when i say backwards compatibility i mean put the game into my console and play it straight from the disc and not have to wait 3 for it to install onto my hard drive.
Oh, sure, we need new consoles. Because reasons. We can live with these "shitty consoles" just fine, there was never any need to make new, "better" ones
the Xbox 360 and the PS3 wouldn't be able to run the current games that are coming out right now
Those games are made that way on purpose to push us to buy new consoles!
I seriously don't understand why that's so bad
plus a lot of the people that make these consoles are indeed gamers as well and they just want what's best
Capitalism is amazing because newer and better products are created when they need to be.
Please, let me tell you a little story:
Once upon a time, the Lightbulb was made to last for like a century. Companies realized that they could make a lot more money if they made lightbulbs shit. Now we are stuck with shitty lightbulbs, when "New!" and "Better!" lightbulbs come out all the time. Same goes for consoles.
That's capitalism.
It has a name, you know? It's called Planned Obsolescence. Look it up in internet, it's very interesting.
So yes. "New and Better!" consoles are a problem, and they are shit. You know what it going to happen now? The games will start to have glitches, and lag, and all kinds of problems in the next years. When the producers could just keep the same graphics engine, the same things that made the game work in PS4, they decided to "Take a step foward" and change it, even when everything worked just fine with the old engine and stuff. And now, if we want our games to work "fine" we will need to buy a "Newer and Better!" console! A PS5! We totally need a PS5! Just like the people that get money from the PS5 told us! We Need to give them our money! The money that we spent in PS2, PS3 and PS4 and all that shit! * We NEED to keep buying! * We need to keep consuming their products, we need it because THEY TOLD US SO! Because they pushed us to the edge of buying buying bugying!BUY, WASTE, BUY! AND KEEP BUYING MORE!WHILE PEOPLE ARE STARVING ON THE STREETS!
Well, of course, they want to make money. The Xbox 360 and PS3 are shitty consoles -- compared to the Xbox One and PS4 -- when it comes to j… moreust about everything; we absolutely needed new consoles seeing as how the Xbox 360 and the PS3 wouldn't be able to run the current games that are coming out right now -- I seriously don't understand why that's so bad (plus a lot of the people that make these consoles are indeed gamers as well and they just want what's best). Capitalism is amazing because newer and better products are created when they need to be.
Well yeeeeeah. Why did they spend money on the PS4, PS3 or PS2. I mean come ooooooon, PS1 would work just fine! Why work to give the players a better experience and better everything when they can stay on PS1, I mean really, who asked for the PS2??!?
I know you't being sarcastic, but honestly, I'm still trying to find an answer to that question that isn't "The people that make money making new consoles"
Well yeeeeeah. Why did they spend money on the PS4, PS3 or PS2. I mean come ooooooon, PS1 would work just fine! Why work to give the players a better experience and better everything when they can stay on PS1, I mean really, who asked for the PS2??!?
Those games are made that way on purpose to push us to buy new consoles!
Oh yeah no one wants graphics like this. That's why the PC market has no customers, and no one wants to buy the top of the line hardware to run the games at absolute maximum settings. It's not like the developers are showing some absolute art through the graphics of their games, it's simply evil capitalism HISSSS!
There is absolutely no way in hell any of those games were running on near decade old hardware. In fact, they don't even run on current hardware. Do you even have a fucking single idea what you're talking about? Technical advancement isn't a myth construed by evil corporate shills sitting on a mountain of cash. The better the graphics are, the more technical specifications are required. There isn't anything that can help that. It's a thing called progress.
Oh, and stop taking a fucking game so serious and keep your irrelevant agenda off of this discussion you commie fuck.
Well, of course, they want to make money.
And we just accept it and live with that?
absolutely needed new consoles
abso… morelutely needed new consoles
Oh, sure, we need new consoles. Because reasons. We can live with these "shitty consoles" just fine, there was never any need to make new, "better" ones
the Xbox 360 and the PS3 wouldn't be able to run the current games that are coming out right now
Those games are made that way on purpose to push us to buy new consoles!
I seriously don't understand why that's so bad
plus a lot of the people that make these consoles are indeed gamers as well and they just want what's best
Capitalism is amazing because newer and better products are created when they need to be.
