A Borderlands Fan Survey for all of you here.



  • Huh, apparently my least favourite manufacturer is the most popular.

  • edited March 2016

    Get a Maliwan and light some people on fire! My fav as the elemental fits perfect for Maya

    Why Maliwan is awesome. Need I say more :D

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Huh, apparently my least favourite manufacturer is the most popular.

  • edited March 2016

    Florentine is bae for a Gaige Build. Or in general

    Get a Maliwan and light some people on fire! My fav as the elemental fits perfect for Maya Why Maliwan is awesome. Need I say more

  • edited March 2016

    done even though i never finished bl1 and forgot to post i was done

  • Their SMG's are decent. But their pistols and rocket launchers have such a sluggish reload time and fire rate that they're just not worth it.

    Get a Maliwan and light some people on fire! My fav as the elemental fits perfect for Maya Why Maliwan is awesome. Need I say more

  • I agree, even though I play as Maya I only really use Maliwan for SMGs, otherwise I'll use Jakobs or Torgue for pistols and really anything with great damage for rocket launchers. Though to be fair they're not my least favorite (that would have to go to Tediore for any weapon type, and DAHL for pistols)

    Their SMG's are decent. But their pistols and rocket launchers have such a sluggish reload time and fire rate that they're just not worth it.

  • Dear lord Tediore weapons.

    I only use a tediore weapon if its blue or above and it's an SMG. They're just so awful...

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I agree, even though I play as Maya I only really use Maliwan for SMGs, otherwise I'll use Jakobs or Torgue for pistols and really anything

  • Yeah, Tediore is like the discount brand, but they can get you out of trouble in a pinch. I love Dahl sniper rifles but hate them for just about everything else. Vladof machine pistols and Jakobs revolvers freakin' rule. I'd say I use Jakobs, Hyperion and Vladof the most in general.

    Blockb0ys posted: »

    Dear lord Tediore weapons. I only use a tediore weapon if its blue or above and it's an SMG. They're just so awful...

  • I love all of them in different situations.

    Dahl - miniguns and railguns

    Hyperion - SMGs, blue+ shotguns

    Maliwan - anything but the pistols (Unless they're blue+)

    Vladof - Always game (holy god the Lyuda)

    Jakobs - Pistols, sniper rifles and purple+ shotguns (except sniper zero, then blue shotguns are king)

    Torgue - Rifles & Pistols (special mention for DPUH)

    Bandit - Haha

    My favourite (non-legendary) guns are the plasma casters. So bloody epic.

    Yeah, Tediore is like the discount brand, but they can get you out of trouble in a pinch. I love Dahl sniper rifles but hate them for just a

  • I picked Pyro Pete too

    I am not surprised no one picked Bandit/Scav Lilith getting fav bl1 character And Maya high on bl2 The raid boss really surprised me! The Sentinal???!!! I picked Pyro Pete. So fun dropping him with Storm Front

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