Worst Episode Ever



  • edited October 2009
    kksmith wrote: »
    I guess it's supposed to be like the stop sign?

    it was the color that mattered - gold gong summoned gold triangle, silver gong summoned silver triangle - if you wanted to get the red triangle closer to Stinky's, then you needed a red gong
    . It was logical in a Sam&Max kind of way...
  • edited October 2009
    it was the color that mattered - gold gong summoned gold triangle, silver gong summoned silver triangle - if you wanted to get the red triangle closer to Stinky's, then you needed a red gong
    . It was logical in a Sam&Max kind of way...

    Yeah, I found it tough, but I still figured it out without hints.

    It was very rewarding looking for some kind of portal device, only to find it had been lurking in
  • edited October 2009
    I'm playing Moai Better Blues and looking for some bassalt.
  • edited October 2009
    doodo! wrote: »
    I'm playing Moai Better Blues and looking for some bassalt.

    Then find it. :p
  • edited October 2009
    Well now, my vote just made Moai a clean 25%. :D

    There's just something a bit off about Moai. It's not bad, by any stretch; to call it "the worst" episode is much like talking about "the cheapest" Ferrari - It's great in it's own right but is far less great than it's counterparts. I just found a couple of the puzzles to be boring and the babies to be tremendously irritating. But it had it's moments, such as the stoned Easter Island statue. Classic. :)

    I'm surprised to see so little love for Culture Shock, personally. I had remembered Sam & Max from times past, but Culture Shock renewed my love for the duo. Someone please tell me that I'm not alone in thinking that having a grown hippie child star use hypnosis on annoying television brats to vandalize towns as a propagandistic measure for personal gain is an absolutely fantastic way to begin a series about a justice-loving six-foot dog and his violently unstable hyperkinetic rabbity-thing of a partner. Have I made my point clear?

    And whoever voted 204: seriously? I mean, to each his own, but I'd like to know why. I thought it was pure gold (my favorite episode, in fact).
  • edited October 2009
    I certainly enjoyed Culture Shock on the first playthrough, but I didn't think it held up quite as well as the others. Not a bad game by any means, but harder to get into when you know the best stuff is a ways off. But yes, your plot synopsis is right on the money. It had a wacko charm that was a nice way to start things off.
  • edited October 2009
    I just got done with Moai, and I actually really liked it :) 2.0 is still the worst for me... I also didn't care for the Night of the Raving Dead that much.
  • edited October 2009
    Testikkeli wrote: »
    I just got done with Moai, and I actually really liked it :) 2.0 is still the worst for me... I also didn't care for the Night of the Raving Dead that much.

    I sort of like it only because everyone else hates it, probably. It's not the worse thing I've ever played. I liked the sea cave and the game had its momments. The part of the game that took me a while was actually getting the *spoilers*
    fountain of youth water to turn Sam and Max into kids
    But I got through it, with just a few hints :p I just don't have time to play these games as much as I used to anymore. It may seem I have a lot of free time because of my post count but I am doing other things most the time in those moments in between, seconds in between. Today is a weekend day though, so....most of my school work is done on a computer...
  • edited October 2009
    I actually find it to be the best episode of season 2 (as you can see from my ratings below). It's got everything - great sound, great puzzles, quite funny - ok the island location is abit drab, but that's my only gripe at it.
  • edited October 2009
    Hmm, I haven't played Season 2 yet, so I can't say anything about that. My vote probably ends up with Culture Shock. Because it simply isn't as funny/good/? as the others. The other episodes is just better, but that is probably because the characters has been introduced, you know the people, you know the setting etc. etc. But don't get me wrong, it isn't a bad episode, far from being it, but it just isn't as good as the others.
  • edited January 2010
    Reality 2.0. Its just thrown together for me. It took the least amout of time for me to beat, didnt have as much pointless banter as any other episode, and the slime was horrible...
    Horrible... Creature...
  • edited January 2010
    Moai Better Blues (apparently I aren't the only one, it's in the lead)

    Horrible... just horrible. I can understand Culture Shock being less when it's the very very first, but this humourless annoying piece is no excuse after the very nice Ice Station Santa.
    Good thing it's the only smudge on season 2 though.
  • edited January 2010
    I can see what people are getting at with Moai Better Blues. The triangle puzzle was pretty dependent on you remembering ALL the information Bosco tells you right at the start in one of his rants. I had forgot and it took random clicking on things before I figured out how to get the Bassalt sandwich.
  • edited January 2010
    I hated Night of the Raving Dead. I couldn't even bring myself to finish it. I always wanted to see Sam and Max tackle a haunted castle and see their take on spooky goings ons, but it just wasn't the spooky adventure I was hoping for.