Please, let me tell you a little sto… [view original content]
I mean really, who asked for the PS2??!?
I know you't being sarcastic, but honestly, I'm still trying to find an answer to that question that isn't "The people that make money making new consoles"
It sounds like to me you're just basically saying that the industry is not allowed to evolve or do anything innovative or ground breaking. Hate to break it to you, kid, but that's not how the world works. In order to evolve, some sacrifices have to be made and that includes switching to next gen consoles and not catering to those who can't or aren't willing to spend the money on said consoles. It's one thing to be mad that there's less titles going to last gen consoles, but it's a whole other thing to claim that they're selfish money grubbing douchebags because of it.
New games are made on purpose that way! They are made so that they run horribly in old consoles to make us buy new ones! It's all on purpose… more.
And I can't believe some people are just fine with companies shitting on us like this. Man, no way I'm just saying "Well, shit happens" and go with it. No way I'm giving them what they want, which is money.
I hatw capitalism so much.
Man I can believe some people are okay with wasting money in things big companies makes us think we need like new consoles... it's painfully obvious they're making it all to get more money and sell even MORE consoles.
I hate Capitalism so bad.
Jesus man you gotta realize that these consoles were gonna get abandoned eventually, telltale games can't run on the terribly weak last gen consoles anymore. Deal with it.
I don't know if you noticed but Guardians of The Galaxy has a PS3 and a Xbox 360 version but MC:SM S2 and TWD:ANF doesn't. This means more popular games are on current gen platforms only.
You don't get what I'm saying. Yeah, they look nice, but do we need a brand new generation of consoles just for these graphics? And if they are making art and new conaoles are SO nessesary, why not make them cheaper so that everyone has easy access to the? They are VERY NESSESARY, after all, aren't they?
Those games are made that way on purpose to push us to buy new consoles!
Oh yeah no one wants graphics like this. That's why… more the PC market has no customers, and no one wants to buy the top of the line hardware to run the games at absolute maximum settings. It's not like the developers are showing some absolute art through the graphics of their games, it's simply evil capitalism HISSSS!
There is absolutely no way in hell any of those games were running on near decade old hardware. In fact, they don't even run on current hardware. Do you even have a fucking single idea what you're talking about? Technical advancement isn't a myth construed by evil corporate shills sitting on a mountain of cash. The better the graphics are, the more technical specifications are required. There isn't anything that can help that. It's a thing called progress.
Oh, and stop taking a fucking game so serious and keep your irrelevant agenda off of this discussion you commie fuck.
I agree that the new games with good graphics can't run on older hardware abd it would be stupid to port them by removing a lot of features and downgrading graphics. But we are talking about Telltale. None of their games have very good graphics, all of their games can run on phones just fine. That's why I'm mad.
Those games are made that way on purpose to push us to buy new consoles!
Oh yeah no one wants graphics like this. That's why… more the PC market has no customers, and no one wants to buy the top of the line hardware to run the games at absolute maximum settings. It's not like the developers are showing some absolute art through the graphics of their games, it's simply evil capitalism HISSSS!
There is absolutely no way in hell any of those games were running on near decade old hardware. In fact, they don't even run on current hardware. Do you even have a fucking single idea what you're talking about? Technical advancement isn't a myth construed by evil corporate shills sitting on a mountain of cash. The better the graphics are, the more technical specifications are required. There isn't anything that can help that. It's a thing called progress.
Oh, and stop taking a fucking game so serious and keep your irrelevant agenda off of this discussion you commie fuck.
I know it'll upset a few people but... they are getting old now, and gaming is only advancing. Maybe it'll encourage Telltale to further advance their engine, and that alone is something I like the sound of.
Guardians is not on last gen at all. It’s not telltales fault it’s just their engine needed to be upgraded and the last gen consoles don’t h… moreave the hardware to run it. At least give telltale credit for trying to get Batman to run on it but it still did not work out sadly. If I were someone in a situation like this though I would suggest playing on mobile.
