The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • ....?

    Zyphon posted: »


  • Silence is a valid option.

    Zyphon posted: »


  • Alt text

    Perfectly timed gifs!

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited June 2014

    We need to find someone who can replace WTW but who.

  • ME?

    Puncake32 posted: »

    We need to find someone who can replace WTW but who.

  • Let's do a competition


  • MUE!

    but were did she go?!??! O:

    Puncake32 posted: »

    We need to find someone who can replace WTW but who.

  • Do you want to be WTW Replacer? Yes Or No (Twdfan you can't be the replacer cuz you know) The name with the most vote wins!

  • Wut? why not me? :(

    Puncake32 posted: »

    Do you want to be WTW Replacer? Yes Or No (Twdfan you can't be the replacer cuz you know) The name with the most vote wins!

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited June 2014

    You're WTW "friend" so you need to be the replacers "friend" :P

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Wut? why not me?

  • Oh ok ._.

    Puncake32 posted: »

    You're WTW "friend" so you need to be the replacers "friend" :P

  • I miss WTW :(

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Oh ok ._.

  • How do you think I feel? xD

    Puncake32 posted: »

    I miss WTW

  • Alt text

    Alt text

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    TWDFan86 posted: »

    How do you think I feel? xD

  • Pretty much...except the last one.

  • 5 more comments till we get 1000 comments :o

  • edited June 2014

    No TWDFan is himself. Him, WtW, Noncy, and WTD are the main people. Here's what I think.

    **Forum Of The Dead **


    LeeTheProfessional as LeeTheProfessional

    TWDFan86 as TWDFan86

    Dont_Look_Back as Welcome_to_Woodbury

    Puncake32 as WhatTheDuck

    NoncyFlippledorp as NoncyFlippledorp

    Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy as Carver 2.0

    PasswordSuck as PasswordSuck

    Mokonage as Chef Boyardee

    Markd4547 as Joker

    Richmond(numbers here) as Stranger

    TheNarwhalKing as Xavier King

    Rafoli as Batman


    SaltLick305 as SaltLick305

    Fish as sardines

    Gary Oak as Gary Motherf***ing Oak

    Boat Couples!!

    AllThatRemains, and Jewfreeus as AllThatFreeus

    GuiltyKingOumaShu, and xValkyx as xGuiltyKingValkyShux

    SweetPeaClem, and WhatTheDuck(Replacement Puncake) as SweetDuck

    Dont_Look_Back and CoolStoryBro as Dont_Look_Bro

    NoncyFlippledorp, and Welcome_to_Woodbury(Replacement Dont_Look_Back) as NoncyWoodBurpleDorp (Did I get it right?)

    TWDFan86 and Welcome_to_Woodbury(Replacement Dont_Look_Back) as WoodburyFan86

    Note: Dont_Look_Back, and Puncake are playing two parts!

    And well... I boat the last one XD. Have any ideas? Please reply to this comment and I will add on if it's good :).

    Puncake32 posted: »

    Do you want to be WTW Replacer? Yes Or No (Twdfan you can't be the replacer cuz you know) The name with the most vote wins!

  • No, it's WoodburyFan86 :P

    No TWDFan is himself. Him, WtW, Noncy, and WTD are the main people. Here's what I think. **Forum Of The Dead ** Starring LeeTheProf

  • Ah okay :). Thanks.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    No, it's WoodburyFan86 :P

  • edited June 2014

    "Mokonage as Chef Boyardee"

    Lol! Dude, that had me laughing for a bit, haha.

    No TWDFan is himself. Him, WtW, Noncy, and WTD are the main people. Here's what I think. **Forum Of The Dead ** Starring LeeTheProf

  • I like It

    No TWDFan is himself. Him, WtW, Noncy, and WTD are the main people. Here's what I think. **Forum Of The Dead ** Starring LeeTheProf

  • Thanks, that's what I was going for :). I'll probably add more later!

    "Mokonage as Chef Boyardee" Lol! Dude, that had me laughing for a bit, haha.

  • edited June 2014

    It's funny to me, because that's what I pictured at first, as well. Lol.

    EDIT: I'm surprised you didn't boat AWESOMEO and SweetPea. Since they were friends before the apocalypse and he used to visit her over the summers. #SweetSOMEO

    Thanks, that's what I was going for . I'll probably add more later!

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited June 2014

    It's over 1000 comments! Time for PIZZA PARTY Alt text

  • I just can't....

    WhatTheDuck needs to bang okay?

    It's funny to me, because that's what I pictured at first, as well. Lol. EDIT: I'm surprised you didn't boat AWESOMEO and SweetPea. Since they were friends before the apocalypse and he used to visit her over the summers. #SweetSOMEO

  • He won't be banging with me, that's for sure. 8)

    I just can't.... WhatTheDuck needs to bang okay?

  • Mwuahahahaha! B]

    He won't be banging with me, that's for sure. 8)

  • Ouch xD

    He won't be banging with me, that's for sure. 8)

  • Time for my new Job.

    I just can't.... WhatTheDuck needs to bang okay?

  • That's for Lee to decide.

    whispers to LeeTheProfessional

    Make it happen, true love's bang will unban him. :DDDD

    He won't be banging with me, that's for sure. 8)

  • Nope!

    Alt text

    That's for Lee to decide. whispers to LeeTheProfessional Make it happen, true love's bang will unban him. :DDDD

  • Lol, you're scaring me again!

    Mwuahahahaha! B]

  • This is you Raging xD

    Alt text

    No TWDFan is himself. Him, WtW, Noncy, and WTD are the main people. Here's what I think. **Forum Of The Dead ** Starring LeeTheProf

  • Which couple do you like the most Raging? Since you're a boater.

    That's for Lee to decide. whispers to LeeTheProfessional Make it happen, true love's bang will unban him. :DDDD

  • It's okay. You'll just try to hit me with a stick. B]

    Lol, you're scaring me again!

  • Good idea! I have none around though. :c

    It's okay. You'll just try to hit me with a stick. B]

  • Do I get to choose?!


    I originally wanted it to be AWESOMEO but WhatTheDuck needs a chance man. He's misunderstood, and sure he can be a little weird but he's a good guy. In the end I want SweetPeaClem to decide. She's the one that needs to choose, so don't take my decision unless SweetPea agrees with it!

    Which couple do you like the most Raging? Since you're a boater.

  • LOL. That about sums me up :).

    This is you Raging xD

  • yeah. I do to do that lst one when miss something...

    wait a minuet... I miss something all th...

    O_O mother of god

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