Monkey Island slow Fps

edited September 2009 in Game Support
Guys i have a Dual core 6600, 4Gb, and 8800GTS OC not the worst PC and after playing some minutes the fps go down from 60fps to 30/40fps (in the same area!) and i'm still i don't understand why! i play at 1680x1050 quality 9... (if i go down it's the same...). I also don't understand why when i change a scene sometime the game start to save the game... and then my fps go very very low!

I tried all change resolution, change quality but it's always the same... any helps?



  • edited July 2009
    I have this problem too! Admitidly, my computer is much less powerful, but it seems strange that the framerate should lower over time. Also, when entering some areas the framerate seems to slow, but it doesn't pick up when returning to previous areas where I had no framerate trouble.
  • edited July 2009
    Mad Mage wrote: »
    I have this problem too! Admitidly, my computer is much less powerful, but it seems strange that the framerate should lower over time. Also, when entering some areas the framerate seems to slow, but it doesn't pick up when returning to previous areas where I had no framerate trouble.

    Same for me Mad... i tried to resolve to adjust the control panel of my Nvidia card but nothing i think that it's a big problem of the game...

    I also contacted Talltales about it and i hope that they will do something very very soon cos i want play the game!
  • edited July 2009
    Well, let me know if they help you. I thought about contacting support, but because my Laptop is probably under the game's minimum requirements, I figured I shouldn't bug them about it.

    In a month I'll go home to my desktop which should be able to run the game fine, but of course I don't want to wait that long.
  • edited July 2009
    Same here on a

    Core 2 Quad Q9300 @ 2.5 GHz with
    3.25 GB of usable RAM, and a
    GeForce 8600 GT with 256 MB of RAM running on
    Windows XP SP2.

    From the info in this thread, the problem could come from the graphic card (so far a 8800 and a 8600 are problematic). I'll try to update the drivers, and will report after that.
  • edited July 2009
    pygy wrote: »
    Same here on a

    Core 2 Quad Q9300 @ 2.5 GHz with
    3.25 GB of usable RAM, and a
    GeForce 8600 GT with 256 MB of RAM running on
    Windows XP SP2.

    From the info in this thread, the problem could come from the graphic card (so far a 8800 and a 8600 are problematic). I'll try to update the drivers, and will report after that.

    Ok please let me know... at the moment i have the very latest version of Forceware 190.15, please let me know if you will find a solution...
  • BasBas
    edited July 2009
    I'm having the same problem, with a 8600M GT. Rest of the system is a 3.2GB C2D with 256MB of VRAM. Framerates start out fine, then after four or five minutes they slow down, even at low resolutions/settings.

    I updated the drivers, but that didn't do anything to remedy the situation. I hope somebody from telltale can address this soon: it may not be the greatest graphics card but I see no reason why it can't run a game like TOMI at 1440x900 properly when stuff like Fallout 3 runs fine.
  • edited July 2009
    I also have the latest drivers, and yeah the quality/resolution settings don't seem very attached to the problem for me either.

    Makes me wonder if it's ram related or something
  • edited July 2009
    a) Check your temperatures prior to playing, and once it starts to slow down. You might be suffering from thermal throttling. This includes CPU and Graphics temperatures.

    b) Could you try playing it in, say, 1024x768 or 800x600 (whatever's most comfortable) in a Window? Aspect ratio may play a bigger part from reading some of the earlier threads.

    I can't get it up on anything past a 7400 Mobile at the moment, so I can't say for sure, but I'm getting mildly better FPS on that in an 800x600 Window.
  • edited July 2009
    I don't think it's a temperature issue. If I save, quit, and reload, I can get a decent framerate back again (until it slows down a few minutes later again). If my CPU were overheating I would expect the game to continuing being slow after restarting. Also, my computer doesn't seem to have any other performance issues.

    I will try it in windowed mode though. First I gotta go to class.
  • edited July 2009
    Mad Mage wrote: »
    I don't think it's a temperature issue. If I save, quit, and reload, I can get a decent framerate back again (until it slows down a few minutes later again). If my CPU were overheating I would expect the game to continuing being slow after restarting. Also, my computer doesn't seem to have any other performance issues.

    I will try it in windowed mode though. First I gotta go to class.

    Same for me... it's not a temperature problem...

    I contaceted the Telltales support and they told me that they know about that and they hope to resolve this problem soon...

