What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • edited February 2014

    Sorry! I will edit that.

    Edit: I go with one of Twistee's answers

    "(w)hole" ..."Well you don't gotta be a bitch about it!" -Lee Reference But why didn't the thought of amputation even cross his mind? Oh well.

  • edited February 2014

    Either he didn't know about it or losing a foot isn't worth it.

    "(w)hole" ..."Well you don't gotta be a bitch about it!" -Lee Reference But why didn't the thought of amputation even cross his mind? Oh well.

  • Eric

    He watches Laurie tear into the mans leg. "YES!" He whispers. When all of a sudden, he watches the man kill Laurie. "That bitch..." Eric begins to think about how he's going to kill the man. When all of a sudden, the man shoots himself. "That's something I haven't seen yet. Oh well, now I can feast on all of his food!... But no time for that now." Eric says as he puts the bag around his back. "I still gotta catch up to those other 3, while it's still night time, I might be able to kill them..."

  • I was just kidding. Not a big deal.

    Sorry! I will edit that. Edit: I go with one of Twistee's answers

  • Guess I'm making a new character

    New Character: Will Hayward.

    Before The Apocalypse Will lived with his family. His mother, father, and younger sister. He attended high school and got good grades. Will didn't have many friends and usually keeps to himself as much as possible. He is fast but runs out of energy quickly, can be strong when he's angry.

    When The Apocalypse Began Will was at school and everyone started leaving the school. When Will got home he found his parents dead from suicide and his sister disappeared. Will is easy to anger and can speak up for himself if the time arose. He longs for the company of humans once again as he has been on his own for days. He only has a pistol and a knife and usually scavenges areas for food. He thinks his sister is dead but still searches for her hoping that she could be alive.

  • edited February 2014

    But Trina never told anybody her story, how she was looking for any family in Atlanta before she met Theo, maybe in a later episode ( like 3 or 4) a cousin, aunt or uncle could show up to the group and find her head & want to kill Eric

    TWD_25 posted: »


  • edited February 2014


    Trevor listens are Anton begins to speak up, He starts to cough a bit and excrutiates in pain as his bruised ribs are affected by the cough. "damnit, Daniel...wait until I tell the group what you did. You got one of us killed and than you tried killing me...but first you accused me of killing Larry. These things should get you kicked out of the group..and I got my buddy Anton over here for proof. Isnt that right, Anton both me and you know that you were down to attack Daniel and Larry back when we were looking for the killer. Would you like to tell Daniel, what you were willing to do to him?"

    Trevor begins to laugh abit, but stops a soon as he gets pain.

    Just as he waits for Anton to answer back, he gets a flashback.

    Jack and Trevor are in their beat up car. They stop at a corner store and stand infront of it.

    Jack: I am going in, you stay out on the look. You hear anything and you come runnin' inside, got it?

    Trevor: yeah I got it man. You just go in and do your thing.

    Trevor than decides to walk in anyways.

    Jack: what the hell are you doing?

    Trevor: Well..there is no walkers outside, so I just wanted to ask you something, is being the leader tough?

    Jack: Yeah, it is man. Some say it is a pain in the ass. but I say it is a pain in the leg because they are always asking for my help so I got to walk around everywhere, haha..get it kid?

    Trevor: (Trevor looks around). Yeah...I do. I think we should get back now, we got everything.

    Jack than goes to the car and cant get it started. "shit". He goes to the front of the car and asks Trevor for a wrench.

    Jack: Hey, Trevor...hand me that wrench.

    Trevor: What did you want?

    Jack: the wre---

    As soon as Jack can say the rest of the words, he gets a wrench right to the knee cap.

    Trevor: Its a pain in the leg to be a leader...huh bitch! (He than slams Jack's face into the hood of the car 3 times, he tries for a fourth but Jack takes a hold of the wrench and swings for Trevors face. The wrench blasts him right in the nose as zombies swarm in.. the 2 go seperate ways. By the time Trevor makes it to the motor inn, the group were moving out and Jack was dead. No one has since found out about the fight.)

