportunity... I mean, when people can post an entire movie script in one comment, there's a problem.
The link system is horrid. People can somehow edit the link to make them look legit now. I've gotten 2 jump scares from links that looked legit and a virus.
Don't even get me started on the copyright system...
when people can post an entire movie script in one comment, there's a problem.
So? I can't see why we can't just reload the damn page … moreif we want to see the other comments.
I've gotten 2 jump scares from links that looked legit and a virus.
Well, then don't click on them. You'd be long familiar with that rule if you're not a newfag. (No offense, though. It's just the netizen dialect.)
Really? That's ancient.. youtube had that, like since 2010 or something.
(nobody is going to be loyal to a company that takes advantage of you and manipulates you).
Then don't be manipulated, we're sapient beings.. we're not hive-minded thought-slaves. Hell, don't be loyal to Google, I only go to youtube for information and entertainment. Fuck wall street.
when people can post an entire movie script in one comment, there's a problem.
So? I can't see why we can't just reload the damn page … moreif we want to see the other comments.
I've gotten 2 jump scares from links that looked legit and a virus.
Well, then don't click on them. You'd be long familiar with that rule if you're not a newfag. (No offense, though. It's just the netizen dialect.)
Really? That's ancient.. youtube had that, like since 2010 or something.
(nobody is going to be loyal to a company that takes advantage of you and manipulates you).
Then don't be manipulated, we're sapient beings.. we're not hive-minded thought-slaves. Hell, don't be loyal to Google, I only go to youtube for information and entertainment. Fuck wall street.
But Clem was the main point of season 1 just like Elizabeth was the main point of Bioshock Infinite. You don't play season 1 with the "Mission" of "Keep Lee alive and survive"
I'm sorry but Clementine does not equate to The Walking Dead. "Rick Grimes is The Walking Dead" is the closest that you can get to making a statement like this and to me even Rick is expendable in the series.
Are you joking? They just implemented a new copyright content ID system MONTHS ago, and it's SHIT.
I shouldn't have to reload a page due t… moreo spammers: Youtube's job is to ELIMINATE spammers, not make it EASIER for them to spam!
We wouldn't even have the link problem if it was regulated and actually good, or if we didn't have external links at all!
Youtube was doing fine before Google took over.
Yes, it'd be sad and heartbreaking and it might make you feel like your choices were for nothing, but do you really want them to create an idealistic scenario where she lives forever? It's heartbreaking, but it's what would happen in real life. Honestly, I'd applaud them if they have enough balls to go against this crazy fanbase. But I'd rather it be an epilogue, like a decade down the road, that way we really see how Lee shaped her, and maybe it would change the way she went out.
No character in the Walking Dead is safe dude. Kirkman has said multiple times that Rick could be killed off anytime he feels like it. Main characters do not have immunity in this universe. Your argument is completely mute. I also would be rather annoyed if a character was immune, it would completely suck out all the tension in the game and I would be disconnected and wouldn't care. That's partly the reason Kirkman keeps saying that no character is safe, I could read the comics and be like, "Oh shit, is this where Rick finally bites it!?"
But Clem was the main point of season 1 just like Elizabeth was the main point of Bioshock Infinite. You don't play season 1 with the "Mission" of "Keep Lee alive and survive"
LAWL another Walking Dead fan who's threatening to stop playing if a character dies XD. We already have TWD tv show fans saying if Daryl dies we quit watching the show. They can care less who stops playing their game because at least their getting paid . They get paid every time they make the episodes and get player choices results. That's Residual income for them. I'm not being mean just say
I never read the comics. But I trust telltale's ability to tell a very good story. If her death is part of that story, then I wouldn't be mad at them, I'd only feel very sad. If I didn't like the story, I'd be mad. But I wouldn't give up trying GoT
You should download an anti-virus, mine saved from anne.jpg
So? I can't see why we can't just reload the damn page if we want to see the other comments.
Well, then don't click on them. You'd be long familiar with that rule if you're not a newfag. (No offense, though. It's just the netizen dialect.)
Really? That's ancient.. youtube had that, like since 2010 or something.
Then don't be manipulated, we're sapient beings.. we're not hive-minded thought-slaves. Hell, don't be loyal to Google, I only go to youtube for information and entertainment. Fuck wall street.
Fuck Wall Street
Are you joking? They just implemented a new copyright content ID system MONTHS ago, and it's SHIT.
I shouldn't have to reload a page due to spammers: Youtube's job is to ELIMINATE spammers, not make it EASIER for them to spam!
We wouldn't even have the link problem if it was regulated and actually good, or if we didn't have external links at all!
Youtube was doing fine before Google took over.
But Clem was the main point of season 1 just like Elizabeth was the main point of Bioshock Infinite. You don't play season 1 with the "Mission" of "Keep Lee alive and survive"
I'm sorry but Clementine does not equate to The Walking Dead. "Rick Grimes is The Walking Dead" is the closest that you can get to making a statement like this and to me even Rick is expendable in the series.
If she dies....I will buy even more of TT's games
I've been on YouTube for 8 years and I agree 100%.
Good. I hope we can put this behind us, though. He hasn't responded, so I hope it's over.
Yes, it'd be sad and heartbreaking and it might make you feel like your choices were for nothing, but do you really want them to create an idealistic scenario where she lives forever? It's heartbreaking, but it's what would happen in real life. Honestly, I'd applaud them if they have enough balls to go against this crazy fanbase. But I'd rather it be an epilogue, like a decade down the road, that way we really see how Lee shaped her, and maybe it would change the way she went out.
No character in the Walking Dead is safe dude. Kirkman has said multiple times that Rick could be killed off anytime he feels like it. Main characters do not have immunity in this universe. Your argument is completely mute. I also would be rather annoyed if a character was immune, it would completely suck out all the tension in the game and I would be disconnected and wouldn't care. That's partly the reason Kirkman keeps saying that no character is safe, I could read the comics and be like, "Oh shit, is this where Rick finally bites it!?"
LAWL another Walking Dead fan who's threatening to stop playing if a character dies XD. We already have TWD tv show fans saying if Daryl dies we quit watching the show. They can care less who stops playing their game because at least their getting paid
. They get paid every time they make the episodes and get player choices results. That's Residual income for them. I'm not being mean just say 
I never read the comics. But I trust telltale's ability to tell a very good story. If her death is part of that story, then I wouldn't be mad at them, I'd only feel very sad. If I didn't like the story, I'd be mad. But I wouldn't give up trying GoT
I don't think she'll die. It'd be like killing Rick Grimes, it just wouldn't work.
If clem dies (Which theres a 0.1 chance of that happening) I'm going to be crying and never play Walking dead again
If Clem dies I would stop playing the series. I won't backstab Tell tale thro.