What would be good dlc for tales from the borderlands?



  • The con-artist life DLC.

    Showing Fiona and Sasha growing up as con-artists, meeting Felix, and other neat stuff.

  • Both Fiona and Sasha are PoC confirmed by a dev. For some reason, Telltale just isn't making their playable characters their correct skin color? (i.e Clem, Fiona)

    No racist means here but. Why is Fiona white while Sasha is black?

  • edited October 2015

    I want them to make a DLC or a mini-series about Kreig where you play as the voice in his head, and no matter what you say something completely different comes out of his mouth.

    Voice: ''Where the hell is everybody? This looks like a trap.''

    Kreig: ''MY POOP IS YOUR FLESH!''

    Voice: ''I don't even want to know what that would look like! LOOK! A PIZZA! I think we can ha-''

    Kreig: ''NIPPLE SALADS! Nipple salads... NIPPLE SALADS!''


    Kreig: '' Why aren't my fingers in someone's eye sockets right now...''

    Voice: ''You can take that finger and shove it up y-''

    Kreig: [Furious screaming]

    Voice: ''C-Can't believe you actually did th- YOU KNOW WHAT?! THAT'S IT! I'M OUTTA HERE!!''

  • Jesus man, you need more punctuation. I was running out of breath reading this in my mind!

    I'd like some back story DLCs especially with Fiona cuz I can imagine her and Sash on small adventures :p

  • edited October 2015

    They said they are both mediterranean or something (what is English xP), so Sash isn't black. Also it's possible for siblings to have different skin tones. Has no one ever been to Europe?

    No racist means here but. Why is Fiona white while Sasha is black?

  • Definetely not a DLC for TFTB.

    Dark_Star posted: »

    I want them to make a DLC or a mini-series about Kreig where you play as the voice in his head, and no matter what you say something complet

  • I'd like something akin to 400 days where we get a quick, 30 minutes or so into different people's lives;

    • I'd want one for sure to be Felix but in his younger days just before he meets Fiona/Sasha.

    • Maybe a better look into Vasquez either before Tales or during his time in it.

    • A segment with a younger Sasha where she and Fiona are learning from Felix.

    • A bit with August where we get a good look at how his good side was nearly swept away by his mother's iron fist.

    • And maybe a segment where we play as loader bot as he's trying to find people for the final fight?

  • I would like to see an "Origins" DLC i want to know more backstory of Rhys,Vaughn,Sasha and Fiona heck we don't even know Rhys and Vaughn's last names, actually better question why does hardly anyone in the borderlands universe have a sir/last name

  • And maybe we can finally see how him and Vallory "met"

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I really like the idea of a Felix DLC, it could be a prequel to his younger years, how he ended up conning, why he is the way he is and it c

  • Athena and Springs wedding.

  • edited November 2015

    The weird thing is that in theory the two have the same eye, hair and skin color. I will say some of the marketing screenshots Fiona and Athena seem to also have the same skin color, which is sadly a little reminiscent of what Bioware's adverts did with Isabella for DA2.

    Edit: this is a pic from the blog of all main characters in the same lighting in atlas mugged: http://cdn.telltalegames.com/files/blogs/2015-06-24/TFTBL-103-review-gamespot-650px.jpg and this is a pic of Rhys and Fiona with no weird lighting http://i.imgur.com/tJ4vLUJ.jpg

    No racist means here but. Why is Fiona white while Sasha is black?

  • I wasn't able to really get a good look, but I wondered if she was the other half of the happy couple photo in the safe house.

    I also wondered what that would potentially mean for August and his mental health :P

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    And maybe we can finally see how him and Vallory "met"

  • I would like to see Gortys and Sasha get to visit a nice planet, for once.

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