Batman EW Episode 5 Waiting Thread - Releasing March 27th, Both Trailers Out Now



  • edited March 2018

    Right? I've been following this thread for a few months now and if it's is representative of the Telltale community as a whole I'm honestly stunned. I figured there'd be some toxicity like any community, but speaking as someone who's been on the outside looking in and has no real bias aside from wanting to play a fucking Batman game, the amount of pettiness and shitposting I've seen is just. Kind of amazing lmao.

    And most of it's over John, unsurprisingly. What is it about this character that turns everyone into screaming assholes and brodude Batman fanboys arguing about MUH CHARACTER INTEGRITY, MUH JOKER? It's really interesting.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Me when I go to this thread.

  • It really is interesting. Theres two different results for how John can turn out. Some people get villain and some people get vigilante. There’s no need to fight over which one is the right one to pick because they both are right.

    booper posted: »

    Right? I've been following this thread for a few months now and if it's is representative of the Telltale community as a whole I'm honestly

  • edited March 2018

    I like villain Joker. I also really like the idea of an antiheroic Joker. I'm a firm believer in trying new things, especially when they've been done the same way for decades and decades, because who wants to keep seeing the same thing? That's one of the reasons why I don't really understand all this vitriol coming from people who want everything in this last episode to boil down to the same old Batman vs Joker dynamic. Aren't you tired of it? Why wouldn't you want to see something totally new, even if it's noncanon? We've had noncanon stories where Batman is a murderer in complete defiance of his characterization, like the Tim Burton movies which everyone is perfectly okay with, but the idea of a good Joker is suddenly too taboo?

    Honest to god, I've seen people in this thread wring their hands over what if their choices matter TOO MUCH, right after complaining about how Telltale railroads them and doesn't give players real freedom. And don't even get me started on the insane homophobia whenever the words "John" and "romance" are used in the same sentence. Apparently we're allowed to have stories where Batman is a vampire who murders his friends and enemies and that's totally a valid interpretation of the character, same with the Burton movies where he's pretty much just Batman in name only, but the possibility of him maybe liking a dude is just too much and tantamount to character assassination. In an Elseworlds game. That's completely noncanon and will never be acknowledged by DC outside of noncanon contexts.

    It's like, what do you people fucking want anymore?

    Vetominer posted: »

    It really is interesting. Theres two different results for how John can turn out. Some people get villain and some people get vigilante. There’s no need to fight over which one is the right one to pick because they both are right.

  • Has anyone seen any trace of the trailers yet?

  • Yes, above your post. :D
    Nice timing. ;)

    Vetominer posted: »

    Has anyone seen any trace of the trailers yet?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Points to the comment above yours.

    Vetominer posted: »

    Has anyone seen any trace of the trailers yet?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    They are both on youtube now too.

  • Does anyone know trailers songs names?

  • edited March 2018

    Loved the vigilante joker trailer and Villian. Poor Gordon looks like joker captures him.

  • Man, I disliked everything about vigilante.

    I'm playing this season once it's finished, going to aim for villain joker.

  • Maaaaan, they come out right before I have to go in to my dentist appointment?? That's adding insult to insult to me. I'll be watching them the second I get out. ?

  • edited March 2018

    Oh - And Also

    Judging off this scene in the villain trailer I'm predicting Gordon makes a deal with the Joker and dies.

  • And a 'stache lord is finally back :D

  • When did Joker learned how to fight in both routes I wonder.

  • Looks like Willy from the bar scene in episode 2 may be an associate of the Joker in both paths since it looks like he appears at around 32 seconds into the Vigilante trailer and 39 seconds into the Villain trailer.

  • Really? Now we only need the bartender in his team, and Frank. Joke-family, the team of the century.

    Looks like Willy from the bar scene in episode 2 may be an associate of the Joker in both paths since it looks like he appears at around 32 seconds into the Vigilante trailer and 39 seconds into the Villain trailer.

  • 0:32 in the vigilante route.... is that Frank?

  • edited March 2018

    Well if there Frank at Joker's team, that would be an awesome surprise for community! ;)

    Tiefling posted: »

    Really? Now we only need the bartender in his team, and Frank. Joke-family, the team of the century.

  • tfw Willy is back but no FRANK???

  • HOL UP

    Telltale corrupted our savior. This is NOT ok!!!

  • edited March 2018

    I'm relieved that I saw multiple scenes with Selina in the trailers, so she will actually be PRESENT in this final episode, unlike the 2 minutes screen time of her in ep 4. Finally we will get more of her <3 .

