Well... that was unexpected. At the same time though, I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't seen anything romantic between Nealia and Ilor either. They just seemed like friends to me. That said, I had the same impression about her and Lien until now. But I don't mind that I have been wrong there. No, I don't mind at all
[Keep kissing her]
As you know, I can ship almost anyone with each other, I don't need much for that. And I can dig this combination here. Lien is kissing her, Nealia seems to enjoy it, they are both piss drunken and could probably need it. That works for me. On top of that, telling her to stop would make this an extremely awkward moment, especially for poor Lien, which could hold some potential for negative consequences in the future. On the other hand, I don't see anything bad that could possibly happen if Nealia keeps kissing her.
Corren moved his hand on the bottom of Nealia, expecting that he held a power over her, but she had had enough. Without giving a w… morearning, Nealia threw a punch at this slimy bastard. Corren didn’t have much time to react, but he managed to let go of Nealia and start to step away from her. The punch still hit him on his jaw, making him stagger backwards. Nealia kept clenching her fists, ready to give this asshole more punches if that would be needed.
Corren turned his gaze back to Nealia, holding his jaw with his other hand. His eyes were oozing of rage, but at the same time a twisted smirk was formed on his face. “Feisty little bitch.” He spat, letting out a mad chuckle. “Feisty, but stupid.” He continued, his voice turning more grim now. Nealia didn’t answer, she just kept staring at Corren with anger in her eyes.
“Forgive me her behavior.” Tryden spoke up with cold and calm words. “She is royalty after all, not used to your k… [view original content]
Corren moved his hand on the bottom of Nealia, expecting that he held a power over her, but she had had enough. Without giving a w… morearning, Nealia threw a punch at this slimy bastard. Corren didn’t have much time to react, but he managed to let go of Nealia and start to step away from her. The punch still hit him on his jaw, making him stagger backwards. Nealia kept clenching her fists, ready to give this asshole more punches if that would be needed.
Corren turned his gaze back to Nealia, holding his jaw with his other hand. His eyes were oozing of rage, but at the same time a twisted smirk was formed on his face. “Feisty little bitch.” He spat, letting out a mad chuckle. “Feisty, but stupid.” He continued, his voice turning more grim now. Nealia didn’t answer, she just kept staring at Corren with anger in her eyes.
“Forgive me her behavior.” Tryden spoke up with cold and calm words. “She is royalty after all, not used to your k… [view original content]
Corren moved his hand on the bottom of Nealia, expecting that he held a power over her, but she had had enough. Without giving a w… morearning, Nealia threw a punch at this slimy bastard. Corren didn’t have much time to react, but he managed to let go of Nealia and start to step away from her. The punch still hit him on his jaw, making him stagger backwards. Nealia kept clenching her fists, ready to give this asshole more punches if that would be needed.
Corren turned his gaze back to Nealia, holding his jaw with his other hand. His eyes were oozing of rage, but at the same time a twisted smirk was formed on his face. “Feisty little bitch.” He spat, letting out a mad chuckle. “Feisty, but stupid.” He continued, his voice turning more grim now. Nealia didn’t answer, she just kept staring at Corren with anger in her eyes.
“Forgive me her behavior.” Tryden spoke up with cold and calm words. “She is royalty after all, not used to your k… [view original content]
Corren moved his hand on the bottom of Nealia, expecting that he held a power over her, but she had had enough. Without giving a w… morearning, Nealia threw a punch at this slimy bastard. Corren didn’t have much time to react, but he managed to let go of Nealia and start to step away from her. The punch still hit him on his jaw, making him stagger backwards. Nealia kept clenching her fists, ready to give this asshole more punches if that would be needed.
Corren turned his gaze back to Nealia, holding his jaw with his other hand. His eyes were oozing of rage, but at the same time a twisted smirk was formed on his face. “Feisty little bitch.” He spat, letting out a mad chuckle. “Feisty, but stupid.” He continued, his voice turning more grim now. Nealia didn’t answer, she just kept staring at Corren with anger in her eyes.
“Forgive me her behavior.” Tryden spoke up with cold and calm words. “She is royalty after all, not used to your k… [view original content]
This one seems clear enough, Nealia will keep kissing her. We'll see to what will this lead to. Obviously this will mostly affect on Nealia's relationships with the other members of the Rose Company, and not just Lien. However, this isn't them starting a romantic relationship, just having some drunken fun.
Anyway, the next part will bring us back to Godsgrace and continue Emerson Allyrion's storyline. The last time we saw him was his first part, where we found out that Emerson is the son of the late Lord Mason Allyrion, but has been for most of his life been raised as the bastard of Mason's brother, Lord Morgan Allyrion. Emerson has known the truth for a little over year now. We met Emerson's younger cousin Emmett, who is commonly seen as a half-wit. After a brief chat with him Emerson made his way to his older cousin, Esperence, the only daughter of Lord Morgan. We learned that Esperence has a surprisingly big influence on the court, with many men working directly for her. Emerson found her in her own council room with twins Lia and Edric - newcomers to the court of Godsgrace. After the twins left the room Emerson spoke with his cousin about what he had heard: that apparently Esperence was planning to make contact with the Martells. Esperence admitted to it, claiming that it was the wise move considering the war that was coming. Emerson didn't fully agree, and was worried about Esperence coming too ambitious and power-hungry. He decided to confront her about it.
”I’m just worried, Esperence.” Emerson said, letting out a sigh. “You are playing a dangerous game, and sometimes I’m not even sure if we are on the same side.” Emerson could see his cousin gulping subtly. Silence lingered in the room, until finally Esperence turned to face him.
“Of course we are on the same side.” She tried to convince, but the look on her blue eyes was somehow uncertain. For a moment Emerson just looked at her, wondering what was she really thinking. “Tell me then, do you still support me as the heir to Godsgrace?” He asked with strict words, staring down on his cousin with a serious look in his eyes.
“Are you sure that is what you want?” Esperence asked quietly, which made Emerson raise an eyebrow. “It is my right.” He answered sternly, but it didn’t look like that was the answer Esperence was looking for. “I know.” She said quietly, turning her gaze on the floor.
“Will you support me?” Emerson asked once again, putting emphasis on every word. Esperence turned her eyes up, looking Emerson to the eyes again. “If you are to be the Lord, you still have a lot to learn.” She spoke with calm and serious words. “Everyone knows you are a good soldier, a strong man and all that… But in times of war and uncertainty, do you think you could keep this House alive? Do you think you know how to keep your people safe and fed?” Emerson took in a deep breath and kept on a confident expression as his cousin peppered him with these questions.
“It will be my duty as the Lord to do that, and I will.” He answered decisively, and even if Esperence gave him a nod, she still looked doubting. “I hope you will.” She said with a sigh. “This House doesn’t need another Morgan as its leader.” These words caught Emerson off guard, and he was slightly taken aback by them. “I’m not like him.” He said sternly and quietly, but Esperence gave him no answer.
“Speaking of father, I think he wants to see you.” She spoke up finally, turning to look away from Emerson. For a moment he just stared at the back of his cousin’s head, thinking what should he say. However, there was nothing more to say, and finally he just nodded quietly, and walked out of the Council of Esperence.
As he stepped to the corridor Emerson saw the twin thugs of Esperence that he had just met earlier – Edric and Lia. The look on their hazel eyes was calm, but still somehow hostile towards Emerson.
“What is it that you do for Esperence?” Emerson asked quietly, his gaze traveling slowly from Edric to Lia. “We can do all kinds of things.” Lia whispered, a cunning look on her eyes. “But most importantly we are her connection to an important ally.”
“The Martells?” Emerson guessed with stern tone, and Lia chuckled. “Not really, but good guess.” With these sly words she walked past Emerson, making her way back into the Council of Esperence. Her twin brother followed on her coattails, giving one cold glare at Emerson as he walked past him.
Emerson shook his head subtly, and kept walking. As he walked through the stairways, corridors and hallways of the keep, he couldn’t help but wonder, who did all these people serve? How many of them worked for Esperence, and how many for Morgan? Did any of them see Emerson as their rightful Lord?
Emerson shook these thoughts out of his head, as he arrived to the office of Lord Morgan. Ser Niclas Wyne stood on guard at the door, a cold look in his grey eyes. He was a balding man on his early forties, one of Morgan’s most trusted men.
“Emerson.” Niclas greeted him shortly. “Lord Morgan is waiting for you inside.” His tone was polite, but Emerson could still spot the loathing behind it. Well he surely doesn’t see me as the rightful Lord.
Ser Niclas opened the door, and Emerson walked past him without a single word. The office was a lavishly decorated room, made to highlight the power the Lord held. Behind the desk sat the man himself, Lord Morgan Allyrion. A skinny man with receding hairline, scarred face and bitter look in his blue eyes. There he sat with his wrinkly hands resting on the desk – the hands that had so often hit Emerson.
“Sit down, boy.” Morgan spoke with commanding tone. Emerson clenched his teeth together, he didn’t want to be bossed around by this man anymore – every command he gave him felt like another punch in the face. He kept standing long enough for Morgan to take notice. “Fine then, stand if you must, bastard.” He hissed, and Emerson took a couple of steps closer to the desk, a threatening look on his eyes. Behind him he heard Ser Niclas unsheathing his sword.
“I am no bastard.” He muttered, and a cold grin appeared on Morgan’s face. “Is that so?” His words were quiet, but they made Emerson gulp. He clenched his fists, almost shaking of anger. “Perhaps you’ll soon have a chance to prove your worth, Emerson.” Morgan said, raising his voice a bit.
“What are you talking about?” Emerson asked, anger still clinging on his words. Morgan leaned back, and opened the drawer of his desk. From there he pulled two letters, and set them next to each other on the table. On the other one was the broken seal of House Dryland, and on the other one the Martell’s. Emerson raised his look from the letters, looking at his uncle with questioning eyes.
“Ravens have flown from Hellgate Hall, and from Sandship.” Morgan said dryly. “The Drylands say that all those siding with the Martells will fall with them, and Martells offering protection from the Drylands – in exchange to our independence.” The expression on Lord Morgan’s face was mildly angered, as he swiped the letters off the table, and put them back inside the drawer.
“And what is it that you want me to do?” Emerson asked, his voice calm and stern. A small and joyless smile was formed on his uncle’s face again. “A war is coming, Emerson.” He said, raising his voice. “It will be your time to prove me that you are worth the lordship of Godsgrace. Serve me well, and I will name you my heir.” Morgan’s words were loud and clear, but still Emerson didn’t know if he could trust in what he just heard. “Act against me, and I will hang you myself.” The Lord added, his tone more grim now.
Emerson took a small step backwards, looking at his uncle with slight confusion. This is what he had hoped, that Morgan would finally understand he was the rightful heir, but still it felt somehow wrong. Slowly he realized that Morgan must have had suspicions towards Esperence, there was no other reason he would resort to allying with him.
It was like everything had suddenly turned around – now Morgan was the one supporting Emerson, whereas Esperence seemed to be against him. And Emerson wasn’t sure if he even liked Esperence’s plan to side with the Martells. Perhaps this is the chance to prove my worth, he thought, looking at his uncle with uncertainty in his eyes.
First of all, snitches get stitches. It's one thing confronting Esperence about her plans, but ratting her out behind her back would be a dick move. Similarly, while her plans are shady, I don't think they are particularly bad. Allying with the Martells is a wise option, I think, so ruining Esperence's plan could put the entire house at a disadvantage. That said, I am not sure if I can trust Esperence herself. She does not seem to be the kind of person who would be willing to stand down in favour of Emerson and as a matter of fact, her allying with the Martells, who follow the custom of equal primogeniture, could be part of a plot to secure the house for herself. But well, this is something he can deal with later. For now, Esperence's plan seems like the better option, as an alliance with the Martells is certainly favourable over staying neutral and risking their wrath. On top of that, I am pretty sure that she has made preparations to make sure that Emerson can't reveal her plans, otherwise she likely wouldn't have even shared them.
I am also very curious about Lia and Edric and this ally they connect Esperence with. If it is not the Martell's, it has to be someone even more powerful. The Yronwoods maybe? Or maybe Esperence is playing both sides and keeping connections to Lucifer Dryland as well, to make sure that she will be on the winning side no matter what.
”I’m just worried, Esperence.” Emerson said, letting out a sigh. “You are playing a dangerous game, and sometimes I’m not even su… morere if we are on the same side.” Emerson could see his cousin gulping subtly. Silence lingered in the room, until finally Esperence turned to face him.
“Of course we are on the same side.” She tried to convince, but the look on her blue eyes was somehow uncertain. For a moment Emerson just looked at her, wondering what was she really thinking. “Tell me then, do you still support me as the heir to Godsgrace?” He asked with strict words, staring down on his cousin with a serious look in his eyes.
“Are you sure that is what you want?” Esperence asked quietly, which made Emerson raise an eyebrow. “It is my right.” He answered sternly, but it didn’t look like that was the answer Esperence was looking for. “I know.” She said quietly, turning her gaze on the floor.
“Will you support me?” Emerson asked on… [view original content]
I agree with Liquid, I think staying loyal to Esperence is the better option, at this point. This can improve his relationship with her and increase her confidence, in him becoming lord. Plus, I do not trust Morgan or his word.