    And Jurgen grates a bit on my nerves.
  • edited January 2010
    Moai Better Blues is obviously the worst.

    Then again, I've only played 1 episode of Season 1 & almost all of Season 2.
  • edited January 2010
    I hated Night of the Raving Dead. I couldn't even bring myself to finish it. I always wanted to see Sam and Max tackle a haunted castle and see their take on spooky goings ons, but it just wasn't the spooky adventure I was hoping for.

    And Jurgen grates a bit on my nerves.

    Well, having a disco mat, a DJ booth and a disco ball in a castle is just a little funny when you first hear of it, but it doesn't seem so random (it's a gag about how hip the recent vampires are, therefore it's a joke based on popular events, not randomly awesome things) for a Sam and Max material. I loved Jurgen though, possibly because of his accent. Also the monster puzzle just irritated me. I actually don't like the monster, at all. I can even say he ruined What's New, Beelzebub for me. Well, apart from
    Soda Poppers

    Anyway, I said Situation: Comedy. I could've said Hit the Road though...
  • edited January 2010
    I'd say Culture Shock or The Mole, The Mob and The Meatball would be my least favourites. Though they're still brilliant games that I have a lot of fun playing.

    I didn't like Moai Better Blues at first, but now I love it and I don't feel it deserves all the abuse it gets. It's a bit short, but it's still a lot better than all of Season 1 in my opinion. The problem is is that all the other Season 2 episodes are absolute gems and therefore Moai pales in comparison.

    I also think Abe Lincoln Must Die! is a bit overrated, but I'm not too keen on political humour and I'm not from America. :p
  • edited January 2010
    It's just that Moai is... ugly. Babies are ugly, Moai heads are ugly, ocean chimps are ugly. Other than that, it's awesome. I love the usage of Bermuda Triangle.
  • edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Well, having a disco mat, a DJ booth and a disco ball in a castle is just a little funny when you first hear of it, but it doesn't seem so random (it's a gag about how hip the recent vampires are, therefore it's a joke based on popular events, not randomly awesome things) for a Sam and Max material. I loved Jurgen though, possibly because of his accent. Also the monster puzzle just irritated me. I actually don't like the monster, at all. I can even say he ruined What's New, Beelzebub for me. Well, apart from
    Soda Poppers

    Anyway, I said Situation: Comedy. I could've said Hit the Road though...

    I didn't get that disco thing until now, thanks.
  • edited January 2010
    Uh.. erm... I wasn't... trying to lecture or anything. 'Was just trying to explain the difference between this theme used in that game and other materials used in various Sam and Max media, you know, to get to a point to say it's not qualified enough. Sorry if I said... anything... you know...
  • edited January 2010
    I doubt it is the way you say it is, but then again I have no problems with Raving Dead or Reality 2.0. They're some of my most loved episodes after all (Reality THE one from Season 1)...

    Also, I don't disco's are really that hip anymore since like, the 70's. It's just a funny take on vampiremovies.
  • edited January 2010
    I doubt it is the way you say it is, but then again I have no problems with Raving Dead or Reality 2.0. They're some of my most loved episodes after all (Reality THE one from Season 1)...

    Also, I don't disco's are really that hip anymore since like, the 70's. It's just a funny take on vampiremovies.

    That's the point isn't it? Jurgen's trying to look hip and cool, but he's raving in what is essentially a medieval disco. I still think he's an interesting character though, even though I can't stop looking at the nipple rings.

    Also for the arguments about how things like reality 2.0 don't fit in; remember that it's Comic book time that's used here. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ComicBookTime

    Time passes, but people don't age, or they age slowly. And that's how you fit Sam and Max into a modern setting. That, or you could have them buried alive in some sort of suspended animation for 10 years in England.
  • edited January 2010
    That's the point isn't it? Jurgen's trying to look hip and cool, but he's raving in what is essentially a medieval disco. I still think he's an interesting character though, even though I can't stop looking at the nipple rings.

