Nymeria's War (ongoing fanfiction)



  • Well, I certainly would very much prefer it if Gwendis won't need the help of either, superhuman healer or red priestess. I agree that unlike Aisha's powers and those of whomever she works with, these are useful and helpful powers, but I'd appreciate it if Gwendis will never even get into the situation where she has to rely on their help to survive. She already suffered enough to that witch, the last thing she needs is to be wounded and/or killed to the point where she has to rely on Wylie or Desi. I'd like it the best if Aisha would just trip over and die in the next part, that would make a lot of things way easier for all of us.

  • well, it isn't much of a spoiler if you think about it, when they don't know the storylines in all three stories to combine the hints and link the dots :)

    Also, this is a reply to a last year post, as such probably mainly new readers of this story will find it later as they catch up from the start. It serves as a trailer to a movie, so to speak.

    I... see. I don't know how much of a success this is going to have though, gotta be honest there. Most of the readers here are already reade

  • edited February 2017

    " I'd appreciate it if Gwendis will never even get into the situation where she has to rely on their help to survive"

    now this is something I can fully understand and agree with :)

    "I'd like it the best if Aisha would just trip over and die in the next part,"

    this too, although I believe the whole story would suffer for the loss of an antigonist this way XD

    Well, I certainly would very much prefer it if Gwendis won't need the help of either, superhuman healer or red priestess. I agree that unlik

  • hm, I can't say I like the idea you would take something out because you assume people don't come back, this did indeed sting a bit, ah my feels

    Well, as I said, sorry about it, though I probably would've asked about it if you were active. I won't lie though, your absence did make it easier for me to do this my way :D Don't be too negative though, I have given quite substansial roles for Dalia and Desi, they are great characters - with or without elephants.

    ... well ,I just wanted to see certain not flying warbeasts fight certain flying warbeasts later, as it was a plausible assumption the two merc armies end up on different sides in a battle, conasidering the gathering darkness around the Mandwoodies

    Well, since you keep referencing to this certain sellsword company associated with Manwoodys, I must say that I currently have no plans for it. I do remember you talking about it in some pm long ago, but you never made any kind of submissions regarding it, so currently it is not in my plans. Anyway, if it is to become a thing, it would be Book 2 material.

    And what comes to your idea, sounds cool, but it would've been (and still is) a long shot that those two companies would've ever even faced in battle.

    joriandrake posted: »

    hm, I can't say I like the idea you would take something out because you assume people don't come back, this did indeed sting a bit, ah my f

  • Spoiler

    this could cause a chance for Gwen to flee Aisha, perhaps even flee to Desi and the Light

    considering her own seer-like ability she could just as well help, or rather, be a real help to Gwen to either stop the visions or help in control and understanding of those

    not to mention this way she would be on the good side when/if the firestorm happens

    Voting is closed! So, Gwendis won't grab her hand. Well, I could see this coming, there is not much trust for Aisha at this point, which

  • A bit late, I'm afraid, however the voting of the very latest part is still open :)

    joriandrake posted: »

    woah as this is the last page I may be in time to still vote here [Leave the room]

  • And I assure you I don't want to fight alongside either. Aisha is horrible, an army of beastmen, giants, wraiths and gods and whatnot is horrible and Mordewhoreson sounds worse than all of them combined. I would very much prefer if Gwendis won't have to fight either of them. I mean, and here I have to be completely honest, I'd surely take the side of Dalia and Desi in an instant if Mordekhai will be on Aisha's team. Even without Mordekhai, I hate Aisha more than Dalia and Desi combined. If ever offered the opportunity, I would choose for her to fight for neither, but since it seems to be leading to a clear decision between the two, I see absolutely no reason to put even the slightest sort of trust in Aisha, who brought nothing but lies. In contrat, Dalia at least hasn't done anything to actually earn my hatred save for the thought of the things she might be doing in the future. I have precautionary hatred towards her, which sounds weird but makes a perfect amount of sense to me. So, I can assure you that Dalia and Desi are not the absolute worst in my eyes, which is about the best I can say at this early stage.

