The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Fun fact if you didn't know, the creators only use the F word once per season (the one that happened between episodes doesn't count) and I believe it's only used whenever someone's cutting ties with Bojack.

    I had figured that out actually. It's a very hurtful way to use 'Fuck' but definitely an effective one. I'm assuming since each cut tie throughout Seasons 1-3 have been somebody Bojack values even more than the last person, Princess Carolyn/Diane is the next person to cut ties with him. Which let me tell you, I am beyond not ready for. Even if Season 4 doesn't come out for 2 more years I will never be prepared for that.

    Also, I hope Todd doesn't stay mad at BJ for long, I know the show is about your actions having consequences, but it seems to forget from time to time that forgiveness is a thing and Todd's had too many good memories with Bojack to completely cut him out, despite how much of a dick he can be.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It wasn't until Episode 10 of Season 3 when the series got me to cry or give a standing ovation (in my bedroom at 4 AM while my family was a

  • Here I was thinking that I'd be able to juggle playing both Battlefield 1 and Skyrim. Oh how wrong I was. Skyrim has consumed my soul once again.

  • We'll have to see, but at the very least Todd won't leave the show so that's great, he's a fun character to have around.

  • He really is awesome, yeah.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    We'll have to see, but at the very least Todd won't leave the show so that's great, he's a fun character to have around.

  • It happens to the best of us, friend.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Here I was thinking that I'd be able to juggle playing both Battlefield 1 and Skyrim. Oh how wrong I was. Skyrim has consumed my soul once again.

  • Those fuckers at Papa Johns ain't nothin but a buncha shitbirds. They only care about themselves. Turning up late again? What a fuckin shocker! That makes them NOTHIN!

    NorthStars posted: »

    You almost sound like Kenny himself.

  • Congrats!

    I bought new pants today - a size down (US 10 to US 8). My waist is 29ish inches and I'm very happy about it!

  • u wanna go mate? ill bash yer fookin' ehd in i swear on me mum.

    DillonDex posted: »

    I've never heard of them, but I'm willing to play devil's advocate. The songs aren't amazing. They suck. (ง'̀-'́)ง

  • Good that you didn't die or good that you nearly died?

    Nearly died today.... that's always good.

  • I guess one of my dipshit roommates broke something but did a piss poor job of cleaning it up because I stepped on a tiny piece of glass which them got embedded in my foot. I pulled it out already and I'm bleeding a bit but other than that I'm fine. This is the second time this has happened. In fact the first piece of glass I stepped on was actually bigger.

  • Bruce Wayne knows how that feels...

    Sorry, man. It sounds like you've got really terrible roommates.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I guess one of my dipshit roommates broke something but did a piss poor job of cleaning it up because I stepped on a tiny piece of glass whi

  • edited November 2016

    Is there a Fun and Meme Thread for Minecraft: Story Mode?

  • edited November 2016

    Double combo.

    Yet another person who thinks saying rude and awful things is far worse than shit-talking disabled people on numerous occasions, murdering o

  • edited November 2016

    I don't really like getting involved or discussing foreign politics, though from my pount of view, you guys are mostly screwed either way. Heck, you guys would be better off voting for Obama a 3rd time. In George's defense, he doesn't sound too thrilled about Clinton either. I guess to him, it's almost like looking at real life versions of The Mad King (Trump) and Cersei (Clinton). And then there's the wall, which I guess makes mexicans the wildlings.

    Yet another person who thinks saying rude and awful things is far worse than shit-talking disabled people on numerous occasions, murdering o

  • Acheive250 posted: »

    Is there a Fun and Meme Thread for Minecraft: Story Mode?

  • Sorry about that, you're roommate sounds like a jackass. I'd suggest going to a doctor, you know, making sure you're alright.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I guess one of my dipshit roommates broke something but did a piss poor job of cleaning it up because I stepped on a tiny piece of glass whi

  • Good to hear you didn't die, but I'm with Blind, I kind of want to know what the context was.

    Nearly died today.... that's always good.

  • edited November 2016

    you're roommate sounds like a jackass.

    I don't like that word.

    Sorry about that, you're roommate sounds like a jackass. I'd suggest going to a doctor, you know, making sure you're alright.

  • edited November 2016

    Thanks. Sadly I have to share the same floor with like 10 other people and it seems like none of them no how to take care of their own living space.