”I’m just worried, Esperence.” Emerson said, letting out a sigh. “You are playing a dangerous game, and sometimes I’m not even su… morere if we are on the same side.” Emerson could see his cousin gulping subtly. Silence lingered in the room, until finally Esperence turned to face him.
“Of course we are on the same side.” She tried to convince, but the look on her blue eyes was somehow uncertain. For a moment Emerson just looked at her, wondering what was she really thinking. “Tell me then, do you still support me as the heir to Godsgrace?” He asked with strict words, staring down on his cousin with a serious look in his eyes.
“Are you sure that is what you want?” Esperence asked quietly, which made Emerson raise an eyebrow. “It is my right.” He answered sternly, but it didn’t look like that was the answer Esperence was looking for. “I know.” She said quietly, turning her gaze on the floor.
“Will you support me?” Emerson asked on… [view original content]
Well, this was another great part to the Allyrion storyline! Apologies for my absence, once again I am a bit behind and will have to read up on what I've missed, but I should be back reasonably soon, just figured I'd read this part first, and I was not disappointed
[Stay Quiet]
I'm going to agree with Liquid on this one. Firstly, coming out with Esperence's plans to Morgan would be out of Emerson's without any real request for it. Sure, he has high presumptions that Morgan is aware and suspicious about Esperence's plans, after all she has a strong grip on 'his' city. Though as we haven't been asked directly, I don't think we should go ahead and reveal something we too know little about. It will completely lock us out from Esperence if we do, and I'm not entirely sure if Morgan is a man to trust just yet.
If things were different, and Morgan was indeed asking if Emerson knew something, I wouldn't be quite as sure on my choice. The offer that Morgan has presented is what Emerson always wanted, and I think Morgan could go through with it, considering his second born son. Esperence however would seem to have the more liked approach where she wants to side with the Martell's, but who else? Lia and Edric are a worrying sight, and if this is a first glimpse at the Yronwood's then I'm not sure what to expect
”I’m just worried, Esperence.” Emerson said, letting out a sigh. “You are playing a dangerous game, and sometimes I’m not even su… morere if we are on the same side.” Emerson could see his cousin gulping subtly. Silence lingered in the room, until finally Esperence turned to face him.
“Of course we are on the same side.” She tried to convince, but the look on her blue eyes was somehow uncertain. For a moment Emerson just looked at her, wondering what was she really thinking. “Tell me then, do you still support me as the heir to Godsgrace?” He asked with strict words, staring down on his cousin with a serious look in his eyes.
“Are you sure that is what you want?” Esperence asked quietly, which made Emerson raise an eyebrow. “It is my right.” He answered sternly, but it didn’t look like that was the answer Esperence was looking for. “I know.” She said quietly, turning her gaze on the floor.
“Will you support me?” Emerson asked on… [view original content]
”I’m just worried, Esperence.” Emerson said, letting out a sigh. “You are playing a dangerous game, and sometimes I’m not even su… morere if we are on the same side.” Emerson could see his cousin gulping subtly. Silence lingered in the room, until finally Esperence turned to face him.
“Of course we are on the same side.” She tried to convince, but the look on her blue eyes was somehow uncertain. For a moment Emerson just looked at her, wondering what was she really thinking. “Tell me then, do you still support me as the heir to Godsgrace?” He asked with strict words, staring down on his cousin with a serious look in his eyes.
“Are you sure that is what you want?” Esperence asked quietly, which made Emerson raise an eyebrow. “It is my right.” He answered sternly, but it didn’t look like that was the answer Esperence was looking for. “I know.” She said quietly, turning her gaze on the floor.
“Will you support me?” Emerson asked on… [view original content]
Aint that the truth But yeah, telling Morgan about Esperence's plans would indeed be a pretty rattish move.
That said, I am not sure if I can trust Esperence herself. She does not seem to be the kind of person who would be willing to stand down in favour of Emerson and as a matter of fact, her allying with the Martells, who follow the custom of equal primogeniture, could be part of a plot to secure the house for herself. But well, this is something he can deal with later.
Yeah, it's pretty clear that Esperence doesn't see Emerson as the ideal Lord, going as far as to indirectly comparing him to Morgan. And good point with the Martells and equal primogeniture - it is probably something that at least fascinates Esperence.
I am also very curious about Lia and Edric and this ally they connect Esperence with. If it is not the Martell's, it has to be someone even more powerful. The Yronwoods maybe? Or maybe Esperence is playing both sides and keeping connections to Lucifer Dryland as well, to make sure that she will be on the winning side no matter what.
Hmm, I wouldn't necessarily say this ally is more powerful than the Martells, not in the traditional way at least (military power). However, I can say that this connection is Esperence's way of trying to make sure she won't end up on the losing side.
[Stay quiet]
First of all, snitches get stitches. It's one thing confronting Esperence about her plans, but ratting her out behind her ba… moreck would be a dick move. Similarly, while her plans are shady, I don't think they are particularly bad. Allying with the Martells is a wise option, I think, so ruining Esperence's plan could put the entire house at a disadvantage. That said, I am not sure if I can trust Esperence herself. She does not seem to be the kind of person who would be willing to stand down in favour of Emerson and as a matter of fact, her allying with the Martells, who follow the custom of equal primogeniture, could be part of a plot to secure the house for herself. But well, this is something he can deal with later. For now, Esperence's plan seems like the better option, as an alliance with the Martells is certainly favourable over staying neutral and risking their wrath. On top of that, I am pretty sure that she has made prepar… [view original content]
Well, this was another great part to the Allyrion storyline! Apologies for my absence, once again I am a bit behind and will have to read up on what I've missed, but I should be back reasonably soon, just figured I'd read this part first, and I was not disappointed
No problem, I knew you'd come back after all the school work And there shouldn't be too much to catch up, though I must warn that they are mostly build-up parts so probably not the most interesting ones for binge reading
Well, this was another great part to the Allyrion storyline! Apologies for my absence, once again I am a bit behind and will have to read up… more on what I've missed, but I should be back reasonably soon, just figured I'd read this part first, and I was not disappointed
[Stay Quiet]
I'm going to agree with Liquid on this one. Firstly, coming out with Esperence's plans to Morgan would be out of Emerson's without any real request for it. Sure, he has high presumptions that Morgan is aware and suspicious about Esperence's plans, after all she has a strong grip on 'his' city. Though as we haven't been asked directly, I don't think we should go ahead and reveal something we too know little about. It will completely lock us out from Esperence if we do, and I'm not entirely sure if Morgan is a man to trust just yet.
If things were different, and Morgan was indeed asking if Emerson knew something, I wouldn't be quite as sure on my choice. The off… [view original content]
[Stay quiet] I agree with what has already been said that it would not be a good move for Emerson to snitch on Esperance. From what I can tell it really does seem like Emerson may be on his own at this point since Esperence looks to be scheming while Lord Morgan certainly can not be trusted at least in my opinion. Also this part makes me even more excited for when Jamison arrives at Godsgrace! It will be very interesting to see how Jamison interacts with Esperance and Morgan since it seems they have differing opinions on who to side with in the coming war and Emerson since he is a pretty cool character.
”I’m just worried, Esperence.” Emerson said, letting out a sigh. “You are playing a dangerous game, and sometimes I’m not even su… morere if we are on the same side.” Emerson could see his cousin gulping subtly. Silence lingered in the room, until finally Esperence turned to face him.
“Of course we are on the same side.” She tried to convince, but the look on her blue eyes was somehow uncertain. For a moment Emerson just looked at her, wondering what was she really thinking. “Tell me then, do you still support me as the heir to Godsgrace?” He asked with strict words, staring down on his cousin with a serious look in his eyes.
“Are you sure that is what you want?” Esperence asked quietly, which made Emerson raise an eyebrow. “It is my right.” He answered sternly, but it didn’t look like that was the answer Esperence was looking for. “I know.” She said quietly, turning her gaze on the floor.
“Will you support me?” Emerson asked on… [view original content]
Also this part makes me even more excited for when Jamison arrives at Godsgrace! It will be very interesting to see how Jamison interacts with Esperance and Morgan since it seems they have differing opinions on who to side with in the coming war and Emerson since he is a pretty cool character.
Oh, I'm pretty damn hyped for that myself The situation in Godsgrace is tense enough already, and Jamison coming in the mix should only make it more spicy, so to say
[Stay quiet] I agree with what has already been said that it would not be a good move for Emerson to snitch on Esperance. From what I can te… morell it really does seem like Emerson may be on his own at this point since Esperence looks to be scheming while Lord Morgan certainly can not be trusted at least in my opinion. Also this part makes me even more excited for when Jamison arrives at Godsgrace! It will be very interesting to see how Jamison interacts with Esperance and Morgan since it seems they have differing opinions on who to side with in the coming war and Emerson since he is a pretty cool character.
”I’m just worried, Esperence.” Emerson said, letting out a sigh. “You are playing a dangerous game, and sometimes I’m not even su… morere if we are on the same side.” Emerson could see his cousin gulping subtly. Silence lingered in the room, until finally Esperence turned to face him.
“Of course we are on the same side.” She tried to convince, but the look on her blue eyes was somehow uncertain. For a moment Emerson just looked at her, wondering what was she really thinking. “Tell me then, do you still support me as the heir to Godsgrace?” He asked with strict words, staring down on his cousin with a serious look in his eyes.
“Are you sure that is what you want?” Esperence asked quietly, which made Emerson raise an eyebrow. “It is my right.” He answered sternly, but it didn’t look like that was the answer Esperence was looking for. “I know.” She said quietly, turning her gaze on the floor.
“Will you support me?” Emerson asked on… [view original content]
And Emerson will stay quiet, not exposing his cousin's plans (or what he knows of them).
Next we will return to Sandship, and continue the storyline of Nymeria. Last time in her storyline we found out that Ser Yandry of Olivegrove had fallen in battle, and Nym named his daughter Jasmyn as the Lady of Olivegrove. After that Nym visited the cell where Tomas Toland was locked up, informing him that his brother was dead. Finally the Princess took part in council meeting. The main issue was the conspiracy against Nymeria. General Varyn had found out that the conspiracy could be bigger than expected - apparently a noble lord Ormond Bloodspill of Redclif might be the leader of it. Varyn insisted that Nymeria must show her power and march to Redclif with an army, whereas Prince Mors suggested that he could go to Redclif without an army and sort things out in a diplomatic way. You chose Varyn's way.
I'm spending a lot of time with my family for the rest of the week, so my writing pace won't be the fastest. I'd say that you could expect the next part in Monday.
”I’m just worried, Esperence.” Emerson said, letting out a sigh. “You are playing a dangerous game, and sometimes I’m not even su… morere if we are on the same side.” Emerson could see his cousin gulping subtly. Silence lingered in the room, until finally Esperence turned to face him.
“Of course we are on the same side.” She tried to convince, but the look on her blue eyes was somehow uncertain. For a moment Emerson just looked at her, wondering what was she really thinking. “Tell me then, do you still support me as the heir to Godsgrace?” He asked with strict words, staring down on his cousin with a serious look in his eyes.
“Are you sure that is what you want?” Esperence asked quietly, which made Emerson raise an eyebrow. “It is my right.” He answered sternly, but it didn’t look like that was the answer Esperence was looking for. “I know.” She said quietly, turning her gaze on the floor.
“Will you support me?” Emerson asked on… [view original content]
The council chamber of Sandship was silent, they were all waiting for the Princess to give her answer. She raised her gaze to the windows of the room, seeing the beams of sunlight glowing in. Nymeria was the sun of her realm, shining above her subjects, bringing them life. But I can also bring death.
”I shall march to Redclif, with an army large enough to make Ormond Bloodspill wail for his mother.” Nymeria spoke with determination in her words. A very small pleased smirk was formed on General Varyn’s face, who for once gave Nymeria an approving nod. Prince Mors on the other hand had a less pleased expression on his face.
“Are you sure about this, my love?” He asked quietly. Nymeria turned to look at her husband, and she could see that the concern in his eyes was very real. “I have to do it.” She replied with gentle but firm words, and Mors let out a sigh. After few quiet seconds the Prince finally gave an approving nod, even if he looked defeated in having to agree to this.
“The conspiracy is not to be taken lightly.” General Varyn spoke up, and by now his face again was as stern and cold as usually. “Putting Lord Bloodspill to his place is an important step, but we must also continue to root out possible traitors here in Sandship.”
“And we will.” Nymeria agreed calmly. The Princess’ gaze traveled through her council – Maester Olivar was making his notes about the meeting, Jaran Martell leaned lazily on the back of his seat, though the look on his eyes was more vivid than usually. Prince Mors still looked gloomy, and Varyn eyed his Princess with narrowed eyes. “Though there are other things to take care of as well.” The Princess continued, taking in a deep breath. “We must send someone to Ghost Hill, to secure the peace with Tolands.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem, we’ll find someone.” Mors answered calmly, and the maester mumbled something in agreement. “I’m more worried about how we can secure Godsgrace.” The Prince said with a sigh. “I mean, if everything goes as planned they will side with us right from the start, but there is a possibility that it won’t be so easy. And if you march to Redclif, that means you can’t march to Godsgrace, not for a while at least.”
“We have enough men to march part of our army to Godsgrace.” Varyn remarked, but Mors shook his head. “We can’t leave Sandship with too light defenses.” He replied with surprisingly strict tone. “This castle is no Starfall or Storm’s End – we need a large garrison to hold it against a siege.”