    joriandrake posted: »

    Yep, I have a strong assumption it is going to be Mordekhai, and all the gods help us if that is the case, I assure you you would rather wan

  • " include as much ass-licking as you deem necessary"


    [Take Ser Laroy with you]

    is this the gruppensex option?

    and finally, I read all I missed :)

    Jamison Jamison sat lazily in the council chamber of Godsgrace, a disinterested expression on his face, eyeing at Lord Morgan Allyrion wh

  • Ah, aah, of course, we're some pages back, I haven't guessed that. And considering just how much stuff we're writing here, I doubt anyone but Wildling is ever going to read it, unless they are a new reader who reads the story from a scratch. Now I see what you were trying there, alrighty then!

    Speaking of, I am sorry that your feed must be so blown up right now, Wildling XD

    joriandrake posted: »

    well, it isn't much of a spoiler if you think about it, when they don't know the storylines in all three stories to combine the hints and li

  • Speaking of, I am sorry that your feed must be so blown up right now, Wildling XD

    Indeed :D Well, it wasn't that bad, and it was nice to read these conversations :)

    Ah, aah, of course, we're some pages back, I haven't guessed that. And considering just how much stuff we're writing here, I doubt anyone bu

  • edited February 2017

    "Don't be too negative though, I have given quite substansial roles for Dalia and Desi, they are great characters - with or without elephants."

    true, but I wanted that kind of warbeast battle XD

    "Well, since you keep referencing to this certain sellsword company associated with Manwoodys, I must say that I currently have no plans for it. I do remember you talking about it in some pm long ago, but you never made any kind of submissions regarding it, so currently it is not in my plans. Anyway, if it is to become a thing, it would be Book 2 material."

    really? damn are you sure? I was pretty sure I wrote them even as properly submitted characters with char sheets

    shows I was gone, I have to look up where my submissions ended, but I won't mind it being a book 2 material as I didn't want them to come this soon anyway

    still, I was damn sure I also submitted the other mercs, hmm o_O

    hm, I can't say I like the idea you would take something out because you assume people don't come back, this did indeed sting a bit, ah my f

  • now this is something I can fully understand and agree with :)

    Good, yes, yes, this is something I would very much like. However, I am sort of afraid she'd get to the part where she is going to need either the help of Aisha or the help of Desi to survive and I dread that moment.

    this too, although I believe the whole story would suffer for the loss of an antigonist this way XD

    Trust me, I can live with that and I am sure the story can as well. Considering just how amazing the story is, I am sure it can get through the loss of an antagonist, especially in such a well-deservedly humiliating way. Though she doesn't need to trip over something and die, I wouldn't oppose to her getting murdered either. Actually, where is Lyla Sand when we need her? After all, her one true love is in danger, the least she could do is to make herself useful for once :D

    joriandrake posted: »

    " I'd appreciate it if Gwendis will never even get into the situation where she has to rely on their help to survive" now this is somethi

  • You know, I honestly hope you won't get one of these annoying perma-notifications now, I always dread them when I have several unread notifications and I know some people have plenty of them. But as long as that won't happen, I'm happy you at least had something good to read!

    Speaking of, I am sorry that your feed must be so blown up right now, Wildling XD Indeed Well, it wasn't that bad, and it was nice to read these conversations

  • edited February 2017

    Aye, the guy just can't hold his tongue :D Jamison is definitely a reckless one, and right now he might be underestimating a bit how dangerous Godsgrace could be.

