Worst Episode Ever

edited February 2010 in Sam & Max
Go ahead, vote, we all want to know the general hatred is of the board, also if you have time try to say why you think that episode is the worst. :)


  • edited August 2009
    I love all of them, but if I had to pick, it'd be Situation: Comedy. I don't know why, I just seem to enjoy that one less than the rest.
  • edited August 2009
    yeah, it was the first episode, but i'd say Culture Shock. not as exciting as the others.
  • edited August 2009
    Really the first half of season one is noticeably not as good as what comes after, but I'd say out of those, Situation: Comedy was my least favorite.
  • edited August 2009
    Who the hell voted 204?
  • edited August 2009
    I voted for Culture Shock. Bit of an unfortunate intro to the series. An episode centered around Brady Culture and the Soda Poppers. Um... no.

    Thankfully Sam & Max has just been getting better and better and by the end of Season 2 it really became something special. Good job, Telltale, I highly look forward to Season 3 :D
  • edited August 2009
    Who was the feckless ingrate who voted for Sam & Max Hit the Road? Own up! A mob wants to lynch you.

    I went for Culture Shock. Whilst adequate at the time, looking back with retrospective of the later Telltale games, it was a really naff episode.
  • edited August 2009
    S@bre wrote: »
    Who was the feckless ingrate who voted for Sam & Max Hit the Road? Own up! A mob wants to lynch you.
    Ingrates now :(
    I'm surprised nobody's got it in for Ice Station Santa. What's going on people? I certainly thought it to be the worst of season 2.
    S@bre wrote: »
    I went for Culture Shock. Whilst adequate at the time, looking back with retrospective of the later Telltale games, it was a really naff episode.
    Yeah looking back I felt it wasn't as good as I had thought, and consequently recently bumped down from my #3 to #5 position in my favourite S+M's, but I still enjoy the logical plot, puzzles and the psychology testings.
  • edited August 2009
    I'm surprised nobody's got it in for Ice Station Santa. What's going on people? I certainly thought it to be the worst of season 2.

    I, on the other hand, think it was a blistering season opener.
    "A hairy... bloated... pagan god... Santa Claus!" - this is probably my favourite scene from the entirety of the two series. Also, it featured 4 different Santa Clauses (hey, is this a legal plural at all?), and the SCB. What's not to love?
    but I still enjoy the logical plot, puzzles and the psychology testings.

    Oh yes, the psychology puzzle was a classic! :cool:
  • edited August 2009
    Moai Better Blues:
    I really dont like babies and drug abuse in video games.
  • edited August 2009
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Moai Better Blues:
    I really dont like babies and drug abuse in video games.

    Almost went for that but decided on Bright Side of the Moon
  • edited August 2009
    Ingrates now :(
    I'm surprised nobody's got it in for Ice Station Santa. What's going on people? I certainly thought it to be the worst of season 2.

    I enjoyed Ice-Station Santa a lot. It was the first episode I played, and I thought it was a great introduction to the series. It's certainly better than Moai Better Blues and Far Side of the Moon.

    The only other episode I didn't particularly enjoy was Culture Shock, and I'd have to say that's the absolute worst. Like I said, I wasn't around at the begining, but I can't believe many were happy with that as the introduction to the new Sam & Max.

    I'm surprised to see so much hate for Situation Comedy though, that was one of my favourites :)
  • edited August 2009
    Although they are all great, my least favourite, after playing several today, would have to be The Mole, the Mob & the Meatball. I mean, even though it is fantastic... meh.
  • edited August 2009
    Reality 2.0, I thought it was silly, not that funny and the plot line not corresponding the general feel of the series.
  • edited August 2009
    Reality 2.0, I thought it was silly, not that funny and the plot line not corresponding the general feel of the series.

    I agree. Reality 2.0 sort of felt off because Sam and Max, along with every other telltale series, seems to come from a not-modern setting. Strong Bad is like an 80sfest, Wallace and Gromit is like the 60s and 70s, and TOMI is in the 17th century. I imagine Sam and Max taking place in the late eighties.
  • edited August 2009
    I agree. Reality 2.0 sort of felt off because Sam and Max, along with every other telltale series, seems to come from a not-modern setting. Strong Bad is like an 80sfest, Wallace and Gromit is like the 60s and 70s, and TOMI is in the 17th century. I imagine Sam and Max taking place in the late eighties.

    Well, do you know when Al Gore built the original Internet? :D
  • edited August 2009
    Hmm the 2 first and Moai are the ones I like the least but I picked Moai, because it was Easter Island was just plain ugly and not that interesting characters (esp the 3 babies), the surfin contest was waaay too easy, and it seemed sometimes that it was very unclear what to do.
  • edited August 2009

    All the other episodes had their moments, but aside from Max's 'death' speech, M³ didn't have anything that really stood out for me, making it the worst.

