So, who did you ship Rhys with?



  • Rhyira.

  • edited March 2016

    You do realize that this wasn't even a serious comment and that me and Wolfenus was fucking around like we always do?

    Lmao because I'd actually ship Rhys with Vallory.

    Mellorine posted: »

    I am honestly interested in how Rhys x Vallory is actually better than Rhack ? Not talking about Rhycest since it's actually a pretty differ

  • edited April 2016

    I didn't really cared for your exchanges with Wolfenus, it didn't led me to write this ( especially since it was obvious you were joking with him ). Still you did seem pretty serious about Rhack and Rhycest being far worse than Rhys x Vallory, and in a forum where it's unpopular I war really curious about the reason. I wasn't trying to say you shipped it, neither did I mentioned in my comment you did, I only wondered how it could be ''better''. Still, I didn't want to make it look like an attack it's more that in here, I was actually thinking you were serious, and interested in the answer.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    You do realize that this wasn't even a serious comment and that me and Wolfenus was fucking around like we always do? Lmao because I'd actually ship Rhys with Vallory.

  • I was never supposed to sound serious about it and I actually think all are shitty, calm down.

    Mellorine posted: »

    I didn't really cared for your exchanges with Wolfenus, it didn't led me to write this ( especially since it was obvious you were joking wit

  • edited March 2016

    Honestly I am not angry, frustrated, and I never was. Sorry if it did come off as if it was the case. I was interested in an opinion I thought you had, and it just happened I misunderstood. I don't dislike Rhys x Vallory ( this pairing never even crossed my mind ) and I understand you have the right not to be found of a pairing ( like all these ), but as I thought you were serious, I was just wondering about the ''why'' ( since I only played tftb ).
    But I guess not, and it's a bit of a shame but hey...what can I do ?

    ( we already talked about Rhack in another thread I just realised o_o'', didn't recognize you )

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I was never supposed to sound serious about it and I actually think all are shitty, calm down.

  • edited March 2016

    This is in reply to both you and @Intellectual_Poultry!

    I've not participated in these forums before, as you can probably tell - it's mainly tumblr where I'm active, and where I post a lot of my fanarts (I've seen some shared onto here before aha! thank you google image search for showing me that gosh). And I've browsed the forums before. But the constant negativity and hatred that I have seen in these threads about ships is absolutely ridiculous (as you can, hmm, see above), and has deterred me and many others from like, participating on here?

    I want to enjoy the game. I want to enjoy taking part in fandom and the community which has developed around it, but being ridiculed or faced with constant aggression, having your opinions invalidated because you enjoy a ship that others don't just makes it an environment which feels so incredibly unwelcoming. It's goddamn childish. I completely understand the reasons why some people may be upset or discomforted by particular ships - especially with rhack - and I have spoken to a few who have questioned *why *I ship them despite it not being 'canon' or being seen as abusive. I have happily responded to them, and we have become good mutuals. You are allowed to have your opinions on ships, you are allowed to disagree with others. But to the point in which you begin to attack others for liking a ship, to being so openly hostile about it, is when you should realise that maybe you are taking things too far, and need to start questioning yourself in what exactly you are getting out of this.

    Yes, unfortunately there are some shippers who refuse to acknowledge certain aspects of the ship, and even retaliate to the hatred being spread on tumblr by spreading hate to those who dislike the ship - giving the rest a bad reputation. And it seems that perhaps a lot of forum members on here have unfortunately experienced that. But I'm not here to moan about how not all shippers are like that etc., or even start anything with anyone - because like I said, you are entitled to your own opinion, and I am not going to 'attack' you for that. I just want to simply spread positivity and my enthusiasm for the game. Tales has played an incredibly important part in my life over the last 9 months, as the amount of stress I've gotten from university has been ridiculous - but taking part in the fandom and creating art for it has seriously helped me so so much.