    Indeed, Jamison is very much a unique breed that is for sure! Jamison does enjoy confrontation and making people angry and it is safe to say that is shown perfectly here :D

    Indeed, Esperence is still a bit of a mystery. The next part will take us to her meeting, which could reveal a bit more about her plans. However, it's already clear that she is not friendly towards Drylands and their allies, which could potentially be dangerous for Jamison. What comes to Forovos, he is definitely someone to always be worried about, but I can confirm that right now he is in Sandship :)

    Esperence in my opinion is one of the biggest mysteries in the whole story in my opinion. What I am most curious about is just how she has been able to garner so much power right under her father's nose and hire all of these shady seeming characters she has around her. She is far from your typical 16 year old noble girl :D I will say though, even though Jamison is out numbered here, I would consider Jamison probably one of the last people she should try to pull something on. When it comes to Forovos, it is safe to say that I am insanely relieved right now :D I am not worried about how Jamison would do against a regular man, but well considering Forovos has Faceless Man training and other stuff I may not know about, he is not your typical man!

    Aha, well, what comes to Jamison fighting... we might see that fairly soon ;)

    Well, consider seeing Jamison fight is one of if not the biggest thing that I have been most excited up to this point, it is safe to say the hype is indeed real! :)

    Well it seems I went from not worrying about Jamison' wellbeing to getting very worried all in one part The meeting with Lord Morgan went p

  • oh sorry about that, I didn't consider the feed

    sent you also a PM, I think I found my other mercs

    Speaking of, I am sorry that your feed must be so blown up right now, Wildling XD Indeed Well, it wasn't that bad, and it was nice to read these conversations

  • if we two write it, it must be good to read :)

    You know, I honestly hope you won't get one of these annoying perma-notifications now, I always dread them when I have several unread notifi

  • really? damn are you sure? I was pretty sure I wrote them even as properly submitted characters with char sheets

    I went throught the sheets again, just to make sure, and nope, no mercs - Mordekhai is the last character you submitted. However, considering I have plenty of time to plan Book 2 storylines, you can still submit these characters.

    And as a compensation for the lack of elephants, I promise to include that dragon :D

  • edited February 2017

    wow "precautionary hatred"

    never heard this before, is this actually a thing in English?

    no, seriously, not to mock you, I am truly interested if this phrase exists

    And I assure you I don't want to fight alongside either. Aisha is horrible, an army of beastmen, giants, wraiths and gods and whatnot is hor

  • not to mention this way she would be on the good side when/if the firestorm happens

    The whatthewhatthefuckwhatnow? No. No. No! Whatever it is, no! That does not sound good. I believe it is time for Gwendis to travel back in time, bitchslap Aisha out of existence, outright punch me for ever trusting the witch and then noping the hell out of Dorne before whatever that firestorm is happens. No, I am for many things, but not firestorms. And I hop that is not a literal firestorm, because no, just no, please no D:

  • at least let him eat some elephant meat

    really? damn are you sure? I was pretty sure I wrote them even as properly submitted characters with char sheets I went throught the

  • :p

    not to mention this way she would be on the good side when/if the firestorm happens The whatthewhatthefuckwhatnow? No. No. No! Whate

  • No, I can assure you, it definitely isn't :D The whole concept is a bit absurd, but it makes an absurd amount of sense at the same time. I actually wouldn't even be too surprised if I'd be the first to come up with such a weird phrase. It's simply the best term to describe how I feel about Dalia and Desi. It's a sort of mild hatred until proven wrong, in a situation where I see it as nearly equally likely to be proven right or wrong.

    joriandrake posted: »

    wow "precautionary hatred" never heard this before, is this actually a thing in English? no, seriously, not to mock you, I am truly interested if this phrase exists

  • Could the "precautionary hatred" be something akin to prejudice? ;)

    No, I can assure you, it definitely isn't The whole concept is a bit absurd, but it makes an absurd amount of sense at the same time. I act

  • Prejudice? No, no, that is... uh, that is somthing completely different, yeah!

    It actually is, since prejudice can be positive as well and generally goes against a group of people, whereas my precautionary hatred is solely negative and focusses on a select few. See? Totally different =)

    enter image description here

    Could the "precautionary hatred" be something akin to prejudice?

