I really think that their won't be a season 2.



  • I do have a solid idea for something, it's going to be a true campaign for Season 2 :P

    armis37 posted: »

    Be sure to keep us informed when you think of something good

  • edited December 2015

    I don't think there will be a 2nd season only because the owner of the comic book basically remade the wolf among us as a comic book and answered the cliff hanger at the end of the comic. That was the point I lost all hope. Oh and btw I haven't read the comic so please don't spoil it 4 me. Only reading 2 c how the wolf among us ends.

  • edited December 2015

    i'm batman

    i'm bigby

    i'm batman

    i'm bigby

    i'm batman and my licence is worth millions

    i'm canceled

  • Thread: TWAU - Officially Given up on Season 2 Thread

    Hey fellow TWAU/Fables fans!! Hope you're all having a Happy New Year!!

    2015 is now over, and I'm making this post to say that I've (offcially) given up on The Wolf Among Us season 2.

    Don't get me wrong, TWAU still remains my favourite Telltale game (even with new releases like TFTB and GOTs, and also comparing with the old ones like TWD - though I'm really intrigued whether the new Batman game can top it), not just because of the storyline, but also the gameplay (and because I'm a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE Fables fan, like so many others on this board).

    Having said that though, after waiting about 1.5 years for an announcement on TWAU Season 2 - I decided to move on. Time's precious, and I have better things to do than lingering over a game which not even Telltale themselves are clear on whether to develop or not (and heck, I'm not getting any younger!!).

    So this means I'm letting go of TWAU season 2 - but what happens if (and a BIG IF) Telltale announces TWAU season 2 in 2016? 2017? Well, of course my interest would return (because I love Fables and TWAU afterall)!

    But until an actual OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT is made by Telltale, I will be pretty much assuming Telltale has no plans to develop TWAU season 2 and leave it at that (while I'm saddened, I will always have my Fables Collection, and TWAU season 1, and TWAU comics TPBs, so I guess that can be consolation to some extent).

    For those of you who are choosing to stick with their Hope for TWAU season 2 - I wish you guys luck, and while it did not work out with me, may your HOPE be indomitable like the following:

    enter image description here

    As for me, I will still be making occasional posts and comments (though regarding TWAU, I'm not sure whether there will be much more posts unless there are new game releases or new Fables publications, or someone makes an interesting/compelling discussion about Fables comics/TWAU which isn't another one of those "When will they make TWAU Season 2 thread"), and will definitely be posting more when TWD Michonne DLC and Batman Episodes are all released, but in the meantime:

    enter image description here

  • All right.

  • edited January 2016

    You shouldn't make threads about this. Way to tell the devs you don't care anymore. Have hope, but if you've lost it you don't need to express it so that others lose hope also...as cheesy as it sounds.
    To be honest this is such a weird thread to make. I don't get it. It's like some big announcement...but okay, whatever floats your boat.

  • Anyone who has "given up" really needs to take a minute and chill. Sequels for games have taken MUCH longer to come out, 1.5 years is literally nothing in a lot of cases.

  • edited January 2016

    TWD season 2 came out a little over a year later than the TWD season 1.

    Green613 posted: »

    Anyone who has "given up" really needs to take a minute and chill. Sequels for games have taken MUCH longer to come out, 1.5 years is literally nothing in a lot of cases.

  • Ok

    That's 1 game

    Fat_Turt posted: »

    TWD season 2 came out a little over a year later than the TWD season 1.

  • I can live with that.

  • I Think They Are But They Wont Touch It Until The Walking Dead Season 3 And Batman Gets Completed.

  • Kinda there with you...though I hope seeing threads like this doesn't put them off if they were thinking of it.
    I guess I'll keep an eye out, but who knows.

  • It would be a very bad business decision if the Devs are put off making Season 2 just because of this thread (that is IF they are even considering making it, which I highly doubt at this point). But if I were you, I wouldn't worry.

    There have been (and still ongoing) like hundreds of "Will there be TWAU Season 2?" or "When will they make TWAU Season 2?" threads over the past 1.5 years that it's not even a comparison.

    Wistful posted: »

    Kinda there with you...though I hope seeing threads like this doesn't put them off if they were thinking of it. I guess I'll keep an eye out, but who knows.

  • I guess so. Though by now you'd think they would've made a decision instead of stringing people along with 'maybes' and obvious teasings. I'm more of waiting for an announcement that they won't, than a confirmation that they will.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    It would be a very bad business decision if the Devs are put off making Season 2 just because of this thread (that is IF they are even consi

  • Yeah. The only Telltale sequel.

