The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Just freeze time for a bit, so you can play your favorite game for a couple of hours two seconds before going to work.

    Always works for me.

    Can I have more time please. Don't have enough for reading, watching shows and playing games. THERES NOT ENOUGH TIME

  • Please, Trump didn't only said rude things; it's not simple words, it's more than that.

    I'm aware. But the thing is that everybody only attacks him for that. Martin, as shown above, specifically talked shit about what Trump said. Not the vile things he's done or the fact that his entire campaign is lying and pandering to rednecks with bullshit just to win. Nor did he mention any of the actual good shit Trump has done. I hate both the candidates but I can at least admit when they've done something good, which both of them have, Trump arguably doing a bit more than Clinton. But that's another story.

    And while your others arguments seem fine about Hillary, you're quite dishonest as for Hillary defending a child rapist. People not aware of law don't seem to understand it but it's the basic work of an advocate; even the worst scum must have the right to defense.

    The american justice system is fucking bullshit if any of what you just said could be considered acceptable by fucking anybody.

    Not that I support Hillary, but at least you know what you elect. In the end it's still like you've got to choose between Charybdis or Scylla anyway.

    That's fair.

    As for GRRM it's a bit dumb to lose your respect to him because of what he believes.

    It's not that I don't respect him for hating Trump or believing Trump's a doucher. I've lost respect for him because his argument for why Trump is shit is the same annoying, bullshit, overused argument that everyone and their fucking dog uses. If you're going to call out Trump or criticize him, criticize him for something valid. Not "He said mean things and offensive shit! I hate him!!!!!!!11111". Call him out for pandering, Call him out for being childish, Call him out for not knowing how the election fucking works, Call him out for forgetting basic information, Call him out for not calling out Hillary for stuff that matters and instead calling her out for petty bullshit, for fuck's sake call him out for ANY of the valid reasons you can call him out for other than "I'M TRIGGERED BY THE MEAN THINGS HE SAAAAAAAAAIIIID".

    Euron posted: »

    Please, Trump didn't only said rude things; it's not simple words, it's more than that. Trump had no true political power until now so you

  • but I'm with Blind,

    More like... You are blind...

    Because... You don't know... What they're talking about... Get it...?

    What's wrong with me today?

    Good to hear you didn't die, but I'm with Blind, I kind of want to know what the context was.

  • They're good action (action RPG in NieR's case) games, with excellent dark stories and soundtracks, imo. They just have infuriating final bosses. 3's final boss in its last phase, you literally have to guess when to press the button, otherwise it's back to the start of the 8 minute long rythm battle. At least the song was good... It'll be engraved in your mind by the time you beat it.

    papai46 posted: »

    Sure, it's just that i never played those.

  • you wont believe who I killed for this username

  • People talk like the foundation of the world is gonna implode if Trump gets elected.

    Yet another person who thinks saying rude and awful things is far worse than shit-talking disabled people on numerous occasions, murdering o

  • Jesus. Were you unable to remove it from your foot or did you just not bother to at the time?

    I know the feeling. A few years ago my siblings didn't clean up a few pieces of glass which resulted in my stepping on it and getting it in

  • Explain! I always get so curious when there's a joke I don't understand.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    It was just a joke. But you probably wouldn't get it...

  • Right now I'm trying to not play Tales again, but I will probably cave in next week.

  • Unable to remove it. I also have a shard of glass lodged into my thumb, it's visible too.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Jesus. Were you unable to remove it from your foot or did you just not bother to at the time?

  • Haha, it's so funny!

    I wish i was blind.

    Wowzers. After one look at that thread I don't quite think I'll be returning. It's nice to see the people on there are all least having fun

  • I wish I was dead.

    papai46 posted: »

    Haha, it's so funny! I wish i was blind.

  • OP is failing to deliver.

    Nearly died today.... that's always good.

  • papai46 said:

    I wish i was blind.

    Must... resist... pun...

    papai46 posted: »

    Haha, it's so funny! I wish i was blind.

  • Why are you trying to resist?

    Don't fight it... Join it...

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Right now I'm trying to not play Tales again, but I will probably cave in next week.

  • Well, that's one end of a very long spectrum.

    People talk like the foundation of the world is gonna implode if Trump gets elected.

  • Have you ever heard of the novel/film On the Beach by any chance? The basic plot is that Australia is the only country left after a nuclear war wipes out all life in the Northern Hemisphere. I think that's what most Australians think will happen if Trump wins.

