The Hershel Appreciation Thread
Hershel was a hell of a man.
He lost his home, most of his family, he was broken, but he came out the far side stronger, and a better man for it.
Here's to Hershel.
Sometimes we do get to come back
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Goddammit, you positive and optimistic bastard, Hershel! I LOVE YOU!
I've got to admit, i'll miss Hershel's attitude and the optimism he brought to the group. And also his infinite ammo cheat....
Did someone make " The appreciation-appreciation thread " already? I' getting sick of this appreciation stuff...things...
I figured I may take a huge Karma hit from my open support of Phillip,
so I thought, how better to counteract it, than some optimism from the man the Apocalypse could never break.
Shit, I fucking love Hershel.
Damn shame he got between the Governor and his target
Yeah, should've swapped places with the overrated girl with a katana to his left.
How does it bother you? It's better than "walking dead fony maymay tred" and "release date discussion". Here we choose a character and point out what we like/do not like about him. What is the problem, sir?
Hershel was awesome. One of my favorite characters. RIP.
Here's to my favorite character in the TV show:
I may have to write that down if you're not going to use it yourself -_-
Who is better, Tv show Hershel,Comic Hershel,Or Video Game Hershel? I think TV Hershel wins by a slim margin over the comic book version
He also has the "No-recoil" hack.
No go ahead...feel free to steal my ideas:D
The problem is that everything gets a appreciation thread... " Juice box appreciation thread ", just to name something.
It doesn't bother me to much don't you worry about it.
Hershel is another character that the Tv handled better than the comic book in my opinion as well.
Well, now we know that Hershel didn't die.... He was banned from the server.
Yeah I'd have to go with TV Hersel.
Video game Hershel wasn't in it long enough for me to form a seperate opinion of him from comic Hersh.
A lot of how I relate to a character is how well they handle the bad things.
Hershels character arc in the show I thought was really well done, I actually started off not really liking him, but after his meltdown in the bar, he picked himself up and totally changed.
From that point on he was the voice of sanity and reason in the group, he always had a cheerful word when things where at there worst and he never gave up, right to the fucking end.
The second prison battle was one of the best episodes for me because my favorite character killed my second, I knew it was comeing as well but it still shocked me, and that's quite an achievement.
Without Hersel, I hate to think what Rick would've ended up like...
It's called Epic Old Dude Mod
lolz thanks, bro, I didn't think it was quite at Juicey's level of inaneity
I love hershel but i only have one space in my heart for one old man i want dale application thread
It makes me wonder how they could get it so right with Brian and Hershel, and so wrong with Lori, Carl, Andrea etc.
Bizzare 8-{0
I wonder then same thing, You made some characters great and let the others look like poop
Carol is another I can think of that's way different in the show.
There appears to be no consistency here. There only ones like there comic equivelents are Rick (so far) Shane and Glenn and Maggie
He was my favorite character. He died so brutally
. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN MICHHONE! No that was just stupid. Governor hates Michonne who killed his daughter and stabbed him in the eye. He finally gets the chance to kill her and NOPE! I'm just going to kill the old man.
Oh... i haven't been around that much on the forums, but i've seen silly GIFs of "XXX confirmed for season 2/episode 2" so i suppose it's spread to appreciation threads. Sorry man, i didn't know.
That was the only point about the show's Govenor that I found jaring and inconsistent.
The Gov respected Hershel, he even said so, and he despised Michonne, it would've made more sense if he'd shot her the minute he saw her and captured Hershel, plus Michonnes dangerous, I wouldn't trust that she wouldn't get free again.
With Michonne out of the picture, Rick even invited the Gov's group in, and Hershel would've been the only guy probably with a chance of making both sides come to a peaceful settlement.
Indeed, the fact that he didn't choose Michonne and the fact that she got to kill him has Bs and cliche written all over it. Well, that's television for you, i guess.... If we are to look at things from another perspective, one can argue The Governor was a sadistic person. He knew all to well Hershel had two daughters in the prison, while Michonne had no one. His death served a bigger impact.