“The Vaiths are with us, I have been in contact with Lady Myra Xho Vaith, who is in lead of the city in the absence of her husband.” Nymeria explained with calm but powerful words. “This means we already have one stronghold in Central Dorne secured, and the Allyrions are more likely to try and stay neutral rather than to side with the Drylands. It’s the Gargalens we should be worried about.”
“You are correct, my Princess.” Maester Olivar agreed with his calm and humble tone. “In truth, I have already heard rumors about an alliance being forged between Hellgate Hall and Salt Shore.” A short silence followed these words, and everyone around the table had a concerned look on their eyes.
“This gives the Drylands a fleet, even if not a very strong one.” Mors finally said quietly. Nymeria closed her eyes. This wasn’t the first time she had questioned her choice to burn down the ships they had arrived with, but it was the first time it made her feel it could’ve been a fatal mistake. “But there is no need to worry.” Mors continued, though his voice wasn’t very convincing. “Forovos Norvoshi promised to deliver us a sellsword company, that should be helpful.”
“What in the world makes you trust that Braavosi scum?” General Varyn growled, and Mors raised his chin up with a gulp. “He is a keyholder of the Iron Bank, this is business for him, and he will continue to help us as long as he sees the profit in it. So no, I don’t trust the man, but I trust that he can still see the profit.”
“Let’s hope so.” Nymeria stated quietly. “However, we can’t rely on his help when making our plans.” The Princess eyed at Mors and Varyn as she said this, and they both gave her agreeing nods. Silence fell on the room again, and Nymeria turned her eyes to the windows.
“We must proceed with caution.” She finally spoke up, and decided to stand up from her chair. “We must not panic, and we’ll find a way to best our enemies. We’ll talk more tomorrow.” Nymeria was already taking her first steps towards the door, when the maester interrupted her. “Princess!” He yelled meekly. “The Valyrian girl, she would like to have an audience with the council, if you remember.” Nymeria let out a tired sigh, but nodded. “You’re right Olivar, thank you for reminding.” She said, a touch of frustration in her words. “Now, go and bring her in.” She commanded as she sat down, and Maester Olivar strolled quickly towards the door.
Soon the maester returned, and in his coattails walked in the Valyrian noble girl, a beautiful young lady with pale skin, large and innocent indigo eyes, and long platinum silver hair. She was wearing a long red dress and a purple sash with gold trimmings, and the outfit was crowned with an elegant golden necklace. Behind her came two guards – one who was clearly Valyrian, with his indigo eyes and long silver hair, and the other one who was probably a Ghiscari, with his tanned skin and dark hair and beard. Both guards were clad in scaled Valyrian steel armors that glimmered even when light didn’t meet with them, wearing silken purple cloaks over them. Their slightly curved swords were also clearly Valyrian steel. Lastly in walked an old and chubby man, dressed in simple purple robes.
“Princess Nymeria, Prince Mors.” The Valyrian girl greeted as she arrived in front of the council table, giving them a deep bow. Her servants followed her example. “My name is Eraehra Galnaris, and these are my guards Jaelor and Grezhan, and my mentor Maemar. As you know, we are here because the storm wrecked our ship.”
“So I’ve heard.” Nymeria stated coldly, having a hard time even looking at this girl. Even in the face of a beautiful young woman, those indigo eyes only brought death to Nymeria’s mind. She glanced quickly towards Varyn, who looked uncharacteristically uncomfortable, keeping his eyes on the table.
“You are welcome to Sandship, Lady Eraehra.” Mors spoke up with polite tone. “Though I’m afraid your arrival comes in bad time – war is coming.” Eraehra nodded to the Prince’s words. “I understand, Prince.” She said calmly. “And it was never our intension to visit here, we were on our way to Stormlands, and later to the Vale and the North.”
“Why?” Nymeria asked strictly. Eraehra turned to look at her, and for the first time the Valyrian girl’s expression wasn’t friendly. “I want to learn about the world, Princess.” She answered nonchalantly. “And for me just reading about faraway lands is not enough.”
“And for your father even seeing isn’t enough, I wager.” Varyn spoke sternly. “Perhaps your family has a dragon or two, just waiting to burn down some faraway lands.” The General’s words were bitter, and Mors let out a nervous chuckle, but Eraehra didn’t look to be amused.
“I wasn’t on the fields on the Second Spice War, but I have studied history, and I know that with wiser leaders all the burning could’ve been avoided.” Eraehra kept a calm tone, but Nymeria could spot the frustration in her words. “The Dragonlords may have been ruthless in their actions, but if you ask me, I blame Prince Garin for the death of the Rhoynar.” This made General Varyn stand up from his chair, with fury in his dark and sharp eyes.
“Listen, girl.” He started with anger oozing from his words, clenching his fists. “I was on those fields, and I can tell you that there is no viler creature on this world than a dragon. They are beasts that leave only ash and bones behind wherever they go. Now, what does that say about the people who tame them and use them to burn down their enemies?” Nymeria had rarely seen Varyn like this. The man was stern and humorless, everyone knew that, but rarely emotional like this. Then again, Nymeria also knew that Varyn had been very close with Prince Garin. “Garin only tried to protect his own – it was the Valyrians, and only the Valyrians, who brought the death upon our people.” The General finished, almost trembling of anger.
Eraehra let out a small sigh, while Varyn sat back down on his seat. “I’m not here to talk about the past.” The Valyrian said with a tired tone, and Nymeria chuckled coldly. “Well, you must understand that you and your servants are quite the reminder.” She said, not even trying to sound polite.
“Which is exactly why I wanted to avoid Dorne, but it seems the gods did not agree with me.” Eraehra replied, her voice now noticeably frustrated. Nymeria and Eraehra stared at each other, when Mors cleared his throat, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.
“This conversation did not start the best way, but there is no need to have an argument.” The Prince stated softly. “Now, tell us Eraehra, what did you want to talk about?” Mors asked kindly, and the Valyrian lady nodded to him.
“My sailors say that it will take at least a month before the ship is ready to sail again.” Eraehra explained calmly. “I would like to ask your permission to reside that time here. Alternatively, we can go to the same small village on the coast where my sailors reside.”
“Have you felt welcomed here so far?” Mors asked with genuine interest. Eraehra hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded. “Yes.” She said with a touch of uncertainty. “I mean… half the people here are Rhoynar, and I can see the way they look at me and my men. But I don’t want to complain, you have given us comfortable quarters, and kept us well-fed.” A small smile was on Eraehra’s face as she said this, and Prince Mors replicated it. “Then I’d say you are welcome to stay for as long as it takes to repair the ship.” He said with friendly tone.
Nymeria let out a sigh, as both Mors and Eraehra turned their eyes at her. She could still see the anger in Varyn’s eyes, and she couldn’t help but feel a bit of anger herself when she looked at these Valyrians. If it was this hard for her and Varyn to look at this girl, she could only imagine what it was like for the Rhoynar servants and soldiers in Sandship who had to see these people every day, and even take care of them. It’s a conflict waiting to happen.
[Agree with Mors] I can definitely see voting for either choice but I would say agreeing with Mors would be a solid option. Eraehra has not caused any trouble while she has been here already and from what I can tell about her, she won't cause any trouble now. Who knows? Nymeria being so hospitable to Eraehra may lead to her getting something good out of it later on down the line such as supplies or some kind of aid. I know the chances of that are slim but it is a possibility. I also believe it is not a good idea for Nymeria to always disagree with what Mors says. Obviously it won't affect the ending but I still think it would be nice if Nymeria were willing to compromise with Mors on some things.
On a side note, Nymeria is potentially sending an army to Godsgrace which could be really interesting and a bit worrying since Jamison will be there as well which means he could potentially be captured or worse since he would be far outnumbered. Safe to say, Godsgrace is going to be where the action will be soon enough and that Nymeria's parts are starting to get pretty exciting
The council chamber of Sandship was silent, they were all waiting for the Princess to give her answer. She raised her gaze to the… more windows of the room, seeing the beams of sunlight glowing in. Nymeria was the sun of her realm, shining above her subjects, bringing them life. But I can also bring death.
”I shall march to Redclif, with an army large enough to make Ormond Bloodspill wail for his mother.” Nymeria spoke with determination in her words. A very small pleased smirk was formed on General Varyn’s face, who for once gave Nymeria an approving nod. Prince Mors on the other hand had a less pleased expression on his face.
“Are you sure about this, my love?” He asked quietly. Nymeria turned to look at her husband, and she could see that the concern in his eyes was very real. “I have to do it.” She replied with gentle but firm words, and Mors let out a sigh. After few quiet seconds the Prince finally gave an approving nod, even… [view original content]
I hope Nymeria doesn't disagree with Mors all the time, but I think she should disagree with him this time. Nymeria makes a good point when thinking about the Rhoynar citizens and soldiers. It was because of the Valarians that so many of their people were killed or now live in exile. They are bound to have some resentment. There are probably a few who might be crazy enough to try to attack Eraehra, even with her elite bodyguards. Therefore, in order to secure the safety of Eraehra, her companions, and the Rhoynar citizens and not cause an international incident; Nymeria should disagree with Mors and have her stay in the village with her sailors. Hopefully, she can effectively explain her reasoning to Mors, Eraehra, and the others.
The council chamber of Sandship was silent, they were all waiting for the Princess to give her answer. She raised her gaze to the… more windows of the room, seeing the beams of sunlight glowing in. Nymeria was the sun of her realm, shining above her subjects, bringing them life. But I can also bring death.
”I shall march to Redclif, with an army large enough to make Ormond Bloodspill wail for his mother.” Nymeria spoke with determination in her words. A very small pleased smirk was formed on General Varyn’s face, who for once gave Nymeria an approving nod. Prince Mors on the other hand had a less pleased expression on his face.
“Are you sure about this, my love?” He asked quietly. Nymeria turned to look at her husband, and she could see that the concern in his eyes was very real. “I have to do it.” She replied with gentle but firm words, and Mors let out a sigh. After few quiet seconds the Prince finally gave an approving nod, even… [view original content]
The council chamber of Sandship was silent, they were all waiting for the Princess to give her answer. She raised her gaze to the… more windows of the room, seeing the beams of sunlight glowing in. Nymeria was the sun of her realm, shining above her subjects, bringing them life. But I can also bring death.
”I shall march to Redclif, with an army large enough to make Ormond Bloodspill wail for his mother.” Nymeria spoke with determination in her words. A very small pleased smirk was formed on General Varyn’s face, who for once gave Nymeria an approving nod. Prince Mors on the other hand had a less pleased expression on his face.
“Are you sure about this, my love?” He asked quietly. Nymeria turned to look at her husband, and she could see that the concern in his eyes was very real. “I have to do it.” She replied with gentle but firm words, and Mors let out a sigh. After few quiet seconds the Prince finally gave an approving nod, even… [view original content]
This is not an easy choice and I could see negative consequences coming out of either option. In the end, Eraehra hasn't yet done anything bad and condemning her for the actions of other Valyrians would send the wrong signal from Nymeria. Her men might be less forgiving, but she is their leader and she should set an example. On top of that, CM3434 brought up something I agree with, it would certainly be nice if Nymeria would sometimes agree with Mors. He is technically her husband and not her subordinate, so his opinion should matter to her. And in the end, she has burned her ships for that reason, to symbolize that Dorne would be a new home for her people and that they have left the horrors of the past behind them. If she dwells on that hatred for Valyrians, she would keep it present. That said, I am a bit worried for Varyn's reaction, he is understandably pissed at that girl, although I'm pretty sure he won't do anything that goes against Nymeria's wishes
The council chamber of Sandship was silent, they were all waiting for the Princess to give her answer. She raised her gaze to the… more windows of the room, seeing the beams of sunlight glowing in. Nymeria was the sun of her realm, shining above her subjects, bringing them life. But I can also bring death.
”I shall march to Redclif, with an army large enough to make Ormond Bloodspill wail for his mother.” Nymeria spoke with determination in her words. A very small pleased smirk was formed on General Varyn’s face, who for once gave Nymeria an approving nod. Prince Mors on the other hand had a less pleased expression on his face.
“Are you sure about this, my love?” He asked quietly. Nymeria turned to look at her husband, and she could see that the concern in his eyes was very real. “I have to do it.” She replied with gentle but firm words, and Mors let out a sigh. After few quiet seconds the Prince finally gave an approving nod, even… [view original content]
It's not Eraehra doing anything bad that I'm worried about. I'm more worried about the Rhoynar citizens and soldiers who see her and her companions and are supposed to care for them in Sandship. Hopefully, they would be able to have self control and obey their princess, but I'm afraid Eraehra and her companions presence will just be a bitter reminder of the past. It might lead to some who may try to attack her, even though she has her elite bodyguards. I just thought it would be safer for all involved if she and her companions stayed in the village with her sailors.
