Favorite Quotes from Season 1

Alright, I'm only on episode 4 but I noticed there wasn't a favorite quote thread.. Or maybe I'm blind.

If there is one, this will probably get moved

But let's get some favorite quotes down to make us cry.




  • There are so many quotes, but one that I love that really stands out to me is when Handsome Jack is begging Rhys in episode 5.

    Please...Hey! HEY! I'm on my knees here. Please don't send me back there, it's not like they say. There's nothing...there's absolutely nothing there. Please don't do this.

    The desperation in his voice (great job Dameon Clarke) makes this scene so effective and such a great moment, I haven't seen Jack that way since we tried to kill Angel. And then his lunge at the end to stop Rhys in a final act of desperation makes it even better.

  • I love how you say season 1. Like you know we will get a second season.

    I hope

  • "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

  • edited October 2015

    "Whahoa! I can't believe you @#$% crashed Helios!"

  • I love how much emotion and heart Dameon Clarke is putting into that last line. The way I interpret the line, it was like Handsome Jack/Demeon wasn't ready to say good bye to us and he doesn't want to go. Just thinking about that makes me teary.

  • Plans change.

  • A man can dream can't he? :D

    No_username posted: »

    I love how you say season 1. Like you know we will get a second season. I hope

  • "CATCH A RIIIIDE!" - Scooter

  • Most of what Loader Bot sais!

    Angry eyes detected.

    Why must the universe punish the good.

    Plus I loved,

    Brobro bro bro bro brobro...


    Vasquez' ramblings in his office.

    We got tired of looking and learning...

    And many many more!

  • Season 1?

    It's like it is confirmed that there'll be a Season 2. Or maybe it already is but we don't know?


  • When Rhys burp-talked in episode 4, lol Rick and Morty reference

  • no

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Season 1? It's like it is confirmed that there'll be a Season 2. Or maybe it already is but we don't know? I GOT YOU, TELLTALE!

  • Your pessimism is destroying me


  • edgy

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Your pessimism is destroying me

  • OMG NO LOADERBOT!!!! ;((((((((

    I told him "it's just you and me pal. Wouldn't have it any other way"

    Favorite quote. Loaderbot please be the stranger!!!


    Still not finished with episode 5 lmfao

  • "Enhance?!"
    "Plans change."
    "It's not that weird...OH MY GOD, YES. YES IT IS."
    "Atlas might have been a bunch of murdering bastards, but they made the best lattes....ugh. Damn Atlas."
    "Oh, Eric, is that you?!"
    "I used to think that about my sister the very same way, until I was duped into murdering her."
    "I just hit MURDER BINGO!"

  • "Everyone thinks they're the hero of their own story"

    Basically the parts that made me feel pretty gd bout choosing

    "We got all the firepower we need"

    "How does that feel, how does it feel to lose again"

    "I win Jack"

    "Vaughn, did you get stung by bees? Because you're looking swole!"


  • Plz we need at least a Vaughn DLC.. Something


  • Probably "just hit murder BINGO!" And "go on, peel his face off like a serial killer...you're sick." Also, Gortys "Looks like he's not feeling too well."

  • "Hi."
    -Loaderbot 2015

  • edited October 2015

    Rhys: "We didn't come here for the vault, Gortys. We came here to save you."

    Gortys: "You what?" (Big surprised wide eyes)

    Rhys: "You are in danger so long as that thing is alive. So help us beat it. Help us save you!"

  • edited October 2015

    I was about to post that exact quote. It's weirdly such a heartfelt scene. :)

    Rhys: "We didn't come here for the vault, Gortys. We came here to save you." Gortys: "You what?" (Big surprised wide eyes) Rhys: "You are in danger so long as that thing is alive. So help us beat it. Help us save you!"

  • "season 1" ? I see what you did there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • It is really heartwarming. Rhys is basically saying "Screw the vault. We came here to save you. You are the one who is most important to us." :)

    J-Master posted: »

    I was about to post that exact quote. It's weirdly such a heartfelt scene.