    *(Or, in layman's terms, The Mole, The Mob and The Meatball)
  • edited August 2009
    I didn't like 102 as much, cause it was kinda....i don't really know the word for it....can some1 help me!!??
  • edited August 2009
    I didn't like 102 as much, cause it was kinda....i don't really know the word for it....can some1 help me!!??

    Short? Easy? Not necessary?
  • edited August 2009

    All the other episodes had their moments, but aside from Max's 'death' speech, M³ didn't have anything that really stood out for me, making it the worst.

    *(Or, in layman's terms, The Mole, The Mob and The Meatball)

    You can't abbreviate it as M³ because the Mole, Mob, and Meatball aren't being multiplied, they're being added. M+M+M would be more mathematically accurate.
  • edited August 2009
    Pale Man wrote: »
    You can't abbreviate it as M³ because the Mole, Mob, and Meatball aren't being multiplied, they're being added. M+M+M would be more mathematically accurate.

  • edited August 2009

    That would also be accurate
  • edited August 2009
    Moai Better Blues. The solutions were...odd, and I just didn't enjoy the story.

    To the person who voted 204: why? :(
  • edited August 2009
    Wow I can't believe everyone is voting against Situation: Comedy, lol. That still stands as one of my favorite episodes yet. I especially loved the Midtown Cowboys puzzle. The only thing that kind of took away from the quality of that episode was the fact that the voices weren't totally matured yet. Sam sounds ok, but Max is waaay off.

    I also loved Culture Shock lol.

    Anyway, my vote went to Reality 2.0. I agree with whoever said it wasn't fitting for the time period of this game. I also imagine Sam and Max to be more 80's-90's oriented. The internet thing didn't go well with the feel of the game. I also just didn't care for the puzzles as much, and the text based part at the end was just downright annoying. I have to confess to using walkthroughs on a lot of that episode just to get it overwith.
  • edited September 2009
    I voted for Situation: Comedy but I like the episode overall. It lacked the "fresh factor" that the first had, but upon replaying the first game... maybe I should voted for Culture Shock, seeing how it's only real one-upmanship of 102 is that the locations hadn't been seen before. I dunno.

    For season two, I'd pick Moai Better Blues. For some reason I'm not a fan of tropical/island vacation settings. Funny stuff in there, to be sure, but I thought Ice Station Santa was way, way better. Overall, I find it a bit difficult to say what episode is worst. To me, none of them even come close to being bad!
  • edited September 2009
    Short? Easy? Not necessary?

    Yeah! That'll do. Thanks!
  • edited September 2009
    Well, S&M ARE living on this century in S1, (according to Purcell's webcomic), so.. the futuristic feeling of 2.0 didn't really bother me. It was fun how they didn't really care or trust in computers, which still showed their dedication to the 80-90's. :D
    Personally, I thought Reality 2.0 was fun in it's own way. I have to say that the soundtrack was a bit annoying, though.

    As for the worst episode, I would point to Culture Shock. I found Soda Poppers kinda annoying. And when they were hypnotized? Double the annoying-ess. :D It just wasn't as fun as the rest of the season. (though it still had its star-moments.
  • edited September 2009
    Situation comedy, but only because of that BLOODY ANNOYING AND TEDIOUS midtown cowboys puzzle. GAH!
  • edited September 2009
    Reality 2.0 was my fave! I loved the homage to old text adventures, it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
  • edited September 2009
    Culture Shock. It amazes me that anyone would think differently. It was awful in the same way the a six-year-old's artwork is awful; a beautiful effort, I appreciated it at the time, I would never ridicule the artist (Telltale) for it, but now that that six-year-old has grown up a bit more and is painting masterpieces, their earlier works simply cannot stand up to criticism.

    The only thing I liked about that episode was Sam's "another boot to the pasty ass of crime." It was like he was letting us know, "okay, with that out of the way--let's get started!"

    I'm not old enough to remember the text-based adventures of times past firsthand, and I loved Reality 2.0 and its awesomely epic ending. My sister's twelve, and also found it fascinating, fun, and scary in its own way (the silence is what did it). Leaving the whole situation to our imaginations, as well as Sam and Max's, was just a purely ingenious move...but I can see how philistines may not appreciate it. ;)

    And for the record, I see each episode as a part of a whole. Which is why Situation: Comedy and Culture Shock remain at the bottom of my list. Situation: Comedy was simply unspectacular, uneventful, and really pretty unfulfilling--the color scheme of the episode was pretty bland, there were few jazzy cues from Mr. Emerson-Johnson, and Sybil had her least interesting job (besides Culture Shock, but she was just being introduced) of the whole game. The ending was pretty "meh" too, with an oddly boring buildup to a fizzling climax. There's just not much to like there, from where I stand.

    On the other hand, I had no idea anyone harbored ill will towards Bright Side of the Moon! This was the climatic finish, the penultimate grand finale! My sister and I have never witnessed such a great buildup to a villain-reveal. The sheer fun, epicness, and scope of this final chapter from a storytelling standpoint totally makes up for any shortcomings in gameplay, methinks. The genuine malice of Hugh Bliss alongside the effective feeling of peril for our normally tongue-in-cheek heroes I thought made for an amazing ride. ...gosh, I wish I could play it for the first time again.

