The guy giving the girl a compliment makes himself feel high and mighty or "superior' to the girl. When the girl acknowledges it, suddenly all the power the guy got from giving the girl a compliment is gone and he feels cheated. It's an extremely screwed up way of thinking, but it's true, at least in that scenario.
Not all guys are like that his a douche the girl even responded by saying thank you and laughed this is the best possible response by her she even says how are you showing a clear intent to continue the convo which is the perfect result. That guy seems like a troll
Wow, she seriously isn't allowed to believe she's beautiful? That's fucked up, the guy is a douchebag and doesn't deserve her. People are allowed to believe that they are beautiful.
You'll want to watch this before playing Chronicles if you haven't already. Must admit, the game is hard I'm waiting till the weekend to try to finish again.
You'll want to watch this before playing Chronicles if you haven't already. Must admit, the game is hard I'm waiting till the weekend to try to finish again.
What if the rabbit is actually a sentient being that swallows unsuspecting humans to feed off of their life force? The black man in there has been trapped since he was a little boy, sitting on the lap of the bunny just like the children in the photo, only to be swallowed and kept prisoner. In order to earn his freedom, he must gain control of the master rabbit and swallow a new child for the rabbit to feed on and enslave. The rabbit has allowed him to rise from it's stomach to snatch one of the children. I assume it will be the little boy because he is smaller, still has a good amount of chub, and is closer to the mouth.
What if the rabbit is actually a sentient being that swallows unsuspecting humans to feed off of their life force? The black man in there ha… mores been trapped since he was a little boy, sitting on the lap of the bunny just like the children in the photo, only to be swallowed and kept prisoner. In order to earn his freedom, he must gain control of the master rabbit and swallow a new child for the rabbit to feed on and enslave. The rabbit has allowed him to rise from it's stomach to snatch one of the children. I assume it will be the little boy because he is smaller, still has a good amount of chub, and is closer to the mouth.
Apparently not, From the spoilers I read, It didn't really build up for Civil War and Iron Man only left for Pepper (his girlfriend) and Hawkeye left for his random out of nowhere Wife and Kids, Thor left to Asguard to find out more about the Infinity Stones and Hulk disappeared on his own so he wouldn't hurt Black Widow, Soooo not much build-up for Civil War.
spoiler alert guise 4 a game of thrones and fire, the original HBO show DONT LIKE DONT READ!!1!
ok so tyrone lancaster has secks with his sister sersey lancaster (whose a total BITCH) and they have son named Jeffrey that every1 hates. tyrone is also a dwarf omg such a lord of the rings ripoff!!1! but n e ways they HATE the stark family. The dad is ned stark, mom is katherine stark, n they have 3 sons (rob, brandon, and rick OMG THE WALKING DEAD RIPOFF!!1!) and 2 daughters named sandra and arya. BUT their is dramaaa becuz ned is da baby daddy of some random hoe's kid named john snow!
ther is also a girl named denise and she finds out her real name is khaleesy and she gives birth to dragons that fly her around n stuff!!1 one of the main characters is hodor n all he says is HODOR lol!!! lololollol! other ppl in the kingdom are peter radish who hangs out wit SLUTS, and his gay lover varys who is a buddhist monk who is trans (dun hate pls ) so cut off his balls.
spoiler alert guise 4 a game of thrones and fire, the original HBO show DONT LIKE DONT READ!!1!
ok so tyrone lancaster has secks with his… more sister sersey lancaster (whose a total BITCH) and they have son named Jeffrey that every1 hates. tyrone is also a dwarf omg such a lord of the rings ripoff!!1! but n e ways they HATE the stark family. The dad is ned stark, mom is katherine stark, n they have 3 sons (rob, brandon, and rick OMG THE WALKING DEAD RIPOFF!!1!) and 2 daughters named sandra and arya. BUT their is dramaaa becuz ned is da baby daddy of some random hoe's kid named john snow!
ther is also a girl named denise and she finds out her real name is khaleesy and she gives birth to dragons that fly her around n stuff!!1 one of the main characters is hodor n all he says is HODOR lol!!! lololollol! other ppl in the kingdom are peter radish who hangs out wit SLUTS, and his gay lover varys who is a buddhist monk who is trans (dun hate pls ) so cut off his balls.
no moar spolilerz tho i promise
spoiler alert guise 4 a game of thrones and fire, the original HBO show DONT LIKE DONT READ!!1!
ok so tyrone lancaster has secks with his… more sister sersey lancaster (whose a total BITCH) and they have son named Jeffrey that every1 hates. tyrone is also a dwarf omg such a lord of the rings ripoff!!1! but n e ways they HATE the stark family. The dad is ned stark, mom is katherine stark, n they have 3 sons (rob, brandon, and rick OMG THE WALKING DEAD RIPOFF!!1!) and 2 daughters named sandra and arya. BUT their is dramaaa becuz ned is da baby daddy of some random hoe's kid named john snow!
ther is also a girl named denise and she finds out her real name is khaleesy and she gives birth to dragons that fly her around n stuff!!1 one of the main characters is hodor n all he says is HODOR lol!!! lololollol! other ppl in the kingdom are peter radish who hangs out wit SLUTS, and his gay lover varys who is a buddhist monk who is trans (dun hate pls ) so cut off his balls.
no moar spolilerz tho i promise
Has anyone else seen this?