  • edited October 2015

    I agree, it wasn't about the money, the glory of finding a vault, or getting a lot of loot. It was all just to save someone you deeply cared about. Lee Everett would have been proud of Rhys and the gang. :)

    It is really heartwarming. Rhys is basically saying "Screw the vault. We came here to save you. You are the one who is most important to us."

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    "Soon" lacks data, "Soon" sucks. -Loader Bot

    enter link description here

  • Handsome Jack: VAAAWWWWNN!! REEEZZEEE!! Oh I'm late for my teatime!

  • "Rhys, I love you, but you've really got to stop saying obvious things!"

  • Janet: Yeah she's my girlfriend, so I know her

    Scooter: Intimately. They do it!

  • ZerO: Innuendo.

  • Fiona: "yeah okay".

  • Awesome.....




  • "I'm gonna go see if I've got a shirt in the trunk, because your body is making me... uncomfortable."

  • "Yes, okay. Fine. I like her. I like her quite a bit actually. She’s… everything I’m not. She’s brave, she’s moral, she’s good with a gun… she’s got regenerative abilities. What’s not to like?" - Rhys about Sasha.

    • Rhys expressing his feelings for Sasha and why he likes her. It actually gave me a much deeper insight of him as a character.

    "I cannot hold back your tide of bad decisions." - Loaderbot to Rhys.

    • I feel like this quote perfectly encapsulates the nature of some of my choices. cough Rule Hyperion cough

    "Well, now, if it isn't cock-knock and tweedle-dick. How's about you get outta my way and let me go do my job." - Rhysquez to Hyperion guards.

    • The way this line's delivered had me in stitches, to be honest. Rhysquez is a magnificient bastard.

    "Life come. Life go. GO! GO! GO!" - Random psycho to Vaughn and Fiona.

    • A psycho getting philosophical in spite of his limited vocabulary and brain-power. Brings a tear to my eye.

    "No beacon means no Vault means everybody's gonna die! At least we're all doomed together! YAY!" - Gortys.

    Gortys in a nutshell. :)

    "I'm very disappointed in you. Did you think you could follow in my footsteps? You are nothing more than another pitiful little code monkey. All swagger, no substance." - Disembodied Voice to Rhys.

    20 minutes into Nakayama's ID drive and chill and you get this wham line. It's the moment where it all began...

  • I liked Vasqeuz's lecture to Rhys about destiny. The part where Henderson's corpse just happens to float by and he's like "wow, that just dramatically helped make my point" really killed me. Like, literally ended my life.

    My absolute favourite was:

    "Pretend I'm a good person!" - Psycho, 2015

  • Shades and Yvette's faces will remember that.

  • Rhys confessing that he likes Sasha.
    The bro scene.
    also when jack said 'Everyone thinks they're the hero of their own story' or something like that.

  • edited October 2015

    This is probably gonna be really long.

    If I like 'em, I probably have them in gifs:

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    And also, pics:

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    And just normal quotes:

    "Yeah-ea-ea-ea-eah! Who's handsome now, sucka!" - Rhys.

    "Oh- wow... I wish I could hug you right now! I'm gonna make a robot that just hugs you when I tell it to - I'm so proud! I'm so proud of my special boy!" - Handsome Jack. (idk when lol)

    "Hey, kiddos! Daddy's home!" - Handsome Jack.

    "You think you can take me out, you little shit? You ready to do this, Rhys? Because I am." - Handsome Jack.

    "Everyone thinks they're the hero of their own story." - Handsome Jack.

    "You are the freaking cutest robot I've ever seen." - Fiona.

    "I know you probably thing it's your 'thing', but that mustache? ...It's awful." - Fiona.

    "Hey, thanks... for- uh... shuttin' up." - August.

    And that's all I can think of right now.

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