Because I only have around 25 GB of space and new games are big I can't have anything on my phone after downloading 2 games.
just kidding
I don't have a smart phone I would buy an Xbox One/PS4/Decent Gaming PC instead of a smart phone because if you want to buy a good phone it costs around an Xbox One/PS4/Decent Gaming PC. It's like that in my country I don't know if its like that where you live. Yes I can buy cheap smart phones but like EpicMustacheGuy stated, games would run horribly on them.
The argument of "well it can look good on the PS3" is irrelevant in regards to performance. ANF or GOTG probably would have looked more or less the same on PS3 BUT would have likely ran worse. Like how S1 of TWD, Wolf, TFB, and GT ran much better on PS4 than they did on PS3.
Games inherently aren't necessary in the first place. They are a hobby and indulgent in nature. You might feel differently, but people really enjoy getting the best graphics, and whilst they aren't exactly necessary, people want them and that's the way the industry is going. You can't really help that.
Edit: Also it is hard for you to get engrossed in a game if it has bad graphics, and graphics get dated over time. There is a need to improve over time. Tell me, do you think you'd be as attached to a serious drama story if the graphics still looked like this?
(Not to knock Resident Evil at all, I'm just using it as an example.)
You don't get what I'm saying. Yeah, they look nice, but do we need a brand new generation of consoles just for these graphics? And if they … moreare making art and new conaoles are SO nessesary, why not make them cheaper so that everyone has easy access to the? They are VERY NESSESARY, after all, aren't they?
except it's not an obsolete platform. the generation 7 consoles still have fantastic looking games and function genuinely well. of course i'… morem not saying we shouldn't be moving on to the new generation, i love my ps4 a lot more than my ps3 (i'd love it a lot more if it were backwards compatible but that's a rant about xbox and sony i'm not willing to get into) but saying the last generation of consoles are a waste of time is dumb imo
With that, I can't disagree. Telltale's current games should be more than capable of running on PS4/360 if they can run on a phone, but the difference there is that the company clearly places mobile over past gen consoles in priority.
The newer engine clearly wasn't playing well with the architecture of the previous consoles, whereas those problems don't exist on mobile. Anyway, you can't really blame them. They tried to get it to work with Batman and failed. They were about to try with ANF but decided it wasn't worth wasting money and time, and taking away from the staff of an already rushed and hastily put together game to fix bugs on a copy that would have minuscule sales at best in comparison with the other consoles wasn't worth it.
I agree that the new games with good graphics can't run on older hardware abd it would be stupid to port them by removing a lot of features … moreand downgrading graphics. But we are talking about Telltale. None of their games have very good graphics, all of their games can run on phones just fine. That's why I'm mad.
Batman port didn't work, you can't deny that.
That's completely true, but it still doesn't add up. Maybe I'm crazy but it kinda seem… mores like telltale is doing this on purpose so players will move to PC or next gen. Again, I could just be crazy, I'm off my meds currently so I might be 100% wrong, but it just doesn't add up how every telltale game up to Batman functioned just fine and worked with hardly any seriously game breaking issues, and then suddenly Batman comes out and it doesn't work.
it's odd how people are saying the last-gen consoles can't handle the newer games when most of telltale's games look objectively much worse … moregraphically than basically any good game that game out on last gen (Dark Souls, The Last of Us, Skyrim, etc.)
edit: my comment literally had like 3 passive aggressive thinking emojis and 2 entire other sentences before it was posted. thanks a million telltale website.
I'm just angry because I can't connect to my telltale account on my xbox 360 so when minecraft story mode season 2 comes out I'll probably not play it because I don't have the money to re-buy all of season 1 on pc and I want my choices to carry through.
It remains to be seen, but they might have a choice selector at the very beginning of the season, similar to what TWD ANF had. I assume that there was a lot of people who bought the game on last gen at the time, so I think it would be pretty dumb if they didn't include this feature.
I'm just angry because I can't connect to my telltale account on my xbox 360 so when minecraft story mode season 2 comes out I'll probably n… moreot play it because I don't have the money to re-buy all of season 1 on pc and I want my choices to carry through.
Man I can believe some people are okay with wasting money in things big companies makes us think we need like new consoles... it's painfully obvious they're making it all to get more money and sell even MORE consoles.