[Agree with Mors]
This is not an easy choice and I could see negative consequences coming out of either option. In the end, Eraehra hasn'… moret yet done anything bad and condemning her for the actions of other Valyrians would send the wrong signal from Nymeria. Her men might be less forgiving, but she is their leader and she should set an example. On top of that, CM3434 brought up something I agree with, it would certainly be nice if Nymeria would sometimes agree with Mors. He is technically her husband and not her subordinate, so his opinion should matter to her. And in the end, she has burned her ships for that reason, to symbolize that Dorne would be a new home for her people and that they have left the horrors of the past behind them. If she dwells on that hatred for Valyrians, she would keep it present. That said, I am a bit worried for Varyn's reaction, he is understandably pissed at that girl, although I'm pretty sure he won't do anything that goes against Nymeria's wishes
Yeah, I understand your point. I think I might have written my thoughts down in a slightly confusing way. I did not mean that her bodyguards will misbehave in any way, I meant that the Rhoynar will probably not be very forgiving and I understand your concern for this situation. However, I also think that Nymeria herself should set an example here. The Rhoynar can never advance as people if they insist on keeping their grudges, even against a person who was never involved in their misery. I see this as an opportunity to repair the relationships between the new House Nymeros Martell and the Valyrians. On top of that, by keeping her close, Nymeria can make personally sure that she will remain safe, whereas this small village is hardly a suitable place to keep someone that is a potential target for fanatics out for vengeance. I mean, who would make sure that nothing will happen to her in the village? If she stays close to Nymeria, we can keep an eye out for her.
It's not Eraehra doing anything bad that I'm worried about. I'm more worried about the Rhoynar citizens and soldiers who see her and her com… morepanions and are supposed to care for them in Sandship. Hopefully, they would be able to have self control and obey their princess, but I'm afraid Eraehra and her companions presence will just be a bitter reminder of the past. It might lead to some who may try to attack her, even though she has her elite bodyguards. I just thought it would be safer for all involved if she and her companions stayed in the village with her sailors.
The council chamber of Sandship was silent, they were all waiting for the Princess to give her answer. She raised her gaze to the… more windows of the room, seeing the beams of sunlight glowing in. Nymeria was the sun of her realm, shining above her subjects, bringing them life. But I can also bring death.
”I shall march to Redclif, with an army large enough to make Ormond Bloodspill wail for his mother.” Nymeria spoke with determination in her words. A very small pleased smirk was formed on General Varyn’s face, who for once gave Nymeria an approving nod. Prince Mors on the other hand had a less pleased expression on his face.
“Are you sure about this, my love?” He asked quietly. Nymeria turned to look at her husband, and she could see that the concern in his eyes was very real. “I have to do it.” She replied with gentle but firm words, and Mors let out a sigh. After few quiet seconds the Prince finally gave an approving nod, even… [view original content]
Better to close before we've got a tie... Nymeria will agree with Mors, letting the Valyrian guests reside in Sandship. As some of you brought up, it's nice to have Nymeria agree with Mors for once, even if she has her concerns regarding the situation. I'm definitely looking forward to continuing Nym's storyline - she has a lot to do in this chapter.
However, next we will go back to Verro's storyline, and Efran Sand's rebellion. The important things to remember from the last part are that Efran promoted Verro from a lackey to a soldier, and a had a little chat with him. He asked whether Verro believes that the rebellion can be successful, and you voted for him to answer that he doesn't know. We'll continue from that. The part should be ready in a day or two.
”I… I don’t know.” Verro answered truthfully to the question about whether he believed there was chance of success in Efran’s rebellion. The Bandit Lord narrowed his eyes, slightly leaning forward and studying the face of Verro.
“You are an honest one, huh?” Efran’s voice was quiet and serious, but it didn’t sound threatening. “Or he’s just an idiot.” Said Elise, who still sat on Efran’s lap.
“I’m not an idiot.” Verro snapped, and a grin appeared on Efran’s face. “Are you sure?” The Bandit Lord asked smoothly. “Pissing off Elise is not a wise thing to do.” Verro couldn’t tell if Efran was joking or not, but nonetheless the bastard proceeded to give the blonde lady a kiss on the cheek. Elise had a pleased smirk on her face, as she stared sharply towards Verro.
“What makes you unsure?” Ser Byrron suddenly spoke up with cold and stern tone, and Verro turned to look at him. Before answering he gulped nervously. “I know hardly anything about the Dalts, and I know hardly anything about this rebellion.” He started, succeeding in keeping his voice calm and steady. “I can tell that you hold power that shouldn’t be underestimated, but as far as I know, rebellions like this usually fail.”
Efran, Elise, Byrron and everyone else close-by stayed silent after Verro’s answer, and the chatter and other noise could be heard from the other parts of the cave. Verro stayed calm, though he had to wonder if he had gone too far with his words.
“You are correct.” Efran finally spoke up, his voice now cold and unfriendly. “Most of the time rebellions like this fail – either they are too weak, poorly organized, or not patient enough. Some might even give up on their cause before they are ever truly tested, fearing that they’ll just be another failure.”
“But you are not afraid?” Verro asked quietly, and a cold smirk appeared on Efran’s face. “Only a fool would not be afraid.” He answered, his voice smooth and quiet. “But only a coward would give up.” He added, raising his voice and pushing Elise from his lap as he stood up. He walked closer to Verro, a curious look on his eyes as he approached. “Are you a coward, Verro?” He asked with a chilling tone on his whisper.
“No, my Lord, I am not.” Verro said through his teeth, which made the Bandit Lord chuckle. “Good, because I have no use for cowards.” He said loudly as he turned around. “You can go now, but be ready. Soon you’ll get to see what this rebellion is really like.” With these words Efran walked back to his seat, taking Elise to his lap again. Verro gulped subtly, and stood up from his chair. Efran and Elise didn’t pay any attention to him anymore, but the cold glare from Ser Byrron Granit was enough to tell him that he should leave them alone now.
Early in the morning a horn sounded in the cave, waking up Verro in the corner he had made his bunk in. As he sat up he saw Greg the Blacksmith approaching him.
“Verro, you’ll leave with the raiding party.” The stocky man said with his coarse voice. Verro stood up with a confused look on his face. “On whose orders?” He mumbled, making the blacksmith chuckle.
“On Lord Efran’s orders.” Greg answered with a small grin on his face, and Verro gave him a tired little nod. After that he went on to grab some bread for breakfast, put on his new light leather armor, and wielded the short sword that had been given to him. It wasn’t the fanciest of swords, but it was in good enough condition to kill. Verro had been offered a wooden shield as well, but he wasn’t used to fighting with shields, so he didn’t take it.
After gearing up Verro made his way to the entrance of the cave, where a crew of around fifty armed soldiers were getting ready for raiding and pillaging. Horses were brought outside the cave, and Verro could see Efran standing on a rock, overlooking all this with a small pleased smirk on his face. Verro also noticed Nesila and many other members of the Thunder Crew on the crowd.
Soon the Bandit Lord’s gaze found Verro, and he gestured for him to approach him. Verro followed the order, walking next to the rock.
“Can you ride a horse, Verro?” Efran asked casually, and Verro nodded. “I was born a Dothraki, my Lord, I learned to ride as a little kid.” He answered, and Efran flashed a wide grin for him. “Good, good.” He said, glancing around himself. “We will ride with haste towards south.”
“And… Where exactly will we go?” Verro asked with uncertainty, and Efran raised an eyebrow. “I keep forgetting that you don’t know these lands.” He said with a dry chuckle. “We go to raid the lands of House Bravespear, the most loyal vassals of the Dalts. Lord Andrey Bravespear was an enemy of my father, and now he is my enemy. And I must say he has proven himself to be a quite persistent enemy, we haven’t really managed to hold any of his lands… yet.” The Bandit Lord pronounced the last word with a cold and grim tone. Then he turned his eyes to Verro again. “Now go and choose yourself a horse, we’ll leave soon.”
Mounted on a dark mare Verro had rode almost the whole day with Efran’s band of rebels, only taking some brief breaks to eat and drink. However, now they had arrived to a cliff next to the sea, and here they were going to make their camp. Couple miles to south a village on the coast could be seen – it would be their first target.
Verro dismounted his horse, and started to remove his armor. It had been a hot day, and his clothes were soaked with sweat. There was no helping it though, so he just tried to find a spot with as few rocks in it as he could, set his wool cape there and laid down. There was no chance to get any sleep yet though, as the camp was quite noisy, and many of the soldiers had brought ale and wine with them.
Verro saw Efran having a conversation with the leader of the Thunder Crew, who was a stern and strong middle aged man, probably from either Myr or Tyrosh. Quite close to them was Nesila with couple of her friends. Verro had already had one conversation with Nesila, though arguably it hadn’t been the warmest possible. Still, it was clear he would need to make new friends at some point, as he would never get his old ones back.
[Join Nesila and her friends][Try to get some sleep]
”I… I don’t know.” Verro answered truthfully to the question about whether he believed there was chance of success in Efran’s rebel… morelion. The Bandit Lord narrowed his eyes, slightly leaning forward and studying the face of Verro.
“You are an honest one, huh?” Efran’s voice was quiet and serious, but it didn’t sound threatening. “Or he’s just an idiot.” Said Elise, who still sat on Efran’s lap.
“I’m not an idiot.” Verro snapped, and a grin appeared on Efran’s face. “Are you sure?” The Bandit Lord asked smoothly. “Pissing off Elise is not a wise thing to do.” Verro couldn’t tell if Efran was joking or not, but nonetheless the bastard proceeded to give the blonde lady a kiss on the cheek. Elise had a pleased smirk on her face, as she stared sharply towards Verro.
“What makes you unsure?” Ser Byrron suddenly spoke up with cold and stern tone, and Verro turned to look at him. Before answering he gulped nervously. “I know hardly an… [view original content]
”I… I don’t know.” Verro answered truthfully to the question about whether he believed there was chance of success in Efran’s rebel… morelion. The Bandit Lord narrowed his eyes, slightly leaning forward and studying the face of Verro.
“You are an honest one, huh?” Efran’s voice was quiet and serious, but it didn’t sound threatening. “Or he’s just an idiot.” Said Elise, who still sat on Efran’s lap.
“I’m not an idiot.” Verro snapped, and a grin appeared on Efran’s face. “Are you sure?” The Bandit Lord asked smoothly. “Pissing off Elise is not a wise thing to do.” Verro couldn’t tell if Efran was joking or not, but nonetheless the bastard proceeded to give the blonde lady a kiss on the cheek. Elise had a pleased smirk on her face, as she stared sharply towards Verro.
“What makes you unsure?” Ser Byrron suddenly spoke up with cold and stern tone, and Verro turned to look at him. Before answering he gulped nervously. “I know hardly an… [view original content]
I see no negatives to this choice since Verro does need to try and make some new friends and allies for himself and for the battles to come. I would also like to applaud the speech from Efran since it really told alot about his character and shows what looks to be the charisma that has drawn people to join him in his rebellion. I am defintely excited to see what role his rebellion plays going forward!
”I… I don’t know.” Verro answered truthfully to the question about whether he believed there was chance of success in Efran’s rebel… morelion. The Bandit Lord narrowed his eyes, slightly leaning forward and studying the face of Verro.
“You are an honest one, huh?” Efran’s voice was quiet and serious, but it didn’t sound threatening. “Or he’s just an idiot.” Said Elise, who still sat on Efran’s lap.
“I’m not an idiot.” Verro snapped, and a grin appeared on Efran’s face. “Are you sure?” The Bandit Lord asked smoothly. “Pissing off Elise is not a wise thing to do.” Verro couldn’t tell if Efran was joking or not, but nonetheless the bastard proceeded to give the blonde lady a kiss on the cheek. Elise had a pleased smirk on her face, as she stared sharply towards Verro.
“What makes you unsure?” Ser Byrron suddenly spoke up with cold and stern tone, and Verro turned to look at him. Before answering he gulped nervously. “I know hardly an… [view original content]
”I… I don’t know.” Verro answered truthfully to the question about whether he believed there was chance of success in Efran’s rebel… morelion. The Bandit Lord narrowed his eyes, slightly leaning forward and studying the face of Verro.
“You are an honest one, huh?” Efran’s voice was quiet and serious, but it didn’t sound threatening. “Or he’s just an idiot.” Said Elise, who still sat on Efran’s lap.
“I’m not an idiot.” Verro snapped, and a grin appeared on Efran’s face. “Are you sure?” The Bandit Lord asked smoothly. “Pissing off Elise is not a wise thing to do.” Verro couldn’t tell if Efran was joking or not, but nonetheless the bastard proceeded to give the blonde lady a kiss on the cheek. Elise had a pleased smirk on her face, as she stared sharply towards Verro.
“What makes you unsure?” Ser Byrron suddenly spoke up with cold and stern tone, and Verro turned to look at him. Before answering he gulped nervously. “I know hardly an… [view original content]
”I… I don’t know.” Verro answered truthfully to the question about whether he believed there was chance of success in Efran’s rebel… morelion. The Bandit Lord narrowed his eyes, slightly leaning forward and studying the face of Verro.
“You are an honest one, huh?” Efran’s voice was quiet and serious, but it didn’t sound threatening. “Or he’s just an idiot.” Said Elise, who still sat on Efran’s lap.
“I’m not an idiot.” Verro snapped, and a grin appeared on Efran’s face. “Are you sure?” The Bandit Lord asked smoothly. “Pissing off Elise is not a wise thing to do.” Verro couldn’t tell if Efran was joking or not, but nonetheless the bastard proceeded to give the blonde lady a kiss on the cheek. Elise had a pleased smirk on her face, as she stared sharply towards Verro.
