Batman EW Episode 5 Waiting Thread - Releasing March 27th, Both Trailers Out Now



  • I fixed it.

    "Death has come for you, evil doer!"

  • edited March 2018

    It’s better than siding with John who’s view about justice is killing. I rather keep Selina than john

    DanteTimes2 posted: »

    Yeah and where did your principles get you? You created one of the most dangerous criminals Gotham will ever see. Nice one, bats.

  • I had thought episode 5 released today for some reason, was really hyped only to find out I have 7 more days to go :neutral:

  • HA! That is great! ?

    Tiefling posted: »

    I fixed it.

  • Aw that must have been really disappointing.

    I had thought episode 5 released today for some reason, was really hyped only to find out I have 7 more days to go

  • A trailer today would get all our blood pumping and hyped.

  • Wait? Deadshot is already cannon in this Telltale universe? Why isn't he in the games?

  • edited March 2018


    You're doing the work of God Frank.

    Edit: I can now safely say I am sufficiently hyped up. Trailers will be hard to avoid, but man the wait should be worth it!

    Telltale have also posted two more blog posts in the news section describing Villain Joker and Vigilante Joker.

  • He's in the Sins of the Father mini-series comic, which takes place between the first and second season and deals with some of the fallout of Season 1 like Thomas Wayne's legacy and the death of Falcone.

    Vetominer posted: »

    Wait? Deadshot is already cannon in this Telltale universe? Why isn't he in the games?

  • Ah. Thanks.

    He's in the Sins of the Father mini-series comic, which takes place between the first and second season and deals with some of the fallout of Season 1 like Thomas Wayne's legacy and the death of Falcone.

  • So after reading the blog posts, do you think the villain or vigilante route will be more fun? I personally feel like the vigilante route is less forced and is the route that Telltale has been gearing up towards since the beginning of the season.

  • To be honest I feel the total opposite, Villain feels much more natural to me, mostly because Vigilante requires Bruce to apparently ignore a LOT of issues John has with doing things Bruce should be definitely not ok with. But we'll have to wait and see.

    So after reading the blog posts, do you think the villain or vigilante route will be more fun? I personally feel like the vigilante route is less forced and is the route that Telltale has been gearing up towards since the beginning of the season.

  • edited March 2018

    I hope John capture Alfred or Tiffany for the people who choose to make him a Villain so you guys regret everything you did to this poor man.

    Actually i don't want him to do that because i'm gonna play the Villain route anyway.

  • I kinda doubt Telltale would repeat Alfred being kidnapped in the last episode again.

    iFoRias posted: »

    I hope John capture Alfred or Tiffany for the people who choose to make him a Villain so you guys regret everything you did to this poor man. Actually i don't want him to do that because i'm gonna play the Villain route anyway.

  • Man, can you imagine Alfred with two eyepatches?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I kinda doubt Telltale would repeat Alfred being kidnapped in the last episode again.

  • edited March 2018

    Get off your high horse and don't worry about what my Batman does. It's not your place to criticize what others do in their game.

    Ps. Don't worry about me when John goes "too far" I'm VERY, VERY lenient to what i'd consider "too far."

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    Sooo, siding with a maniac, huh? Your batman seems to lack principles. At the funeral she did not know he was a member of the Pact, know that she knows I doubt she will stick around. But again as was said before, see ya when John goes too far.

  • edited March 2018

    Man, can you imagine Bruce with two chipped ea-- wait, wait... no....

    Unmasking yourself won't really give a reaction this time will it?...

    Man, can you imagine Alfred with two eyepatches?

  • edited March 2018

    He would just wear a blindfold or sunglasses then lol. People only wear eye patches to cover the gaping scar or wound for one eye... two eye patches would be so extreme.. so ground breaking enough to get mass media praise and a GOTY nomination.

    Man, can you imagine Alfred with two eyepatches?

  • edited March 2018

    It's really hard to imagine that mini series being cannon. There are so many continuity errors that occur in them, such as Bruce not missing a piece of his ear, and Alfred not having an eye patch. So are we supposed to pretend that they do to make it cannon to our saved game? Also the infrastructure of the Batcave is completely different than what is in the game. There is also a gigantic penny sitting in the did it come from? absolutely no explanation. and its not even seen in season 2. Seems to not make sense to me. But I somewhat enjoyed reading the comics when ignoring all these errors.

    He's in the Sins of the Father mini-series comic, which takes place between the first and second season and deals with some of the fallout of Season 1 like Thomas Wayne's legacy and the death of Falcone.

  • So close. One more day. Till. Trailers.

  • Yesss

    Vetominer posted: »

    So close. One more day. Till. Trailers.