I hate Capitalism so bad.
Well, of course, they want to make money.
And we just accept it and live with that?
absolutely needed new consoles
abso… morelutely needed new consoles
Oh, sure, we need new consoles. Because reasons. We can live with these "shitty consoles" just fine, there was never any need to make new, "better" ones
the Xbox 360 and the PS3 wouldn't be able to run the current games that are coming out right now
Those games are made that way on purpose to push us to buy new consoles!
I seriously don't understand why that's so bad
plus a lot of the people that make these consoles are indeed gamers as well and they just want what's best
Capitalism is amazing because newer and better products are created when they need to be.
Please, let me tell you a little sto… [view original content]
You don't get what I'm saying. Yeah, they look nice, but do we need a brand new generation of consoles just for these graphics? And if they … moreare making art and new conaoles are SO nessesary, why not make them cheaper so that everyone has easy access to the? They are VERY NESSESARY, after all, aren't they?
I honestly think it's not a case of last gen not being able to run it. It's just they don't sell to well on older gen consoles because most people already upgraded and it would be a waste of time and money. Because if a phone can run it a PS3 or Xbox 360 can definitely run it.
Guardians is not on last gen at all. It’s not telltales fault it’s just their engine needed to be upgraded and the last gen consoles don’t h… moreave the hardware to run it. At least give telltale credit for trying to get Batman to run on it but it still did not work out sadly. If I were someone in a situation like this though I would suggest playing on mobile.
Good. I don't mind.It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make to stop it. But nothing I do can stop Capitalism now.
Besides, these videogames at like a drug. I enjoy them, but they don't make me happy, they mean nothing, really. I'm not saying that it's enterely their fault, but I can't help but think my life would be much better without them.
I was tired of playing ugly fucking video games that lagged all the damn time; why didn't they just make better consoles a decade ago you may ask? Because they didn't have the fucking technology at the time. That's a thing you know -- technological advancement. 5 years ago, Microsoft and Sony were only able to dream about the graphics of today, but alas, with time, they invented it (which comes at a price) so naturally they'd need to sell the console at a higher price than at which they make them in order to actually be a company.
Yeah, they look nice, but do we need a brand new generation of consoles just for these graphics?
How the hell else would we be able to do so?
How is it a waste if it's enjoyable and worth it?
"New and Better!" consoles are a problem, and they are shit.
I would argue just the opposite, and I would say that they run bigger, better, and more beautiful games than the consoles made over a decade ago. Not a problem, nor are they shit.
Once upon a time, the Lightbulb was made to last for like a century. Companies realized that they could make a lot more money if they made lightbulbs shit.
OR (this may come as a surprise to you) they didn't fucking know how to make better lightbulbs, until, of course, our knowledge increased! Same goes for consoles.
That's capitalism.
Ain't it beautiful?
The games will start to have glitches, and lag, and all kinds of problems in the next years.
Lucky for us we have more powerful consoles that make it much easier to patch and fix those glitches; lag has to do with your fucking internet connection -- not with the console.
When the producers could just keep the same graphics engine, the same things that made the game work in PS4
In a couple of years from now, they will upgrade the graphics engine to make the games even better, with fewer glitches, and fewer problems. Sure, the graphics engines of today work just fine, but they will soon be far superior (and you can't just bring your PS4 into the store and upgrade it) and they will sell us a PS5 in order to give it to us.
"Take a step foward" and change it, even when everything worked just fine with the old engine and stuff
Well, it could be better, which is exactly what they will do -- they will make it work much better. Apparently, change is only good when it suits you.
And now, if we want our games to work "fine" we will need to buy a "Newer and Better!" console!
They work pretty great now, but in a decade they will work even better on a newer and better console. That's just the cycle of life.
We totally need a PS5! Just like the people that get money from the PS5 told us! We Need to give them our money! The money that we spent in PS2, PS3 and PS4 and all that shit! * We NEED to keep buying! *
If we want a better and more powerful console, then yes, we need the PS5. No one told us, no company is forcing our hand to buy a new console -- you can still play shitty, horribly made games on the PS3 and Xbox 360 if you want to. It's totally your choice. The better option would be (if you truly like games) to purchase a more powerful console that can run better games. The more powerful the console, the more powerful the game. Simple. The best part yet: Microsoft and Sony are NOT forcing us to purchase the Xbox One or PS4 -- we just want to.