“What makes you unsure?” Ser Byrron suddenly spoke up with cold and stern tone, and Verro turned to look at him. Before answering he gulped nervously. “I know hardly an… [view original content]
Ah, I still made it in time. Good, very good and a great part as well I still don't know if I should like Efran as a cool and charismatic guy or fear him for being dangerous and apparently antagonistic to the somewhat good guys. One thing is for sure, I enjoy him.
[Join Nesila and her friends]
The others already brought the argument up I would have mentioned myself here. I really don't see any possible drawbacks to this, even if I don't doubt you could come up with some that make sense. However, trying to befriend others can never be a bad move (or almost never, it sort of depends on the person in question) and who knows, maybe they will have his back one day if he needs them. Really, I can't think of anything truly negative that would be bad enough to outdo th possible positive consequences to this choice.
”I… I don’t know.” Verro answered truthfully to the question about whether he believed there was chance of success in Efran’s rebel… morelion. The Bandit Lord narrowed his eyes, slightly leaning forward and studying the face of Verro.
“You are an honest one, huh?” Efran’s voice was quiet and serious, but it didn’t sound threatening. “Or he’s just an idiot.” Said Elise, who still sat on Efran’s lap.
“I’m not an idiot.” Verro snapped, and a grin appeared on Efran’s face. “Are you sure?” The Bandit Lord asked smoothly. “Pissing off Elise is not a wise thing to do.” Verro couldn’t tell if Efran was joking or not, but nonetheless the bastard proceeded to give the blonde lady a kiss on the cheek. Elise had a pleased smirk on her face, as she stared sharply towards Verro.
“What makes you unsure?” Ser Byrron suddenly spoke up with cold and stern tone, and Verro turned to look at him. Before answering he gulped nervously. “I know hardly an… [view original content]
Verro will join Nesila and her friends, trying to make some friends. As you said, there is really no reason not to try and gains some allies.
The next part is probably ready today or tomorrow, and it will be a Missy PoV. Last time we saw Missy, she had refused to spend time with the freaks, and instead wandered alone around the almost empty Kingsgrave. Eventually she made her way to the armory, to train with spear. However, Missy was surprised by Willem Pyke, who revealed some dark details about his past, and told his motive to track down Carsen. Apparently Carsen had raped and murdered Willem's sister, and their father Lord Garvy Saltcliffe hadn't really cared about it. Willem also spoke mockingly of King Albin, and when confronted about it by Missy he said he could do it because he was free, and then proceeded to ask Missy if she would like to be free as well. You voted for Missy to answer 'yes'.
I have now made a portrait of a very central character of Book 1, King Lucifer Dryland:
”Would you like to be free, Missy?” Willem Pyke repeated his question, looking at Missy with a piercing stare in his green eyes.
“Yes.” Missy answered quietly, trying to avoid eye contact with the young Ironborn warrior. “What did you say?” Willem asked loudly, a subtle smirk on his face. Clearly he had heard Missy, but just wanted to taunt her.
“I said yes!” Missy yelled, fury in her eyes and her words. She was still clenching to her spear, ready to use it if Willem would give her a reason to. “I want to be free… But it is my duty to serve the Great King, I love him, I…”
“Quiet!” Willem cut her off strictly, and Missy gulped. “Listen to yourself… King Albin is nothing but a madman with too much power, no matter what he has brainwashed you into thinking. And he will fall from his power soon, the mad ones always do. So, you better think of what will you do when you can’t serve your precious Great King anymore, Missy.” Willem’s words were harsh but still calm, and Missy didn’t know how to react. She wanted to scream that he was wrong, that Albin would defeat all his enemies and reign as the Great King of the Red Mountains, but deep inside she feared that what Willem said could indeed be the truth.
“What do you want of me?” Missy ended up muttering, keeping her gaze down. For a while the young man was quiet. He took a couple steps away from Missy, but kept observing her with a calculating look in his eyes, as if he was wondering how should he answer, or if he should answer at all.
“Perhaps… Perhaps we could help out each other, Missy.” Willem finally said, his tone softer now, almost gentle. Missy turned her eyes up, looking at the Ironborn with confusion. “What do you mean?” She asked quietly, and the man let out a small sigh.
“I need to find Carsen, I have to avenge my sister.” Willem stated decisively, stepping closer to Missy again. “I’ve taken all the information out of Tom that I can, but Larry the Kind knows more. The problem is that Larry is smarter than Tom – there is no way I can get anything out of him without raising his suspicion. You however…”
“No.” Missy said immediately, shaking her head nervously. “I’m not a friend of Larry.” As she said this, Willem grabbed her from the shoulder. “He is interested in you, Missy, I can see that.” He spoke with intense tone, which made Missy furrow her eyebrows. “Use that, and you can get anything out of him, I know you can.” Willem spoke enthusiastically, but Missy pulled herself away from him.
“And what’s in it for me?” She asked, keeping her voice calm, and Willem flashed her a smirk. “Freedom, Missy, that’s what’s in it for you.” He answered softly. “When I continue my hunt for Carsen, I will free you from this shithole.”
“I- I don’t know…” Missy started, but Willem cut her off. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to decide now.” He said, trying to sound friendly. “We’ll speak again soon.” The Ironborn added as he walked back to the door. “You should probably wait a while before leaving… It’s better if we are not seen with each other.” With these words, Willem Pyke left the armory, leaving Missy alone to wonder what had just happened.
Missy walked through the hallway next to the throne room, Willem’s words still in her mind. Could I really leave my life here behind? The thought of it alone felt insane and reckless, yet also tempting. She had relied on Albin for long, listened to his troubles, loved him and supported him, but deep inside part of her had all the time known that this wasn’t her home.
Missy shook these thoughts off her mind, and kept walking towards the tower of lords and ladies. However, before she could make her way there she was interrupted by Larry. He stood on the corridor, and blocked Missy’s way as she tried to walk past him.
“Afternoon, mylady.” He said with a polite but cold tone, and Missy let out deep sigh. “What do you want, Larry?” She asked tiredly, which made him furrow his eyebrows – it was easy to see that he wasn’t on a very good mood.
“I want to know what is wrong with you.” Larry stated calmly, stepping closer to Missy. “There is nothing wrong with me.” She answered immediately, feeling slightly nervous of the situation. Larry shook his head subtly.
“No… I think Albin may have been a bit too soft towards you lately… You have changed, Missy.” Larry’s eyes studied the face of Missy as he spoke, and Missy rolled her eyes in frustration. “I serve the King, not you, now let me go.” She tried to move past Larry, but he blocked her way again.
“Not so quickly.” He said calmly, pushing Missy backwards. “You didn’t come to the cells with us, even if I invited you. That’s strange, Missy, really strange.” The look on Larry’s eyes was sharp, and he spoke with suspicion in his words. “Getting angry at Ronny and killing him, I can understand that, as fucked up as it was, it was to be expected of you. This however… Are you trying to distance yourself from us?”
“No.” Missy answered quietly, but Larry didn’t look to be convinced. “You are lying.” He said harshly, piercing cold look in his eyes. Missy felt powerless, not knowing what to do or say, and she didn’t know if it was because of Larry or because the thoughts that Willem had put in her mind. Am I turning ino a traitor?
“Are you not even going to defend yourself?” Larry asked, a touch of mockery in his words, and finally Missy found her composure again. “I don’t need to explain anything to you, Larry.” She hissed angrily, and Larry let out a joyless chuckle.
“You know, if you make me too frustrated, I’ll just have to ask the Skeletal Knight to make short work of you.” Larry noticed that his words frightened Missy, and a smirk appeared on his face. “He only follows the orders of Albin.” Missy replied, trying to sound confident, but her voice came out weak.
“Are you willing to take that risk?” Larry asked quietly, with an underlying threat in his words. “If not, then come spend some time tonight with me and Tom, to my chambers. Prove me that you are still the same Missy.”
The invitation caught Missy off guard. They still want my company? She had to wonder if Willem had been right, if Larry was doing all this because he was interested in her, perhaps even harboring some feelings for her. She looked at him to the eyes, but it was impossible to read this man’s motivations. He couldn’t be trusted, that much was sure, but Missy had to admit that this could be an opportunity for her to find out Larry’s true motivations, and perhaps to help Willem.
[Spend time with Larry and Tom][Refuse the invitation]
”Would you like to be free, Missy?” Willem Pyke repeated his question, looking at Missy with a piercing stare in his green eyes.
… more “Yes.” Missy answered quietly, trying to avoid eye contact with the young Ironborn warrior. “What did you say?” Willem asked loudly, a subtle smirk on his face. Clearly he had heard Missy, but just wanted to taunt her.
“I said yes!” Missy yelled, fury in her eyes and her words. She was still clenching to her spear, ready to use it if Willem would give her a reason to. “I want to be free… But it is my duty to serve the Great King, I love him, I…”
“Quiet!” Willem cut her off strictly, and Missy gulped. “Listen to yourself… King Albin is nothing but a madman with too much power, no matter what he has brainwashed you into thinking. And he will fall from his power soon, the mad ones always do. So, you better think of what will you do when you can’t serve your precious Great King anymore, Missy.” Willem’… [view original content]
”Would you like to be free, Missy?” Willem Pyke repeated his question, looking at Missy with a piercing stare in his green eyes.
… more “Yes.” Missy answered quietly, trying to avoid eye contact with the young Ironborn warrior. “What did you say?” Willem asked loudly, a subtle smirk on his face. Clearly he had heard Missy, but just wanted to taunt her.
“I said yes!” Missy yelled, fury in her eyes and her words. She was still clenching to her spear, ready to use it if Willem would give her a reason to. “I want to be free… But it is my duty to serve the Great King, I love him, I…”
“Quiet!” Willem cut her off strictly, and Missy gulped. “Listen to yourself… King Albin is nothing but a madman with too much power, no matter what he has brainwashed you into thinking. And he will fall from his power soon, the mad ones always do. So, you better think of what will you do when you can’t serve your precious Great King anymore, Missy.” Willem’… [view original content]
Continuing to refuse spending time with them might prove to be dangerous. Also, if Missy is ever going to leave and gain an ally at court, then she is going to have to do this sometime.
”Would you like to be free, Missy?” Willem Pyke repeated his question, looking at Missy with a piercing stare in his green eyes.
… more “Yes.” Missy answered quietly, trying to avoid eye contact with the young Ironborn warrior. “What did you say?” Willem asked loudly, a subtle smirk on his face. Clearly he had heard Missy, but just wanted to taunt her.
“I said yes!” Missy yelled, fury in her eyes and her words. She was still clenching to her spear, ready to use it if Willem would give her a reason to. “I want to be free… But it is my duty to serve the Great King, I love him, I…”
“Quiet!” Willem cut her off strictly, and Missy gulped. “Listen to yourself… King Albin is nothing but a madman with too much power, no matter what he has brainwashed you into thinking. And he will fall from his power soon, the mad ones always do. So, you better think of what will you do when you can’t serve your precious Great King anymore, Missy.” Willem’… [view original content]
You know, my first reaction was something along the lines of "No way". Then, I had to think about it and my reaction changed to "No fucking way". I mean, these are the freaks we are talking about and not just any freaks, but the aptly named Tom the Animal and the less aptly named Larry the Kind. I would prefer for Missy to stay as far away from them as possible. They know what she did and I doubt either of them is the forgiving type. And I don't even want to know what Larry does to a woman he is interested in. Staying away from them is the safer way. That said, I had to think about this choice a bit mor and came to the conclusion that the possible positive consequences are simply too good to pass out on. This is an insane risk, but with the chance for even bigger rewards. And I believe, as much as I dislike taking risks, that Missy has to take some if she ever wants to get free of Albin.
”Would you like to be free, Missy?” Willem Pyke repeated his question, looking at Missy with a piercing stare in his green eyes.
… more “Yes.” Missy answered quietly, trying to avoid eye contact with the young Ironborn warrior. “What did you say?” Willem asked loudly, a subtle smirk on his face. Clearly he had heard Missy, but just wanted to taunt her.
“I said yes!” Missy yelled, fury in her eyes and her words. She was still clenching to her spear, ready to use it if Willem would give her a reason to. “I want to be free… But it is my duty to serve the Great King, I love him, I…”
“Quiet!” Willem cut her off strictly, and Missy gulped. “Listen to yourself… King Albin is nothing but a madman with too much power, no matter what he has brainwashed you into thinking. And he will fall from his power soon, the mad ones always do. So, you better think of what will you do when you can’t serve your precious Great King anymore, Missy.” Willem’… [view original content]
”Would you like to be free, Missy?” Willem Pyke repeated his question, looking at Missy with a piercing stare in his green eyes.
… more “Yes.” Missy answered quietly, trying to avoid eye contact with the young Ironborn warrior. “What did you say?” Willem asked loudly, a subtle smirk on his face. Clearly he had heard Missy, but just wanted to taunt her.
“I said yes!” Missy yelled, fury in her eyes and her words. She was still clenching to her spear, ready to use it if Willem would give her a reason to. “I want to be free… But it is my duty to serve the Great King, I love him, I…”
“Quiet!” Willem cut her off strictly, and Missy gulped. “Listen to yourself… King Albin is nothing but a madman with too much power, no matter what he has brainwashed you into thinking. And he will fall from his power soon, the mad ones always do. So, you better think of what will you do when you can’t serve your precious Great King anymore, Missy.” Willem’… [view original content]
Well... that was unexpected. At the same time though, I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't seen anything romantic between Nealia and Ilor either. They just seemed like friends to me. That said, I had the same impression about her and Lien until now. But I don't mind that I have been wrong there. No, I don't mind at all
[Keep kissing her]
As you know, I can ship almost anyone with each other, I don't need much for that. And I can dig this combination here. Lien is kissing her, Nealia seems to enjoy it, they are both piss drunken and could probably need it. That works for me. On top of that, telling her to stop would make this an extremely awkward moment, especially for poor Lien, which could hold some potential for negative consequences in the future. On the other hand, I don't see anything bad that could possibly happen if Nealia keeps kissing her.