  • Wow, someone's a little touchy :)
    Which only proves you do not really fell okay, deep down you know that you offered a maniac and a murderer to be your partner. I mean even Battfleck did not let Joker be his sidekick, even though he kills criminals. You are going down a dark path. Turn away before it is too late for you

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    Get off your high horse and don't worry about what my Batman does. It's not your place to criticize what others do in their game. Ps. Don't worry about me when John goes "too far" I'm VERY, VERY lenient to what i'd consider "too far."

  • This is but a game my friend. Experimenting and seeing how far you can push things is one of Telltale games' pleasure.

    It's actually nice the game lets you make mistakes. There is a bit of schadenfreude involved here, I'm very interested in finding out what happens when you burn all the bridges you can for example.

    I decided to keep John on my side at least for now. He is a maniac that needs to be stopped there is no question about that but I wanted to contain him for the time being, I would not want him to go after the people Bruce loves.

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    Wow, someone's a little touchy Which only proves you do not really fell okay, deep down you know that you offered a maniac and a murderer

  • Even being as overpowered as you are you can't force ppl to think the way you're thinking, buddy. ;)
    I disagree about "maniac" and "murderer" part, btw. I stated it before in other thread and feel like repeating myself in circles, but I don't believe he killed anyone on the bridge, and I don't believe he killed Riddler. It doesn't matter much right now, because the final episode will be out soon, and speculation is just this - speculation.
    But if he goes to far - well, good a have a very long leash regarding the morals too.

    even Battfleck did not let Joker be his sidekick,

    Who would want Leto as their sidekick?

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    Wow, someone's a little touchy Which only proves you do not really fell okay, deep down you know that you offered a maniac and a murderer

  • edited March 2018

    Lmao. That will look badass.

    Man, can you imagine Bruce with two chipped ea-- wait, wait... no....
    Unmasking yourself won't really give a reaction this time will it?...

    Harley probably doesn't know yet. Maybe she might help Bruce with his unchipped ear problem?

    Man, can you imagine Alfred with two eyepatches?

  • You know I just realized that's probably why they gave him a winter hat in the Pact scenes so they wouldn't have to keep using whatever system they have to check if Bruce is chipped ear or not...

    Tiefling posted: »

    Lmao. That will look badass. Man, can you imagine Bruce with two chipped ea-- wait, wait... no.... Unmasking yourself won't really


    You know I just realized that's probably why they gave him a winter hat in the Pact scenes so they wouldn't have to keep using whatever system they have to check if Bruce is chipped ear or not...

  • Yes.

    He still wears glasses to look even cooler.

    Man, can you imagine Alfred with two eyepatches?

  • Well people, I won't be watching the trailers tomorrow in order to experience all the episode in its glory. Sooooo, see you all the tuesday with your impressions.

  • Why?

    DOBLEDEDO posted: »

    Well people, I won't be watching the trailers tomorrow in order to experience all the episode in its glory. Sooooo, see you all the tuesday with your impressions.

  • He looks even more bad than Batman! I wouldn't mess with him.

    Pipas posted: »

    Yes. He still wears glasses to look even cooler.

  • What I like about telltale that while where waiting for this episode they release something about it almost every day. Nothing too much just enough to keep the hype going.

  • edited March 2018

    Yeah same, i wont watch the trailer because it kinda spoils the game, i like to experience it in game first and be surprised. I guess i will have to play the whole game again, i kinda lost hype and i wanna make sure i do right things in episode 5 and to feel what is right i have to re-play again and be immersed again like i played it for the first time ever, hope i get the same experiance again.

    DOBLEDEDO posted: »

    Well people, I won't be watching the trailers tomorrow in order to experience all the episode in its glory. Sooooo, see you all the tuesday with your impressions.

  • I'm thinking of watching just the villain trailer and then playing my canon vigilante save on Tuesday

  • Because the trailers always spoil some part of the story, no matter how they are made. I prefer not to risk it and find out all by myself.


  • You have more patience and will than I. I almost always have to watch the trailer. ?

    DOBLEDEDO posted: »

    Because the trailers always spoil some part of the story, no matter how they are made. I prefer not to risk it and find out all by myself.

  • I'm gonna try to resist but I'll probably give in. Happens every time.

    DOBLEDEDO posted: »

    Because the trailers always spoil some part of the story, no matter how they are made. I prefer not to risk it and find out all by myself.

  • Well you can always just watch one trailer so you are not getting spoiled by the other like VengefulKenny said.

    Vetominer posted: »

    I'm gonna try to resist but I'll probably give in. Happens every time.

  • Ill probably do that.

    Well you can always just watch one trailer so you are not getting spoiled by the other like VengefulKenny said.

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