We need to keep consuming their products, we need it because THEY TOLD US SO! Because they pushed us to the edge of buying buying bugying!
Actually, they have never told us that we need to buy their products, they just make the new consoles hoping we would love to have prettier and better games to play. Guess what? They were right! They never forced us to do so, they never pushed us to the edge of "buying buying buying" (they have only created 3 consoles in 17 years), we chose to buy their products ourselves. I made the choice to purchase the Xbox One. Microsoft didn't make it for me.
They aren't evil capitalists because they make better products when they have the technology to do so. The technology of today doesn't just fall out of the sky -- it takes a lot of time to invent better technology than what we previously had.
You don't get what I'm saying. Yeah, they look nice, but do we need a brand new generation of consoles just for these graphics? And if they … moreare making art and new conaoles are SO nessesary, why not make them cheaper so that everyone has easy access to the? They are VERY NESSESARY, after all, aren't they?
when i say backwards compatibility i mean put the game into my console and play it straight from the disc and not have to wait 3 for it to install onto my hard drive.
*3 hours fucks sake.
Of course I know that, but if you have a real job and make real money, $400 is NOT a lot of money. I'm only 17 years old and I was able to pay for an Xbox One all on my own (3 years ago) and I don't have a job because I'm only in High School. Anyways, my point is $400, in 4 years, isn't hard to make.
who cares what you call it lol
when i say backwards compatibility i mean put the game into my console and play it straight from the disc and not have to wait 3 for it to install onto my hard drive.
*3 hours fucks sake.
you know people spend money on important things right? like, food, a house, a car, shit like that?
And we just accept it and live with that?
Oh, sure, we need new consoles. Because reasons. We can live with these "shitty consoles" just fine, there was never any need to make new, "better" ones
Those games are made that way on purpose to push us to buy new consoles!
Please, let me tell you a little story:
Once upon a time, the Lightbulb was made to last for like a century. Companies realized that they could make a lot more money if they made lightbulbs shit. Now we are stuck with shitty lightbulbs, when "New!" and "Better!" lightbulbs come out all the time. Same goes for consoles.
That's capitalism.
It has a name, you know? It's called Planned Obsolescence. Look it up in internet, it's very interesting.
So yes. "New and Better!" consoles are a problem, and they are shit. You know what it going to happen now? The games will start to have glitches, and lag, and all kinds of problems in the next years. When the producers could just keep the same graphics engine, the same things that made the game work in PS4, they decided to "Take a step foward" and change it, even when everything worked just fine with the old engine and stuff. And now, if we want our games to work "fine" we will need to buy a "Newer and Better!" console! A PS5! We totally need a PS5! Just like the people that get money from the PS5 told us! We Need to give them our money! The money that we spent in PS2, PS3 and PS4 and all that shit! * We NEED to keep buying! * We need to keep consuming their products, we need it because THEY TOLD US SO! Because they pushed us to the edge of buying buying bugying! BUY, WASTE, BUY! AND KEEP BUYING MORE! WHILE PEOPLE ARE STARVING ON THE STREETS!
But we have better graphics.
It was needed.
They told us so.
And I can afford it anyways.
It doesn't matter if other people can't.
So it's just fine.
It's perfectly fine.
Capitalism is amazing, right?
Well yeeeeeah. Why did they spend money on the PS4, PS3 or PS2. I mean come ooooooon, PS1 would work just fine! Why work to give the players a better experience and better everything when they can stay on PS1, I mean really, who asked for the PS2??!?
I know you't being sarcastic, but honestly, I'm still trying to find an answer to that question that isn't "The people that make money making new consoles"
Oh yeah no one wants graphics like this. That's why the PC market has no customers, and no one wants to buy the top of the line hardware to run the games at absolute maximum settings. It's not like the developers are showing some absolute art through the graphics of their games, it's simply evil capitalism HISSSS!