    Max:"I never knew Vampires were so... Fruity.:p"

    Sam:"Not all Vampires. Just The European ones.:D"
  • edited January 2010
    War Wolves wrote: »
    Max:"I never knew Vampires were so... Fruity.:p"

    Sam:"Not all Vampires. Just The European ones.:D"

    And the American ones are sparkly and stereotypically obsessive :p

    In response to the thread's question, I voted "Culture Shock", not really because of the Soda Poppers and Brady Culture but because of the voices. To me they just seemed...weak and for the most part not really emotional, especially Sam's, who is my favorite of the duo (I mean, I know he's supposed to sound somewhat deadpan, but somehow David's performance in this episode just didn't cut it for me) The episode was fun and humorous in itself, but the voices...Ugh. And I'm HIGHLY critical when it comes to voice acting in any entertainment medium. Maybe it's because my first exposure to the series was "201" when things were more polished.
  • edited January 2010
    And I'm HIGHLY critical when it comes to voice acting in any entertainment medium. Maybe it's because my first exposure to the series was "201" when things were more polished.

    I kinda think their performance in the Season Two is a little weaker. Not too apparent, but still. I always prefer Sam's calm manners (apart from the "Holy...!" lines) over the more, a little out of character and over the top performances where we're suggested to believe that Sam is, in fact, surprised about something when saying that line. An example is
    in What's New, Beelzebub, where Sam talks to Brady Culture. Brady Culture mentions about how great is having a full-time job in hell, then Sam responds to this with generic line of "I started a very long and monotonous sentence to hide my astonishment and dismay and when this sentence ends, I'll continue with a very short line that suggests that I'm, in fact, surprised. WHHHAAAAAAT?!?!". That "WHAAAT" part just made me feel... bad.

    Yep. I exaggerate things a little.
  • edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    I kinda think their performance in the Season Two is a little weaker. Not too apparent, but still. I always prefer Sam's calm manners (apart from the "Holy...!" lines) over the more, a little out of character and over the top performances where we're suggested to believe that Sam is, in fact, surprised about something when saying that line. An example is
    in What's New, Beelzebub, where Sam talks to Brady Culture. Brady Culture mentions about how great is having a full-time job in hell, then Sam responds to this with generic line of "I started a very long and monotonous sentence to hide my astonishment and dismay and when this sentence ends, I'll continue with a very short line that suggests that I'm, in fact, surprised. WHHHAAAAAAT?!?!". That "WHAAAT" part just made me feel... bad.

    Yep. I exaggerate things a little.

    I think I may be the opposite: for me, the voices in the 2nd Season were a vast improvement over the 1st. I actually enjoy Sam's "over the top" moments. To me, his current voice has a mix of the monotonous deadpan that his character is known for and a dash of emotion that leads to those "over the top" moments. Something about the way it's pulled off, I don't know....I just clicks and fits his character for me.

    I know, I'm really weird but to each his (or her) own I guess ^_^
  • edited January 2010
    I find that when I replay an episode, I will like it more or less than the previous time I played it & never be equal. I also have the blissful ability to actually forget how the episodes ends & totally forgot about the Soda Poppers in the last episode.

    Okey, like every time I play S&M, I find more & more references to the graphic novel, the LucasArts game, & previous episodes & seasons, but now I'm looking for refs to the cartoon series, which if you'd asked me last year, I'd have said that the entire series was worse than the least interesting episode of the TellTale series, which for me was Moai Better Blues.

    I loved the cartoon as a kid, hated it when I tried to rewatch it in 2008, still hated it in 2009, but when I tried rewatching it again today (in a good mood with severly lowered expectations) I loved it. It's the damndest thing I can't explain. How can you like something then hate it then like it again? I'm sure a few of you might have had that issue with at least one episode of the game series.
  • edited January 2010
    LikaLaruku wrote: »

    I loved the cartoon as a kid, hated it when I tried to rewatch it in 2008, still hated it in 2009, but when I tried rewatching it again today (in a good mood with severly lowered expectations) I loved it. It's the damndest thing I can't explain. How can you like something then hate it then like it again? I'm sure a few of you might have had that issue with at least one episode of the game series.