[Tell her to stop]
[Keep kissing her]
It's only a drunken kiss. What's the worst that can happen?
[Keep kissing her]
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Voting is closed!
This one seems clear enough, Nealia will keep kissing her. We'll see to what will this lead to. Obviously this will mostly affect on Nealia's relationships with the other members of the Rose Company, and not just Lien. However, this isn't them starting a romantic relationship, just having some drunken fun.
Anyway, the next part will bring us back to Godsgrace and continue Emerson Allyrion's storyline. The last time we saw him was his first part, where we found out that Emerson is the son of the late Lord Mason Allyrion, but has been for most of his life been raised as the bastard of Mason's brother, Lord Morgan Allyrion. Emerson has known the truth for a little over year now. We met Emerson's younger cousin Emmett, who is commonly seen as a half-wit. After a brief chat with him Emerson made his way to his older cousin, Esperence, the only daughter of Lord Morgan. We learned that Esperence has a surprisingly big influence on the court, with many men working directly for her. Emerson found her in her own council room with twins Lia and Edric - newcomers to the court of Godsgrace. After the twins left the room Emerson spoke with his cousin about what he had heard: that apparently Esperence was planning to make contact with the Martells. Esperence admitted to it, claiming that it was the wise move considering the war that was coming. Emerson didn't fully agree, and was worried about Esperence coming too ambitious and power-hungry. He decided to confront her about it.
The part will most likely be ready tomorrow
”I’m just worried, Esperence.” Emerson said, letting out a sigh. “You are playing a dangerous game, and sometimes I’m not even sure if we are on the same side.” Emerson could see his cousin gulping subtly. Silence lingered in the room, until finally Esperence turned to face him.
“Of course we are on the same side.” She tried to convince, but the look on her blue eyes was somehow uncertain. For a moment Emerson just looked at her, wondering what was she really thinking. “Tell me then, do you still support me as the heir to Godsgrace?” He asked with strict words, staring down on his cousin with a serious look in his eyes.
“Are you sure that is what you want?” Esperence asked quietly, which made Emerson raise an eyebrow. “It is my right.” He answered sternly, but it didn’t look like that was the answer Esperence was looking for. “I know.” She said quietly, turning her gaze on the floor.
“Will you support me?” Emerson asked once again, putting emphasis on every word. Esperence turned her eyes up, looking Emerson to the eyes again. “If you are to be the Lord, you still have a lot to learn.” She spoke with calm and serious words. “Everyone knows you are a good soldier, a strong man and all that… But in times of war and uncertainty, do you think you could keep this House alive? Do you think you know how to keep your people safe and fed?” Emerson took in a deep breath and kept on a confident expression as his cousin peppered him with these questions.
“It will be my duty as the Lord to do that, and I will.” He answered decisively, and even if Esperence gave him a nod, she still looked doubting. “I hope you will.” She said with a sigh. “This House doesn’t need another Morgan as its leader.” These words caught Emerson off guard, and he was slightly taken aback by them. “I’m not like him.” He said sternly and quietly, but Esperence gave him no answer.
“Speaking of father, I think he wants to see you.” She spoke up finally, turning to look away from Emerson. For a moment he just stared at the back of his cousin’s head, thinking what should he say. However, there was nothing more to say, and finally he just nodded quietly, and walked out of the Council of Esperence.
As he stepped to the corridor Emerson saw the twin thugs of Esperence that he had just met earlier – Edric and Lia. The look on their hazel eyes was calm, but still somehow hostile towards Emerson.
“What is it that you do for Esperence?” Emerson asked quietly, his gaze traveling slowly from Edric to Lia. “We can do all kinds of things.” Lia whispered, a cunning look on her eyes. “But most importantly we are her connection to an important ally.”
“The Martells?” Emerson guessed with stern tone, and Lia chuckled. “Not really, but good guess.” With these sly words she walked past Emerson, making her way back into the Council of Esperence. Her twin brother followed on her coattails, giving one cold glare at Emerson as he walked past him.
Emerson shook his head subtly, and kept walking. As he walked through the stairways, corridors and hallways of the keep, he couldn’t help but wonder, who did all these people serve? How many of them worked for Esperence, and how many for Morgan? Did any of them see Emerson as their rightful Lord?
Emerson shook these thoughts out of his head, as he arrived to the office of Lord Morgan. Ser Niclas Wyne stood on guard at the door, a cold look in his grey eyes. He was a balding man on his early forties, one of Morgan’s most trusted men.
“Emerson.” Niclas greeted him shortly. “Lord Morgan is waiting for you inside.” His tone was polite, but Emerson could still spot the loathing behind it. Well he surely doesn’t see me as the rightful Lord.
Ser Niclas opened the door, and Emerson walked past him without a single word. The office was a lavishly decorated room, made to highlight the power the Lord held. Behind the desk sat the man himself, Lord Morgan Allyrion. A skinny man with receding hairline, scarred face and bitter look in his blue eyes. There he sat with his wrinkly hands resting on the desk – the hands that had so often hit Emerson.
“Sit down, boy.” Morgan spoke with commanding tone. Emerson clenched his teeth together, he didn’t want to be bossed around by this man anymore – every command he gave him felt like another punch in the face. He kept standing long enough for Morgan to take notice. “Fine then, stand if you must, bastard.” He hissed, and Emerson took a couple of steps closer to the desk, a threatening look on his eyes. Behind him he heard Ser Niclas unsheathing his sword.
“I am no bastard.” He muttered, and a cold grin appeared on Morgan’s face. “Is that so?” His words were quiet, but they made Emerson gulp. He clenched his fists, almost shaking of anger. “Perhaps you’ll soon have a chance to prove your worth, Emerson.” Morgan said, raising his voice a bit.
“What are you talking about?” Emerson asked, anger still clinging on his words. Morgan leaned back, and opened the drawer of his desk. From there he pulled two letters, and set them next to each other on the table. On the other one was the broken seal of House Dryland, and on the other one the Martell’s. Emerson raised his look from the letters, looking at his uncle with questioning eyes.
“Ravens have flown from Hellgate Hall, and from Sandship.” Morgan said dryly. “The Drylands say that all those siding with the Martells will fall with them, and Martells offering protection from the Drylands – in exchange to our independence.” The expression on Lord Morgan’s face was mildly angered, as he swiped the letters off the table, and put them back inside the drawer.
“And what is it that you want me to do?” Emerson asked, his voice calm and stern. A small and joyless smile was formed on his uncle’s face again. “A war is coming, Emerson.” He said, raising his voice. “It will be your time to prove me that you are worth the lordship of Godsgrace. Serve me well, and I will name you my heir.” Morgan’s words were loud and clear, but still Emerson didn’t know if he could trust in what he just heard. “Act against me, and I will hang you myself.” The Lord added, his tone more grim now.
Emerson took a small step backwards, looking at his uncle with slight confusion. This is what he had hoped, that Morgan would finally understand he was the rightful heir, but still it felt somehow wrong. Slowly he realized that Morgan must have had suspicions towards Esperence, there was no other reason he would resort to allying with him.
It was like everything had suddenly turned around – now Morgan was the one supporting Emerson, whereas Esperence seemed to be against him. And Emerson wasn’t sure if he even liked Esperence’s plan to side with the Martells. Perhaps this is the chance to prove my worth, he thought, looking at his uncle with uncertainty in his eyes.
[Tell him about Esperence's plans] [Stay quiet]
[Stay quiet]
First of all, snitches get stitches. It's one thing confronting Esperence about her plans, but ratting her out behind her back would be a dick move. Similarly, while her plans are shady, I don't think they are particularly bad. Allying with the Martells is a wise option, I think, so ruining Esperence's plan could put the entire house at a disadvantage. That said, I am not sure if I can trust Esperence herself. She does not seem to be the kind of person who would be willing to stand down in favour of Emerson and as a matter of fact, her allying with the Martells, who follow the custom of equal primogeniture, could be part of a plot to secure the house for herself. But well, this is something he can deal with later. For now, Esperence's plan seems like the better option, as an alliance with the Martells is certainly favourable over staying neutral and risking their wrath. On top of that, I am pretty sure that she has made preparations to make sure that Emerson can't reveal her plans, otherwise she likely wouldn't have even shared them.
I am also very curious about Lia and Edric and this ally they connect Esperence with. If it is not the Martell's, it has to be someone even more powerful. The Yronwoods maybe? Or maybe Esperence is playing both sides and keeping connections to Lucifer Dryland as well, to make sure that she will be on the winning side no matter what.
[Stay quiet]
I agree with Liquid, I think staying loyal to Esperence is the better option, at this point. This can improve his relationship with her and increase her confidence, in him becoming lord. Plus, I do not trust Morgan or his word.
Well, this was another great part to the Allyrion storyline! Apologies for my absence, once again I am a bit behind and will have to read up on what I've missed, but I should be back reasonably soon, just figured I'd read this part first, and I was not disappointed
[Stay Quiet]
I'm going to agree with Liquid on this one. Firstly, coming out with Esperence's plans to Morgan would be out of Emerson's without any real request for it. Sure, he has high presumptions that Morgan is aware and suspicious about Esperence's plans, after all she has a strong grip on 'his' city. Though as we haven't been asked directly, I don't think we should go ahead and reveal something we too know little about. It will completely lock us out from Esperence if we do, and I'm not entirely sure if Morgan is a man to trust just yet.
If things were different, and Morgan was indeed asking if Emerson knew something, I wouldn't be quite as sure on my choice. The offer that Morgan has presented is what Emerson always wanted, and I think Morgan could go through with it, considering his second born son. Esperence however would seem to have the more liked approach where she wants to side with the Martell's, but who else? Lia and Edric are a worrying sight, and if this is a first glimpse at the Yronwood's then I'm not sure what to expect
[Stay quiet]
Aint that the truth
But yeah, telling Morgan about Esperence's plans would indeed be a pretty rattish move.
Yeah, it's pretty clear that Esperence doesn't see Emerson as the ideal Lord, going as far as to indirectly comparing him to Morgan. And good point with the Martells and equal primogeniture - it is probably something that at least fascinates Esperence.
Hmm, I wouldn't necessarily say this ally is more powerful than the Martells, not in the traditional way at least (military power). However, I can say that this connection is Esperence's way of trying to make sure she won't end up on the losing side.
No problem, I knew you'd come back after all the school work
And there shouldn't be too much to catch up, though I must warn that they are mostly build-up parts so probably not the most interesting ones for binge reading 
[Stay quiet] I agree with what has already been said that it would not be a good move for Emerson to snitch on Esperance. From what I can tell it really does seem like Emerson may be on his own at this point since Esperence looks to be scheming while Lord Morgan certainly can not be trusted at least in my opinion. Also this part makes me even more excited for when Jamison arrives at Godsgrace! It will be very interesting to see how Jamison interacts with Esperance and Morgan since it seems they have differing opinions on who to side with in the coming war and Emerson since he is a pretty cool character.
Oh, I'm pretty damn hyped for that myself
The situation in Godsgrace is tense enough already, and Jamison coming in the mix should only make it more spicy, so to say 
[Stay quiet]
Voting is closed!
And Emerson will stay quiet, not exposing his cousin's plans (or what he knows of them).
Next we will return to Sandship, and continue the storyline of Nymeria. Last time in her storyline we found out that Ser Yandry of Olivegrove had fallen in battle, and Nym named his daughter Jasmyn as the Lady of Olivegrove. After that Nym visited the cell where Tomas Toland was locked up, informing him that his brother was dead. Finally the Princess took part in council meeting. The main issue was the conspiracy against Nymeria. General Varyn had found out that the conspiracy could be bigger than expected - apparently a noble lord Ormond Bloodspill of Redclif might be the leader of it. Varyn insisted that Nymeria must show her power and march to Redclif with an army, whereas Prince Mors suggested that he could go to Redclif without an army and sort things out in a diplomatic way. You chose Varyn's way.
I'm spending a lot of time with my family for the rest of the week, so my writing pace won't be the fastest. I'd say that you could expect the next part in Monday.
[Stay Quiet]
The council chamber of Sandship was silent, they were all waiting for the Princess to give her answer. She raised her gaze to the windows of the room, seeing the beams of sunlight glowing in. Nymeria was the sun of her realm, shining above her subjects, bringing them life. But I can also bring death.
”I shall march to Redclif, with an army large enough to make Ormond Bloodspill wail for his mother.” Nymeria spoke with determination in her words. A very small pleased smirk was formed on General Varyn’s face, who for once gave Nymeria an approving nod. Prince Mors on the other hand had a less pleased expression on his face.
“Are you sure about this, my love?” He asked quietly. Nymeria turned to look at her husband, and she could see that the concern in his eyes was very real. “I have to do it.” She replied with gentle but firm words, and Mors let out a sigh. After few quiet seconds the Prince finally gave an approving nod, even if he looked defeated in having to agree to this.