There is absolutely no way in hell any of those games were running on near decade old hardware. In fact, they don't even run on current hardware. Do you even have a fucking single idea what you're talking about? Technical advancement isn't a myth construed by evil corporate shills sitting on a mountain of cash. The better the graphics are, the more technical specifications are required. There isn't anything that can help that. It's a thing called progress.
Oh, and stop taking a fucking game so serious and keep your irrelevant agenda off of this discussion you commie fuck.
I'm sorry, but are you playing any games pre-PS2 games? I'm just curious.
It sounds like to me you're just basically saying that the industry is not allowed to evolve or do anything innovative or ground breaking. Hate to break it to you, kid, but that's not how the world works. In order to evolve, some sacrifices have to be made and that includes switching to next gen consoles and not catering to those who can't or aren't willing to spend the money on said consoles. It's one thing to be mad that there's less titles going to last gen consoles, but it's a whole other thing to claim that they're selfish money grubbing douchebags because of it.
Yeah, it's almost as if they're running a business or something. The nerve of some people.
ScoersPlotArmour is right. All Telltale games as of today can totally run on last-gen consoles.
A quick Google search would tell you otherwise.
You don't get what I'm saying. Yeah, they look nice, but do we need a brand new generation of consoles just for these graphics? And if they are making art and new conaoles are SO nessesary, why not make them cheaper so that everyone has easy access to the? They are VERY NESSESARY, after all, aren't they?
I agree that the new games with good graphics can't run on older hardware abd it would be stupid to port them by removing a lot of features and downgrading graphics. But we are talking about Telltale. None of their games have very good graphics, all of their games can run on phones just fine. That's why I'm mad.
How could I? It's impposible with these new consoles.
I'm okay with Telltale games not coming to older platforms only if they have current-gen graphics. Current Telltale games all look like last-gen.
I'm pretty sure Wikipedia stated Guardians was on PS3 and Xbox 360 before Episode 1 came out (thats when I checked) sorry for misinformation then!
Yeah...poorly or of a lesser quality than the new gen versions.
Because I only have around 25 GB of space and new games are big I can't have anything on my phone after downloading 2 games.
just kidding
I don't have a smart phone I would buy an Xbox One/PS4/Decent Gaming PC instead of a smart phone because if you want to buy a good phone it costs around an Xbox One/PS4/Decent Gaming PC. It's like that in my country I don't know if its like that where you live. Yes I can buy cheap smart phones but like EpicMustacheGuy stated, games would run horribly on them.
The argument of "well it can look good on the PS3" is irrelevant in regards to performance. ANF or GOTG probably would have looked more or less the same on PS3 BUT would have likely ran worse. Like how S1 of TWD, Wolf, TFB, and GT ran much better on PS4 than they did on PS3.
Games inherently aren't necessary in the first place. They are a hobby and indulgent in nature. You might feel differently, but people really enjoy getting the best graphics, and whilst they aren't exactly necessary, people want them and that's the way the industry is going. You can't really help that.
Edit: Also it is hard for you to get engrossed in a game if it has bad graphics, and graphics get dated over time. There is a need to improve over time. Tell me, do you think you'd be as attached to a serious drama story if the graphics still looked like this?
(Not to knock Resident Evil at all, I'm just using it as an example.)
I dont think they are a waste of time, I just dont expect new games for them.
Its just this happens with every gen, people complain that their older console isnt getting new games anymore and I dont know what they expected.
And for electronics they are pretty old
With that, I can't disagree. Telltale's current games should be more than capable of running on PS4/360 if they can run on a phone, but the difference there is that the company clearly places mobile over past gen consoles in priority.
The newer engine clearly wasn't playing well with the architecture of the previous consoles, whereas those problems don't exist on mobile. Anyway, you can't really blame them. They tried to get it to work with Batman and failed. They were about to try with ANF but decided it wasn't worth wasting money and time, and taking away from the staff of an already rushed and hastily put together game to fix bugs on a copy that would have minuscule sales at best in comparison with the other consoles wasn't worth it.
Yeah, your opinions are worthless mate, no offense.
PS3 2016:

Also PS3, in 2010:

I wonder if Telltale takes pride in their ps3 game having some character models that are honestly sub-ps2.