  • Well, unless someone wants House Allyrion to go to war with the Dayne's. Forovos, to bring him up again, could have a personal interest in that. Or what if Esperence doesn't want that alliance? There's no saver way to ruin it but to kill Vorian's son. I doubt everyone wants that alliance.

    Well Liquid, I thought I had gotten over my worries about Jamison in Godsgrace then I read this post.... and they are back :D

    Haha, I can see that Forovos has become this looming threat for every character who is not sided with the Martells And obviously there is a

  • Apologies, that was not my intention =) Though I have the very same worries over Jamison's stay in Godsgrace. Let's just hope we're wrong, but if we aren't then taking Laroy with him is definitely the best idea. I have the feeling that there might be action for Jamison soon, but at the same time, he's more able to deal with danger than most, maybe even all of the PoV's, considering that he is the one I'd see as the best fighter.

    CM3434 posted: »

    Well, unless someone wants House Allyrion to go to war with the Dayne's. Forovos, to bring him up again, could have a personal interest in t

  • Haha It is all good! You are not wrong either. Forovos is the big it factor for the Martells at this point. Without him, Nymeria would be nowhere near ready to start her war and Esperence is another mystery at this point as well. I am also glad everyone has voted to take Ser Laroy. Jamison squired under him from what I gather and it is said that Laroy taught Jamison to master the art of swordplay so Ser Laroy while Laroy is a bit older, I would guess he is in that Barristan Selmy tier or at least somewhat close! Like you said, I believe Jamison handles danger very well too. I imagine while he is often very mouthy amd arrogant, when it comes to fighting and things related to it, he can get very serious and turn the dial very quickly :D

    By the way, I'll be pm'ing you here in a day or so about something H&L related that I feel I should ask your approval on so be ready :D

    Apologies, that was not my intention Though I have the very same worries over Jamison's stay in Godsgrace. Let's just hope we're wrong, but

  • edited February 2017

    Voting is closed!

    With an unanimous result in the voting, Jamison will take Ser Laroy with him to the brothel. I have to agree with you, even for a fighter as skilled as Jamison, it is wise to have someone back you up - Godsgrace can be surprisingly dangerous.

    And we will continue in Godsgrace, now from Emerson's PoV, who takes us to Esperence's meeting. This should be quite interesting, and reveal a bit more of Esperence as a character, and what kind of plans does she have. I hope to get the part ready today, but we'll see.

  • edited February 2017


    As Emerson followed up the stairs after Emmett and Devin, doubt and concern was creeping into his mind. He had promised Morgan to serve him well, and betraying him could mean that he’d never inherit the Lordship of Godsgrace, hell, it could even lead to his death. Emerson couldn’t help but wonder what would Morgan think when he’d noticed that Emerson wasn’t coming to the meeting with Jamison Dayne. Esperence better have a good reason for this meeting.

    They arrived to the door of Esperence’s council, and Devin turned to look at Emmett and Emerson, with a subtle smirk on his face. “I believe they are already waiting for us.” He said, and indeed, chatter could be heard from inside the room. Devin grabbed the doorknob, and opened the door. They walked into the crowded room, and everyone turned their eyes to them.

    Emerson recognized many of the faces he saw, some he even knew by name. Esperence herself sat in a comfortable armchair in the middle of the room, a wine cup in her hand. Right next to her sat Lia, and her twin-brother Edric, who stood behind his sister. On the other side of Esperence was an empty chair, but Devin quickly made his way there. Emerson also recognized Lowell and Lotho, sellsword brothers on their late twenties, who had been in Esperence’s payroll for over a year now. Then there was Horidos, a bald thug with dark eyes and a nasty scar running through his face. What vexed Emerson though, was the fact that Horidos was allegedly a criminal, with dozens of thieves and cut-throats working for him in the city. We should be the ones enforcing the law, executing criminals, not paying them.

    The room had around a dozen other people in it, but Emerson’s attention shifted to his cousin again, as she cleared her throat. “Sit down, cousin, please.” She said smoothly, nodding towards the chair next to Emerson. Emerson obeyed, and stayed silent, glancing around himself with precaution.