“The conspiracy is not to be taken lightly.” General Varyn spoke up, and by now his face again was as stern and cold as usually. “Putting Lord Bloodspill to his place is an important step, but we must also continue to root out possible traitors here in Sandship.”
“And we will.” Nymeria agreed calmly. The Princess’ gaze traveled through her council – Maester Olivar was making his notes about the meeting, Jaran Martell leaned lazily on the back of his seat, though the look on his eyes was more vivid than usually. Prince Mors still looked gloomy, and Varyn eyed his Princess with narrowed eyes. “Though there are other things to take care of as well.” The Princess continued, taking in a deep breath. “We must send someone to Ghost Hill, to secure the peace with Tolands.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem, we’ll find someone.” Mors answered calmly, and the maester mumbled something in agreement. “I’m more worried about how we can secure Godsgrace.” The Prince said with a sigh. “I mean, if everything goes as planned they will side with us right from the start, but there is a possibility that it won’t be so easy. And if you march to Redclif, that means you can’t march to Godsgrace, not for a while at least.”
“We have enough men to march part of our army to Godsgrace.” Varyn remarked, but Mors shook his head. “We can’t leave Sandship with too light defenses.” He replied with surprisingly strict tone. “This castle is no Starfall or Storm’s End – we need a large garrison to hold it against a siege.”
“The Vaiths are with us, I have been in contact with Lady Myra Xho Vaith, who is in lead of the city in the absence of her husband.” Nymeria explained with calm but powerful words. “This means we already have one stronghold in Central Dorne secured, and the Allyrions are more likely to try and stay neutral rather than to side with the Drylands. It’s the Gargalens we should be worried about.”
“You are correct, my Princess.” Maester Olivar agreed with his calm and humble tone. “In truth, I have already heard rumors about an alliance being forged between Hellgate Hall and Salt Shore.” A short silence followed these words, and everyone around the table had a concerned look on their eyes.
“This gives the Drylands a fleet, even if not a very strong one.” Mors finally said quietly. Nymeria closed her eyes. This wasn’t the first time she had questioned her choice to burn down the ships they had arrived with, but it was the first time it made her feel it could’ve been a fatal mistake. “But there is no need to worry.” Mors continued, though his voice wasn’t very convincing. “Forovos Norvoshi promised to deliver us a sellsword company, that should be helpful.”
“What in the world makes you trust that Braavosi scum?” General Varyn growled, and Mors raised his chin up with a gulp. “He is a keyholder of the Iron Bank, this is business for him, and he will continue to help us as long as he sees the profit in it. So no, I don’t trust the man, but I trust that he can still see the profit.”
“Let’s hope so.” Nymeria stated quietly. “However, we can’t rely on his help when making our plans.” The Princess eyed at Mors and Varyn as she said this, and they both gave her agreeing nods. Silence fell on the room again, and Nymeria turned her eyes to the windows.
“We must proceed with caution.” She finally spoke up, and decided to stand up from her chair. “We must not panic, and we’ll find a way to best our enemies. We’ll talk more tomorrow.” Nymeria was already taking her first steps towards the door, when the maester interrupted her. “Princess!” He yelled meekly. “The Valyrian girl, she would like to have an audience with the council, if you remember.” Nymeria let out a tired sigh, but nodded. “You’re right Olivar, thank you for reminding.” She said, a touch of frustration in her words. “Now, go and bring her in.” She commanded as she sat down, and Maester Olivar strolled quickly towards the door.
Soon the maester returned, and in his coattails walked in the Valyrian noble girl, a beautiful young lady with pale skin, large and innocent indigo eyes, and long platinum silver hair. She was wearing a long red dress and a purple sash with gold trimmings, and the outfit was crowned with an elegant golden necklace. Behind her came two guards – one who was clearly Valyrian, with his indigo eyes and long silver hair, and the other one who was probably a Ghiscari, with his tanned skin and dark hair and beard. Both guards were clad in scaled Valyrian steel armors that glimmered even when light didn’t meet with them, wearing silken purple cloaks over them. Their slightly curved swords were also clearly Valyrian steel. Lastly in walked an old and chubby man, dressed in simple purple robes.
“Princess Nymeria, Prince Mors.” The Valyrian girl greeted as she arrived in front of the council table, giving them a deep bow. Her servants followed her example. “My name is Eraehra Galnaris, and these are my guards Jaelor and Grezhan, and my mentor Maemar. As you know, we are here because the storm wrecked our ship.”
“So I’ve heard.” Nymeria stated coldly, having a hard time even looking at this girl. Even in the face of a beautiful young woman, those indigo eyes only brought death to Nymeria’s mind. She glanced quickly towards Varyn, who looked uncharacteristically uncomfortable, keeping his eyes on the table.
“You are welcome to Sandship, Lady Eraehra.” Mors spoke up with polite tone. “Though I’m afraid your arrival comes in bad time – war is coming.” Eraehra nodded to the Prince’s words. “I understand, Prince.” She said calmly. “And it was never our intension to visit here, we were on our way to Stormlands, and later to the Vale and the North.”
“Why?” Nymeria asked strictly. Eraehra turned to look at her, and for the first time the Valyrian girl’s expression wasn’t friendly. “I want to learn about the world, Princess.” She answered nonchalantly. “And for me just reading about faraway lands is not enough.”
“And for your father even seeing isn’t enough, I wager.” Varyn spoke sternly. “Perhaps your family has a dragon or two, just waiting to burn down some faraway lands.” The General’s words were bitter, and Mors let out a nervous chuckle, but Eraehra didn’t look to be amused.
“I wasn’t on the fields on the Second Spice War, but I have studied history, and I know that with wiser leaders all the burning could’ve been avoided.” Eraehra kept a calm tone, but Nymeria could spot the frustration in her words. “The Dragonlords may have been ruthless in their actions, but if you ask me, I blame Prince Garin for the death of the Rhoynar.” This made General Varyn stand up from his chair, with fury in his dark and sharp eyes.
“Listen, girl.” He started with anger oozing from his words, clenching his fists. “I was on those fields, and I can tell you that there is no viler creature on this world than a dragon. They are beasts that leave only ash and bones behind wherever they go. Now, what does that say about the people who tame them and use them to burn down their enemies?” Nymeria had rarely seen Varyn like this. The man was stern and humorless, everyone knew that, but rarely emotional like this. Then again, Nymeria also knew that Varyn had been very close with Prince Garin. “Garin only tried to protect his own – it was the Valyrians, and only the Valyrians, who brought the death upon our people.” The General finished, almost trembling of anger.
Eraehra let out a small sigh, while Varyn sat back down on his seat. “I’m not here to talk about the past.” The Valyrian said with a tired tone, and Nymeria chuckled coldly. “Well, you must understand that you and your servants are quite the reminder.” She said, not even trying to sound polite.
“Which is exactly why I wanted to avoid Dorne, but it seems the gods did not agree with me.” Eraehra replied, her voice now noticeably frustrated. Nymeria and Eraehra stared at each other, when Mors cleared his throat, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.
“This conversation did not start the best way, but there is no need to have an argument.” The Prince stated softly. “Now, tell us Eraehra, what did you want to talk about?” Mors asked kindly, and the Valyrian lady nodded to him.
“My sailors say that it will take at least a month before the ship is ready to sail again.” Eraehra explained calmly. “I would like to ask your permission to reside that time here. Alternatively, we can go to the same small village on the coast where my sailors reside.”
“Have you felt welcomed here so far?” Mors asked with genuine interest. Eraehra hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded. “Yes.” She said with a touch of uncertainty. “I mean… half the people here are Rhoynar, and I can see the way they look at me and my men. But I don’t want to complain, you have given us comfortable quarters, and kept us well-fed.” A small smile was on Eraehra’s face as she said this, and Prince Mors replicated it. “Then I’d say you are welcome to stay for as long as it takes to repair the ship.” He said with friendly tone.
Nymeria let out a sigh, as both Mors and Eraehra turned their eyes at her. She could still see the anger in Varyn’s eyes, and she couldn’t help but feel a bit of anger herself when she looked at these Valyrians. If it was this hard for her and Varyn to look at this girl, she could only imagine what it was like for the Rhoynar servants and soldiers in Sandship who had to see these people every day, and even take care of them. It’s a conflict waiting to happen.
[Agree with Mors] [Disagree with Mors]
[Agree with Mors] I can definitely see voting for either choice but I would say agreeing with Mors would be a solid option. Eraehra has not caused any trouble while she has been here already and from what I can tell about her, she won't cause any trouble now. Who knows? Nymeria being so hospitable to Eraehra may lead to her getting something good out of it later on down the line such as supplies or some kind of aid. I know the chances of that are slim but it is a possibility. I also believe it is not a good idea for Nymeria to always disagree with what Mors says. Obviously it won't affect the ending but I still think it would be nice if Nymeria were willing to compromise with Mors on some things.
On a side note, Nymeria is potentially sending an army to Godsgrace which could be really interesting and a bit worrying since Jamison will be there as well which means he could potentially be captured or worse since he would be far outnumbered. Safe to say, Godsgrace is going to be where the action will be soon enough and that Nymeria's parts are starting to get pretty exciting
[Disagree with Mors]
I hope Nymeria doesn't disagree with Mors all the time, but I think she should disagree with him this time. Nymeria makes a good point when thinking about the Rhoynar citizens and soldiers. It was because of the Valarians that so many of their people were killed or now live in exile. They are bound to have some resentment. There are probably a few who might be crazy enough to try to attack Eraehra, even with her elite bodyguards. Therefore, in order to secure the safety of Eraehra, her companions, and the Rhoynar citizens and not cause an international incident; Nymeria should disagree with Mors and have her stay in the village with her sailors. Hopefully, she can effectively explain her reasoning to Mors, Eraehra, and the others.
[Disagree with Mors]
Well, she should offer something for the possibility of staying on their lands and she did not.
[Agree with Mors]
This is not an easy choice and I could see negative consequences coming out of either option. In the end, Eraehra hasn't yet done anything bad and condemning her for the actions of other Valyrians would send the wrong signal from Nymeria. Her men might be less forgiving, but she is their leader and she should set an example. On top of that, CM3434 brought up something I agree with, it would certainly be nice if Nymeria would sometimes agree with Mors. He is technically her husband and not her subordinate, so his opinion should matter to her. And in the end, she has burned her ships for that reason, to symbolize that Dorne would be a new home for her people and that they have left the horrors of the past behind them. If she dwells on that hatred for Valyrians, she would keep it present. That said, I am a bit worried for Varyn's reaction, he is understandably pissed at that girl, although I'm pretty sure he won't do anything that goes against Nymeria's wishes
It's not Eraehra doing anything bad that I'm worried about. I'm more worried about the Rhoynar citizens and soldiers who see her and her companions and are supposed to care for them in Sandship. Hopefully, they would be able to have self control and obey their princess, but I'm afraid Eraehra and her companions presence will just be a bitter reminder of the past. It might lead to some who may try to attack her, even though she has her elite bodyguards. I just thought it would be safer for all involved if she and her companions stayed in the village with her sailors.
Yeah, I understand your point. I think I might have written my thoughts down in a slightly confusing way. I did not mean that her bodyguards will misbehave in any way, I meant that the Rhoynar will probably not be very forgiving and I understand your concern for this situation. However, I also think that Nymeria herself should set an example here. The Rhoynar can never advance as people if they insist on keeping their grudges, even against a person who was never involved in their misery. I see this as an opportunity to repair the relationships between the new House Nymeros Martell and the Valyrians. On top of that, by keeping her close, Nymeria can make personally sure that she will remain safe, whereas this small village is hardly a suitable place to keep someone that is a potential target for fanatics out for vengeance. I mean, who would make sure that nothing will happen to her in the village? If she stays close to Nymeria, we can keep an eye out for her.
[Agree with Mors]
Voting is closed!
Better to close before we've got a tie... Nymeria will agree with Mors, letting the Valyrian guests reside in Sandship. As some of you brought up, it's nice to have Nymeria agree with Mors for once, even if she has her concerns regarding the situation. I'm definitely looking forward to continuing Nym's storyline - she has a lot to do in this chapter.
However, next we will go back to Verro's storyline, and Efran Sand's rebellion. The important things to remember from the last part are that Efran promoted Verro from a lackey to a soldier, and a had a little chat with him. He asked whether Verro believes that the rebellion can be successful, and you voted for him to answer that he doesn't know. We'll continue from that. The part should be ready in a day or two.
”I… I don’t know.” Verro answered truthfully to the question about whether he believed there was chance of success in Efran’s rebellion. The Bandit Lord narrowed his eyes, slightly leaning forward and studying the face of Verro.
“You are an honest one, huh?” Efran’s voice was quiet and serious, but it didn’t sound threatening. “Or he’s just an idiot.” Said Elise, who still sat on Efran’s lap.
“I’m not an idiot.” Verro snapped, and a grin appeared on Efran’s face. “Are you sure?” The Bandit Lord asked smoothly. “Pissing off Elise is not a wise thing to do.” Verro couldn’t tell if Efran was joking or not, but nonetheless the bastard proceeded to give the blonde lady a kiss on the cheek. Elise had a pleased smirk on her face, as she stared sharply towards Verro.