    Trevor than ignores the flashback and he gains a powerful migraine.

  • edited February 2014

    TWD_25 agreed to have Trina's head be severed by Eric as his new "Weapon". shivers. FUBAR.

  • I don't plan on having this Eric business last past E2. Perhaps you could explain it to someone before Eric's attack on the group?

  • I know. I'm a bit of a Grammar Nazi.

    Yes I think you corrected him on that earlier. XD

  • It's been stated previously that it was night, and has been since Larry was bitten.

    Okay. We never seem to state what time of day it is but okay. Time to find Laurie...

  • Actually, since he finished digging the grave first, there probably wasn't time anyway. Best to do it immediately.

    Twistee posted: »

    Either he didn't know about it or losing a foot isn't worth it.

  • Accepted.

    Guess I'm making a new character New Character: Will Hayward. Before The Apocalypse Will lived with his family. His mother, father, and

  • So before Trina dies I should introduce this new character?

    Zyphon posted: »

    I don't plan on having this Eric business last past E2. Perhaps you could explain it to someone before Eric's attack on the group?

  • edited February 2014

    This story is becoming much more twisted than I'd originally planned. I love it! >:D

  • I fell like if people are going to be using Jack in flashbacks, I should just give a bit of info on him. I'll do a character post on him for a reference point.

    Trevor Trevor listens are Anton begins to speak up, He starts to cough a bit and excrutiates in pain as his bruised ribs are affected by th

  • Trevor lives up to the name of Trevor of GTA V. Well done

    Trevor Trevor listens are Anton begins to speak up, He starts to cough a bit and excrutiates in pain as his bruised ribs are affected by th

  • This is a character post for the old leader of the group, Jack Galvin. Even though he's already dead, I feel like this could be a good reference point for people to use if they ever want to mention him.

    Jack lived in Macon his entire life, working as a surgeon in a fairly small hospital. He's always wanted to help people, but has been known to panic at times. Despite this small flaw, it never affected him much as a surgeon. It became more relevant after the turn when trying to protect the members of his group.

    After the turn, Jack led a very small group after fortifying the hospital some. Still, the hospital wasn't a permanent solution, and after a walker attack took out several members of the group, they decided to relocate to a recently abandoned Motor Inn. However, bandits soon became a problem, as did food. Before this became too big of a concern, the bandits made their move, and Jack was killed in the attack.

    Many members of the group remember him as being a nice, intelligent guy, but in a real crisis, he was almost useless. Not good at making decisions, he was only the leader because he was one of the only ones in a position of semi-authority, being a surgeon.

  • Or have Trina tell her story to someone, sure.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    So before Trina dies I should introduce this new character?

  • edited February 2014


    He's not worth the energy, just ignore him, Daniel thought to himself, rather than telling Trevor, once again, to just his fucking mouth. Maybe twenty minutes later, they could see people gathered around a fire, many more people than there had been before. Good, strength in numbers and all that. They kept walking on, not saying anything, it had to be close to midnight now, and most of the new people at the camp were asleep. A few people were still up though, including Liz and Molly, along with some new people he didn't recognize.

    "Hey," he said when they were close enough, and still hadn't been noticed, "We're back." He'd wait to tell them about Larry at least until introductions were out of the way.

  • edited February 2014

    Character application:

    • Name: Steven, Eugene, xmo (people nicknamed him off of his initials, do I really have to tell you what it is?)
      Before the outbreak: Was a 40 year old.

    Early days: Was in a group of 30, and got kicked out.
    Now: Occasionally finds a group, and gets kicked out.

    Now I understand he sounds like another madman.. but he's a tad nicer then Eric, since he doesn't murder his friends with a walker head, and then slaughter them.

  • I'll just introduce the new character as her aunt

    Zyphon posted: »

    Or have Trina tell her story to someone, sure.

  • edited February 2014

    Do we need another villain yet? Accepted I suppose.