    Green613 posted: »

    Ok That's 1 game

  • edited January 2016

    Exactly the reason no one should make assumptions that a sequel won't exist after not being announced for a while. There's such a small amount of data on it.

    Tyranitar posted: »

    Yeah. The only Telltale sequel.

  • The only Telltale sequel.

    Cough Sam & Max, Puzzle Agent and CSI Cough

    Tyranitar posted: »

    Yeah. The only Telltale sequel.

  • edited January 2016

    (No offense in any way to you whatsoever, but) why does it matter whether I make a thread about this or not?

    It's not like I'm doing something which is against forum rules (such as making offensive remarks, insulting someone, or publishing banned content etc), and a forum is clearly to use for freedom of expression/opinions etc.

    Also, my thread clearly states I wish people who are remaining hopeful good luck and hoping their faith/hope will be indomitable (so it's not like I'm saying "Look guys, TWAU Season 2 is not happening, you all might as well give up now." or anything like that).

    With anyone who really has great hope and truly believes that Telltale will make Season 2 somewhere down the line, my thread wouldn't really matter (unless people can't form an opinion of their own and/or they are so easily swayed or influenced just by other people's opinions).

    Those who wish to remain hopeful can just ignore my thread (if that's what they wish). It's that simple.

    What I'm saying is, if anyone is tired of waiting for TWAU season 2, and agrees with me (i.e. decided to let Season 2 go), while I'm saddened (who wouldn't be?), that's fine. But if people want to continue being hopeful (and wait for however long that may be), then that's fine also - it's not like I'm actively encouraging others to give up (everyone has a freedom of choice, give up on Wolf or staying hopeful, i respect their decision either way).

    Besides, there have been literally hundreds of threads already for the past 1.5 years (since "Cry Wolf" Episode was released) with those "Will there be TWAU Season 2" / "When will there be TWAU Season 2?" / "I want TWAU Season 2!" topics (And they are still ongoing, and will likely to go on for a very long time). If (and it's a big IF) the Devs were/are really considering developing TWAU Season 2, do you really think my one thread (or 2 ~ 3 other threads from other people who are or will have given up on Wolf) will actually even matter/make a difference compared to those hundreds of threads saying they want Season 2?

    Chilled posted: »

    You shouldn't make threads about this. Way to tell the devs you don't care anymore. Have hope, but if you've lost it you don't need to expre

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2016

    The only reason why The Walking Dead came out one year after the first season was because Telltale signed a multi-year, multi-platform deal (the same goes for Sam & Max, as they have an ongoing deal with Steve Purcell to make Sam & Max games, as long as they release them before their license expires (likely after five years of inactivity, if the former deal Steve Purcell had with LucasArts is anything to go by), and CSI because it was being contracted and funded by Ubisoft (which was Telltale's only traditional contract with a publisher), and of course the sequels to Bone and Puzzle Agent came out one year after each other too, but they're single episodes as opposed to a full season - both of those are technically two episode seasons despite being released as separate games). They didn't sign a multi-title deal for The Wolf Among Us (or any other of their currently released games, except for Game of Thrones), so it will take many years for the game to come out, simply because they have to renegotiate a deal just to do the sequel.

    Making the deal could take many years on its own. Then it will take at least a year after that for the game to go through the planning stages, before it gets to full development when it begins being released episodically. Because of this, any potential sequels to Telltale's seasons, besides GOT and TWD (including Borderlands, Fables, Minecraft, etc), will likely release at least three years after the first season. We still have a long way to go for that to happen for any potential The Wolf Among Us sequel, as it just concluded in July 2014.

    Fat_Turt posted: »

    TWD season 2 came out a little over a year later than the TWD season 1.

  • I wonder if a year from now if theres no Tales Season two announced, there will be all these "Giving up" threads also.

    Jennifer posted: »

    The only reason why The Walking Dead came out one year after the first season was because Telltale signed a multi-year, multi-platform deal

  • To be honest, I sort of hope so. Why TWAU should be the only game to suffer from this kind of crap?

    KCohere posted: »

    I wonder if a year from now if theres no Tales Season two announced, there will be all these "Giving up" threads also.

  • edited January 2016

    If I was as much of a fan with Tales as I am for Fables/TWAU, then maybe I would, yeah.