    “So, Lady Esperence, why are we here today?” Lowell asked with his somber voice. Esperence waited until she was certain that everyone was paying attention to her words. “As many of you know, right now Prince Jamison Dayne is having a meeting with my father.” She finally started, and an agreeing murmur went through the room. “This means that our enemy is making its first move, trying to secure Godsgrace under their control – and they have the Daynes in their aid. Sadly, I’m sure my father will bend under the pressure, and promise his support for King Lucifer.” A wave of muttering went through the crowd after these words.

    “What does this mean for us then?” One of the men that Emerson didn’t recognize asked. “As far as I know we haven’t managed to properly establish an alliance with the Martells yet, so how will we proceed?”

    “Don’t worry, I know my father far better than Lucifer Dryland or Jamison Dayne.” Esperence answered with a small smile. “He will make promises to them now, but if we aid the Martells in taking over the city, Morgan will very quickly forget everything he promised. I have asked Lia and Edric to deliver a message from me to their contact, who will take it to the Martells… Our alliance with Princess Nymeria will soon be reality.” Emerson could see the people nodding to his cousin’s words, but he was feeling very conflicted of what he just heard.

    “Perhaps there would be a simpler way to make sure that Morgan can’t stay true to his newfound alliance with Lucifer.” Horidos spoke up, a twisted grin on his face. “What do you suggest?” Esperence asked calmly, and Horidos unsheathed his scimitar. “I say we kill Jamison Dayne, now that he is within our grasp.” He said, sliding his index finger on the blade.

    “That is way too risky, Horidos.” Esperence answered with a sigh. “At best, it would put us in a war with the Daynes and Drylands immediately, which we are not ready for, and at worst Morgan could prove that he had no connection to the murder, potentially leading to the exposure of all our plans. Besides, for now the Daynes are giving only minor support for the Drylands, but if we kill the son of King Vorian, I can guarantee they will join in the war with full force. So, no, we will not kill Prince Jamison.” Horidos looked displeased of Esperence’s decision, but stayed silent.

    After a short moment of silence, Devin spoke up. “So, is there anything else we can do?” He asked calmly. “You know, aside from waiting for the Martells.”

    “There is a lot of work to be done.” Esperence answered, taking a sip of wine from her cup. “First of all, we need to rebuild our alliance with the Vaiths, which my father in his foolishness has let die down.”

    “I heard Lord Vaith is currently missing.” Said one of the men, a young lad named Gavin, and Esperence nodded to him. “Indeed, and in his absence Lady Myra rules the city. That should only make things easier for us though, I have history with Myra and her daughter.”

    “They call that woman the Dark Witch.” Gavin remarked with distrustful tone, but Esperence just chuckled softly. “That’s just the people who disapprove her foreign heritage. Trust me, I know the woman, and she is no witch.” Esperence took in a deep breath before continuing. “Anyway, I have already sent a messenger to Vaith – hopefully we’ll get an answer from them soon. The Gargalens will side with Lucifer, there is no question about that, so we need the Vaiths on our side.”

    “Vaith is dangerously close to Hellgate Hall.” Lowell remarked quietly. “I’m afraid Lucifer's forces might already be on their way there.” Esperence nodded calmly to the sellsword’s words. “You’re right, and that is why the Vaiths will need our help, even more than we need theirs.”

    The conversation went on for a while longer. No one asked anything from Emerson, and he didn’t ask anything from them. All the time he felt more unsure whether he really was supposed to be there. Why did Esperence want me here? Emerson looked at all these men and women, who seemed so eager and devout to follow Esperence. He had to wonder if this was his cousin’s way of showing her power to him, without directly threatening him.