    As for my foot it's pretty much healed up already which is good.

    Sorry about that, you're roommate sounds like a jackass. I'd suggest going to a doctor, you know, making sure you're alright.

  • Thank you. Since I tend to come off as uncaring in real life, that's nice of you to say. :)

    You're a saint. ❤️❤️

  • Um, sorry.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    you're roommate sounds like a jackass. I don't like that word.

  • My best friend once started off a phone conversation this way. (She had to be rescued from a rip tide.)

    Nearly died today.... that's always good.



  • edited November 2016

    Or plot twist, she was a human all this time but brain wahed into thinking she was a robot.... Nah, that sounds like too much of a cliché twist for Yoko Taro. She is actually eldritch abomination turned into a human looking being through the magic of the grimmoires and she will turn to an oversized naked version of her human form (but she will be fully untextered because of age ratings) at the end of the 4th/5th story branch, and be the final boss in a rythm battle where the screen fades to black and you can't see shit. Now that's more up Taro's alley.

    papai46 posted: »

    How do you know? She could be one of those advanced models. Also, rule 34 says otherwise.

  • you're

    I expected better from you Metallica.

    Sorry about that, you're roommate sounds like a jackass. I'd suggest going to a doctor, you know, making sure you're alright.

  • Wombo Combo.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Double combo.

  • I know the feeling. A few years ago my siblings didn't clean up a few pieces of glass which resulted in my stepping on it and getting it in the center of my foot. It was a super small one but it was noticable and I never even got it out, so now every now and again while I'm walking around my left foot will get a sharp pain as the glass slightly shifts.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I guess one of my dipshit roommates broke something but did a piss poor job of cleaning it up because I stepped on a tiny piece of glass whi

  • I seem to hear that a lot.

    Nearly died today.... that's always good.

  • Wowzers. After one look at that thread I don't quite think I'll be returning. It's nice to see the people on there are all least having fun posting their h̶o̶r̶r̶i̶b̶l̶y̶ ̶u̶n̶f̶u̶n̶n̶y̶ memes and laughing about it though, so I'm not really gonna judge anyone.

    Pipas posted: »


  • ?...

    Acheive250 posted: »

    you're roommate sounds like a jackass. I don't like that word.

  • edited November 2016

    It was just a joke.

    But you probably wouldn't get it...


  • I tripped over yesterday, and nearly died.

    I seem to hear that a lot.

  • Can I have more time please. Don't have enough for reading, watching shows and playing games. THERES NOT ENOUGH TIME :bawling:

  • enter image description here

    papai46 posted: »

    you're I expected better from you Metallica.

  • Took long enough.

    Cool. Sombra's been revealed. I like her design.

  • edited November 2016

    enter image description here

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Or plot twist, she was a human all this time but brain wahed into thinking she was a robot.... Nah, that sounds like too much of a cliché tw

  • Please, Trump didn't only said rude things; it's not simple words, it's more than that.
    Trump had no true political power until now so you can't know what he'll do. He said a lot of non sense (he did every buzz possible to be heard of) - going from removing all muslims to use the massacre in Charlie Hebdo for his position about gun law. It's impossible to know when he's serious and when he's not. Secondly, imagine this in diplomacy with others states. The guy is totally unpredictable and you can't seriously tell me you know what you will elect if he ends president.

    And while your others arguments seem fine about Hillary, you're quite dishonest as for Hillary defending a child rapist. People not aware of law don't seem to understand it but it's the basic work of an advocate; even the worst scum must have the right to defense. Now laughing about it is wrong, though it's probably her way to evacuate stress, not her being Satan enjoying what she did.

    Not that I support Hillary, but at least you know what you elect. In the end it's still like you've got to choose between Charybdis or Scylla anyway.

    As for GRRM it's a bit dumb to lose your respect to him because of what he believes. :(

    Yet another person who thinks saying rude and awful things is far worse than shit-talking disabled people on numerous occasions, murdering o

  • What? I was simply describing the final bosses of both Drakengard 1 and 3, both games having been directed and writen by Taro, and both being part of the main series of which NieR 1 and Automata are spin-offs of.

  • Sure, it's just that i never played those.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    What? I was simply describing the final bosses of both Drakengard 1 and 3, both games having been directed and writen by Taro, and both being part of the main series of which NieR 1 and Automata are spin-offs of.

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