    But I didn't like it as much as I liked TWAU, so...... (don't get me wrong, it's undeniable that it's a really good game that I did enjoy it,, but I don't know......something kinda felt missing?? While it was a great game, I didn't find it as enthralling as TWAU for some reason).

    But I wouldn't mind one bit if Tales enthusiastic fans posted these type of threads on that part of the forum.

    KCohere posted: »

    I wonder if a year from now if theres no Tales Season two announced, there will be all these "Giving up" threads also.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited January 2016

    Keep in mind that Walking Dead is an exception - not the rule to how Telltale does things. Not that I think we are getting a Wolf sequel anytime soon, but a sequel not being announced 1.5 years after the original Season is not a big deal and it certainly doesn't mean a Telltale game is doomed to obscurity. Walking Dead had a sequel produced so fast because it was Telltale's first game to have such huge reception and sales that put them on the radar, on top of them signing a deal to be able to produce multiple Seasons up front. Obviously, given the recent announcement of Game of Thrones: Season 2 and the fact that Season 1 of Game of Thrones leads into Season 2 a lot more directly than other sequels, it seems Telltale made a similar gamble for Game of Thrones.

    My point is, special things like extra DLC episodes or super quick sequels are not the norm for Telltale - they are the exception for when Telltale releases a game with huge sales and reception like Walking Dead - or, in Game of Thrones' case, they expect it to because the franchise is so huge. There are plenty of reasons that some may have for thinking Telltale won't do a sequel, but don't let the fact that Wolf doesn't have a sequel an extremely short while after Season 1 ended be one of those reasons. Again, huge franchises like Walking Dead and Game of Thrones are the exception - not the rule to how Telltale usually does things.

  • edited January 2016

    I think TWAU is at the bottom at Telltales to do list at the moment, since they've got a bunch of new IPs on board. The saddest thing is, Bill Willingham is willing to do another season. Not too sure about DC vertigo.

    Keep in mind that Walking Dead is an exception - not the rule to how Telltale does things. Not that I think we are getting a Wolf sequel any

  • Jacol posted: »

    To be honest, I sort of hope so. Why TWAU should be the only game to suffer from this kind of crap?

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2016

    It's not the only game that suffers from people giving up hope. It's like a lot of posts in this thread, for example. There's a lot of posts of people giving up hope in other threads in the Sam & Max forum too. It's even worse than the situation with The Wolf Among Us, since Telltale still has the license since they last made a Sam & Max game in 2013 with Poker Night 2, there's a lot of posts of people asking Telltale to give up the license as they don't believe they are going to make a new game (a lot of them seemingly not realizing that no other company has expressed a desire to make a Sam & Max game).

    Kevin Bruner even said in an interview, in October 2013, that there will be a new Sam & Max game! But people don't believe it since it's been over two years since that interview. If it's another game like Poker Night (or a different style of game set in The Inventory), which it probably will be considering that the series is their second best selling series on Steam according to SteamSpy, they'll need to make a contract for other characters to appear with them, which will take time. Two years, two months, and a few days is not that long of a time when so many contracts need to be worked out.

    Fables obviously won't get posts of people telling Telltale to give up the license, since Telltale doesn't currently have the license for that franchise, but it's similar in the fact that we probably won't get a Fables game from anyone else other than Telltale (unless the Fables movie is ever released, and does really well).

    That said, The Wolf Among Us is one of Telltale's best selling games (only behind the two seasons of The Walking Dead series and the first Poker Night according to SteamSpy, so it's not unlikely that they'll make a sequel if they're able to make a deal where both parties agree to the terms of the new contract.

    Jacol posted: »

    To be honest, I sort of hope so. Why TWAU should be the only game to suffer from this kind of crap?

  • Alice: Madness Returns took 11 years to come out after American McGee's Alice :)

    Green613 posted: »

    Anyone who has "given up" really needs to take a minute and chill. Sequels for games have taken MUCH longer to come out, 1.5 years is literally nothing in a lot of cases.

  • Holy cow. A lot of gamers probably got married and had kids waiting for that lol

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Alice: Madness Returns took 11 years to come out after American McGee's Alice

  • edited January 2016

    Maybe will be a second a season after all, dont know for sure

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    That is a clickbait website which always posts fake information about Telltale, only trust information directly from Telltale themselves via their Twitter, Facebook or Blog.