    Finally, Esperence ended the meeting, and the people started to make their way out of the room. Emerson also stood up, but Esperence stopped him. “Emerson, could you stay for a moment?” She asked in a polite tone, and with a sigh Emerson nodded and sat down again, as his cousin’s thugs walked past him and out of the room. When Emerson and Esperence were the only ones left in the room, she spoke up again. “I wanted to say I’m thankful that you chose to come here instead of father’s meeting.” She said with a smile, but Emerson kept on a serious face. “Aha, now could you tell me, why did you invite me here?” He asked sternly, and his cousin raised her eyebrow.

    “I thought you wanted to know what is going on here.” She simply answered. “If you want to rule this place one day, perhaps you should know where the real politics of Godsgrace happen.”

    “Real politics, huh?” Emerson’s tone was dry and resentful. “All I saw was bunch of criminals and hired killers.”

    “Wrong.” Esperence stated nonchalantly, standing up from her chair. “You saw many of the most influential people in this city. You can call them criminals if you wish, but the truth is that they hold real power – power that would go to waste if we would see them purely as our enemies, and refuse to cooperate with them.” She walked next to Emerson now, putting her hand on his shoulder. “I have shown my respect and trust towards you today, Emerson. I truly hope you are worth it.” Emerson stood up, sending a cold glare at his cousin.

    “What happened here today, what you have been doing for gods know how long, it’s treason.” He spoke quietly, looking Esperence straight to the eye. She chuckled, and gave Emerson a small nod. “I admit it.” She replied light-heartedly. “This is a treason, and you are now part of it. Morgan is not a man fit to rule, so we must do what he can’t, even if it means doing dishonorable things.”

    Emerson let out a sigh, unsure what to say to this. Before he could say anything though, Esperence spoke up again. “Remember to come to the dinner tonight, cousin. Better not piss off Morgan too much.” With these words she walked out, leaving Emerson alone in the room.


    Emerson was dressed in some of his finest clothes, ones he rarely used. Red silk tunic and black vest with beautiful patterns, tight black trousers, and fine leather boots. He looked himself in the mirror, feeling slightly uncomfortable. I suppose I should look like a lord to be taken as one.

    Emerson couldn’t say he was looking forward to this dinner, because right now he didn’t want to see either Morgan or Esperence, and he would have to see them both. With a sigh, Emerson turned away from the mirror, and walked out of his room.

    As he arrived to the hallway, Emerson saw Jamison walking towards the main doors of the keep, one of his knights with him. Jamison himself was in casual and comfortable clothes, but his knight was clad in steel armor.

    “Oh, look, it’s Eddison.” Jamison said lazily as he got closer to Emerson. “Or was it Elliot? Edgar? I can’t remember.” Emerson frowned, but kept his calm. “It’s Emerson.” He said, keeping his voice down. “Where are you going? Did Lord Morgan invite you to the dinner?”

    “No, he didn’t, thank the gods.” Jamison answered with a smirk. “I got something better to do. Tell me, Eddison, do you happen to know where is the best brothel in this city?” The Dayne Prince asked, and Emerson narrowed his eyes in frustration. At the same time though, he did feel a bit concerned. After all, there had been people in Esperence’s meeting who wanted to murder Jamison - he certainly wouldn't be safe in the city. Should I warn him?

    [Warn Jamison] [Don't warn him]

  • [Warn Jamison]

    Emerson As Emerson followed up the stairs after Emmett and Devin, doubt and concern was creeping into his mind. He had promised Morgan to

  • Ah god, this part brought up a lot of issues which have brought me into conflict. I'm Team Emerson here, being completely biased and wanting the true heir to take the castle, I want to do what's right for him. However I also know that going against the Martell's could be fatal for him, which worries me. What worries me is that Esperence is going to take the true power, especially if she gains the support of the Martell's. Being Morgan's eldest child, she almost instantly secures it. I think if Emerson keeps down this road, he will only end up being Esperence's puppet and watch her ascend. He doesn't know nearly enough information to swap sides yet, and he should linger with her some more to gain that information, however the longer he spends with her the less likely a change Morgan is going to accept him. I think Emerson may at the least have a chance if he takes his chances with his corrupt uncle, even if he's a total power-mongering dick.

