I think the next season to be announced will be Sam & Max Season Three, since it's the only game that's confirmed to be definitely happening, barring some kind of disaster.
After that, probably a new franchise, although probably not involving LucasArts.
I just found this article and felt like it was relevant. It came from a long time ago, much longer than before I followed Telltale so they could've completely announced that this was false but still...fuel for discussion.
I think originally the plan was for a Sam and Max Series 3 sometime in early 2009, but evidently it got pushed back after TT got the rights to make an MI series.
August-October: TOMI continues on.
In early october, or at PAx, Sam and Max Season Three is announced for release.
November: TOMI
December-April/May:Sam and Max Season Three
In July, SBCG4AP Season Two is released. It is a Five episode series again.
July-August: SBCG4AP Season 2
September brings whatever Telltale plans to do next.
Sam and Max 3, definitely, but I'd personally love to see Telltale pick up the ol' Full Throttle license.
Telltale is the number one shopper at LucasArts' garage sale, and actually treats the property with respect.
Unlike Sam and Max, Monkey Island, Strong Bad, and Wallace and Gromit, Full Throttle would have to take itself seriously, considering its foundation, so if Telltale could do it right (which I confidently think they can) they'd make a fantastic game.
Of course, the Futurama thread has already been established, so that is neither here nor there, but certainly a great idea too.
Basically, I'm of the mindset that if it has a Telltale stamp on it, it's got to be good. You know there have to be a few guys at Telltale who bring titles like Full Throttle or Tentacle, etc up at the "big table," even if it's not feasible...
I think DoTT or Futurama would suit Telltale's style better then Full Throttle but if they were to make a Full Throttle series I'd pre-order it in a heartbeat :cool:
Of course by next series I'm taking it this topic is to suggest new ones not already produced or in production. I'm so strongly in favor of a Futurama series I'll suggest it anywhere and everywhere I can.
If not Futurama, then Maniac Mansion, or a Venture Brothers game. *shrugs*
I want this game:
Telltale's Mortadelo y Filemón
(A.K.A. Mort & Phil
Paling & Ko
Mortadelo e Salaminho
Mortadela e Salamão
Flink och Fummel
Flip & Flop
Mortadel et Filémon
Mortadella e Filemone
Αντιριξ και Συμφωνιξ
Älli ja Tälli
Clever & Smart
Zriki Svargla & Sule Globus
Mortadel·lo i Filemó
Mortadelc pa File
Dörtgöz ve Dazlak
Fred & Jeff)
Pretty please with sugar and chocolate chips and hazelnuts on the top
TellTale's Racing would be a nice idea: A "Mario Kart"-like game with TellTale's characters
Flint Paper
Strong Bad
Homestar Runner
Bubs (With a Conce5ionstand-turned-kart)
Strong Mad (Who just runs very fast)
Guybrush Threepwood
LeChuck (With option for human or evil)
THE Marquis DeSinge.
TellTale's Racing would be a nice idea: A "Mario Kart"-like game with TellTale's characters
Just thought I'd let you know that there was a thread brainstorming the idea for Telltale racing over there and then there's a formal speculation of Telltale Racing right over here.
I liked all of the Indy films, but Crystal Skull was clearly the worst of the four. It really did need an editor or someone to stand over George and say 'No! Bad George!' everytime he said something silly like 'How about Mutt swings through the jungle on vines?'.
Back on topic... I've said it before and I'll say it again - either Doctor Who or Futurama. Both would work brilliantly as an episodic adventure game series.
Ergh. Crystal Skull was awful. It managed to blow itself up. It wasnt that bad for the most of it, but then they suddenly introduced aliens and that spaceship suddenly comes flying out of the ground. I honestly wanted to crawl under my cinema seat. Who ever thought that was a good idea should be shot. Indiana Jones has always been about the ancient kind of stuff, you cant suddenly introduce aliens. It's a completely different thing. It's like having some french romance film, and then suddenly right at the end Freddy Krueger or Jason X or someone runs into the film and kills everyone. It clashes... It's opposites...
More ontopic a Doctor Who or a Futurama game could work very well indeed.
Freddy Krueger or Jason X or someone runs into the film and kills everyone. It clashes...
My inner Comic Book Guy is forcing me to say that it's "Jason Voorhees". "Jason X" was the title of the tenth (or X in roman numerals, hence the title) film.
Carry on.
But yeah, I agree. It's the worst Lucasfilms idea since Jar Jar.
Haha, sorry. I'm not really big on horror, never read or watched anything related to Freddy Krueger or Jason "Voorhees" in my life. So I'm excused. ;p Horror fails to scare me, so with that the genre loses it's touch on me.
As I've said before, I think the aliens in Crystal Skull, who are actually not aliens, but Interdimensional beings as a matter of fact, are perfectly fine in the film.
Everyone who is against the idea probably isn't open minded enough to just enjoy the film as it is, even the swinging through the trees bit. He sees the monkeys do it and just copies - totally logical.
