Ep 2 Waiting Thread - Now available. Trouble downloading Ep 2? First post shows where to get help.



  • I would assume because they're thinking the majority of players might be children so they want to keep the wait times short, but a 4 month wait for GoT? That's inexcusable. It better be 4 hours long and come with a free blowjob for that wait time.

  • I love hugs =)

    Although yeah... I just hope the episode will ease my pain of waiting for the finale of GoT for a while...

    There there, mate. Hugs Try to look at the bright side, at least we have another Telltale episode to keep us entertained for the next painful 21 days. Believe me, I am also quite suffering from the extremely long wait for GoT.

  • The announcement is sort of unclear. Is episode 2 out today on PS4 even if I don't have the retail disc?

  • edited October 2015

    This really is a Mega month. 2 Minecraft, Borderlands finale, BTTF Remastered...

    Just, wow

    EDIT: I just realized, if the 2 week waits keep up, Minecraft will most likely be over before Michonne even starts!

  • What is this sorcery?!?

    Not even the older Telltale series were released this quick! I was expecting at bare minimum a release next week, but we get it even earlier!

  • I know, right? Bi weekly episode releases for Minecraft is insane.

    derrickd95 posted: »

    This really is a Mega month. 2 Minecraft, Borderlands finale, BTTF Remastered... Just, wow EDIT: I just realized, if the 2 week waits keep up, Minecraft will most likely be over before Michonne even starts!

  • 1st i hear the episode is coming out shorty and now its already out?
    enter image description here

  • Telltale: Gotta go fast!

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    It's been two weeks exactly since the first episode

    I have to say, I never expected Telltale would be that fast with the release of a new episode. It's actually feels pretty bizarre

    But I suppose the quick schedule makes sense, considering it's a more kid-oriented game. Let's be honest, I doubt kids would be remembering too much or be too interested if they kept to their usual 1-2 month release schedule between episodes.

  • Could this series wrap up before the end of the year? That would be crazy! It would still be pretty impressive even if they wrap it all up in January or February.

  • edited October 2015

    WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! How can this be possible, it's only been 2 weeks.

  • Wow Telltale is working really fast and hard. Can't wait!

  • Lol, i get what you said now.

    Hi! When the second episode of Minecraft Story Mode will be released? I know that this is english forum and I write in polish but I don't care.

  • Wait, seriously? It's out today? Whoa. That's insane!

  • (?) Game of Thrones fans will remember that.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    (?) We're not angry, just disappointed.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    (?) Game of Thrones fans will remember that.

  • Soooo.... if bought through the TT Store, do you just download episodes in-game?

  • Well that was fast. Hope this won't become a mess.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Within the game there should be a button that says "episodes" that you need to click to download the episode.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Soooo.... if bought through the TT Store, do you just download episodes in-game?

  • Episode available when?!

    enter image description here

  • Thanks, I'm just used to the simple downloading through Steam ~

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Within the game there should be a button that says "episodes" that you need to click to download the episode.

  • Is it out today for PS4?

  • Where abouts would the "episodes" button be? As I can't find it

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Within the game there should be a button that says "episodes" that you need to click to download the episode.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It should be under the "Play" button, if you have a Steam version it uses a slightly different menu which doesn't have a episode button as it will auto download the episode through the Steam client.

    shmogurts posted: »

    Where abouts would the "episodes" button be? As I can't find it

  • Oh okay, it's just that the episode still says coming soon, don't know if that's normal or not though.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It should be under the "Play" button, if you have a Steam version it uses a slightly different menu which doesn't have a episode button as it will auto download the episode through the Steam client.

  • I'd say sometime in the next 3 hours or so it'll allow us to download.

    shmogurts posted: »

    Oh okay, it's just that the episode still says coming soon, don't know if that's normal or not though.

  • Oh nice, Can't wait!! :))))))

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    I'd say sometime in the next 3 hours or so it'll allow us to download.

  • My suggestion is that you avoid this part of the forum and come back when you have played episode 2. Some who brought it on Telltale Store gets it earlier, I think. Tittles can sometimes spoil. :)

    shmogurts posted: »

    Oh nice, Can't wait!! )))))

  • It's not out on the store yet. Episode 1 came out a few hours later than Steam last time. sob

    My suggestion is that you avoid this part of the forum and come back when you have played episode 2. Some who brought it on Telltale Store gets it earlier, I think. Tittles can sometimes spoil.

  • Oh...I am sorry to hear that. :(

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    It's not out on the store yet. Episode 1 came out a few hours later than Steam last time. sob

  • It was a painful time.

    Oh...I am sorry to hear that.

  • Um.....what about steam?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Eric Stirpe ( @stirpicus ) tweeted this

    enter image description here

    It's going to be interesting to see the different variations.

  • So its really coming out today?!?!

  • I think yeah... Pretty much.

    rexoninj4 posted: »

    So its really coming out today?!?!

  • Yes

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Man what's next?! Telltale pulling a Scott Cawthon move by releasing it tomorrow morning?!

  • Awesome!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I think yeah... Pretty much.

  • Can't wait to play it! :D

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Eric Stirpe ( @stirpicus ) tweeted this https://twitter.com/stirpicus/status/659023347498414082 It's going to be interesting to see the different variations.

  • edited October 2015

    I guess they have the whole game done already, because there is no way they finished an entire Episode in just two weeks. So maybe we can actually expect this to release bi-weekly?

    Imagine if this game was finished before the end of the year :D

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2015

    Job made a comment implying this was the case on Twitter, so it seems to be happening after all. I'm definitely surprised too.

    rexoninj4 posted: »

    So its really coming out today?!?!

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