Masked Kidnapper's Identity Episode 5 [SPOILERS]



  • I watched your livestream at about 3AM for me, and I nearly screamed.

  • It was the last thing I expected and it was PERFECT!:') Now I'm just really sad it's all over

  • Haha nice thanks for coming :)

    I watched your livestream at about 3AM for me, and I nearly screamed.

  • You're welcome! :D

    NukemDukem posted: »

    Haha nice thanks for coming

  • I know right! Telltale did such a good job with the character, hiding it and had a good reason why.

    Caoline posted: »

    It was the last thing I expected and it was PERFECT!:') Now I'm just really sad it's all over

  • Some douchebag in the waiting thread spoiled it for me, really early too (though the mods took it down super quick, so hopefully I was one of the only ones).

    I honestly thought it was a (bad) joke at the time, but when The Stranger straight up said that this was all about Gortys I realised I'd been spoiled. :(

    Love the twist, though.

  • edited October 2015

    They handled if very well. Made so much sense after the explanation, and really punched you in the feels. Turned out to be better than what I thought it would be

    Edit: oh, and the end part with Gortys hugging LB and going with him was beautiful. My word, they're awesome

  • Yeah I know :)

    Someguy12 posted: »

    They handled if very well. Made so much sense after the explanation, and really punched you in the feels. Turned out to be better than what

  • Last thing I expected which was awesome, BUT it is kinda weird for loaderbot to ask all the questions, and Fiona's reason for being mad was a lil dumb for me, but considering you can see they kinda were forgiving each other through out the future timeline I can let it pass

  • I actually predicted it to be Loader Bot. As a joke but still.

  • It's funny how all those people jokingly saying "Hah! The stranger is Loader bot!" are probably now gobsmacked that they were somehow correct.

  • I thought it'd be Jack, chillin' out in the robo-endoskeleton thingy. I only got half of that right, I guess.

    Only thing that makes things kind of weird is that we never heard any mechanical whirring under his suit. Loaderbot's movements are pretty loud, even in his new body, so why wouldn't Rhys and Fiona pick up on that?

  • "I was there."

  • I had no idea who it could be going into the finale, and my jaw was hanging after the reveal. Good job to Telltale for managing to actually keep a secret really well, with it still managing to make sense.

    One thing that does bug me that is slightly unrelated though, why was Rhys looking for Fiona at the start of Ep1, before the stranger appeared?


  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited October 2015

    One thing that does bug me that is slightly unrelated though, why was Rhys looking for Fiona at the start of Ep1, before the stranger appeared?

    I think the implication is that the stranger purposely lured Rhys and Fiona out. He probably did the classic "send a message to the other person, pretending that it's from the other person", like sending Rhys some angry, threatening message that he thinks is from Fiona in order to lure him out into the open, and vice versa with Fiona.

    ElJacko posted: »

    I had no idea who it could be going into the finale, and my jaw was hanging after the reveal. Good job to Telltale for managing to actually

  • Damn. Sorry dude.

    Some douchebag in the waiting thread spoiled it for me, really early too (though the mods took it down super quick, so hopefully I was one o

  • Hi Nukem! At first I was upset because I thought they were setting up LB to be some villain, but then I found it to be amazing. Telltale have expert writers that know how to reveal a surprise such as this, the fact that LB only wanted answers for what happened to gortys makes me love his character more. What a loyal bastard :)

  • I'm replaying the game right now and I can't believe I never noticed. There were plenty of clues, and it made so much sense!

  • Maybe his suit was soundproof?

    Piggs posted: »

    I thought it'd be Jack, chillin' out in the robo-endoskeleton thingy. I only got half of that right, I guess. Only thing that makes thing

  • that sucks man

    Some douchebag in the waiting thread spoiled it for me, really early too (though the mods took it down super quick, so hopefully I was one o

  • so how did you react? :D

    I actually predicted it to be Loader Bot. As a joke but still.