    I'm not gonna let hate disrupt my enjoyment of things, and I am happy to voice this. Different ships can explore different situations; in ways that allow you to express yourself and your emotions in many possibilities - let's you be creative and see and appreciate the characters in a different light. If I want something dark, I'd go for rhack. Fluff with a strong dose of angst? well, that's gayperion for you. Rhyscest is incredibly self-indulgent and I still do not know how that begun (and I feel like I.. maybe partly responsible for its spread to some degree woops). Whereas with Rhysha? something witty, fluffy and sticks to the canon storyline. There are many others I ship Rhys with, though not as strongly - and again, it all depends on how I want to explore that character. Which is what fandom is all about, right? Exploring all these different situations? Honestly, I'm surprised about the lack of open-mindedness as you guys mentioned. But then we can't all have nice things, or enjoy something without someone hating some aspect of it either.

    But oh my gosh, thank you you two - you're both too kind! I saw a thread that felt relevant, and thought I'd dive straight - so I'm glad that what I posted was positive for you! :)

    Mellorine posted: »

    I have never met someone like you in this forum during the past few years I have observed those people. Where have you been ? Where have I b

  • Bingo. It's absurd how people generalize each other so much for liking something.

    And trust me, I know exactly how you feel when people talk smack on your ship. Not critquing it, but legit shitting on it. Whenever I visit Tumblr you can bet I see shit spewed all over Rhysha.

    If I shipped Rhack I would have gone insane by now on these forums.

    harpaax posted: »

    This is in reply to both you and @Intellectual_Poultry! I've not participated in these forums before, as you can probably tell - it's mai

  • Gosh yeah, I've seen some hatred towards Rhysha. I might not be a huge participator content-wise for the ship (which I need to change at some point), but seeing the countless shit spamming the tag for it is so annoying - but then, thankfully, Tumblr has a useful feature that let's you block them, so I don't have to see that anymore.

    Trick is to like, not let what the forums say get to you too much. Yes, it may rile you up, but you gotta remember that they have a right to these (incredibly hostile!) opinions! and retaliating will probably only make things worse for both yourself and the 'other side', idk. But then again, I'm not on these forums a lot and used to the hate spread on tumblr too, so I kinda just skim over it now. Oh the joys of 'problematic' ships.

    Bingo. It's absurd how people generalize each other so much for liking something. And trust me, I know exactly how you feel when people

  • edited March 2016

    Sorry if it did come off as if it was the case.

    It's okay c: I guess I should of been less aggressive towards you about that.

    I usually just joke about the things which make me feel weirded out (if that makes sense) because honestly it's better that being seriously salty about it - though I will admit, I have before. Obviously I don't mean it in any shape or form to harm the shippers not discourage them from shipping it. But, depnding if anybody does piss me off - like that one time a few Rhack shippers attacked my inbox - I will vent about it. On here or to a couple of friends on Skype.

    Trust me, if I was serious about my hate, you'd know :P

    Mellorine posted: »

    Honestly I am not angry, frustrated, and I never was. Sorry if it did come off as if it was the case. I was interested in an opinion I thoug

  • edited March 2016

    At first I accidentally ship Rhysha, second time I ship Rhyona... and the what the hell is wrong with u people shipping Rhyscest and Rhack? I regret so much searching up, now I need to get my eyes wash with bleach

  • Whilst I make jokes about Rhyscest and Rhack and I dislike the idea of any ship which romanticizes abuse, chill plox.

    Xannot posted: »

    At first I accidentally ship Rhysha, second time I ship Rhyona... and the what the hell is wrong with u people shipping Rhyscest and Rhack? I regret so much searching up, now I need to get my eyes wash with bleach

  • edited April 2016

    especially since it was obvious you were joking with her

    Him* Just letting you know, I'm a 'he'. :)

    Sorry, I just have to respond when people think that I'm a girl but it's the internet, so... :P

    Mellorine posted: »

    I didn't really cared for your exchanges with Wolfenus, it didn't led me to write this ( especially since it was obvious you were joking wit

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