    Hugh Bliss remains one of my favorite villains of all time.
  • edited September 2009
    In the way I see it, I played again the Chapters in order, and the worst episodes for me are actually the ones which can't surpass the last one in exitement. I admit this "technique" left Culture Shock without competition, but they outline almost perfectly Sybill and Bosco, and, if wasn't for that, they will not as good as they was the later episodes. You can said I rate the episodes for their "job" (And I really like introduction episodes for some reason ^^!).

    The season 1 started quite good and then they gets better and better. You can said the season was round. Season 2 for the other side, starts brilliant, but the Second Episode is kind of lame compared with the first. Then gets better and better. So, Moai Better Blues didn't do its job of been a bit better than Ice Station Santa, and that why, for me, its the worst episode. Probably, as a stand alone episode were better than the first three episodes of Season 1, but, didn't do it's job of keep the exitement of the first episode too well.
  • edited September 2009
    I only played 2 episodes so far; Culture Shock since I could pick an episode for free, and Abe Lincoln must die since it is available as freeware.
    I must say that the Lincoln episode by far surpasses Culture Shock. Culture Shock was so incredibly easy, with such a tiny game world. It was still funny, but not really well done as a game.

    The Lincoln episode on the other hand got me stuck about a couple of times and was realy funny too.

    You´ll kill me for this, but I must say that both of the episodes imho wipe the floor with S & M hit the road though. I could never get into that game, I really dislike it. So Telltales really are the ones who first made me appreciate the franchise at all. :)
  • edited September 2009
    108 Stars, I'm a heretic too. I mean, I thought Hit the Road was not a bad game, in fact I enjoyed it quite a lot, but the pacing was nowhere near the level of greatness I think Telltale has been able to achieve. Also, the fact that almost every location in the game is some kind of touristy road stop got a little bland to me before long. I wouldn't expect a whole lot of other people to agree with us, though.
  • edited September 2009
    You explained it pretty well. :) Also, afaik Hit the Road was the first Scumm-game not to have the on-screen commands...and it shows. It is really kind of uncomfortable to switch between so many different actions, I often accidently try to pick up something instead of using it and vice versa. Max regularely stepping into the way is no help either; often I wanna do something with a background element, but end up using Max.
  • edited September 2009
    Yes... I too missed all the on-screen verb options! Telltale's single-click interface does just fine in its stead, though.
  • edited September 2009
    I...I can't vote in this thread.

    I'm even too scared to read the current poll results so far.
  • edited October 2009
    Moai Better Blues gets my vote. I like it once they got into the underwater part with the Sea Monkey people. I thought a lot of the cut scenes were funny and I was very happy to see little Sam sporting the little Max T-shirt.

    That said, babies that talk like adults is the absolute lowest form of comedy. It's not funny with those stock trade commercials, it's not funny on Family Guy, it's not funny on the Look Who's Talking movies. There's just nothing funny about it. Also, the episode is pretty short in comparison to the rest of season 2 and some of the puzzles are kind of a stretch. For some reason I decided to shoot the Gong in Stinky's at the beginning of the game, when Sybil is being chased. I forget what gets said but whatever it was, I remember it causing me to assume there was no reason to ever go back to it when in fact I needed to.

    I'm not sure why people don't like Bright Side of the Moon, I thought it was very strong finish. I'll admit I like Situation:Comedy and The Mob, the Mole and the Meatball better than most people, while disliking Abe Lincoln Must Die and Reality 2.0 more than most people. The puzzle solving in the final act of ALMD was like turning on a light switch, walking to the other side of your house to turn on another light switch, then walking back to the first side of your house to turn the first switch off and then repeating the process about 5 times. Reality 2.0 was okay but the jokes were a little cliche but it had its moments. I liked Culture Shock a lot too. Ice Station Santa was a good season opener and I think once they got to Night of the Raving Dead, every episode was raising the bar tremendously.
  • edited October 2009
    Moai Better Blues, quite a piece of crap.

    Especially the first serie also had some not this exciting content but each episode had their nice moments.
  • edited October 2009
    Reality 2.0, I thought it was silly, not that funny and the plot line not corresponding the general feel of the series.

    Just finished this episode and really hated it!

    edit: also I almost punched my monitor because I couldn't skip the musical part in the Abe Lincoln episode.
  • edited October 2009
    Having not really played Season 1 (except Culture Shock) I had to go with Moai Better Blues as well. I agree with the others - I didn't like the babies at all. And the gong puzzle was the first time I actually had to look up hints, because that was completely out there and frankly, still makes no sense to me (I guess it's supposed to be like the stop sign? I still don't know). On the flip side, the "Max as the High Priest" puzzles felt way too obvious.

    I will give it credit for having a funny bit with the COPS and their "amazing, completely original idea music game!" though :)
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