(Replying to Groovy but this is to you all) AMC has done plenty of hit and misses, yes. The only (big)characters that have been the same in the comic as in the TV-show are for example: Rick, Glenn, Maggie, Michonne and perhaps Morgan. We have Carl, Lori, Andrea and Tyreese as winners of being the worst TV-character to originally be comic characters. Then we have The Governor, Hershel and Carol for being made so much better in the show than the comic. These are my opinions because of several things. I'll start from the top:
Carl: Carl never was a character i even liked in the comic but he filled his role better, he had some sense of taking care of himself and wasn't acting like a sassy bitch at times.
Lori: Do i even need to go into this one? She was a naggy pain in the ass from start to finish while remaining confused and frustrated over nothing. In the comic she wanted to protect her family but not to the level of insanity.
Andrea: She kept on being completely blind to the most obvious things and fucked up nonstop. A character that has always been Rick's right hand was completely pissed away and was a retard instead.
Tyreese: Tyreese was Rick's bro from early days and stood by his side and helped him out with decisions. He was reasonable and honest. Tyreese in the TV-series is an idiot that is whining about everything at all times. When the bodies were burned he refused to be realistic about it and instead decided to be a whining bitch through the whole season thus far. He almost had himself killed several times because he was mad, ridiculous.
The Governor: In the comic he was a sadistic asshole with a sense of humour. In the TV-series he was a character that was at first glance a nice guy that ran a little community and wanted to make the best of the situation and then developed into a maniac that did things that took our breath away while still remaining likable guy. (See The Governor Appreciation thread.)
Hershel: In the comic he was not the optimistic santa claus that we remember from recent episodes in the series. Instead he lost all hope eventually and seeing his last daughter not being murdered brutally but wed instead he gave his life to Governor.
Carol: In the TV-series she developed from being an abused house-wife that had no right to say or do anything that her husband did not allow to a true survivor with a sense of mind. Her comic version was a single mom that barely cared for her daughter and was more interested in drama. She took her life because (the most overrated character ever who we shall not speak of) was screwing around with her short-relationship-boyfriend. In a zombie apocalypse you don't get to be a drama queen.
And the other fellas at the top are just very alike their comic versions. Hopefully Abraham Ford and co. lives up to their greatness. I am waiting with big expectations
Jeez this was longer than i had planned. Give me some feedback fellas.
To both you, Hairy(Harry?) and to Raging_Blades. It truly was bullshit television for you, and yes it would impact more emotionally. However, killing michonne would still be a very fatal thing for Rick because Governor knows that everyone is supposed to be as loved and respected as anyone else, and she is valuable killing machine i suppose. My idea is that 1. Tv bullshit. 2. He didn't plan it too well, because he only used Hershel as trade material before the speech (gief base or santa dies) and then just acted with pure hatred and unplanned actions, like we discussed in Gov App-thread. or 3. It was completely meant to break all hell lose because he knew Rick and co. would go apeshit.
I loved Hershel, the toughest one-legged old man I ever saw.
Is a corpse a realistic suggestion? I like Rick but his mind during second half of season 3 to where we are have almost been completely shut down.
The only way that it could be explained was that Rick and co really loved Hershel and he saw how close they were to him. Michonne on the other hand was like an exile, a nobody, nobody would really give two shits if she died. So either he wanted to hurt the group bad by killing one of their beloved members. OR t.v is bullshit
Well, yeah. Everyone loved Hershel, but i mostly believe it's tv bullshit, yes. ^^
I disagree here. Tyreese took the loss of Karen about as well as pretty much everyone else has taken loss, except perhaps Carl who shut down emotionally from Lori. Everyone else fell apart too, that's not on Tyreese being weak or stupid.
