Telltale's Next Series
So W&G just ended. We've got TMI right now.
We've also got CSI: Deadly Intent.
Now, do you think we're going to hear about another series soon that'll be releasing alongside MI or do you think MI will be "monopolizing" attention - not that I'd be complaining - for the next five months, with Deadly Intent being released in Fall as our "alternative" series? S&M is in pre-production still, so I don't expect that.
If I had to make a bet a season two of SBCG4AP would be the next entry. All the characters in the whole series have already been modeled and all the areas. It seems like it would be EXCEPTIONALLY recyclable without feeling cheap.
Or something totally random and new like Telltale likes to seem to do - surprise us randomly.
We've also got CSI: Deadly Intent.
Now, do you think we're going to hear about another series soon that'll be releasing alongside MI or do you think MI will be "monopolizing" attention - not that I'd be complaining - for the next five months, with Deadly Intent being released in Fall as our "alternative" series? S&M is in pre-production still, so I don't expect that.
If I had to make a bet a season two of SBCG4AP would be the next entry. All the characters in the whole series have already been modeled and all the areas. It seems like it would be EXCEPTIONALLY recyclable without feeling cheap.
Or something totally random and new like Telltale likes to seem to do - surprise us randomly.
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As for DoTT, I think that may happen but not so soon.
Oh, I hope. I hope.
Actually I've bought or dug up old games my mom owned (like 50) I've never played that are apparently awesome. About to play LOOM, then AVS, then Grim Fandango. Then probably Pscyhonauts. Need to wait for my Xbox Controller to arrive so I can stand those awful Grim controls - it was fine in EMI but without the little "word bar" it's driving me nuts in standard style. Hooray for Xpadder.
And if I had to make the decision whether they were to release Sam & Max Season Three or Psychonauts... Two, I would definitely choose Sam & Max.
(Sorry, Raz) XD
Don't think TTG will pick up Psychonaut liscensing at all. Tim Schaffer is still pretty much active with Double Fine, and for a young company, the last thing they would want to, is to give up any franchise they own. Psychonaut is barely 5 years old anyway. Guess we need to knock on Double Fine's door to get them committed with a sequel. Petition anyone?
As for DoTT, I think LucasArts will evaluate a few episodes of ToMI first to see if it is of enough interest to allow the development of another franchise. So, if there's any news of new games, it will come probably late this year. And unless there are super game developers here, the likelihood that a new series comes out just when ToMI finish is remote. Very remote.
So what is TTG up to? So far, they are still secretive about it, but my bet is another S&M series coming soon (like a few months) after the last ToMI episode. There will also be a lot of developments and porting to ride the craze of monkey island while it is still hot. Making ToMI in other languages and availability to other platform will be a more economical decision than to rush up with another franchise.
Of course, we wouldn't know if another big name creator, similar to Aardman, approaching TTG for a series development. With external investors, projects will be fast and furious, and games will be released before you can say "huh?"
I really hope Neil Gaiman would just casually send TTG a note, asking them to develop The Sandman. Or maybe Wiley Miller asking for a series of Non Sequitur game.
A new Tex Murphy game rumour is spinning all around the web. Especially since the creators of the games created an independent studio, Big Finish Games.
Quote from wikipedia on Big Finish Games:
Their debut game, Three Cards to Midnight, release in May, still showed the interactive games route, giving a mix to the find-the-hidden-object casual game.
Show them your support for this game, and maybe, just maybe, they will have enough budget to finish up the Tex Murphy franchise.
And having Dave Grossman would surely help get the license.
The next season will probably be S&M3 though.
The word you're looking for is segues although your pronunciation is correct
I had the impression that it's more or less confirmed and will be starting in december..?
I wish.
Not quite:
Oh, sorry.
No, but the name intrigues me.
I too would like to see a Doctor Who series of adventure games, but I'm almost certain the next announced series will be a continuation of an already existing Telltale franchise - either Sam & Max series 3 or Strong Bad series 2.
Or maybe a sequel to The Dig. With the voice of Robert Patrick.
Gaiman has no rights to Sandman, I'm afraid.
Imagining Ben in 3D reminds me of this.
If only it had been an adventure game...(sigh)
If only it was ever completed... *double sigh*
That I should be outraged by his audacity?
I didn't know there was such a thing, but a quick trip around to the Wikipedia entry has made me feel not quite so bad: If this book turns out any good, I may further champion the idea of Telltale making a Hitchhiker's Guide game
I would be fairly surprised if they came out with something unannounced between TMI and Sam and Max Season 3, but they've surprised me before. I would also be quite shocked if they come out with another Homestar Runner game so soon, when they've been relatively frank lately about how they're still thinking about it. While I'm sure Telltale would love to do it any time, it seems like it puts a lot of genuine strain on Matt to do all the voices, and he might not be so willing to jump right back into that unless they come up with a more different way to do it.
Duke Nukem Forever is still in production too!!
It has been confirmed, but it hasn't been confirmed to be the next thing they release.
Actually it isn't. They fired all those people last May. Doesn't mean the game won't come out ever, but it certainly isn't in production anymore.
I'm quite sure that some joker will come back in time and again to spread more rumours about Duke Nukem sometime soon, and some real developer (indie or otherwise) to continue the franchise somehow. It's too big a joke to give up!
It will be under development forever!!!
Sam & Max Season 3 will be announced during TOMI episodes 4 or 5 and released around January 2010. Then soon after that they will announce Maniac Mansion episodic series.
One thing I wouldn't like is another season of Strong Bad. I played a demo of it and I simply don't get it. The humour, the characters... It's all nonsense for me. And I don't mean it in a good sense like Aqua Teen Hunger Force. It's just not funny. I simply can't enjoy it even if I tried. I would rather play another season of Wallance & Gromit, but I just don't think it's going to happen.
Another thing I wouldn't like is a new episodic series of Grim Fandango. The story is finished and it's perfect as it is. Just leave it as the classic it is.
An episodic series of Loom or Indiana Jones would be really interesting.
And please, Telltale... Finish the Bone series!!!!
I'd love to also see the return of the Indy point and click games. Those use to be very popular. There hasn't been a great Indy game since those days IMO. LucasArt's may already be planning this. From my understanding Indy and the fate of Alantis is on the recent WII Indy game.