Your top 10 favorite and most hated characters



  • Kenneth (just awful) Bonnie (Never trust a junkie) Mike Nick Sarah (ugh, good job TTG) Ben

    Sarah (ugh, good job TTG)

    :worried:I never thought I'd see the day where I would have to link this because of her.

    Plan_R posted: »

    Love 1. Clementine 2. Lee 3. Juice Box (Juice Box Lives!) 4. N8 (The hero we deserve) 5. Jane 6. Chuck 7. Omid 8. Luke 9. Katja 10

  • Not going to read all of that.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Kenneth (just awful) Bonnie (Never trust a junkie) Mike Nick Sarah (ugh, good job TTG) Ben Sarah (ugh, good job TTG) I never thought I'd see the day where I would have to link this because of her.

  • edited September 2016

    No, actually I was suggesting you make your own comment about whatever character you want to, even Sarah. The point of that thread was to give people a chance to vent about characters that the story wanted them to like, but they just didn't. The sequel thread did the opposite, which as far as I can tell, you don't have an example of.EDIT: Oh, nevermind, I just noticed Nate!

    Also, what do you mean "Not going to read all of that?" I moved my original example (Jane) into the comments section as a spoilered one so as to help newcomers not get distracted from making their own contributions because they wanna say how much they like/don't like my analysis.

    Plan_R posted: »

    Not going to read all of that.

  • Oh, well I thought you meant for me to read that as a reply to not liking Sarah. Kept thinking "why don't they just write an actual comment?" I'll drop one on it in a bit.

    DabigRG posted: »

    No, actually I was suggesting you make your own comment about whatever character you want to, even Sarah. The point of that thread was to gi

  • Oh, well I thought you meant for me to read that as a reply to not liking Sarah. Kept thinking "why don't they just write an actual comment?"

    Oh no, easy mistake I guess. Like I said, so many people had their own thoughts on Jane that they used in comparison my original post that I just had to edit it out. Arvo wasn't so lucky.

    I'll drop one on it in a bit.


    Plan_R posted: »

    Oh, well I thought you meant for me to read that as a reply to not liking Sarah. Kept thinking "why don't they just write an actual comment?" I'll drop one on it in a bit.

  • Love this explanation.

    Favorite characters: Lilly: I was always fond of Lilly, even when I was a Kensplainer. She was fierce, strong willed, smart and caring.

  • @zombiebonnie

    Walter (original, warm personality, felt real).

    What do you mean by original?

  • My top 10 favoirte are
    1 Lee
    2 Clementine
    3 Kenny
    4 Nick
    5 Omid
    6 Christa
    7 Carly
    8 Lily
    9 Mark
    10 Chuck

  • I honestly wasn't surprised by Mike's betrayal at all. He came along for the ride, but rarely voiced an opinion, had no story, no real personality......I was expecting him to die in the firefight with the Russians. He should have died in the firefight with the Russians for what little he contributed to the plot. He's arguably the most pointless character in the series. He was supposed to be one of the bandits that attacked Christa: another example of a discarded idea that would have made the plot actually interesting.

    Chilled posted: »

    They decided to leave the group because they didn't want to be in the same group as a psychopath who beat kids for fun and couldn't hear the

  • Can we find all your character assessments in one place, or have you not written any other than Jane? You had mentioned writing one on Sarah.

    DabigRG posted: »

    No, actually I was suggesting you make your own comment about whatever character you want to, even Sarah. The point of that thread was to gi

  • He wasn't a cliche unlike some of the other characters in the season, like Carver (evil, tyrannical leader), Jane (angst-y, self-sufficient loner), and Luke (stereotypical Mr. Nice Guy). No been there, seen that. Walter couldn't be put in a box. He believes in the intrinsic goodness in people, yet still has the capacity to allow someone who is not evil to die as revenge for a wrong committed. He also dies by Carver's hand with defiance on his lips. As someone who initially made an impression of being meek, he has a surprisingly strength of character.

    DabigRG posted: »

    @zombiebonnie Walter (original, warm personality, felt real). What do you mean by original?

  • He should have died in the firefight with the Russians for what little he contributed to the plot.

