Borderlands players: Who did you play as in Borderlands 1/2



  • BL1: Mordecai (Although I still didn't complete it)

    BL2: Zero

    TPS: The Doppelganger (Timothy)

  • edited November 2015

    BL1: Roland

    BL2: Krieg

    BTPS: Nisha

  • bl1:brick (havent finished yet)
    bl2:krieg (palying this one again as gaige)
    tps:claptrap(playing again as jack double)

  • BL1: Lilith

    BL2: Maya, Zero, Gaige

    BTPS: Nisha, Athena

  • BL 1: Mordecai
    BL 2: Zer0
    TPS: Wilhelm

  • BL 2 : Maya, she's just that awesome once you upgrade your tree skills

    BLTPS : Athena, kinda sucks at the beginning but it gets better later

  • edited November 2015

    My first playthrough for each game was...
    BL1: Mordecai
    BL2: Zer0

    I tend to go for the sniper/assassin/etc sort of characters.
    Haven't played the Presequel yet. I was thinking of playing it as Nisha but later became really interested of Jack so... ehh. I think I'm leaning towards Jack but we'll see.

  • BL1: Mordecai
    BL2: Zer0
    BTPS: Athena

  • bl1 brick bl2 krieg tps claptrap but went to jack later on

  • BL 1: Lilith

    BL 2: Maya

    BLTPS: Athena

  • Athena, kinda sucks

    how dare you

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    BL 2 : Maya, she's just that awesome once you upgrade your tree skills BLTPS : Athena, kinda sucks at the beginning but it gets better later

  • My first playthroughs:

    Lilith, Gaige, and Athena.

  • 0_0

    Athena, kinda sucks how dare you

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited November 2015

    Borderlands 2: Salvador

    Borderlands Pre-Sequel: Athena

  • Are you cereal? Athena is the only decent playable character in the game.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    BL 2 : Maya, she's just that awesome once you upgrade your tree skills BLTPS : Athena, kinda sucks at the beginning but it gets better later

  • Top 3 playthroughs for the games

    BL: Lilith, Lilith, Roland

    BL2: Maya, Gaige, Axton (and honorable mention for Krieg)

    TPS: Athena

  • BL1: Roland BL2: Krieg I dont have The pre-sequel but when I get it I'll be Cl4P-tp

  • Timothy would like a word with you.

    Are you cereal? Athena is the only decent playable character in the game.

  • (I was agreeing with you, by the way.)

  • Ya, I am cereal. Playing as her sucks at the beginning, with very few points spent in the skill trees.

    It's called opinions. :)

    Are you cereal? Athena is the only decent playable character in the game.

  • Only at the beginning, pls read the whole sentence Natalie. :/

    Athena, kinda sucks how dare you

  • No, you're not allowed to have opinions. No one can have opinions. (Insert claptraps maniacal laugh)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Ya, I am cereal. Playing as her sucks at the beginning, with very few points spent in the skill trees. It's called opinions.

  • k

    No, you're not allowed to have opinions. No one can have opinions. (Insert claptraps maniacal laugh)

  • but my K has a thing for L :/

    K, meet J

  • While i've played extensively with everyone except for Krieg, Roland was my first, then my main became Mordy.
    In bl2, axton was my first, then salvador became the main on the 360 version, Maya's my highest level on the xb1 version.
    In TPS, wilhelm's my main but i'm really liking Athena, that shield is badass. Wish she was in Tales more.

  • edited November 2015

    I have to agree, early on she's not that good short of the shield serving as a "OH CRAP" use to avoid getting near death state, but late game...she's an utter beast. Once you finish up the Xiphos line and get Blood Rush, she gets crazy awesome with that insanely fast dash for bleeding, which can get easily spammable if combined with the E-GUN to burn through enemies. Bonus points if you combine it with Aspis to turn it into a Shield rush. Aspis btw, can also protect against grenade damage, as long as the grenade wouldn't also hit your back with its effects.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Ya, I am cereal. Playing as her sucks at the beginning, with very few points spent in the skill trees. It's called opinions.

  • BL1 - Roland

    BL2 - Axton

    TPS - Athena

    I normally like to run and gun, and they all have the best skill trees for my playstyle (IMO at least)

  • BL - Mordecai / Lilith.... Sniping and SMG where the best.

    BL2 - Maya.... Getting my phaselock on point. Slagging shit left and right.

    TPS - Athena.... BECAUSE ATHENA!

  • Your new picture is awesome

    BL - Mordecai / Lilith.... Sniping and SMG where the best. BL2 - Maya.... Getting my phaselock on point. Slagging shit left and right. TPS - Athena.... BECAUSE ATHENA!

  • Ikr! I did the base image for my love of the two games, play them the most. Then pipas did the text, the legend.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    Your new picture is awesome

  • Zer0. Best character ever!

  • edited November 2015

    When I get BL1, I'll play as Lilith and when I get TPS (if I ever get it), I'll play as Claptrap or Atehna. ^-^

    In Borderlands 2, I first played as Zer0 but when I completed the normal mode with him, I got bored of him and I decided to play all over again as Maya and I keep enjoying playing as her :P

  • edited November 2015

    Borderlands 1: I always play as Lillith. The sirens abilities are fucking awesome.

    Borderlands 2: Eh. I didn't like BL2 at all at most points. But as for who I play as when I DO play 2, it's usually Axton or Zer0

    Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel: Claptrap, who the fuck else would I play as?

  • Because maya is kickass and a siren.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    When I get BL1, I'll play as Lilith and when I get TPS (if I ever get it), I'll play as Claptrap or Atehna. ^-^ In Borderlands 2, I first

  • Yeah, mostly cause she's a siren. When I play as her, I feel like I can kill everyone in my way. I also love her ability to phaselock but I'm using that so I can control an enemy to fight for me. With Zer0, I don't feel like I can kill everyone. Sure, he can become invisible but... eh... it's just not the same for me.

    Because maya is kickass and a siren.

  • Me and my friend were doing UVHM I was maya he was Zer0, he seemed to be struggling more in situations, where I could phaselock and slag the hell out of them, drag all enemies to my phaselock and then create and an explosion xD
    Go Maya basically!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, mostly cause she's a siren. When I play as her, I feel like I can kill everyone in my way. I also love her ability to phaselock but I'

  • Yeah, I actually die as Zer0 more often than as Maya, especially when I'm playing solo. Every time I see a whole group of enemies, I just phaselock one of them, they attacked the phaselocked mob and I make a run for it xD Or I just get extra time to kill most of them x)

    Me and my friend were doing UVHM I was maya he was Zer0, he seemed to be struggling more in situations, where I could phaselock and slag the hell out of them, drag all enemies to my phaselock and then create and an explosion xD Go Maya basically!

  • Borderlands 1: Lilith first play through, then Brick.
    Borderlands 2: Axton first play through, then Krieg, then Gaige, currently starting a new game with friends who have never played (don't ask me how they did it) as Maya.
    Borderlands TPS: Athena

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