    [Warn Jamison]

    Now, let's get this clear, I have no soft spots for Jamison. He's cocky, and a real ass to Emerson which instantly makes me hostile to him. However, it does not mean I want him running the risk of death, and even though informing Jamison that there are people with thoughts of killing him might not impress him so much, it would certainly do a service to Ser Laroy. Perhaps this could at the least gain Emerson the trust of, if not Jamison, a loyal knight in service to House Dayne, which the Dayne's trust. This choice is a real difficult one, and if I was sticking with Team Esperence, I'd go with the other choice. Staying on her side longer, gathering more information and learning truly what it means to rule would be essential, however Morgan is not a patient man, and Emerson is running out of time. The way I see it, Emerson can either learn what it means to become a good lord, and live bathing in Esperence's glory. Or he can split from her and take his chance of seizing his uncle's seat.

    Emerson As Emerson followed up the stairs after Emmett and Devin, doubt and concern was creeping into his mind. He had promised Morgan to

  • edited February 2017

    This part was very interesting especially getting to learn more about Esperence and her true intentions. It is no doubt confirmed even more that she is wanting to rule for herself and won't just happily step aside for Emerson whenever the time comes for a new Lord or Lady of Godsgrace to step forward. She does have quite a bit of power with all of the hired thugs around her and the fact that she is trying to secure an alliance pretty much seals the deal that Esperence wants to rule House Allyrion for herself and is hoping to garner enough power to where Emerson literally stands no chance of gaining what is rightfully his. She is definitely one to watch from Emerson's perspective and really I can't say I am sure which route is the best one to go with in regards to choosing to stay closer to Esperence or Lord Morgan but I suppose that is something to think more on another time. Now in regards to the choice, I am most definitely going to vote to

    [Warn Jamison]

    While Emerson and Jamison don't really get along too well, which is no fault of Emerson's since Jamison gets along with very few people :D I also don't see Emerson just standing aside and not giving Jamison a warning to what is going on just because he called him "Eddison" which I do have to admit genuinely cracked me up :D Emerson seems like a very good person overall and it is shown he is no happy with Esperence's hired thugs to begin with so there is no reason for "Edgar" to back them up here in my opinion. Plus obviously since I am absolutely biased and want Jamison and Ser Laroy to be as prepared as possible so if Horidos or any of his thugs try something that Jamison will be more then ready to put them in their place which I consider a bad thing for Horidos since I consider them at a disadvantage to begin with :D Great part and after getting to see both Esperence and Morgan's sides at different points throughout Emerson's storyline, I am definitely Team Eddison... no I mean Team Emerson not that there was any doubt and I hope that he is able to earn what is rightfully is :)

    Horidos spoke up, a twisted grin on his face. “What do you suggest?” Esperence asked calmly, and Horidos unsheathed his scimitar. “I say we kill Jamison Dayne, now that he is within our grasp.” He said, sliding his index finger on the blade.

    On a side note, Horidos is now my least favorite character in the story without a doubt :D He is a bold one though or maybe just not very smart but I really am hoping Jamison gets to put him down for good.

    Emerson As Emerson followed up the stairs after Emmett and Devin, doubt and concern was creeping into his mind. He had promised Morgan to

  • [Warn Jamison]

    Emerson As Emerson followed up the stairs after Emmett and Devin, doubt and concern was creeping into his mind. He had promised Morgan to

  • I'm pretty sure Esperence placed her bet on the Rhoynar letting women rule, and wants to take the power in her family.

    Stigz_52 posted: »

    Ah god, this part brought up a lot of issues which have brought me into conflict. I'm Team Emerson here, being completely biased and wanting

  • [Warn Jamison]

    Emerson As Emerson followed up the stairs after Emmett and Devin, doubt and concern was creeping into his mind. He had promised Morgan to

  • I agree.

    joriandrake posted: »

    I'm pretty sure Esperence placed her bet on the Rhoynar letting women rule, and wants to take the power in her family.