Indiana Jones - about archeology and ancient mysteries, so it still makes sense because there are ideas out there already about crystal skulls and ancient Mayan/Aztec civilizations being visited by extra terrestrials (e.g. see Stargate series). Plus, it is the pop culture theme of the 1950s, which is where the film is set, rather than the mysticism of the 1930s where the first films are set.
I'm looking forward to Indiana Jones 5 and hope they keep adding to the rich fabric of the film series' varied plots. Maybe they'll have mermaids if they make it Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis or something! (Even though they didn't have mermaids in the game, just mutant transcended beings...)
As I've said before, I think the aliens in Crystal Skull, who are actually not aliens, but Interdimensional beings as a matter of fact, are perfectly fine in the film.
They did say this a couple of times, and I bought it. The big ship taking off at the end was a bit much though.
Everyone who is against the idea probably isn't open minded enough to just enjoy the film as it is, even the swinging through the trees bit. He sees the monkeys do it and just copies - totally logical.
Still didn't need to show us that the swinging though. It just looked and felt silly. It would have worked better if Mutt had gotten caught in the vines, then we don't see him again until he comes swinging out of the jungle and lands in the jeep. It'd be a great 'Woah!' moment.
On the other hand, the rest of the chase sequence was awesome.
Indiana Jones - about archeology and ancient mysteries, so it still makes sense because there are ideas out there already about crystal skulls and ancient Mayan/Aztec civilizations being visited by extra terrestrials (e.g. see Stargate series). Plus, it is the pop culture theme of the 1950s, which is where the film is set, rather than the mysticism of the 1930s where the first films are set.
Again, fine, but they did crowbar the 1950s setting in at times.
I'm looking forward to Indiana Jones 5 and hope they keep adding to the rich fabric of the film series' varied plots. Maybe they'll have mermaids if they make it Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis or something! (Even though they didn't have mermaids in the game, just mutant transcended beings...)
I'm looking forward to it too, despite my cynical side saying it'll probably continue the downward trend the franchise has been on for years. If there are mermaids though, then I will personally fly over to the States, track down George Lucas and slap him but good.
They did say this a couple of times, and I bought it. The big ship taking off at the end was a bit much though.
This. I've heard all about the extraterrestrials who could of inhabited the planet in the past. However the flying ship was pushing the limit.
As I said before, the rest of the film I didn't find that bad, it was just that scene, and unfortunately, that one bad choice managed to ruin the entire film for me.
As I said before, the rest of the film I didn't find that bad, it was just that scene, and unfortunately, that one bad choice managed to ruin the entire film for me.
Yeah, there were a couple of scenes that the whole film would have benefited from losing, that one included. Keep an eye out for a fan-edit - there's a couple in progress, and they should cut out the most offensive bits. Fan-edits are awesome like that.
I'm telling you, you guys are crazy. Indiana Jones movies were always ALL ABOUT going over the top. Everything about Crystal Skull was great. If it had come out right after Last Crusade you all would have loved it. It's your nostalgia talking. I thought having aliens in an Indy movie was awesome. (And no it doesn't necessarily mean that all the supernatural elements from the previous 3 movies were because of aliens either. You can totally have supernatural elements in a movie alongside aliens at the same time. Many movies have proved it can be done like Signs)
I'm telling you, you guys are crazy. Indiana Jones movies were always ALL ABOUT going over the top. Everything about Crystal Skull was great. If it had come out right after Last Crusade you all would have loved it. It's your nostalgia talking. I thought having aliens in an Indy movie was awesome. (And no it doesn't necessarily mean that all the supernatural elements from the previous 3 movies were because of aliens either. You can totally have supernatural elements in a movie alongside aliens at the same time. Many movies have proved it can be done like Signs)
I don't think the problem anyone has is with the aliens existing, I think it's that they actually SHOWED the aliens, the artifact turns out to be a worthless alien skull, and then they flew off in a spaceship for no apparent reason.
Had they kept the skull as a powerful symbolic artifact, rather than "old alien bone" and not shown aliens, but strongly hinted at them, I don't think anyone would have had a problem with the movie.
... except for Shia Labeouf and the vine-swinging bullcrap.
Ahem. With a few minor hiccups, the film was pretty good up until the last 20 minutes, when it all went tits-up. If you cut out the vine swinging and the ship, then trim down on the fridge bouncing, the film would be a lot better for it.
Ahem. With a few minor hiccups, the film was pretty good up until the last 20 minutes, when it all went tits-up. If you cut out the vine swinging and the ship, then trim down on the fridge bouncing, the film would be a lot better for it.
Back on topic... I've said it before and I'll say it again - either Doctor Who or Futurama. Both would work brilliantly as an episodic adventure game series.
if its Dr Who then thats the day i abandon the adventure genre, i freaking hate that serious its so whored out, please telltale, dont....dont whore out Dr Who...it can stay out of video games,
if its Dr Who then thats the day i abandon the adventure genre, i freaking hate that serious its so whored out, please telltale, dont....dont whore out Dr Who...it can stay out of video games
After that, probably a new franchise, although probably not involving LucasArts.
Bone: The Episodes perhaps?
August-October: TOMI continues on.
