Borderlands players: Who did you play as in Borderlands 1/2



  • BL2: Maya, Krieg, Gaige (in that order and level of enjoyment, but it's close). Sal and Axton were my first two, but I never really got into them as much. Just started a Zer0 playthrough, so I'll see how I like him when I get more time under my belt.

    TPS: Timothy, Aurelia, Wilhelm. I've played them all, but Nisha eventually got stale for me, Athena is great support but the most situational out of all of them, and while I'm enjoying Claptrap, his subroutines really require too much inventory management during battles to have much fun playing without the auto pause in a team. Still, my preference is for team play (maybe not a full team, but 2 or 3 is the most fun in my opinion).

    BL1: I play on a mac, and I don't feel like going through the hassle that I understand is involved with finding a team game on the Mac App Store version. But if BL1 and its DLCs came to Steam (which I highly doubt will ever happen), I would probably main Mordy, but also enjoy Lilith. I think I'd enjoy BL1, but not enough to feel restricted to solo play all the time.

  • Ok who bumped my thread cause I'm getting notifications 24/7

  • Tfw I didn't realize that this thread was created in October 31 xD

    And I don't know. But seriously, why do people bump threads? .-.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    Ok who bumped my thread cause I'm getting notifications 24/7

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