  • edited February 2017

    Aha, I had this suspicion about Esperence, that she'd try to throw her lot in with House Martell! It's a risky move from her position, because I still see the Martell's as the underdogs in this war at this point, even if we know they'll eventually succeed. I also don't have any doubt that she's after the ladyship over Godsgrace, considering the Rhoynish inheritance laws, because why else would sh tak th risk of allying with the Martell's? However, Emerson technically still comes before her in the line of succession, even with the Rhoynish customs, so that does make me afraid for him. I consider her ruthless enough to go through with murdering her cousin once he has stopped being useful, to cement her position as the future head of House Allyrion. That means I'll be extra careful around her from now on. Morgan might be a dick, but at least he doesn't try to kill Emerson, or at least I don't think so.

    [Warn Jamison]

    That ain't even debatable for me. We have to warn Jamison. I think it's not even out-of-character for Emerson, despite how badly they have gotten along. I mean, he doesn't have to save him for any personal fondness of the guy and let's be honest, Jamison has been a massive jerk to him in this part, but not warning him will only have negative consequences. If anything happens to Jamison, the Allyrion's will be at war with House Dayne and while that would play into Esperence's plans, she made it clear that she doesn't wish for such a reckless action. So, if anything happens to Jamison, Esperence's plans will get way harder, just like Morgan's plans will be outright ruined. That would benefit no one in the long run. In the short run, the only benefit for Emerson would be some smug satisfaction, but I'm not going to risk Jamison's life for that, I like him way too much for it.

    EDIT: Also, I can't believe I have forgotten to say it, but there is a woman that's called the Dark Witch among the members of House Vaith? Hell naw, not another dark witch! I wonder if she's the sort of witch that doesn't deserve her bad reputation, or if she's like Aisha, or if she's like those complete nutjobs that seem to form about 80% of the Great Other cultists. I wonder if she's even a Great Other cultists at all. And if she is, I am quite afraid that she could be yet another psycho Gwendis has to survive. Oh damn, the number of psychopaths she encounters or might encounter is too damn high D: One thing is for sure, I hope there will be a chance to get away from Aisha before Gwendis runs into danger of meeting this other dark witch.

    Emerson As Emerson followed up the stairs after Emmett and Devin, doubt and concern was creeping into his mind. He had promised Morgan to

  • [Warn Jamison]

    This way he'll have a heads up, if anything bad happens. Plus, this might possibly, (though unlikely) lead to a better relationship between the two. At least, Ser Laroy will be appreciative of the warning.

    Emerson As Emerson followed up the stairs after Emmett and Devin, doubt and concern was creeping into his mind. He had promised Morgan to

  • EDIT: Also, I can't believe I have forgotten to say it, but there is a woman that's called the Dark Witch among the members of House Vaith? Hell naw, not another dark witch! I wonder if she's the sort of witch that doesn't deserve her bad reputation, or if she's like Aisha, or if she's like those complete nutjobs that seem to form about 80% of the Great Other cultists. I wonder if she's even a Great Other cultists at all. And if she is, I am quite afraid that she could be yet another psycho Gwendis has to survive. Oh damn, the number of psychopaths she encounters or might encounter is too damn high D: One thing is for sure, I hope there will be a chance to get away from Aisha before Gwendis runs into danger of meeting this other dark witch.

    Esperence did say that this woman was not really a witch. She said that she got this nickname because she was a foreigner. Although, she does still sound like a mysterious person. I wonder what happened to her husband, the Lord of Vaith.

    Aha, I had this suspicion about Esperence, that she'd try to throw her lot in with House Martell! It's a risky move from her position, becau

  • Esperence said that, but is it true?

    EDIT: Also, I can't believe I have forgotten to say it, but there is a woman that's called the Dark Witch among the members of House Vaith?

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