    Yeah, that was something that really made Arvo's sudden status as a villain a bit hard to take seriously, to be honest. This guy came after us because of Jane robbed him, his group decided rob us, and his friends tried to kill us in a gunfight we technically started. This all ended with his group members/sister being dead/deader, none of our group dying in the fight, and him as our new prisoner and informant. Oh yeah, Totally the Face of Evil!

    He was supposed to be one of the bandits that attacked Christa: another example of a discarded idea that would have made the plot actually interesting.

    It also would've Clementine some actual character focus, development, and a personal arc, something that was conspiciously lacking in the last three episodes.

    I honestly wasn't surprised by Mike's betrayal at all. He came along for the ride, but rarely voiced an opinion, had no story, no real perso

  • The sequel I mention was on Arvo, as a character I found to be Unintentionally Sympathetic. That one bombed, but it does exist linked to both the Jane one and the comment above about Nate. A large part of the last third was accidentally deleted when I also moved it for space and editting reasons, though.

    The one I meant to do on Sarah was the original idea for the Jane one and then a more character specific topic that got pushed back twice/thrice due to technical difficulties(like an automatic update restart without me saving) and time constraints(school, work, just being too lazy and/or distracted, etc.). I have gathered up a lot of the 'data' I had posted in the past and have it saved up for when I eventually do it, but I'm torn between doing one long analysis at once or an episodic update that focuses on a single aspect, including some speculation and alternative story routes.

    Can we find all your character assessments in one place, or have you not written any other than Jane? You had mentioned writing one on Sarah.

  • Agreed. And he also ties into a major theme in the episode and a few that should've been throughout the season.

    I just recalled asking you that when you made your list here but you never responded so I just asked again.

    He wasn't a cliche unlike some of the other characters in the season, like Carver (evil, tyrannical leader), Jane (angst-y, self-sufficient

  • edited September 2016
    1. Lee
    2. Clementine
    3. Kenny
    4. Chuck
    5. Walter
    6. Matthew
    7. Sarita
    8. Pete
    9. Khatja
    10. Molly

    1. Arvo
    2. Larry
    3. Ben
    4. Jane
    5. Carver
    6. Lilley
    7. Bonnie
    8. Talia
    9. Mike
    10. Nick

  • I'll spice up the listing structure a bit.

    From favorite down to the shittiest.







    Inoffensively Standard


    Luke, scratch that... the whole Cabin group.

    Shitty shit sacks






    The St. Johns



    Kenny, the almighty evil reincarnate himself.

  • Wow i wish if i have all those janes

    * Jane * Jane * Jane * Jane * Jane * Lilly * Jane * Jane * Jane * Jane

  • edited September 2016

    Hahahahaha. Lmao. 'Oh, Lee. Just because you didn't kill Ben, I'm not going to help you look out for that little girl ; ) Later, bitchh.'

    Forgive me for butting in and I do imagine a usual argument will shortly follow but that's not actually the sole reason he DETERMINANTELY doesn't go with you although i can understand Lee keeping a guy around that is constantly putting them in danger would piss him (Kenny) off, that and Ben's confession to him along with the other reasons he can determinantely detest Lee for. Besides, i've always said this, Kenny ends up helping look for Clem regardless after they get back from Vernon's anyway. One could also argue that getting the boat ready for everyone isn't a selfish act but of course, Kenny haters don't ever look at it from that view. No offence.

    We knew Carver was a psychopath from the very beginning, him killing Reggie for no reason wasn't a surprise at all, sure, it was shocking, b

  • edited September 2016

    And anyway, it never happened in my playthrough as he came with no matter what. I try not to allow the negative nellies poor a dampner on the situation just so it makes them feel better lol sorry.