  • Guess they thought Willy is better than frank.

  • He's undercover. Can't you see how focused his face is?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    HOL UP Telltale corrupted our savior. This is NOT ok!!!

  • Will only be satisfied with Frank going to the dark side if this is true.

    If Telltale belittles Frank as just an angry bar man, it will be more devastating than what they did to Clem in ANF. Frank is the most dynamic character Telltale has ever made and should not be wasted like this!!!

    Tiefling posted: »

    He's undercover. Can't you see how focused his face is?

  • Doth thine eyes decieve me?

    Did we shitpost a Telltale villain into creation?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    HOL UP Telltale corrupted our savior. This is NOT ok!!!

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    It's gonna suck when Frank kicks the bucket. :(

  • i hope theres a way to keep both joker and catwoman as allys

  • cause bye the look of the vigilante trailer its the betrayed selina as she has something on her arm

  • edited March 2018

    I'm sure they understand how important he is. Frank is larger than life character, he's so complex I can hardly know where to start if I'll ever try analyze his well-developed and dramatic psychology. I can only hope TT won't focus mainly on Joker in this final episode. Frank has so much more potential, it's a shame we'll only see him in the last episode. The dynamic of Frank's realtionship with Bruce is something brand new and unexplored, and breathtaking.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Will only be satisfied with Frank going to the dark side if this is true. If Telltale belittles Frank as just an angry bar man, it will b

  • Idk weather to be excited about how Telltale portrays villain Joker or just horrified.

  • I'm a touch shocked at the Vigilante trailer - makes me wonder if Selina has really sided with Waller - and whether maybe siding with John Doe was a terrible idea...

  • Why? What's about him?

    Vetominer posted: »

    Idk weather to be excited about how Telltale portrays villain Joker or just horrified.

  • edited March 2018

    Oh shit, same tattoos and everything. I don't know how to feel about this. :(
    But I'm glad Telltale didn't forget about him. :)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    HOL UP Telltale corrupted our savior. This is NOT ok!!!

  • 1) that scene with bullock at the beginning of the trailer.

    2) he seems just creepy.

    Lol I’m just gonna say I’m both horrified and excited.

    Tiefling posted: »

    Why? What's about him?

  • I LOVE what they're doing with John so much! The idea of the Joker being a misguided Vigilante is so unique and interesting. But I also really like that Villain Joker is still pretty sympathetic. Like that line in episode 4 is so good when he angrily says that justice is a joke. "What's just about being locked in an Asylum for half my life because of an illness I couldn't control!?" so there's still something unique about the villain version.

  • Creepy, like he should be...
    I have a feeling villain Joker is going to be fantastic.

    ...and by the looks of it, our methods during the season WILL matter after all! Violent/non violent and etc.

    Vetominer posted: »

    1) that scene with bullock at the beginning of the trailer. 2) he seems just creepy. Lol I’m just gonna say I’m both horrified and excited.

  • My thoughts on the trailers:

    Villain Joker looks awesome. Pretty horrifying stuff but I feel like the trailer gave a lot away.

    • Gordon gets kidnapped ala Killing Joke, looks like Alfred does too. Can bet on one of them dying.
    • Alfred is dressed differently and probably tries to leave Gotham before getting kidnapped.
    • Wayne Enterprises is going to get fucked up.
    • Still working with the Agency so although Catwoman has a collar she's going to be on your side.
    • Bruce and Selina get trapped, intense Batman and Joker fight ensues.

    Vigilante trailer gave away less and seemed to show fewer scenes.

    • Batman/Joker vs. Suicide Squad
    • Catwoman is forced to work against us or maybe willingly if you left her to die. Hopefully it depends on our choices and we can still save her and bring her back to our side.
    • Alfred meets Joker, maybe we will get that Batfamily dinner that was teased.
    • Frank and Willy are turned into Joker's henchmen.
    • Joker gets his own Jokermobile and sets a trap at Riddler's hideout.
    • Joker inevitably kills someone.
  • I hope that’s true that we can affect his methods.

    Tiefling posted: »

    Creepy, like he should be... I have a feeling villain Joker is going to be fantastic. ...and by the looks of it, our methods during the season WILL matter after all! Violent/non violent and etc.

  • I didn’t see the Joker Mobile.

    My thoughts on the trailers: Villain Joker looks awesome. Pretty horrifying stuff but I feel like the trailer gave a lot away. * Gor

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