    Raiyu posted: »

    Maybe will be a second a season after all, dont know for sure www.kdramastars.com/articles/45711/20141017/the-wolf-among-us-season-2-release-date.htm

  • I see, thanks

    OzzyUK posted: »

    That is a clickbait website which always posts fake information about Telltale, only trust information directly from Telltale themselves via their Twitter, Facebook or Blog.

  • Telltale did mention that DC was happy with their treatment of the Fables intellectual property, which is what led them to get the deal to get the license for Batman.

    So if they want to make another Fables game, I'd say the chances are good that DC and Vertigo will be willing to do so, especially if Batman is as well received as The Wolf Among Us. I'd imagine it all would come down to whether Telltale wanted to do it, and whether they could come up with a story that both Telltale and Bill Willingham would be happy about.

    Fat_Turt posted: »

    I think TWAU is at the bottom at Telltales to do list at the moment, since they've got a bunch of new IPs on board. The saddest thing is, Bill Willingham is willing to do another season. Not too sure about DC vertigo.

  • That's quite interesting.

    Jennifer posted: »

    Telltale did mention that DC was happy with their treatment of the Fables intellectual property, which is what led them to get the deal to g

  • edited January 2016

    Meh. I don't really care if telltale makes another season of this game or not. The first season wasn't all that great IMO. It was a disappointing plot hole filled mess. And I'm a huge fan of the books. Being that that they're dealing with main characters that have determinant futures in cannon, the box nay be too small for telltale to work in, anyway.

  • Sorry you didnt like it but I absolutely disagree that the box is too small to work in. They have to keep in canon yes, but there are tons of possibilities they can take advantage of within that. It wouldnt even have to be about Bigby, it could be about any of the hundrerds of characters in literature. This game and the whole universe is way too good to stop at one season.

    Well, sorry you probably wont be playing it but I will be there day one when it happens.

    flymoefly posted: »

    Meh. I don't really care if telltale makes another season of this game or not. The first season wasn't all that great IMO. It was a disappoi

  • enter image description here

    all these forums on the same subject are depressing me

  • I realize this is all moot because as you correctly pointed out, no one else is interested, but how do you know Telltale still has the Sam & Max license? Or that it was ever an exclusive license? Like, just because Telltale's making a Batman game doesn't mean there won't be more Arkham games in the meantime. If I were Purcell, there's no way I would sign a license like that after what happened with Lucasarts.

    Jennifer posted: »

    It's not the only game that suffers from people giving up hope. It's like a lot of posts in this thread, for example. There's a lot of pos

  • there has to be another season very little faith left in people please just this once let us have what we want

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2016

    Telltale likely does still have the Sam & Max license, as it's only been three years since the last game, and they still had it in 2013 when they released Poker Night 2 (which was three years after the last game as well). Kevin wouldn't have stated with such certainty that they plan to make a Sam and Max game so far out if he wasn't sure that they'd still have the license at that point.

    Also, Telltale is a much different entity than LucasArts, especially during the time when Steve Purcell signed the rights to them back in 2005. He's stated that he trusts Telltale with the license, as they have shown that they know the characters, so I really wouldn't be surprised if he did grant them a similar license to the one that he signed for LucasArts. Also, I really doubt that Telltale wouldn't try to get a similar contract to the one they had at LucasArts (since this company was formed by mostly the same team as the Freelance Police team, I'm sure they'd want to have a similar contract to the one they had when they were working at LucasArts - as, since episodic gaming was in its infancy - they wouldn't have wanted to lose it due to disuse as they did with Bone, or later with King's Quest).

    Note also that Telltale was able to release Sam & Max games in quick succession (Season 1 in 2006 and 2007, Season 2 in 2008, and Season 3 in 2010). The only games that Telltale has ever been able to do with this for is on licenses where they signed a contract up front for a multi-year deal such as Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead (and CSI, which is unusual as it was contracted and funded by Ubisoft). They wouldn't be able to do this if they didn't have a deal signed that allowed them to have an ongoing use of the license, as if they didn't have such a deal in place they wouldn't be able to start production until they signed a new contract.

    It's less certain that it's an exclusive license though (and if it's not, wanting Telltale to give up the license as suggested makes even less sense). It's possible that someone could make a Sam & Max game even when Telltale puts their next Sam & Max game in production. Of course, we wouldn't know for certain unless another company tried to get the rights to make their own Sam & Max game, and that's very unlikely.

    mosfet posted: »

    I realize this is all moot because as you correctly pointed out, no one else is interested, but how do you know Telltale still has the Sam &

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