    We knew Carver was a psychopath from the very beginning, him killing Reggie for no reason wasn't a surprise at all, sure, it was shocking, b

  • Wow you actually like some characters? Im shocked! lol

    I'll spice up the listing structure a bit. From favorite down to the shittiest. Favorites Clementine Lee Molly Christa

  • Wow, you didn't type up a retort on my comment about your favorite character? I'm shocked! lol

    dan290786 posted: »

    Wow you actually like some characters? Im shocked! lol

  • Yeah because if i did that you know what happens

    Wow, you didn't type up a retort on my comment about your favorite character? I'm shocked! lol

  • It is surprising though given that you hardly have anything nice to say about any character lol

    Wow, you didn't type up a retort on my comment about your favorite character? I'm shocked! lol

  • Oh and by the way, "he" isn't actually my favourite character. Yeah bet that surprised you. My display picture of Lee is shown for a reason

    Wow, you didn't type up a retort on my comment about your favorite character? I'm shocked! lol

  • What? You become unreasonably agitated because I have a very different opinion?

    It is surprising though given that you hardly have anything nice to say about any character lol

    I said that Kenny is a great fertilizer for the ground to decompose. That's positive I think.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Yeah because if i did that you know what happens

  • You could've fooled me with all the aggressive commenting you do on the forums trying to convince people Kenny isn't a bastard.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Oh and by the way, "he" isn't actually my favourite character. Yeah bet that surprised you. My display picture of Lee is shown for a reason

  • edited September 2016

    Haha well someone's certainly in a mood today.

    What? You become unreasonably agitated because I have a very different opinion?

    Yup why not, seeing as whenever someone says something positive about him, you respond with the clem shooting him gif, or respond with negativity which is your way of criticising his or her opinion. Which is fine. I'll just continue being "agitated" if i wish. You carry on too, we know you will.

    I said that Kenny is a great fertilizer for the ground to decompose. That's positive I think.

    Yeah I was kinda referring to the likes of any other characters besides him that you focus your negativity on. We all know your feelings on your secret favourite :)

    You could've fooled me with all the aggressive commenting you do on the forums trying to convince people Kenny isn't a bastard.

    Yeah well if people started bashing Lee as much as they do Kenny then i'd defend his character as well trust me. And I don't "try and convince" people, i state my disagreement and tell him or her why I don't always think he's a bastard. I never ever convince someone they are wrong for saying it.

    What? You become unreasonably agitated because I have a very different opinion? It is surprising though given that you hardly have any

  • enter image description here

    dan290786 posted: »

    Haha well someone's certainly in a mood today. What? You become unreasonably agitated because I have a very different opinion?

  • Hila Klein, wife of the great Youtuber H3H3.

    And yes, she's quite beautiful.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Shes hot, who is she? Lol

  • Here ya go, mate!

    As I said, my analysis of Jane herself is spoilered in the comments section.

  • edited September 2016

    If you don't kill Ben he won't come with you Dan. It's one of the required choices to make Kenny come with you (along with killing Larry).
    Sorry but you won't really manage to make me think that killing Ben is justifiable in any way. The kid made an unintentional mistake for fuck's sake, and Kenny bullied and tried to get him killed for that! Remember when Kenny shot Johnny and got Walter killed? Now imagine if Carlos started to psychologicaly torture him and trying to kill him for his mistake, would you find it justifiable? Of course you wouldn't! But since it's Kenny doing the monstrous thing you sudenly can turn a blind eye to it.

    Kenny doesn't end up wanting to help Clem. He's forced to it by the incoming walker herd.

    I try not to allow the negative nellies poor a dampner on the situation just so it makes them feel better lol sorry.

    You got a lotta fucking nerve to say that, Dan. You're the one who keeps ignoring and 'forgiving' his monstrous acts under the justification that you're trying not to 'look at the negatives'. The one who just tried to justify wanting Ben dead because he 'is dangerous'. If it makes you feel any better about liking Kenny and being ok with his actions then keep going.

    And btw, I'm starting to get really sick of this back and forth. I was talking about Mike and Bonnie's reasons for leaving the group. You guys are now all over me because you two can't handle the slightest insult on Kenny. It's time to get over it.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Hahahahaha. Lmao. 'Oh, Lee. Just because you didn't kill Ben, I'm not going to help you look out for that little girl ; ) Later, bitchh.'

  • edited September 2016

    which to be fair he only does cos you (Lee) didn't help him

    How was killing Ben helping him in any way?

