Worst Episode Ever



  • edited February 2010
    Actually, revising my statement before. Favorites in order:

    Reality 2.0, Abe Lincoln Must Die!, Raving Dead.

    I'm a big politics wonk.
  • edited February 2010
    There were bad episodes? Who knew.
  • edited February 2010
    Moai Better Blues deserves the top spot, although I don't think Culture Shock is worse than MMM or Situation: Comedy.
  • edited February 2010
    Any episodes that had the soda poppers in them
  • edited February 2010
    Any episodes that had the soda poppers in them

    That's harsh.

    I mean, you just said more than half of the entire series of Sam and Max is bad!
  • edited February 2010
    The episodes with the Soda Poppers in them are good, but they'd be much, much better without them. I want all three of them to die in a horrible car/train/bus/truck/motorcycle/helicopter accident.
  • edited February 2010
    The episodes with the Soda Poppers in them are good, but they'd be much, much better without them. I want all three of them to die in a horrible car/train/bus/truck/motorcycle/helicopter accident.
    I'd rather they drowned in lava.
  • edited February 2010
    Chuck wrote: »
    I'd rather they drowned in lava.

    Even though seeing them in pain and agony would be nice, their screaming and whining while burning up would destroy the moment. :(
  • edited February 2010
    Trogdorman wrote: »
    I could never choose a worst episode: especially for a series as excellent as Sam & Max, but if I have to: it would be Culture Shock just because of the actor for Max

    Andrew Chaikin did a good job, I think. Especially when you consider he's also Coronado De Cava.
  • edited February 2010
    Kroms wrote: »
    Andrew Chaikin did a good job, I think. Especially when you consider he's also Coronado De Cava.

    I never even realized that they switched voices between episodes!
  • edited February 2010
    Chuck wrote: »
    I'd rather they drowned in lava.
    they do!
  • edited February 2010
    they do!

  • edited February 2010
    they do!

    I'm preeeeeeety sure Chuck knew that already ...

    Aaaaand ... I liked the soda poppers. Yes they were annoying, but that was the point. Then again I also love Jurgen. He's such a perfect little poser :) (I wish he had become the Sam and Max butt monkey ... eww! No, not that kind of butt monkey, the bad-karma-magnet kind. Get your minds out of the gutter!)
  • edited February 2010
    Wait, wait: Jurgen wasn't really a vampire? Wha-? Have I misunderstood something? Maybe my memory's just decided to go on sabbatical?
  • edited February 2010
    Kroms wrote: »
    Wait, wait: Jurgen wasn't really a vampire? Wha-? Have I misunderstood something? Maybe my memory's just decided to go on sabbatical?

    Who says a vampire can't be a poser? :)

    @Lena: I thought I was the only one who thought that the Soda Poppers were funny...
  • edited February 2010
    I bet he's not even German. That would explain... a lot, actually.

    I liked the Soda Poppers and found them funny as well. The vitriol confuses me a bit. They're not that annoying.
  • edited February 2010
    Inconsistence time!

    I starting to believe I am the only one who truly hated Soda Poppers now.
  • edited February 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Inconsistence time!

    I starting to believe I am the only one who truly hated Soda Poppers now.

    Say what you want about the other Poppers, but Whizzer is the man. I can never get enough of that excellent man and his glorious bladder.
  • edited February 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Inconsistence time!

    I starting to believe I am the only one who truly hated Soda Poppers now.

  • edited February 2010
    And there goes. I hate them because they are not equal in theirselves! I mean... Even the true fans (or 'I didn't hate them' people, well, by comparison they're worthy enough to be called true fans) don't like Specs! I know he doesn't have the greatest catchphrase, but he doesn't need it!

    He's an artist! Not a drippy sink or a crybaby! He was the most menacing of the brothers.
    I would be happier if he turned out to be the ONLY villain of the second season. That would be interesting. And it'd result with less scenes of fire-peeing.
    Shwoo wrote: »
    *spoilery picture*

    Look how intimidating he looks, I mean!

    Thanks Shwoo. Nice timing. I was being lazy even to point this out.
  • edited February 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Even the true fans (or 'I didn't hate them' people, well, by comparison they're worthy enough to be called true fans) don't like Specs!

    Hey, Specs my favourite.

    I did find them annoying. Not hate-like annoying, but annoying in the proper amount considering it's the point of them. Peepers annoyed me the most I'd say.

    Still, I'm glad to move on to other characters.
  • edited February 2010
    Leave the dead alone! (unless they are called Bosco, Guybrush Treepwood or Morgan of course)
  • edited February 2010
    uh. this thread is starting to scare me, somehow ;)
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Hey, Specs my favourite.

    Likewise! Or, perhaps more correctly, Specs was the one I hated least.

    On the whole I found the Poppers supremely annoying, to the point where I turned subtitles on and sound off whenever I had to interact with them for a prolonged period.
  • edited February 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Likewise! Or, perhaps more correctly, Specs was the one I hated least.

    Same here :P (Well, replace "hated" with "disliked").
    I think his voice was the least annoying.
  • edited February 2010
    @Kroms No, he is a vampire, I just meant he's trying so darn hard to be "cool" and "trendy" ... when he's one of the Undead with a zombie army and ancient castle complete with secret laboratory. Dude reeeally doesn't need to try so hard.

    And whoever put Specs in bondage gear with the little shorts is a genius.
  • edited February 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »

    And whoever put Specs in bondage gear with the little shorts is a genius.

    I don't know whether if I should be amused or mortified...
  • edited February 2010
    I don't know whether if I should be amused or mortified...

    You can just be amuortifised.

    That is an actual word. It's in the dictionary, unlike 'gullible'.
  • edited February 2010
    You can just be amuortifised.

    That is an actual word. It's in the dictionary, unlike 'gullible'.

    Tss, people won't find it if you misspell it! It's "amourtsified"
  • edited February 2010
    must say i loved reality 2.0. all the homages to classic games just made my day like "look max, it'sa me-a sam!"

    edit: on the other hand i really loathed the "boss battle" in bright side of the moon and didn't feel like i had achieved anything after i finished the game. that episode also had so many puzzles that had had solutions so obvious they felt unneccesary.
  • edited February 2010
    The boss battle in What's New Beelzebub was easier IMO.

    I really enjoyed Bright Side of the Moon. It was so villainy and all. The puzzles are rather easy, yes, but the storytelling was the best of the entire season.

    Also, gotta love the torture machines in the boss battle.
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