That said, I don't see how one could blame Tyreese at all for being angry and irrational. Who the hell could possibly be rational after finding the burned remains of the person you love right there in front of you? Plus, then his sister caught the deadly virus and could die at any point, and from Tyreese's point of view, nobody was taking Karen's death at all seriously or urgently, trying to find a killer in their midst. Of course, it's easy to argue from a detached perspective and say, "Well, they had to worry about the sickness!" This is very true, but again, you'd be looking at it from the outside, where it's easy to judge. Very few people could be rational when their entire life is falling apart in one damn day. Tyreese hasn't been whining or suicidal since his talk with Michonne in episode 4. He's always been a helpful good person and a serious powerhouse of a melee fighter.
The problem is that Tyreese can't be Rick's bro and right hand man like in the comics because Daryl already took his place. Hell, pretty much most of Tyreese's character attributes were given to Daryl. Right hand man, strong leader, relationship with Carol. So Tyreese simply couldn't be the same character he was originally. It sucks, but I don't think he belongs anywhere near a character like Andrea if we're talking about squandered potential.
And I actually liked Andrea just fine in season 3. Her decisions were actually pretty understandable when you remember that she is not the audience. What we think is obvious was never explained to her by anybody, not even Michonne. Both Woodbury people and her old group were being assholes to her and casting her as the odd person out despite her attempts at peace. But even with all that said, they still seriously missed the mark with her character. Fuck Glen Mazzara.
The Governor was an interesting character and I enjoyed his time in the series, but I don't think he ever came close to being a likable guy. Right from the start, he was an evil bastard who deserved death, from shooting up the platoon and beheading the lieutenant, all the way to killing Hershel. I was so glad when Michonne impaled the fucker.
I did enjoy seeing him kill Merle, though. God, I hate Merle. :P
Except the Governor flat out told Michonne that he no longer bore any grudges against her. There's no reason to think he was lying. Considering that he seemed to understand that he had lost it in the past, as he told Lilly and Tara, it seems he finally understood that he was the one who struck first and brought all of his pain onto himself. So he no longer despised Michonne for that.
He simply knew Hershel would be a bigger blow to the group. Additionally, Hershel's the one who was playing the peacemaker. Killing him meant ending any kind of peace between the groups for good, which is exactly what the Governor wanted.
Yeah, man I agree with every you said actually.
I will say that that episode with Carl and Rick gave me a bit of hope for his character, I hope they make him more like he was in the middle part of, and not the rude little shit or bumbling overconfident fuckup he was facing the walkers.
He was doing really well with them at first, I was thinking you'd better watch what's behind you, and he was, but then instead of running when he got ambushed and giving himself twenty feet, he got in a close range tussle that reminded me more o Gimli fighting the Wargs than Rick fighting those 3 walkers.
Also I started to like Tyreese more in the episode from last week, but you're totally right, I didn't get why they had T Dog, and not Tyreese from the start, as he met rick waaay back, I think right after Morgan, can't remember exactly.
Andrea is the one I'm most pissed of at. Andrea was a boss in the comics, she's kind of wavered in the show, without ever settling down into a character arc that lasted more than one season. She was Ok in season 1, she was all over the place in season 2, and just when she seemed to have found some consistency, at least in season 3 she went up against Brian.
Bad Move.
Lori I actually understood in the comics. Lori in the show had me raising my eyebrow at times, laughing at others and reaching for the sick bucket sometimes too.
The last one happened with increasing frequency.
Please don't fuck up Abraham AMC
Good points
Herschel was a tough old bastard!
Stood out in front of his house, blasting over a dozen walkers with his shotgun, and all the while standing his ground and keeping a cool head.
Even after losing his leg, while holding a gun, Herschel was a man to be reckoned with!
I'll admit, even though Dale was a good guy, I liked Herschel much better.
Not only could he handle himself, but he was also a peaceable man.
Herschel stood by his principles, but not to the point where it put others in danger.
For example, if anyone in the group was in danger, especially if it was one of his daughters, Herschel was willing to do what was necessary to protect them.
Even though Herschel was willing to kill to protect the group, he stopped short of murder.
And he, like Dale, was not afraid to speak his mind, especially if he felt that a decision was not the right one.
Yeah man, the way he just stood in front of that herd,
Nerves of steel
Hershel was a kind old man, but you would not want to piss him off