    Kenny is selfish. He only cares about him and his family. He shows us that much when he keeps shooting until it's one person he cares about on the fence (in A House Devided). If Carver after killing Alvin had grabbed another person that wasn't Sarita Kenny would keep shooting until everyone but his choosen ones were dead.
    Even when Katjaa was sufering and watching Duck slowly dying Kenny didn't care about her or Duck's suffering. He kept only listening to himself.
    When the whole group was pleading to go south Kenny wanted to endanger everyone, including AJ, to go on his dream vacation to Wellington.

    He has some selfless actions, I'm not denying that, but you can't deny that, a lot of times, he is selfish.

  • edited September 2016

    Well, I think Kenny wasn't fond of the guy who caused Duck and Katjaa's deaths.

    You didn't answer my question.

    Well that sentence was quite contradictory. If he cares for someone other than himself then he is not selfish. And even so, I can't exactly see why it makes Kenny an evil man if he favours his family, cos everyone is like that, from Lee to Lilly to Alvin etc. It's kinda normal for a human to look after their family more, especially during a ZA.

    It's not. You look after your family because you acre about their well-being. Their well-being is you well-being therefore protecting your family is a way to protect yourself. Kenny's disregard for anyone else's opinion and safety makes him a selfish person.
    Yes, Lilly, Alvin, Clem, everyone cares about their family as well, but they don't compromise other people's wellbeing and safety just to help themselves and their family.

    Sarita was Kenny's moral compass, and so she slapped him back to reality I guess.

    No. Sarita was Kenny girlfriend. If she was a stranger Kenny wouldn't care if his actions killed her and still would've shot. Him shooting Alvin shows how inconsiderate and careless he is for everyone else's life.

    Clearly you don't know how denial works, and once again people are blind to evaluate Kenny's mental state.

    Denial is a form of selfishness. Kenny was only listening to his own feelings and being agressive towards Katjaa while doing it. He was in denial, sure, but he was still being selfish.
    Tell me, did you leave Lilly on the side of the road? Yes? Did you care about her mental state? I don't think so.

    Only when Lee knocks Kenny back to reality that Kenny woke up from this temporary deep depression and stopped the train (he only listened to himself mhh?..).

    Ohhh, yeah. Let's forget the scenario where he doesn't listen and gets everyone killed.

    Just cos Kenny found it hard facing his son's death, how does that show he didn't care about Duck's suffering?

    Because Duck was suffering, Kenny saw it clearly, yet he still chose to be a crybaby and prolong his suffering. Everyone's suffering.

    Bit random if I'm honest. I don't get what this has to do with anything.

    Let me spell it for you. Jane wants to go south. Mike wants to go south. Bonnie wants to go south. Clem wants to go south. Kenny wants to go north. Kenny screams and cries like a baby. Kenny shits on everyone else's opinions and decides that they're going north. Kenny disregards that there is formula in Howe's showing his disregard for the baby's safety and wellbeing. All because he wanted to find dream town 'Wellington'. Selfish. Get it?

    And I don't know why you call Wellington a dream, they found it.

    I call it dream because:
    1st- They had no hard proof it even existed.
    2nd- Even if it existed, finding it would take days if not weeks or months! The group didn't have the supplies or energy to go on an expedition on that cold ass land.
    3rd - Finding Wellington was pure plot convinience. Can't you imagine how vast and huge the area they had to explore was?

    Plus, I find it hard to believe that you believe Kenny endangered the life of AJ but a certain someone didn't.

    Ohh yeah. Can't defend Kenny without calling that 'someone' out?

    Kenny did some selfless things like taking the blame for stealing the radio, that doesn't make him any less selfish on his other actions.

  • I never said i was ok with it. I was saying that i understood it from his point of view as to why he wanted rid of Ben. Hell i didn't drop Ben for fucks sake.

    But since it's Kenny doing the monstrous thing you sudenly can turn a blind eye to it.

    I do not turn a blind eye to it but what i don't do is sit here day in day out and constantly criticise him for his actions. If it were another character I wouldn't be doing it either. The only time i am negative is in response to a negative comment.