TTG teaming up with Marvel. Seems cool and so many possibilities, wonder what they'll come up with.
I just submitted my own short story about Handsome Jack's abusive past in the Steam group you linked me to, I don't think I'll win, but I asked for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel :P
This is complete bullshit, the mod creators only get 25% of the revenue...
Gaben is making a profit.
I'm just trying to think of where they could even start, there's just such a wide range of possibilities. I'm actually really glad they chose this because I'm a big Marvel fan.
Has anyone else seen this?
TTG teaming up with Marvel. Seems cool and so many possibilities, wonder what they'll come up with.
Well, apparently modders can now charge people on Steam for their mods. I'm not sure how to feel about that.
The guy giving the girl a compliment makes himself feel high and mighty or "superior' to the girl. When the girl acknowledges it, suddenly all the power the guy got from giving the girl a compliment is gone and he feels cheated. It's an extremely screwed up way of thinking, but it's true, at least in that scenario.
Not all guys are like that his a douche the girl even responded by saying thank you and laughed this is the best possible response by her she even says how are you showing a clear intent to continue the convo which is the perfect result. That guy seems like a troll
Wow, she seriously isn't allowed to believe she's beautiful? That's fucked up, the guy is a douchebag and doesn't deserve her. People are allowed to believe that they are beautiful.
Somehow he spells the entire second text right but can't spell "you're" correctly.
"i am going to murder everyone"
Jesus fucking Christ.
You'll want to watch this before playing Chronicles if you haven't already. Must admit, the game is hard I'm waiting till the weekend to try to finish again.
Where's that Handsome Jack gif of him going "That's legitimately creepy" when you need it.
I really like this, thanks for sharing it with me. I'll be getting Chronicles sooner or later. It's looking good!
I like it but it can be difficult and annoying.
The next phase of Rickrolling will be inserting Game of Thrones spoilers into youtube videos.
I'm listening to Lady GaGa right now.
What have I done with my life?
Imma go ape shit on you Zippy
you have done good
What if the rabbit is actually a sentient being that swallows unsuspecting humans to feed off of their life force? The black man in there has been trapped since he was a little boy, sitting on the lap of the bunny just like the children in the photo, only to be swallowed and kept prisoner. In order to earn his freedom, he must gain control of the master rabbit and swallow a new child for the rabbit to feed on and enslave. The rabbit has allowed him to rise from it's stomach to snatch one of the children. I assume it will be the little boy because he is smaller, still has a good amount of chub, and is closer to the mouth.
This song makes me want to cry......
Apparently not, From the spoilers I read, It didn't really build up for Civil War and Iron Man only left for Pepper (his girlfriend) and Hawkeye left for his random out of nowhere Wife and Kids, Thor left to Asguard to find out more about the Infinity Stones and Hulk disappeared on his own so he wouldn't hurt Black Widow, Soooo not much build-up for Civil War.
spoiler alert guise 4 a game of thrones and fire, the original HBO show DONT LIKE DONT READ!!1!
ok so tyrone lancaster has secks with his sister sersey lancaster (whose a total BITCH) and they have son named Jeffrey that every1 hates. tyrone is also a dwarf omg such a lord of the rings ripoff!!1! but n e ways they HATE the stark family. The dad is ned stark, mom is katherine stark, n they have 3 sons (rob, brandon, and rick OMG THE WALKING DEAD RIPOFF!!1!) and 2 daughters named sandra and arya. BUT their is dramaaa becuz ned is da baby daddy of some random hoe's kid named john snow!
ther is also a girl named denise and she finds out her real name is khaleesy and she gives birth to dragons that fly her around n stuff!!1 one of the main characters is hodor n all he says is HODOR lol!!! lololollol! other ppl in the kingdom are peter radish who hangs out wit SLUTS, and his gay lover varys who is a buddhist monk who is trans (dun hate pls
) so cut off his balls.
no moar spolilerz tho i promise
Oh my God.
Lord Neddard Stork lept from his bed with his greatsword Rice in hand...
Has anyone else seen this?
TTG teaming up with Marvel. Seems cool and so many possibilities, wonder what they'll come up with.
Yeah, I'm pretty interested. Wonder what universe it's going to be many possibilities lmao
I just submitted my own short story about Handsome Jack's abusive past in the Steam group you linked me to, I don't think I'll win, but I asked for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel :P
This is complete bullshit, the mod creators only get 25% of the revenue...
Gaben is making a profit.
I'm just trying to think of where they could even start, there's just such a wide range of possibilities. I'm actually really glad they chose this because I'm a big Marvel fan.
They could do so much, lol.
We'll find out in two years how this turns out, hopefully it'll be amazing.
@Markd4547 I got another weird song for you.
bang kok
Totally, although they may not be working on it right now, they will certainly come up with a lot of ideas.