I'm just angry because I can't connect to my telltale account on my xbox 360 so when minecraft story mode season 2 comes out I'll probably not play it because I don't have the money to re-buy all of season 1 on pc and I want my choices to carry through.
It remains to be seen, but they might have a choice selector at the very beginning of the season, similar to what TWD ANF had. I assume that there was a lot of people who bought the game on last gen at the time, so I think it would be pretty dumb if they didn't include this feature.
PS3 and 360 are pretty much old.
low blow but entirely fair.
Without capitalism you wouldn't have Xbox 360 or PS3 to begin with.
jesus calm down
But like, if you really want something you would most likely set aside some money to buy it, no?
If they sold consoles at a big loss, they'd stop making consoles altogether, lest they end up bankrupt.
good point.
I honestly think it's not a case of last gen not being able to run it. It's just they don't sell to well on older gen consoles because most people already upgraded and it would be a waste of time and money. Because if a phone can run it a PS3 or Xbox 360 can definitely run it.
Good. I don't mind.It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make to stop it. But nothing I do can stop Capitalism now.
Besides, these videogames at like a drug. I enjoy them, but they don't make me happy, they mean nothing, really. I'm not saying that it's enterely their fault, but I can't help but think my life would be much better without them.
I was tired of playing ugly fucking video games that lagged all the damn time; why didn't they just make better consoles a decade ago you may ask? Because they didn't have the fucking technology at the time. That's a thing you know -- technological advancement. 5 years ago, Microsoft and Sony were only able to dream about the graphics of today, but alas, with time, they invented it (which comes at a price) so naturally they'd need to sell the console at a higher price than at which they make them in order to actually be a company.
How the hell else would we be able to do so?
How is it a waste if it's enjoyable and worth it?
I would argue just the opposite, and I would say that they run bigger, better, and more beautiful games than the consoles made over a decade ago. Not a problem, nor are they shit.
OR (this may come as a surprise to you) they didn't fucking know how to make better lightbulbs, until, of course, our knowledge increased! Same goes for consoles.
Ain't it beautiful?
Lucky for us we have more powerful consoles that make it much easier to patch and fix those glitches; lag has to do with your fucking internet connection -- not with the console.
In a couple of years from now, they will upgrade the graphics engine to make the games even better, with fewer glitches, and fewer problems. Sure, the graphics engines of today work just fine, but they will soon be far superior (and you can't just bring your PS4 into the store and upgrade it) and they will sell us a PS5 in order to give it to us.
Well, it could be better, which is exactly what they will do -- they will make it work much better. Apparently, change is only good when it suits you.
They work pretty great now, but in a decade they will work even better on a newer and better console. That's just the cycle of life.
If we want a better and more powerful console, then yes, we need the PS5. No one told us, no company is forcing our hand to buy a new console -- you can still play shitty, horribly made games on the PS3 and Xbox 360 if you want to. It's totally your choice. The better option would be (if you truly like games) to purchase a more powerful console that can run better games. The more powerful the console, the more powerful the game. Simple. The best part yet: Microsoft and Sony are NOT forcing us to purchase the Xbox One or PS4 -- we just want to.
Actually, they have never told us that we need to buy their products, they just make the new consoles hoping we would love to have prettier and better games to play. Guess what? They were right! They never forced us to do so, they never pushed us to the edge of "buying buying buying" (they have only created 3 consoles in 17 years), we chose to buy their products ourselves. I made the choice to purchase the Xbox One. Microsoft didn't make it for me.
They aren't evil capitalists because they make better products when they have the technology to do so. The technology of today doesn't just fall out of the sky -- it takes a lot of time to invent better technology than what we previously had.
Still, back-compat is a great thing to have.
Of course I know that, but if you have a real job and make real money, $400 is NOT a lot of money. I'm only 17 years old and I was able to pay for an Xbox One all on my own (3 years ago) and I don't have a job because I'm only in High School. Anyways, my point is $400, in 4 years, isn't hard to make.
Just a pet-peeve of mine; I find it kind of annoying when people call the current-generation of consoles "next-gen."