    You got a lotta fucking nerve to say that, Dan. You're the one who keeps ignoring and 'forgiving' his monstrous acts under the justification that you're trying not to 'look at the negatives

    Calm down. Look, perhaps i do sometimes ignore his actions but not because i agree with it. He is no saint and some things i never agreed on and a lot of stuff I didn't like what he did. But how is it any good for me to jump on the bandwagon of haters and constantly moan about all the shit he's done? What will it achieve? All it does is make people feel miserable. You don't see me being negative about Carver or the St John's to the depths of how people rip into Kenny. Like I said, you'll only ever see me being negative when most likely defending a character i like or when I feel the need to disapprove of a negative post

    And btw, I'm starting to get really sick of this back and forth. I was talking about Mike and Bonnie's reasons for leaving the group. You guys are now all over me because you two can't handle the slightest insult on Kenny. It's time to get over it.

    All over you? Dude how do you think i've felt when defending Kenny in the past and you and 3 or 4 other Jane fans gang up on me to tell me how "wrong" my opinions are? Yeah it's not a nicr feeling! You can be just as sensitive when it comes to discussing the Kenny/Jane fight for example.

    If you don't kill Ben he won't come with you Dan. It's one of the required choices to make Kenny come with you (along with killing Larry).

  • edited September 2016

    Kenny is selfish. He only cares about him and his family.

    I disagree. First of all, shooting Johnny, led to Walter's death, one would argue that he carried on shooting out of anger. A lot of it is to do with the issue of not thinking, not because of being selfish or that he doesn't care. Why would Kenny continue to stay with the group through eps 4 and 5 if he didn't care? Or get a truck working for everyone?

    Even when Katjaa was sufering and watching Duck slowly dying Kenny didn't care about her or Duck's suffering

    He didn't CARE???? You cannot honestly believ that?? Of course he fucking did!! He couldn't bear the thought his son was dying. He didn't want to believe it, you'd be the same. How can you honestly say he didn't care??? I cannot believe you actually think this. Why? Because he didn't stop the train?? Jeez man look at the bigger picture.

    When the whole group was pleading to go south Kenny wanted to endanger everyone, including AJ, to go on his dream vacation to Wellington

    No actually. Mike was against the idea ot Howe's, Bonnie had no say. Jane wanted to go to Howe's but i'm sorry, finding Wellington was just as dangerous as going back to Howe's. The group were not to know the walkers had gone. They could have easily still been there.
    Only 9 days later they were gone.

    which to be fair he only does cos you (Lee) didn't help him How was killing Ben helping him in any way? Kenny is selfish. He only

  • She makes me feel deeply uncomfortable and violated.

    Hila Klein, wife of the great Youtuber H3H3. And yes, she's quite beautiful.

  • what i don't do is sit here day in day out and constantly criticise him for his actions.

    Neither do I, Dan! I was talking about Mike and Bonnie!! Of course Kenny's character would come up to the matter since their main reason for leaving was him.

    The only time i am negative is in response to a negative comment.

    Well, I'm negative on characters I have a negative view on. I have the right to be. Sorry if I (and the rest of the forum) don't follow the same comment policy as you.

    Calm down.

    Calm down? I wasn't the one that, out of nowhere, started calling people 'negative nellies' just because they're bashing a fictional character. You have to learn how to cope with opinions that diverge from yours.

    But how is it any good for me to jump on the bandwagon of haters and constantly moan about all the shit he's done? What will it achieve?

    Humm... I don't know... Interesting discussion maybe? That is the point of these forums in the first place?

    All it does is make people feel miserable.

    It shouldn't make you miserable, Dan! It's a fictional character! I don't jump on everyone who makes a slightly negative comment on my favourite characters! You on the other hand seem to be anywhere where Kenny is slightly shit-talked. You need to lay off and calm down. It's just a character.

    You don't see me being negative about Carver or the St John's to the depths of how people rip into Kenny.

    Believe me, if the St. Johns and Carver were as heavily involved on the plot as Kenny was they'd be shit-talked all the same. Unfortunately, Kenny, who happens to be one of your favourite characters, was one of the big and most prominent characters of Season 1 and 2 hence he being extremely discussed.