    Oooh, I hear ya. This happened to me with "Situation: Comedy". When I first played it through, I didn't enjoy it and proclaimed it my least favorite of the season. Recently however, I started playing through the first season again and this time around, I actually enjoyed the episode. I think it was due to the lack of frustration I had experienced the first time around and to the fact I did more aimless actions to milk out potential lines I may've missed before. In addition, I also recall myself paying more attention to the references the episode made to the TV pop culture, which gave me more grins and giggles this time around.

    That or I was in an exceptionally good mood because I had ordered the Season 2 DVD that day :D
  • edited February 2010
    Moai Better Blues. I HATED this episode with a passion. The talking babies just killed it for me. The puzzles also seemed either overly simple or terribly complex.

    Favorite episodes? Oddly enough, Reality 2.0, followed by Night of the Raving Dead.

    Reality 2.0 had EVERYTHING for me, and I mean EVERYTHING. I honestly wish the internet would come back as a character. I was so sad when "she" died... it fueled my rage in fighting the final season's boss.
  • edited February 2010
    Coolgamer wrote: »
    Moai Better Blues. I HATED this episode with a passion. The talking babies just killed it for me. The puzzles also seemed either overly simple or terribly complex.

    Favorite episodes? Oddly enough, Reality 2.0, followed by Night of the Raving Dead.

    Reality 2.0 had EVERYTHING for me, and I mean EVERYTHING. I honestly wish the internet would come back as a character. I was so sad when "she" died... it fueled my rage in fighting the final season's boss.

    Hey, we think alike! So much that it's so terribly scary.
  • edited February 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Hey, we think alike! So much that it's so terribly scary.

    Honestly, Night of the Raving Dead is one of my favorites simply because I used to be big on the rave scene. The parody was excellent, and I laughed more then a few times at the targeted jokes. (The pacifier in the demon skull, the lines regarding bottled water and glow-sticks... classic.)

    Moai had, well... let me think.

    Stoner humor, which when done well isn't that bad, but it just seemed out of place in the S&M world.

    Talking babies, baby jokes, and jokes about famous people BEING babies. Um, no. NO. N-O. Nyet. Negatory. NEIN!

    Bermuda triangle jokes. Funny, but can't save this episode.

    Major problem: IT'S ON AN ISLAND. This automatically makes us realize we have a limited amount of space to explore, making us adventure gamers feel "trapped", while the other games created an illusion of areas beyond the playable ones.
  • edited February 2010
    Well, Reality 2.0 had that "trapped" feeling. With the whole "some areas are still being worked on" and "404 Street Not Found" things, background being totally black and all that.
  • edited February 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Well, Reality 2.0 had that "trapped" feeling. With the whole "some areas are still being worked on" and "404 Street Not Found" things, background being totally black and all that.

    Yeah, but that was a joke referencing the same areas you couldn't get to in normal reality.
  • edited February 2010
    Coolgamer wrote: »
    Major problem: IT'S ON AN ISLAND.
    Actually that was a benefit for me, it felt like a vacation and not having to worry about a million locations to keep going to-ing and fro-ing through (Situation: Comedy) was quite a relief.

    Furthermore, the funky holiday music sealed the vacation feel of this episode, one of my honest favourites of the series.
  • edited February 2010
    I could never choose a worst episode: especially for a series as excellent as Sam & Max, but if I have to: it would be Culture Shock just because of the actor for Max
  • edited February 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Hey, we think alike! So much that it's so terribly scary.
    Must be your evil other-half lost during that mysterious split, remember?
    Coolgamer wrote: »
    jokes about famous people BEING babies.
    They were famous?
  • edited February 2010
    Wow, I didn't realise people disliked Moai so much. I really liked it: you could become kids and ask people annoying questions :D
    I wish you could have annoyed Bosco too though.
  • edited February 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Wow, I didn't realise people disliked Moai so much. I really liked it: you could become kids and ask people annoying questions :D
    I agree, they need more transformations like that and the body switch in Night of the Raving Dead.
  • edited February 2010
    I agree, they need more transformations like that and the body switch in Night of the Raving Dead.

    Well, apparently Max can shapeshift in 2010... I can't wait to see the result!
  • edited February 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Well, apparently Max can shapeshift in 2010... I can't wait to see the result!
    Oh yeah I forgot about that, yeah me too - although I hope that they don't forget about his normal character design! :D
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