Telltale lemme tell you something
If you kill clementine in the last series(4). That will be a suicide to your great company.
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If you kill clementine in the last series(4). That will be a suicide to your great company.
I think Clementine has been through too much, the poor girl has lost almost everybody she was close to, so I hope telltale gives her a happy ending lol the girl has been through too much.
No, let me tell YOU something, brotha!
The TWD series is over. Clementine's story is over. We need a direct, conclusive ending. No multiple endings, no cliffhangers.
Clementine needs to die.
Let me tell you something....she does not need to die...I think they can give her a good ending that sees her look to the future with some hope.
Let me tell you something. Her death isn't the only way to end the series.
I agree. Her death would bring the story full circle but I don't think they should go that route. Clementine is as iconic to me as Rick Grimes as far as Walking dead goes. Please dont do it telltale.
One thing about Clem not dying is that it leaves her character forever unknown. Some may like that to come up with shallow theories about what happens next unofficially for the next decade I guess but if she meets a similar well written fate like Lee Everett then her story can close and be put to rest alongside her apocalypse "pops" so to speak.
If they never intend to come back to continuing Clem's story like with Lee then why not give closure. She stays with a group then that just leaves the potential for story always open forever but a fitting death gives closure.
Well, they were clearly leaning towards abandoning Clementine in ANF, her being pushed aside and replaced with Javier doesn't bode well. They might've changed some plans after the huge pile of hate they've received, but it isn't quite good either. I'm afraid TT will throw themselves into the pit of rewrites and sudden changes, ya know, they would try to close the story and desperately please the fans at the same time.
Please, TT, plan ahead. If you need another year to focus on the development, just take it and don't put another ANF on us.
Enlighten me.
You people are so fickle. Heh, remember how people Clementine was totally gonna get replaced by Sarah?(Was this really a thing, btw? Because if so, that goes double.)
More like suicide to this game series--oh wait!
Nevermind. Kill da bitch.
I'm so done on Clementine by now. She died with Lee, then was replaced with an emotionless robot, then with an insane terminator, and now I don't even whant to think about it. Maybe she will evolve into Loader Bot. The difference is, Loader Bot had a personality. And I loved that robot! He (robots have geder?) fucking rules
I feel like AJ will be the one dying in the end.
Nah, Sarah was just there for the comparison, contrast; to show how people end when they are not able to change.
He's a toddler, I know, but I honestly wouldn't feel sad if he did die.
Not exactly what I was asking, but whatever. Sarah didn't really get the time she needed.
My point was that you people get so worked up about every little thing, particularly where Clementine is involved, that you create these preposterous expectations.
Literally, dozens of possibilities. The ending can be vague, but can also be clear, either complex and hard to understand or strict and obvious; could be entirely dependent on player's choices or based on character's personality created throughout the series. It's hard to speak about a game which doesn't even have a plot yet, but the storyline can be so branched that the ideas of how to end the series would be endless.
Death is a very general word to say the least. What kind of? How would that happen? Would she turn or not, would we see her die on screen or would it be not quite clear? Is that her body giving up, or maybe her psyche, mentality? Depression, suicide, mental illness? What has led to this?, etc. Again, it's hard to be making up ideas without any contest at all.
What exact expectations? I said I don't want Clementine to die, because it would be too cliche and disappointing coming from the same company that made S1&S2 where the emotional level was perfectly balanced and well-written; and from the looks of it, Clementine seems to fall behind the reach of good development.
Now, what you said was that Javier was intended to replace her, which clearly was never the case.
I meant replace her role as the protagonist.
Alright, then. I'll address each of your questions:
Turning - she definitely would not turn. Javi (yes, Javi, the worthiest person to shoot her if needed IMO) didn't let it happen to Gabe, so I doubt he would feel different for Clem. But then again, would her death then be too similar to Lee's? Or would that be effective?
Dying on-screen - let's assume that the death I suggested for her was the one that Telltale went with. Even in a Telltale game, watching someone take one between the eyes isn't a pleasant sight. We didn't have to deal with that during Lee's death, so I think Clem should get that same privilege.
Sanity - I can get her experiences taking their toll on her mind, but if it ever were to actually happen, we'd have seen it in ANF. I think it's fair to say that she remains cold and distrusting. Suicide would be completely out of character, as it was for Jane. Furthermore, these experiences have made Clem stronger, so I think she's unlikely to go crazy or develop some sort of mental illness.
Context - protecting AJ is the most obvious scenario, but from whom, or what? Getting devoured would be so disappointing, and what would men want with a child?
But as you said, we know nothing about TFS' plot, sans Clem searching for AJ.
I know...and unless you wanna count a one time deal as a replacement, that's what I mean.
Telltale is probably shitting its pants right now.
Because they know they have the option to hit that "kill Clem" nuke button. LoL but they can't see clearly past all the sweat in their eyes.
Ditto post. Jesus...
It can be a good Ending! clementine don`t need to die.
Agree wtith you 2
I bet Telltale will make a good Ending on her. She don`t need to die man. Just think about it!. There will be so many ideas of a good ending.
They're ending the series, so it's time to end her as well.

She can die knowing that AJ is safe. That's really the only thing she cares about right now.
They'll probably kill her off because it's the last season or it'll be some kind of 'Live happily ever after' ending. Which is fucking weak
Clementine's been dead since the end of season 1. That girl you knew since the beginning of season 2 is NOT her.
I wish I could of liked that comment multiple times. LoL it's so funny and true.
Then it'll just be a rehash of S1. No matter how she dies, with the current state of Telltale, it wouldn't be as 'special' as Lee's.