I really think that their won't be a season 2.



  • I really don't think there will be a sequel even though I really do want one. They have to pull out crappy games like mine craft story mode And Twd michoone

  • Back during Walking Dead: Season 2, people thought it was Wolf Among Us that was the "crappy game" that had been "slowing down" games they did want like Walking Dead: Season 2. However, tastes can change. I think it's a bit unfair to blame things on other games just because you and some other people don't personally like them.

    I really don't think there will be a sequel even though I really do want one. They have to pull out crappy games like mine craft story mode And Twd michoone

  • We should also get ready for more"Wider audience" crap.

    Back during Walking Dead: Season 2, people thought it was Wolf Among Us that was the "crappy game" that had been "slowing down" games they d

  • Telltale made plenty of family friendly games before Walking Dead, but because the licenses weren't as big and they didn't use the choice system, they didn't have as much exposure.

    We should also get ready for more"Wider audience" crap.

  • I love how telltale just explains god awful wider audience stuff. First telltale tool madness, Second was the fake God awful cinematic the reasons, and now the third is family friendly games.

    Telltale made plenty of family friendly games before Walking Dead, but because the licenses weren't as big and they didn't use the choice system, they didn't have as much exposure.

  • Dont lose Faith There will be a Season Two the ending is a cliffhanger! and the end of the comic is also a cliffhanger

  • Just curious, how does the comic end?

    ctrifunov posted: »

    Dont lose Faith There will be a Season Two the ending is a cliffhanger! and the end of the comic is also a cliffhanger

  • Nerissa is Faith and the Crooked Man kidnaps her

    Chris_93 posted: »

    Just curious, how does the comic end?

  • Which kinda missed out on a chance to wrap up the game's cliffhanger - by adding a bigger cliffhanger.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2016

    They had some really well received family friendly games though. Wallace and Gromit's Grand Adventures received game of the year awards.

    They also had some games that were aimed at teenagers and adults rather than the mature rated games like The Walking Dead, such as three Sam & Max seasons, Tales from Monkey Island, and Back to the Future. All of these won game of the year awards too.

    And those games sold pretty well too. Sam & Max was their best selling game until Tales from Monkey Island, and Tales from Monkey Island was their best selling game before Back to the Future, and Back to the Future was their best selling game before The Walking Dead.

    Their sales figures are still pretty impressive. Back to the Future is still their fifth best selling series according to SteamSpy (which for a company that has been around since 2004 and has sold games in 17 different series (and 25 different games in those series), is pretty good).

    They've actually made a lot more games that were rated E for everyone and T for Teen than were rated M for mature. The fact that they're making games that are rated for wider audiences is nothing new.

    I love how telltale just explains god awful wider audience stuff. First telltale tool madness, Second was the fake God awful cinematic the reasons, and now the third is family friendly games.

  • lol i know! we need a season two! XD omg please have Frau Totenkinder!! shes so awesome! that way she can transport Bigby to the homelands to track down the Crooked Man

  • Yeah I think there wont be a season 2

  • edited January 2016

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    Please don't take it seriously. It's just a prank, bro!

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