  • Trevor

    Trevor, looks around to see all these new faces. He thought to himself. Well more people for our new leader to be in charge of. I guess I will let my people sleep and in the morning is when they can be introduced to their leader.. "Put out this damn fire". He looked at the people awake. "That wasnt a suggestion, that was a order..now do as I say". He looks at one of the tents, to see a girl..around 9 maybe? He spits at the ground in front of the tent in disgust. He than rolled up a sleeping bag and begin to wonder how things would be without zombies.

  • Actually, your right, I want a nice character... this post shall be banished.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Do we need another villain yet? Accepted I suppose.

  • Character application:

    • Name: Pheonix, (No last name is known)
    • Before the outbreak: Was a homeless man, with a crappy life. Though he knew karate, and has many skills.
    • Early Days: He didn't know what to do, he was on the streets and didn't know what to do to them. He was eventually saved by a woman, and the two have been traveling ever since.
    • Now: and the two have been traveling ever since.
    • Appearance: Most likely season 2.
  • Anton

    As 3 men walked up to the campfire, Anton noticed that there were some people he didn't recognize. Some woman, a guy about his age, some girl, etc. "Fuck, more strangers... I had enough of them to last a lifetime, though that psycho in the woods seems to be real trouble", Anton thought. They seemed to be harmless, or less dangerous than a guy who was stalking them. "That's a change. At least somebody is not trying to fuck with us". As Trevor shouted his orders, Anton rolled out his sleeping bag, and lied down. He wasn't sure whether he could get some sleep - he was wary of new people in the group. They weren't really introduced to each other, but Anton decided that it would happen eventually anyway.
    He took his hatchet in his hands, and soon the exhaustion got him. He was asleep, hopefully without the nightmares this time.

  • Accepted, though, what do you mean with the "Appearance" part?

    Character application: * Name: Pheonix, (No last name is known) * Before the outbreak: Was a homeless man, with a crappy life. Though he

  • edited February 2014

    Why didn't Trevor wait for introductions?

    Perhaps you can put can put that post after someone from the camp at least had time to acknowledge Trevor, Daniel, and Anton?

    Trevor Trevor, looks around to see all these new faces. He thought to himself. Well more people for our new leader to be in charge of. I gu

  • When he will make his first appearance, in this fan-fic.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Accepted, though, what do you mean with the "Appearance" part?

  • Season 2 is a long ways away. We're still only in E1.

    When he will make his first appearance, in this fan-fic.

  • Maybe Molly could die protecting Ivy? Or Aaron? Both of them would die for her.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Not to sound to uh... Cruel or anything, but we do kind of need to maybe kill of some characters(besides Larry). you can of course make any

  • If you touch Ivy, Aaron will castrate Eric.

    I can always find another girl and use her head. The other group has plenty I could use...


    Trevor Trevor, looks around to see all these new faces. He thought to himself. Well more people for our new leader to be in charge of. I gu

  • Aaron

    "Hey guys... You noticed the new people." After introducing the new group, Aaron noticed something.

    "Where's Larry...?"

  • Molly

    Molly walked towards Trevor's tent and entered without asking.
    "What the hell was that? You aren't the leader. Get that in to your fucking head trevor. You know i dislike you, and I know you dislike me. You are not the leader, so don't order us around." She turned around to leave but remembered something...

    "I saw the way you looked at that girl. Do anything to hurt her, and you'll have me to worry about."

  • edited February 2014


    After meeting everyone, Theo grabs a can of dog food in his bag to give his Rottweiler. Just after giving him food, Ivy approaches Theo again as she's dying to pet him.

    Note: Only kidding lol.

  • Kidding? lol. Ivy is dying to pet him. I don't mind if you do a little thing like that with her.

    Twistee posted: »

    Theodore After meeting everyone, Theo grabs a can of dog food in his bag to give his Rottweiler. Just after giving him food, Ivy approaches Theo again as she's dying to pet him. Note: Only kidding lol.

  • There's gonna be a lot of Death in the coming parts. I think like 2 more people are gonna die. Eric is a real bastard lol.

    Kidding? lol. Ivy is dying to pet him. I don't mind if you do a little thing like that with her.

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