    I hope that it will be soon because i really can't play iin this condition... If someone find a solution please post it here...
  • edited July 2009
    Well, actually, lowering the resolution and diminishing the detail level helped here...
  • edited July 2009
    pygy wrote: »
    Well, actually, lowering the resolution and diminishing the detail level helped here...

    I tried to reduce the resolution but the problem it's not the resolution but the quality... i think there are some conflicts with some effects, so with the same resolution (1680x1050) i turned the quality to 5/6 and it's seems to go well... for the moment of course... but i can go directly to quality 9 cos i went at 60 Fps before... that's so strange...

    I think that should optimize the engine of the game with same effects and video card...
  • BasBas
    edited July 2009
    Weirdly, the game is running much better for me now, after I disabled a few background services like quicktime and whatever te Adobe Acrobat service is for using MSCONFIG. Also, I think Vista's file indexing was doing something intensive, because that's using less memory now, and the game runs pretty smoothly on 1440x900 at graphics level 9.

    I still have the slowdowns you guys mentioned after a while, though. It's especially noticeable on the wheel atop the printing press, or guybrush's walking animation when you walk across the docks. It'll animate, slow down briefly, then resume to normal, every other minute or so, like it's going over a speed bump or something. The only solution is quitting and restarting the game.

    It's good to hear Telltale are aware of the issue, at least that means they'll be able to look into it.
  • edited July 2009
    Hi Bas, i try to eliminate all the programs in background... but for me it's the same... after a while i can have more Fps back but not always 60Fps like when i start to play the game fopr the first time...

    If i quit the game and restart go fine but i can do that everytime! :)

    Now that i have finished the game i really hope that telltales have the time to put online a new patch because we really can't continue play in this condition... what u think?
  • edited July 2009
    Heya all,

    I too am experiencing this problem. First off specs:

    Intel Pentium Core 2 - 2.16
    3Gb Ram
    GeForce 8700m GT 512Mb x2 with SLI

    I have done some fiddiling, and it seems that I can put it down to quality 1 when the 'speed bump' problem happens and then put it back up to quality 9 afterwards and it runs fine again for a while.

    If they can fix this I will be such a happy man :D
  • edited July 2009
    Heya all,

    I too am experiencing this problem. First off specs:

    Intel Pentium Core 2 - 2.16
    3Gb Ram
    GeForce 8700m GT 512Mb x2 with SLI

    I have done some fiddiling, and it seems that I can put it down to quality 1 when the 'speed bump' problem happens and then put it back up to quality 9 afterwards and it runs fine again for a while.

    If they can fix this I will be such a happy man :D

    Well i think that they have a very serious problems with the Gforce 8 series...

    Please Telltales give us a patch or optimize the engine in the next episode...
  • edited July 2009
    Perhaps it is indeed Geforce related. I'm running it on a Geforce 7150m, latest drivers.
  • edited July 2009
    ...or maybe it is a problem with the latest drivers. We all seem to have them fully updated, and there was a similar problem when Empire:Total War was released, a lot of people who had the latest drivers had to downgrade their drivers, until the next 'fixed' drivers from nvidia.
  • edited July 2009
    Actually, I didn't have the latest drivers updated when I first tried the game. I of course downloaded new drivers when it didn't work, which improved performance slightly.
  • edited July 2009
    After yet more testing, I have found that changing my resolution from 1440x900 to 1280x800 also resolves the issue for a brief time, until you hit the 'speed bump' again.

    It also seems like it will stay normal for a little longer, so my issue may well be a cpu bottleneck issue.
  • edited July 2009
    When you change the resolution it seems that the memory buffer go down to 0 so you can play at 60fps but after a while it return dpwn to 25/30fps...

    I don't think it's a problem about the new drivers too... i tried with otrhers and it's the same...
  • edited July 2009
    I'm serious thinking that the big problem of this slowdown is the Auto saving of the game... there is a possibility to disabale it?
  • edited July 2009
    hmmmm...I don't think there is an option to disable it...

    However, I'm also not sure that the autosave is the problem, the couple of times I have noticed it autosaving the problem has not occurred, also the times when it has slowed down, and I just Alt+F4 to quit, there was not a recent save...
  • edited July 2009
    Perhaps there's a video memory leak somewhere.
  • BasBas
    edited July 2009
    I'm also thinking at least some sort of memory leak. That's kind of the first alarm bell that goes off when something slows down over time.