    All over you? Dude how do you think i've felt when defending Kenny in the past and you and 3 or 4 other Jane fans gang up on me to tell me how "wrong" my opinions are?

    Sorry, Dan, but that usually happens because either a Kensplainer incited an argument or because people are on a thread about characters they dislike. And yes, maybe I'm generalizing, but I don't see Janiacs jumping on people because they insulted Jane in a direct or indirect way very often.
    I felt like your comment came out of nowhere since me and Chilled were mainly talking about Bonnie and Mike. I just made a sarcatic joke on that character and BAM! You two were here and had the topic I was discussing turn into Kenny. As always.

    Anyways, I get the message. I can't say anything negative regarding Kenny, or even mention his fucking name without having 2 or 3 Kenny fanboys replying about how I'm a 'negative nellie' that wants to spread the Kenny hate, even when he's not the main focus of my comment. I'm getting sick of this shit.

    dan290786 posted: »

    I never said i was ok with it. I was saying that i understood it from his point of view as to why he wanted rid of Ben. Hell i didn't drop B

  • I disagree. First of all, shooting Johnny, led to Walter's death, one would argue that he carried on shooting out of anger.

    Oh, that's bullshit. He was pretty calm when shooting, Dan. Actually, it was quite disturbing. He was treating the whole situation as a game. He only got slightly worked up when Sarita was the one on the fence.

    A lot of it is to do with the issue of not thinking, not because of being selfish or that he doesn't care.

    Hummm, I dont know. Carver had Alvin at gunpoint. Are you going to argue that Kenny didn't believe that Alvin's life would be in danger if he shot? And if he really wasn't thinking to the point where we knew they could die, then why did he stopped only when his girlfriend was there?
    Also, shooting in the first place would obviously put everyone in immediate danger, Kenny isn't that dumb to not be aware of that.
    He showed disreagard for everyone safety in this scene, specially if Clem tells him not to shoot.

    Why would Kenny continue to stay with the group through eps 4 and 5 if he didn't care?

    Hello? Replacement Duck? I mean, Clementine and AJ!
    Perhaps he cared about Rebecca as well, maybe out of guilt that he almost killed/killed her husband. Still he barely gave a shit about the others.

    Or get a truck working for everyone?

    Nu uh, Dan. Word it better. Getting a truck working for going North. Kenny made it pretty clear that whoever didn't want to go north with him would stay behind. Sure, he tells Clem to try and convince the others, but I have no doubt that he'd leave without them if she couldn't.

    He didn't CARE???? You cannot honestly believ that?? Of course he fucking did!! He couldn't bear the thought his son was dying. He didn't want to believe it, you'd be the same. How can you honestly say he didn't care??? I cannot believe you actually think this. Why? Because he didn't stop the train?? Jeez man look at the bigger picture.

    Perhaps I should've worded it better. He cared, but he did nothing about it and prelonged his son's suffering because he was too damn stuborn to listen to anyone else. He listened to his own feelings and disregarded his family's wellbeing.

    No actually. Mike was against the idea ot Howe's, Bonnie had no say.

    That's not true. When Jane ask everyone (because she actually considers everyone's opinions) Bonnie says:

    'I vote we should go back too' B = Yes

    'Mike?' J

    'Sure, whatever.' M = Yes

    Then Kenny starts screaming.

    finding Wellington was just as dangerous as going back to Howe's.

    Oh, yes, finding the unknown on a vast, cold land is wayyy better than going to a place where they were sure there would be food and formula. Even if there were walkers there, they could camp nearby and send 2 or 3 people covered in guts to get the supplies.

    And I hope you acknowledge that you and Daze are the reason I'm being negative here (or even directly talking about Kenny in the first place!). You guys challange my opinion on a guy I have a negative view on, I'm obviously going to be negative.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Kenny is selfish. He only cares about him and his family. I disagree. First of all, shooting Johnny, led to Walter's death, one woul

  • Oh look! Another debate about Kenny! How Swell!

    If you don't kill Ben he won't come with you Dan. It's one of the required choices to make Kenny come with you (along with killing Larry).

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