    Well, that's one end of a very long spectrum.

  • Yeah, heard of it. I have yet to see or read it, though.

    That might be blowing it a bit out of proportion, but your not far off in regards to some people.

    Have you ever heard of the novel/film On the Beach by any chance? The basic plot is that Australia is the only country left after a nuclear

  • I finished watching season 1 of Ash vs Evil Dead and I thought it was pretty good. Funny, likable characters and pretty bad ass moments but I gotta take breaks between episodes so that I could stomach all the gore.

    Like seriously. People eat it super hard in this show.

  • I know it's an exaggeration, but it feels like the amount of hysteria over Trump winning is overblown. Kids at my school have a crack at Trump all the time (yes, I do it too sometimes), but I doubt any of them have a legitimate criticism of Trump other than him being racist/sexist.

    As for the book, you can download a PDF or Epub version from here for free, and you can find the 1959 and 2000 films on Youtube (quality for both versions sucks though).

    Yeah, heard of it. I have yet to see or read it, though. That might be blowing it a bit out of proportion, but your not far off in regards to some people.

  • Great show, great gore.

    That ceiling fan tho

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I finished watching season 1 of Ash vs Evil Dead and I thought it was pretty good. Funny, likable characters and pretty bad ass moments but

  • Handsome Jack maybe?

    Acheive250 posted: »

    It was just a joke. But you probably wouldn't get it...

  • I really wasn't expecting that at all. Seriously wasn't expecting the kid to get it that badly.

    Great show, great gore. That ceiling fan tho

  • Im cooking a Sunday roast in a bit. leg of lamb, crunchy parsnips (from frozen), roast potatoes (from frozen), posh broccoli and string peas. All cooked in my pathetic tiny oven that looks like a toy, its a little thing that sits on the counter and has two hobs it barely fits a pizza without bending the edge thats why I use frozen spuds if I try making them from scratch they go soggy


    lupinb0y posted: »

    Cartoon Network has released a new animated pilot on their YouTube channel called Infinity Train and it stars Tulip, who is voiced by none o

  • edited November 2016

    A long time ago the last episode aired for the Avatar fans:(

  • I just saw Doctor Strange last night. People weren't kidding when they said the visuals were crazy trippy. Marvel continues to really knock it out of the park, especially with more obscure characters like Ant Man, Guardians, Doctor Strange, etc.

  • edited November 2016

    God I fucking love Avatar and Korra, the music for both shows was just plain amazing.

    joshua007 posted: »

    A long time ago the last episode aired for the Avatar fans:(

  • Spiderman Home Coming better have The Wall.

    I just saw Doctor Strange last night. People weren't kidding when they said the visuals were crazy trippy. Marvel continues to really knock it out of the park, especially with more obscure characters like Ant Man, Guardians, Doctor Strange, etc.

  • I'm back! It feels great! I need to stop going on hiatus lol

  • Welcome back.

    I'm back! It feels great! I need to stop going on hiatus lol

  • Thanks! :)

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Welcome back.

  • I figured you were just buried in senior class work. I guess they let you come up for air!

    Remember, only two months left to be a happylovelyperson in 2016!

    I'm back! It feels great! I need to stop going on hiatus lol

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited November 2016

    Only the dead know peace from terrible memes.

    I wish I was dead.

  • Episode 3 of RWBY was by far the best episode in the entire series. Gave me the kind of shit I've been longing for since episode one. Digging the fuck outta these new 17 Min+ episodes too. Feels like a real show now.

  • edited November 2016

    Welcome back!

    You're just in time for TWD S3, which should/hopefully be releasing this month.

    I'm back! It feels great! I need to stop going on hiatus lol

  • Well, I'm not really sure if I'm handsome...

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Handsome Jack maybe?

  • I'm in line for popcorn right now, I've heard pretty good stuff, I hope it is as they say.

    I just saw Doctor Strange last night. People weren't kidding when they said the visuals were crazy trippy. Marvel continues to really knock it out of the park, especially with more obscure characters like Ant Man, Guardians, Doctor Strange, etc.

  • More or less my school at the moment, also.


    I know it's an exaggeration, but it feels like the amount of hysteria over Trump winning is overblown. Kids at my school have a crack at Tru

  • OMFG

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Spiderman Home Coming better have The Wall.

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