    I wish Telltale would weigh in on this thread.
  • edited July 2009
    I contacted Tellatales and they said that they will do something... i really hope that they resolve this problem...
  • edited July 2009
    Heh, this is so totally the reason I got out of PC gaming. It's not Teltale's fault; with literally countless computer hardware components and setups, it is inevitable there will be troubles with some. I surely would have just got it for Wii so I don't have to deal with this nonsense, but for two reasons: 1. I just had to play the game asap, 2. I want to own a physical copy of the game.

    Here's hoping the problem gets fixed, as the game is not very playable for me in it's current condition.
  • edited July 2009
    Mad Mage wrote: »
    Heh, this is so totally the reason I got out of PC gaming. It's not Teltale's fault; with literally countless computer hardware components and setups, it is inevitable there will be troubles with some. I surely would have just got it for Wii so I don't have to deal with this nonsense, but for two reasons: 1. I just had to play the game asap, 2. I want to own a physical copy of the game.

    Here's hoping the problem gets fixed, as the game is not very playable for me in it's current condition.

    Same for me... the only game that i want on PC is MI... i'm out of Pc gaming for your reasons... but i really hope that they willresolve this tremendous bug... SOON!
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2009
    Sorry I haven't chimed in yet. I've been reading the thread with interest, but I don't have much to say just yet. I've been trying to knock out the larger issues first before tracking this one down. Most of the "I can't even get the game to load" issues seem to be coming to an end, so I'll hopefully be able to pester some programmers about this soon.
  • edited July 2009
    We knew you were always are :p
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2009
    Not true! I totally took yesterday off. First in over 3 weeks!
  • edited July 2009
    I think that TellTale needs to get to work ASAP on a patch because I too have terrible FPS issues and every other TellTale game has run fine for me (btwn 40-60fps all the time). I was so thrilled to hear ppl saying that the sound quality was betterin the new MI, only to find that now the game doesnt run! :confused::confused::confused:

    I have a 2Ghz duo core lappy with 2GB of RAM and 256MB dedicated DD3 VRAM in my 7800GO. I've closed all background apps, "let application decide" for vsync, disabled triple buffering, and turned on numerous performance enhancements (like trilinear optimization).

    Even if I run the game in low res windowed mode with the graphics turned down to 7, I can't break 20fps in the opening scene. :eek:
  • BasBas
    edited July 2009
    Awesome, thanks for letting us know Will.
  • edited July 2009
    I have a GeForce 7600 GS and I'm experiencing the same problems :( This is both with slightly older drives AND the most current ones (when I first had the slow down problem I assumed the drivers were out of date, so I updated them).

    Intel Core2 Duo 4400 @ 2.0 GHz
    4G of RAM
    NIVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS
    Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit

    I can't bring myself to play past the opening ship scene because the lips on the characters desync so fast. Please fix the game soon TellTale, I've been a Monkey Island fan since back when you could still get MI 1&2 for DOS!
  • edited July 2009
    I was really worried the problem was due to my crappy comp. Well, I'm sure that's not helping anything, but as more and more people chime in all with the same problem, and same line of graphics card, it is becoming quite apparent this is not an isolated issue.
  • edited July 2009
    Telltale are excellent, I am certain they will help. As soon as they have the problem properly nailed down, we shall all be very happy.

    On another note, I have completed it, but, I played it on a very low resolution changing up and down using the quality slider whenever it went a bit weird. Not a perfect solution but just put quality back down past three then back up again. It should reset the problem for a little while. If not change the resolution down or up by 1 so if you are playing on 800x600 then turn it up to 1024x768 and then back down again.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2009
    By the way, I sent this over to our graphics guy. He's looking into it, but it may take a little time (he's a busy busy man).
  • edited July 2009
    Even still, the update is much appreciated :D
  • edited July 2009
    not about VGA its about CPU becuz this program not support multi core
  • edited July 2009
    I just used my free game code to pick up the first Wallace and Gromit episode. The exact same problem happened! First, the game played smoothy. Nearly perfect FPS, then all of a sudden choppy beyond playability with no relent. It happened during the tutorial, not while a screen was changing or anything.

    Anyone else who is experiencing this problem also have it with Wallace and Gromit? You can of course download the demo if you don't have it.
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