“What makes you unsure?” Ser Byrron suddenly spoke up with cold and stern tone, and Verro turned to look at him. Before answering he gulped nervously. “I know hardly anything about the Dalts, and I know hardly anything about this rebellion.” He started, succeeding in keeping his voice calm and steady. “I can tell that you hold power that shouldn’t be underestimated, but as far as I know, rebellions like this usually fail.”
Efran, Elise, Byrron and everyone else close-by stayed silent after Verro’s answer, and the chatter and other noise could be heard from the other parts of the cave. Verro stayed calm, though he had to wonder if he had gone too far with his words.
“You are correct.” Efran finally spoke up, his voice now cold and unfriendly. “Most of the time rebellions like this fail – either they are too weak, poorly organized, or not patient enough. Some might even give up on their cause before they are ever truly tested, fearing that they’ll just be another failure.”
“But you are not afraid?” Verro asked quietly, and a cold smirk appeared on Efran’s face. “Only a fool would not be afraid.” He answered, his voice smooth and quiet. “But only a coward would give up.” He added, raising his voice and pushing Elise from his lap as he stood up. He walked closer to Verro, a curious look on his eyes as he approached. “Are you a coward, Verro?” He asked with a chilling tone on his whisper.
“No, my Lord, I am not.” Verro said through his teeth, which made the Bandit Lord chuckle. “Good, because I have no use for cowards.” He said loudly as he turned around. “You can go now, but be ready. Soon you’ll get to see what this rebellion is really like.” With these words Efran walked back to his seat, taking Elise to his lap again. Verro gulped subtly, and stood up from his chair. Efran and Elise didn’t pay any attention to him anymore, but the cold glare from Ser Byrron Granit was enough to tell him that he should leave them alone now.
Early in the morning a horn sounded in the cave, waking up Verro in the corner he had made his bunk in. As he sat up he saw Greg the Blacksmith approaching him.
“Verro, you’ll leave with the raiding party.” The stocky man said with his coarse voice. Verro stood up with a confused look on his face. “On whose orders?” He mumbled, making the blacksmith chuckle.
“On Lord Efran’s orders.” Greg answered with a small grin on his face, and Verro gave him a tired little nod. After that he went on to grab some bread for breakfast, put on his new light leather armor, and wielded the short sword that had been given to him. It wasn’t the fanciest of swords, but it was in good enough condition to kill. Verro had been offered a wooden shield as well, but he wasn’t used to fighting with shields, so he didn’t take it.
After gearing up Verro made his way to the entrance of the cave, where a crew of around fifty armed soldiers were getting ready for raiding and pillaging. Horses were brought outside the cave, and Verro could see Efran standing on a rock, overlooking all this with a small pleased smirk on his face. Verro also noticed Nesila and many other members of the Thunder Crew on the crowd.
Soon the Bandit Lord’s gaze found Verro, and he gestured for him to approach him. Verro followed the order, walking next to the rock.
“Can you ride a horse, Verro?” Efran asked casually, and Verro nodded. “I was born a Dothraki, my Lord, I learned to ride as a little kid.” He answered, and Efran flashed a wide grin for him. “Good, good.” He said, glancing around himself. “We will ride with haste towards south.”
“And… Where exactly will we go?” Verro asked with uncertainty, and Efran raised an eyebrow. “I keep forgetting that you don’t know these lands.” He said with a dry chuckle. “We go to raid the lands of House Bravespear, the most loyal vassals of the Dalts. Lord Andrey Bravespear was an enemy of my father, and now he is my enemy. And I must say he has proven himself to be a quite persistent enemy, we haven’t really managed to hold any of his lands… yet.” The Bandit Lord pronounced the last word with a cold and grim tone. Then he turned his eyes to Verro again. “Now go and choose yourself a horse, we’ll leave soon.”
Mounted on a dark mare Verro had rode almost the whole day with Efran’s band of rebels, only taking some brief breaks to eat and drink. However, now they had arrived to a cliff next to the sea, and here they were going to make their camp. Couple miles to south a village on the coast could be seen – it would be their first target.
Verro dismounted his horse, and started to remove his armor. It had been a hot day, and his clothes were soaked with sweat. There was no helping it though, so he just tried to find a spot with as few rocks in it as he could, set his wool cape there and laid down. There was no chance to get any sleep yet though, as the camp was quite noisy, and many of the soldiers had brought ale and wine with them.
Verro saw Efran having a conversation with the leader of the Thunder Crew, who was a stern and strong middle aged man, probably from either Myr or Tyrosh. Quite close to them was Nesila with couple of her friends. Verro had already had one conversation with Nesila, though arguably it hadn’t been the warmest possible. Still, it was clear he would need to make new friends at some point, as he would never get his old ones back.
[Join Nesila and her friends] [Try to get some sleep]
[Join Nesila and her friends]
This is the perfect chance for him to make friends and allies. In battles, he will need to have some that he can count on.
[Join Nesila and her friends]
[Join Nesila and her friends]
I see no negatives to this choice since Verro does need to try and make some new friends and allies for himself and for the battles to come. I would also like to applaud the speech from Efran since it really told alot about his character and shows what looks to be the charisma that has drawn people to join him in his rebellion. I am defintely excited to see what role his rebellion plays going forward!
Edit: Double Post.
[Join Nesila and her friends]
Ah, I still made it in time. Good, very good and a great part as well
I still don't know if I should like Efran as a cool and charismatic guy or fear him for being dangerous and apparently antagonistic to the somewhat good guys. One thing is for sure, I enjoy him.
[Join Nesila and her friends]
The others already brought the argument up I would have mentioned myself here. I really don't see any possible drawbacks to this, even if I don't doubt you could come up with some that make sense. However, trying to befriend others can never be a bad move (or almost never, it sort of depends on the person in question) and who knows, maybe they will have his back one day if he needs them. Really, I can't think of anything truly negative that would be bad enough to outdo th possible positive consequences to this choice.
Voting is closed!
Verro will join Nesila and her friends, trying to make some friends. As you said, there is really no reason not to try and gains some allies.
The next part is probably ready today or tomorrow, and it will be a Missy PoV. Last time we saw Missy, she had refused to spend time with the freaks, and instead wandered alone around the almost empty Kingsgrave. Eventually she made her way to the armory, to train with spear. However, Missy was surprised by Willem Pyke, who revealed some dark details about his past, and told his motive to track down Carsen. Apparently Carsen had raped and murdered Willem's sister, and their father Lord Garvy Saltcliffe hadn't really cared about it. Willem also spoke mockingly of King Albin, and when confronted about it by Missy he said he could do it because he was free, and then proceeded to ask Missy if she would like to be free as well. You voted for Missy to answer 'yes'.
I have now made a portrait of a very central character of Book 1, King Lucifer Dryland:
”Would you like to be free, Missy?” Willem Pyke repeated his question, looking at Missy with a piercing stare in his green eyes.
“Yes.” Missy answered quietly, trying to avoid eye contact with the young Ironborn warrior. “What did you say?” Willem asked loudly, a subtle smirk on his face. Clearly he had heard Missy, but just wanted to taunt her.
“I said yes!” Missy yelled, fury in her eyes and her words. She was still clenching to her spear, ready to use it if Willem would give her a reason to. “I want to be free… But it is my duty to serve the Great King, I love him, I…”
“Quiet!” Willem cut her off strictly, and Missy gulped. “Listen to yourself… King Albin is nothing but a madman with too much power, no matter what he has brainwashed you into thinking. And he will fall from his power soon, the mad ones always do. So, you better think of what will you do when you can’t serve your precious Great King anymore, Missy.” Willem’s words were harsh but still calm, and Missy didn’t know how to react. She wanted to scream that he was wrong, that Albin would defeat all his enemies and reign as the Great King of the Red Mountains, but deep inside she feared that what Willem said could indeed be the truth.
“What do you want of me?” Missy ended up muttering, keeping her gaze down. For a while the young man was quiet. He took a couple steps away from Missy, but kept observing her with a calculating look in his eyes, as if he was wondering how should he answer, or if he should answer at all.
“Perhaps… Perhaps we could help out each other, Missy.” Willem finally said, his tone softer now, almost gentle. Missy turned her eyes up, looking at the Ironborn with confusion. “What do you mean?” She asked quietly, and the man let out a small sigh.
“I need to find Carsen, I have to avenge my sister.” Willem stated decisively, stepping closer to Missy again. “I’ve taken all the information out of Tom that I can, but Larry the Kind knows more. The problem is that Larry is smarter than Tom – there is no way I can get anything out of him without raising his suspicion. You however…”
“No.” Missy said immediately, shaking her head nervously. “I’m not a friend of Larry.” As she said this, Willem grabbed her from the shoulder. “He is interested in you, Missy, I can see that.” He spoke with intense tone, which made Missy furrow her eyebrows. “Use that, and you can get anything out of him, I know you can.” Willem spoke enthusiastically, but Missy pulled herself away from him.
“And what’s in it for me?” She asked, keeping her voice calm, and Willem flashed her a smirk. “Freedom, Missy, that’s what’s in it for you.” He answered softly. “When I continue my hunt for Carsen, I will free you from this shithole.”
“I- I don’t know…” Missy started, but Willem cut her off. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to decide now.” He said, trying to sound friendly. “We’ll speak again soon.” The Ironborn added as he walked back to the door. “You should probably wait a while before leaving… It’s better if we are not seen with each other.” With these words, Willem Pyke left the armory, leaving Missy alone to wonder what had just happened.
Missy walked through the hallway next to the throne room, Willem’s words still in her mind. Could I really leave my life here behind? The thought of it alone felt insane and reckless, yet also tempting. She had relied on Albin for long, listened to his troubles, loved him and supported him, but deep inside part of her had all the time known that this wasn’t her home.
Missy shook these thoughts off her mind, and kept walking towards the tower of lords and ladies. However, before she could make her way there she was interrupted by Larry. He stood on the corridor, and blocked Missy’s way as she tried to walk past him.
“Afternoon, mylady.” He said with a polite but cold tone, and Missy let out deep sigh. “What do you want, Larry?” She asked tiredly, which made him furrow his eyebrows – it was easy to see that he wasn’t on a very good mood.
“I want to know what is wrong with you.” Larry stated calmly, stepping closer to Missy. “There is nothing wrong with me.” She answered immediately, feeling slightly nervous of the situation. Larry shook his head subtly.
“No… I think Albin may have been a bit too soft towards you lately… You have changed, Missy.” Larry’s eyes studied the face of Missy as he spoke, and Missy rolled her eyes in frustration. “I serve the King, not you, now let me go.” She tried to move past Larry, but he blocked her way again.
“Not so quickly.” He said calmly, pushing Missy backwards. “You didn’t come to the cells with us, even if I invited you. That’s strange, Missy, really strange.” The look on Larry’s eyes was sharp, and he spoke with suspicion in his words. “Getting angry at Ronny and killing him, I can understand that, as fucked up as it was, it was to be expected of you. This however… Are you trying to distance yourself from us?”
“No.” Missy answered quietly, but Larry didn’t look to be convinced. “You are lying.” He said harshly, piercing cold look in his eyes. Missy felt powerless, not knowing what to do or say, and she didn’t know if it was because of Larry or because the thoughts that Willem had put in her mind. Am I turning ino a traitor?
“Are you not even going to defend yourself?” Larry asked, a touch of mockery in his words, and finally Missy found her composure again. “I don’t need to explain anything to you, Larry.” She hissed angrily, and Larry let out a joyless chuckle.
“You know, if you make me too frustrated, I’ll just have to ask the Skeletal Knight to make short work of you.” Larry noticed that his words frightened Missy, and a smirk appeared on his face. “He only follows the orders of Albin.” Missy replied, trying to sound confident, but her voice came out weak.
“Are you willing to take that risk?” Larry asked quietly, with an underlying threat in his words. “If not, then come spend some time tonight with me and Tom, to my chambers. Prove me that you are still the same Missy.”
The invitation caught Missy off guard. They still want my company? She had to wonder if Willem had been right, if Larry was doing all this because he was interested in her, perhaps even harboring some feelings for her. She looked at him to the eyes, but it was impossible to read this man’s motivations. He couldn’t be trusted, that much was sure, but Missy had to admit that this could be an opportunity for her to find out Larry’s true motivations, and perhaps to help Willem.
[Spend time with Larry and Tom] [Refuse the invitation]
[Spend time with Larry and Tom]
If this will be a chance of making the way out of there and a chance of new ally, I risk that choice.
[Spend time with Larry and Tom]
[Spend time with Larry and Tom]
Continuing to refuse spending time with them might prove to be dangerous. Also, if Missy is ever going to leave and gain an ally at court, then she is going to have to do this sometime.
[Spend time with Larry and Tom]
You know, my first reaction was something along the lines of "No way". Then, I had to think about it and my reaction changed to "No fucking way". I mean, these are the freaks we are talking about and not just any freaks, but the aptly named Tom the Animal and the less aptly named Larry the Kind. I would prefer for Missy to stay as far away from them as possible. They know what she did and I doubt either of them is the forgiving type. And I don't even want to know what Larry does to a woman he is interested in. Staying away from them is the safer way. That said, I had to think about this choice a bit mor and came to the conclusion that the possible positive consequences are simply too good to pass out on. This is an insane risk, but with the chance for even bigger rewards. And I believe, as much as I dislike taking risks, that Missy has to take some if she ever wants to get free of Albin.
[Spend time with Larry and Tom]