  • i was pretty freaking surprised. when that croger guy brought that dude, which we all knew it was vaughn, i do got to say that even though i knew it was vaugh i didnt recognize him went he took his mask off clearly cuz of the awesome beard and no glasses so i was "wtf so it is vaughn!" for like a second.

    but i got to say it was kinda brilliant to make loaderbot the dude. he had his purpose, which is cute/sweet as hell, and it just made sense. so freaking happy he wasnt a villian. also i mean who would have guessed?? not many. i mean most of the people that played BL, well i dont know if there is much truth into this, but arent loaderbots in BL there just to kill? basically robots. so for this Loaderbot, which was used as a freaking coat hanger, to be the stranger and have the motive [sorry i really forgot how i wanted to write this so if it sounds/ reads a lil weird sorry, i got a brain fart] was just fucking awesome! WELL done TT.

  • ''NO FUCKING WAY!'' x10

    jamex1223 posted: »

    so how did you react?

  • I'm honestly annoyed, it didn't make sense to me and I'm surprised more people don't agree.

  • Like 99% of people here my reatcion was NO FUCKING WAY!!!! what a plot twist!

  • what part didnt make sense?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I'm honestly annoyed, it didn't make sense to me and I'm surprised more people don't agree.

  • Why did Loader Bot keep punching Rhys if you've been nothing but nice to him, for one..?

    NukemDukem posted: »

    what part didnt make sense?

  • Because he didn't trust him or Fiona anymore. After Gortys died he felt betrayed so it's only natural he was rough on Rhys

    Why did Loader Bot keep punching Rhys if you've been nothing but nice to him, for one..?

  • One of the best twists in Borderlands, it was amazing. I never would have guessed Loader Bot, but looking back, it does all make sense, especially when he says that "He knows what it's like to lose someone you care about" (clearly talking about Gortys). It was a very well done twist that left me in a state of shock and amazement, I never saw it coming, and that's what made it so good.

  • Why not punch Fiona as well tho..? Or more, since she's the one who actually shot Gortys?

    Because he didn't trust him or Fiona anymore. After Gortys died he felt betrayed so it's only natural he was rough on Rhys

  • I honestly wasn't happy with the Stranger being Loader Bot...after he took his mask off, I paused my game and left the room. Sure it was a plot twist but really? And I agree with why would he hit Rhys and not Fiona? Even in all the Stranger threads people have stated that the Stranger favorites Fiona. It was Fiona and Sasha who shot Gortys. Rhys had nothing to do with Gortys' death. I just don't like it...

    Side note: My Loader Bot had the butler skin and I was SO hoping that when he took the mask off he would look like a butler...biggest disappointment ever...

  • Ah, that does make sense, and Rhys was carrying an echo com with him.

    Deltino posted: »

    One thing that does bug me that is slightly unrelated though, why was Rhys looking for Fiona at the start of Ep1, before the stranger appear

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Even though he was upset Loader Bot is still a nice person/robot and it isn't in his character to hit a defenceless woman so he is more likely to use words on her rather than violence.

    Why not punch Fiona as well tho..? Or more, since she's the one who actually shot Gortys?

  • Rhys was defenseless too though.. and if he was nice to loaderbot overall, there really was no reason for him to get punched.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Even though he was upset Loader Bot is still a nice person/robot and it isn't in his character to hit a defenceless woman so he is more likely to use words on her rather than violence.

  • Btw nukem, i follow you on twitch, since you streamed watch dogs, anyway, if noone knew, the binary code in the loader bot "introduction" means "Friend" flies away

  • LB takes a very traditionalist approach when it comes to women. Under that psyche, you can pummel a defenseless man into pulp, but you can't give a defenseless woman so much as a dirty look.

    Rhys was defenseless too though.. and if he was nice to loaderbot overall, there really was no reason for him to get punched.

  • I don't think they knew who they wanted the stranger to be until ep3. Adhere that he started to soften up.


    Sry over reacted but anyway thanks for all the laugh's you have given me over the years. You are a really cool guy :)

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