In early october, or at PAx, Sam and Max Season Three is announced for release.
November: TOMI
December-April/May:Sam and Max Season Three
In July, SBCG4AP Season Two is released. It is a Five episode series again.
July-August: SBCG4AP Season 2
September brings whatever Telltale plans to do next.
Telltale is the number one shopper at LucasArts' garage sale, and actually treats the property with respect.
Unlike Sam and Max, Monkey Island, Strong Bad, and Wallace and Gromit, Full Throttle would have to take itself seriously, considering its foundation, so if Telltale could do it right (which I confidently think they can) they'd make a fantastic game.
Of course, the Futurama thread has already been established, so that is neither here nor there, but certainly a great idea too.
Basically, I'm of the mindset that if it has a Telltale stamp on it, it's got to be good. You know there have to be a few guys at Telltale who bring titles like Full Throttle or Tentacle, etc up at the "big table," even if it's not feasible...
Of course by next series I'm taking it this topic is to suggest new ones not already produced or in production. I'm so strongly in favor of a Futurama series I'll suggest it anywhere and everywhere I can.
If not Futurama, then Maniac Mansion, or a Venture Brothers game. *shrugs*
Telltale's mission statement has said licensed games from the very beginning. I don't think they're interested. For some reason.
Telltale's Mortadelo y Filemón
Mort & Phil
Paling & Ko
Mortadelo e Salaminho
Mortadela e Salamão
Flink och Fummel
Flip & Flop
Mortadel et Filémon
Mortadella e Filemone
Αντιριξ και Συμφωνιξ
Älli ja Tälli
Clever & Smart
Zriki Svargla & Sule Globus
Mortadel·lo i Filemó
Mortadelc pa File
Dörtgöz ve Dazlak
Fred & Jeff)
Pretty please with sugar and chocolate chips and hazelnuts on the top
After S&M3, Sam and Max split up and Max decides to go on random violent escapades!!! This could be followed by a SAM spinoff aswell!!!
Flint Paper
Strong Bad
Homestar Runner
Bubs (With a Conce5ionstand-turned-kart)
Strong Mad (Who just runs very fast)
Guybrush Threepwood
LeChuck (With option for human or evil)
THE Marquis DeSinge.
Just thought I'd let you know that there was a thread brainstorming the idea for Telltale racing over there and then there's a formal speculation of Telltale Racing right over here.
Fantastic here having the meaning of "awful"?
Back on topic... I've said it before and I'll say it again - either Doctor Who or Futurama. Both would work brilliantly as an episodic adventure game series.
More ontopic a Doctor Who or a Futurama game could work very well indeed.
My inner Comic Book Guy is forcing me to say that it's "Jason Voorhees". "Jason X" was the title of the tenth (or X in roman numerals, hence the title) film.
Carry on.
But yeah, I agree. It's the worst Lucasfilms idea since Jar Jar.
Everyone who is against the idea probably isn't open minded enough to just enjoy the film as it is, even the swinging through the trees bit. He sees the monkeys do it and just copies - totally logical.
Indiana Jones - about archeology and ancient mysteries, so it still makes sense because there are ideas out there already about crystal skulls and ancient Mayan/Aztec civilizations being visited by extra terrestrials (e.g. see Stargate series). Plus, it is the pop culture theme of the 1950s, which is where the film is set, rather than the mysticism of the 1930s where the first films are set.
I'm looking forward to Indiana Jones 5 and hope they keep adding to the rich fabric of the film series' varied plots. Maybe they'll have mermaids if they make it Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis or something! (Even though they didn't have mermaids in the game, just mutant transcended beings...)
On the other hand, the rest of the chase sequence was awesome. Again, fine, but they did crowbar the 1950s setting in at times. I'm looking forward to it too, despite my cynical side saying it'll probably continue the downward trend the franchise has been on for years. If there are mermaids though, then I will personally fly over to the States, track down George Lucas and slap him but good.
As I said before, the rest of the film I didn't find that bad, it was just that scene, and unfortunately, that one bad choice managed to ruin the entire film for me.
I don't think the problem anyone has is with the aliens existing, I think it's that they actually SHOWED the aliens, the artifact turns out to be a worthless alien skull, and then they flew off in a spaceship for no apparent reason.
Had they kept the skull as a powerful symbolic artifact, rather than "old alien bone" and not shown aliens, but strongly hinted at them, I don't think anyone would have had a problem with the movie.
... except for Shia Labeouf and the vine-swinging bullcrap.
I've never been an Indy fan, and I still say the aliens were a major WTF move.
Ahem. With a few minor hiccups, the film was pretty good up until the last 20 minutes, when it all went tits-up. If you cut out the vine swinging and the ship, then trim down on the fridge bouncing, the film would be a lot better for it.
Old alien bone?
Signs was brilliant until he brought religion into it... the aliens looked a bit rubbish too.
look at that. how could it NOT make a great game from Telltale? here's me knocking on wood.
if its Dr Who then thats the day i abandon the adventure genre, i freaking hate that serious its so whored out, please telltale, dont....dont whore out Dr Who...it can stay out of video games,